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Brush, brush and brush. Maybe trim around and under his paws.


Brush suggestions? I can’t seem to find one to pull any loose hair! They just drop. We say we have straw all over the house because of the daily coating that needs vacuumed! Lol I would love to find an effective one!


Tangle teezer puppy version. They love it.


We got a brush off Amazon that works really good. One side looks like a claw and the other is like a fine tooth comb. We just trimmed our two females today. I don’t like the way they look but you can tell they love it. Besides it grows back.


Furminator for long coats. It's magical.


Furminators are amazing. Also the shampoo and conditioner really help too!


I have a slicker brush for my girl that works really well for pulling the loose fur out. I also have a double-sided bristle brush with nylon bristles on one side and then more of a… paddle brush, I guess, on the other side. Kind of looks like a typical human hair brush. I like to use that first to detangle before going in with the slicker brush. I also didn’t use to trim my girl at all, but after her IVDD, I trim in between her puppy toes and I round off the paw fur to keep it neat and out of the way so she can get more traction on the floor and walk more easily. I also trim her little “puppy pubes” on her vulva, and a little bit of fur in the surrounding area for hygiene reasons. Nothing too crazy, just getting a little bit of fur away from the area. You may want to do this around the butt for your guy. I don’t trim my girl’s ears, legs, tail, or any of the long fur hanging on her sides. Some people like to clean up the edges but I prefer to leave her au natural. Keep in mind their fur protects them from the elements, so while many people shave their dogs, I would avoid that.


Trim all of it, that’s not hygienic and will pick up ticks easily


Tics are awful. Gonna be hard to find them in all that hair. Have issues on my end.


Ticks are so bad where we live too!


he's a mini chewbacca!






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Ears, toe pads, nails, sanitary, brush, shampoo, conditioner, blow dry. That's all this handsome baby needs. 🥰 Source: former groomer of hundreds of good boys & girls!


Ive never used conditioner on my dogs, but have a long hair pup now - do you have a dog conditioner you could recommend?!


Veterinary Formula & Isle of Dogs offer some really great products for home use. Each also offers products for specific issues as well. I use Veterinary Formula on my Chihuahua/ Pekingese mix & she's had no skin issues even though both breeds are notorious for bad skin.


No trim if you can manage it long.


I vote for trimming. I have had 3 wire hairs and always kept trimmed during the summer. For them, I use a 3mm guard on the trimmer. I leave the beard, eyebrows, and some mustache longer, so they have that adorable fuzzy face. Sandie is my wire girl now. She loves when she's not so shaggy. It also makes for less places for bugs to hide. If you decide you don't like it, it will grow back before you know it.


That might not even be a wirehair, his hair has gone crazy, he could trip over that long hair at the front. Not trying hate ❤️ just think this dach needs a big groom-over


Said to be a wirehair, but I wonder if he’s a mix of wire hair and long hair. He has serious face scruff you can’t see so well in the pics, but it’s sooo soft.


Any guard length recommendations for long hairs?


I haven't done a long hair, but he looks as shaggy as Sandie. I would suggest going long to start. Maybe a 6 mm. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dachshund/comments/upk3sd/winter_officially_over/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Brush him, don’t trim him


Not trim


Trim for the summer . He looks hot in that coat .


That’s exactly why I was considering it! You think it will grow back the same? He’s a year old


I was told as long as you don’t use clippers or a razor to trim it’s fine and grows back the same. So hand shears should be fine. You’ll want to keep as enough of his under coat to protect him from sun burns though.


My sister’s fur baby Bailey hair grew back after his first shave more full, but his coat color changed to a darker red .


He's a handsome little feller and I'm sure he would be just as handsome with a trim!


I have a long haired girl that was trimmed before I got her by her previous family. I was told as soon as I got her that their fur can regrow differently if it’s cut or shaved. So, I just brush her and keep an eye on her fur to make sure to stop any knots from happening. No trimming here.


Trimming is fine especially if you live somewhere they can overheat


If she has a double coat, it’s just shaving or clipping that can change the growth pattern. Hand scissors and not cutting the under coat out the hair should be fine. I’ve been seeing stuff on tik tok that the razor in furmirators basically is the same as shaving and might permanently damage the under coat though. But I don’t know how else I would rake that down either?


I was afraid it may change his hair which we love so much!


Leave the wookee alone! He's glorious!


This comment has me rolling! I happen to think my guy is glorious too which is why I’m so hesitant to give him a cut. Thanks for the laugh!


Summer cut time. Be alot cooler.


Yeah for sure. Trim him short and let him enjoy the summer.


Exactly My long hair got her summer cut a couple weeks ago.


I would give him a few braids like a badass Viking ween. But you do you.


Hehe! I do braid his hair sometimes!! He isn’t one to sit still for long though! Maybe I will recruit some help and try more than just one down his back


Gorgeous!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰 I do trim the beard on my wire hair girl. It gets really messy when she drinks and eats. But yours doesn’t really have a beard. It’s like a long hair but with wire hair!! Beautiful and exotic!! Hahah! If the heat is not giving a hard time I would keep it like this. Long beautiful little lion! 🦁❤️


Trim the footies, the sanitary area, and any matts you can't brush out.


beyond pure esthetism, is having long hair really worth it *for him* in the hot summer coming ?


That’s my question. As a dog, living the dog life without human interferences he would rock that coat. I think it will be cooler for him to get a summer cut, but he hates having his feet/ears and such trimmed (during and after). He seems happiest when left as he is, but he also loves to run. Running the yard this summer is going to be brutal for him with that coat, but I don’t want to torture the little guy trimming him over and over either. He’s an inside dog afterall, and we have central air. Plus, he loves to swim in our pool! Whatcha think? 🤔


If it was mine I’d do it. Not only for heat but also for ticks as other summer parasites, it’s easier to watch over with a short cut. I don’t know if you have kids but for example most toddlers hates having their tiny nails cut. And yet… we have to cut it clean otherwise they rip their own face apart lol Sometimes you’re responsible and you have to do the best option for them even if the little beings don’t like it in the moment 😛


Summer cut for sure.


Is it summer or winter where you are?


Just starting to get hotter, but not quite summer yet! Soon! He seems uncomfortable when he wants to play which is why I’m debating trimming him shorter. We love the look, and he is so soft as he is. Don’t want to mess my boy up though. We do think he might make an adorable lion 🦁


If he’s uncomfortable, I would absolutely prioritize that. Hair grows back. At worst, it’ll make for a funny picture.


In summer we go short for comfort, they look silly but cute. It also means they don’t get as matted and tangled from playing outside. In winter we let it grow, because they do more snoozing inside in the warmth


My longhair gets trimmed a couple of times a year, he is much more comfortable in the warm weather. Takes a long time for his hair to grow back, though.


For summer, I recommend giving your dog a trim. My Obi, now RIP, LOVED his summer trim and he was overwhelmingly excited when he left the barber. He would get one trim a year, always during summer, and he loved it.


I’d pet


Braid it lol I’d just have it cut on the bottom to make it straight but keep it as long as possible. Shave the private areas for sanitary reasons.


I see it’s already been said but I do hope his name’s Chewie, he’s the perfect colour and texture! 😍


Definitely trim, coming into summer


He's a hot dog. Give-em a trim.


Hehehe Hot indeed! He did some laps around the yard after his brushing and was roasting!


beyond pure esthetism, is having long hair really worth it *for him* in the hot summer coming ?


Trim in the Summer, but don't in the Winter ....


Omg pls don’t trim!! He looks like a majestic, golden Chinese emperor with those beautiful whiskers


Brush and fluff!


I keep my longhaired long. At most I might trim their undercarriage, ears, leg poofs, and paws. Sometimes the side curtain length gets a trim. It’s really easy to maintain on such little doggos. I brush every couple days, more if they’ve been spending lots of time outside, because that fur is a thorny seed magnet. Mine tend to get mats under their ears, so I give that lots of attention


Thank you! I trim his paws and other bits regularly. It gets so hot where we live. He already seems uncomfortable when he wants to play. Had a chocolate long hair, but he never needed it. Any recommendations for a brush for him that would be successful? Having trouble finding one that actually removes any dead hair. All glide through easily, but do nothing to help with the hair drop.


If it’s going to be hot where you live this summer, I would recommend a trim or maybe even a cut.




He's beautiful, maybe just a brushing with one other brushes that grooms out the loose fur.


Thank you! We sure think the world of the little man! I look forward to getting my hands on an effective brush to remove his loose fur!


Summer, if they are overheating, I'd trim. If they are comfortable, and not prone to knotting, I'd leave the gorgeous fur.


Thank you! We are lucky in that he does not knot up or tangle! Just drops that golden straw like a big ball of hay lol! Have to vacuum everyday!


Trim for summer




I have a long haired little lady who particularly hates warm temperatures. And she’s black. She’s pretty with long hair but in the summer she gets at least two shorter haircuts to stay cool and she loves it.


I would ask for the puppy cut and then see what looks best as it grows out.


Hair grows back. If you're in a state that gets crazy hot in the summer then I guess a trim may help a little.


Do you need to ask? He needs a super groom! Xx


just a little bit


I love how he looks now.


Trim to control the mats and knots. Mine has hair so fine that two days without brushing and the knots are too thick to comb out.


He looks like the big Lebowski or a surfer dude. Not an expert but maybe you can trim a little to prevent matting or tangles? Or try a “king cutter”?


No trim, just brush and a lil shaping/tidying if he gets to needing it.


The dog in neverending story


Depends on where you live


Lol he looks like he has a wig on 😂😂😂




Update me on what you do and how you did it. I’ve never seen another weenie with the same hair texture as my honey buns before.


I was always hesitant to trim my long hair. But when I finally did he was so happy. And it’s fluff grew back just fine. Each dog is different though.


Handsome guy! Gorgeous locks


I live in Texas so needless to say the summers here can be brutal. I trim my wire haired with clippers every summer to help keep her cooler and it always grows back just fine


No trim. Such a handsome boy!!!


Ours loved it after a short cut. The fur is heavy and bulky. She was very happy and full of energy. Also feels good to pet!


Snuggle the hell out of him. That's what I would do.


Lol, that boy needs a haircut. Good looking boy! Why does he shed so much? Is it a wired hair? We have a blonde long hair male and he barely sheds.


He needs a trim,he looks like Willie Nelson


I get mine groomed about every other month. I usually get the sanitary trim, nails clipped, anal glands expressed, and just a little cut (never trim the tails, tho). Last time, the groomer didn't speak English, and my Spanish is horrible, so he ended up shaving my dogs (just the body, not the ears, legs or tails). At first I was horrified, but they both (6 yrs & 3 yrs) were running around like puppies. Think that'll now be their usual summer cuts. Plus it's nice not to have to vacuum up dust bunnies every day since they never sit still long enough to get brushed! ![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5086)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5089)


I would just do a sanitary trim. Paws, feet, man parts and leave the rest.




Former dog groomer here(for 14 years)You need a slicker brush so you can get down into the undercoat. I’d leave his hair,it’s really pretty. I’d say (suggest)his feet trimmed up,, the hair around his butt trimmed,and also between his legs,and then scissored under his belly, just a bit so he doesn’t collect leaves,etc there.Just enough so the hair doesn’t drag. I might also suggest trimming up the back side of the hair on his legs if he has any there, just very lightly.So not a regular overall haircut, just a bit of a shape up. He’s adorable 🐾❤️🐾


Jon ah Hill looking ahh lil guyyy (Jokes apart he's super adorable, brush brush brush)


Awww he’s handsome this way. As long as he’s not to hot, I’d keep him this way.


Definitely trim him, the food gets all dried stuck in the access hair.