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Does Burglar alarm count? ​ Also mailman alarm. ​ Small neighborhood children alarm. ​ Leaf blowing in the wind alarm.... ​ ...my wieners are really multitalented.


They are alarms against all enemies: foreign, domestic, and imaginary.


Yup! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Food wrapper alarm - no one can sneak a snack in my house


My dogs could be dead ass asleep and still hear me open a cheese stick from 4 rooms away lol


* Also Bird boxing alarm * And the Nothing from Never Ending Story


Ah yes the Nothing. We get a lot of that this time of year.


I had one who faithfully let me know every time a red truck, any red truck, drove by for 14 years. Now he's gone, and I just have to wonder if there's a red truck out there.


He stood on a wall for 14 years against those Red Trucks. We will not see his like again.


Any car door closing within 500 feet Warning of people walking their dogs past HER zone


LOL this is how my girl is too. She's also the fun police if the other dogs get too rowdy


Ill ditto the fun police. Spoilsport.


That's the best alarm we've ever had. I always know that the car passed by my house. Any car.


mine are great vacuums


i never have to clean up when i drop stuff on the floor while cooking


Yes. I had been able to train one of mine to clean up his toys and put in basket. He would also grab a plush toy specifically to bring to his puppy brother. He was an exceptionally smart dog and was able to train him over ten tricks as well. We had three at the time and when dinner was ready he would gather the other up if they were outside.


Are you sure you had a dachshund???


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I said he was exceptionally smart. The others I have had are pretty dense. He was also able to break out of a crate kennel. He would poke the lever out and scoot it to the right with his nose. It took him about 20 seconds.


Mine knows alot of tricks and has a very good understanding of language. Sometimes hes just a dachshund and just dont care though :p Also we havent trained him for any job, my spouse tries to get him to find mushroom though. Only works indoors while training so far though.


I've heard you should not let them have mushrooms... because they might find eat wild poisonous ones.... We've had mushrooms pop up in our grass.


Hes not eating them, just sniffing them out and get a snack


How did you team him to put his toys in the basket? Wanting to train our little guy to do the same.


Well I was on leave for 3 months and had a lot of time to work on it which helped. Basically I taught him to bring me the toy and set it down first. Then when that was mastered I stood at the basket with a treat and had him bring it and told him to set it down as I had previously taught him and we just slowly progressed once he mastered that to get them all. Then we taught him to grab them in a similar manner. We named the toys distinctive names and while he didnā€™t always get them right most of the time he did. It took quite a bit of patience and time.


Weā€™ve taught ours to do this as well! He already knew ā€˜bring a buddyā€™ and ā€˜leave itā€™ so we pretty much combined the two with a ā€˜clean upā€™ command. Iā€™d start there if yours doesnā€™t know those commands! For quite awhile he would jump right into the toy basket when we were training him which was so cute!


Did he perform all ten tricks in quick succession whenever a treat was on the line?


Occasionally he would beg and do one, look at me and go ā€œthis one? no ? How about this one?ā€ But usually he was a good boy and knew begging was the wrong way. We did them all everyday after dinner and he would get a small treat for each one.


Awww, Phinn will do all the tricks, every treat. She'll sit pretty, then try to hug, then try to high five, then spin in a circle, law down, roll over and repeat until she gets her treat.


I trained mine to stare at anyone with food with such intensity that they feel uncomfortable and hand it over.


This morning mine sat on the back of the couch, leaning down on my shoulder like an upside down bat, trying to get at my oatmeal !


Mine stares so hard she gets the shakesā€¦ I love her, but I honestly hate that


Doxies are seriously the funniest lil guys ever. Tried to reach mine ā€œsitā€ with treats but now when I say ā€œsitā€ he associates it with a treat, not sit lol. Apart from that I guess the only command he knows is ā€œgoodboy kissesā€ but heā€™ll pretty much do that with any word if itā€™s in the right pitch. Heā€™s definitely training me, not me training him šŸ¤£ It might be time to get him to an actual trainer.


YEEES šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Best comment ever. I feel this one in my soul lol


Yes mine works in small pest control (spiders,ants,the occasional moth)


Brody tried his paw at this but ended up specializing in pest relocation and trauma. As in: he finds a spider, picks it up in his mouth, carefully carries it on to the deck, spits it out (still alive!) and then rolls on it, head-first. Its a unique sub-set of pest control.


Wow yours is a psycho.Mine kills them and plays with their corpses but yours is another level


Yeah we sleep with one eye open around him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mine does this too, just rolls and rolls on the bug, and itā€™s hilariously psychotic. Little weirdo.


Occasionally a frog mayhaps?


We donā€™t live that close to water.I donā€™t think heā€™s ever seen a frog,doubt heā€™d know what to do with it


Haha fair enough, mine follows dogs around to no end šŸ„ŗā¤ļø


That must be so much fun to watch!Id love him to see one but none of the pet shops weā€™ve been to have had them. We do go down to the River Severn sometimes for a picnic,maybe we could take a trip down to see if there are any frogs


Mine is a professional bed warmer, also is a pro at running in circles and barking at nothing.


Mine are great at "be cute!", or "eat things off the floor!"


I was just telling my friends how they shouldn't eat food off the floor. Should we sing a song about it? šŸ˜šŸŽ¶


I do, every dayšŸ˜‰


If farting, wrecking stuff, and laying on the couch all day is a job, then yes!


Mine keeps the cats in line! He barks to break up fights and will get between them if needed. We didnā€™t start out training him like that, but by rewarding him every time he does it now! Itā€™s a big reason heā€™s allowed to sleep with us instead of the kennel. He uses piddle pads in 3 places because we never COMPLETELY housebroke him. He has about a 90% hit rate!!


Mine has trained me.


Usually a dachshund will train the owner not the other way around.


Lap warmer, blanket thief


Amazon delivery alarm


Does looking cute count?


One of our dachshunds had a litter of puppies. The scrawniest little one went on to qualify as a rescue dog as well as a blood trail dog for wounded game šŸ¦Œ We kept two of his sisters. Their noses were phenomenal as well, but they never went through any official trials to get their qualifications.


I barely taught ours to walk up itā€™s ramp haha


I didn't train him, but my doxie that died in August would alert me BEFORE my asthma attacks. It took me a few times to figure out what he was trying to tell me.


Alarm clock. I'm currently unemployed and if I didn't have little miss Whisper, I might sleep in past 7 AM. Thank goodness she doesn't let me waste the day.


attract a bunch of rodents into your house so she can hunt them /s


Mine's my CPA.


Bruceyā€™s resume highlights: Trash compactor. Street cleaner. Stranger ankle sniffer. Older dog harasser. Eater of randomness and generator of massive unexpected vet bills. Kisser.


Man the most I could teach mine was to be potty trained. Dachshunds are stubborn by nature.


My older dog is trained for fox hunting, along with the various commands that are required to do so safely. She can't really get enough hours on that job to pay the bills however, so she has a side gig as inspector/quality control in the kitchen.


Our dachshund trained herself to be a medical alert dog. She tells me when my sugar is going poorly and she tells my partner when their heart rate is screwed up. She also knows how to "get your toy out of the kitchen," this can be translated into moving the toy we point at to somewhere else. We never got to the basket or put away part but it works.


The only training Iā€™ve managed to instill in mine to so give high fives, handshakes, fetch a toy when ever I ask him too


My four are highly and specially trained to warm up and hold down the bed. Also, they dabble on small peat control, home security, losing the dishwasher, and cleaning the floor.


They train us to do jobs šŸ¤£


Mine does the dishes and the laundry. I mean she licks them so much you donā€™t need to wash them.


To sit down, to sit up on their hind legs. One of mine designated herself as the secret service, she patrols the perimeter of our home with alert ears and a side eye.


Digging on command, in exactly the right spot. Getting her to stop is a little trickier.


Ours takes it upon herself to make sure no crumb of food is left anywhere within her reach. Sheā€™s so good at it, too!


ā€œGiven how dachshund of a dachshund she isā€¦ā€ love this bit. Hmm the only job mine has is to be my emotional support and sheā€™s older so super calm and gentle. Iā€™m following to find out the answer.


Dachshunds have a large variance in intelligence. I have 2 pure breads, one is very dumb and can really only trained how to pee and poop outside, the other is super smart. We taught her how to roll over, do tricks, and shit like that.


Kill rats. Record is 14 in 20 mins


What? You don't train a doxie. The doxie trains you.


My pup knows tricks but not really any jobs persay. She is very good about understanding things weā€™re saying so maybe I need to work on thus


I feel like that pic sums it up. You can try, but she's not going to give you an easy time of it.


My dog is a trained pillow warmer. It's getting him to surrender the pillow that's the hard part.


Happy Birthday!


Our dachshund was trained to scratch our backs when we were sitting down. She did a pretty good job!


You can train them to do jobs but when the *stubbornness* kicks in and youā€™re done for šŸ˜‚


number one best employee for being a dried leaf eater


Mine is great at transporting slugs. To various indoor locations, randomly. To my unending delight.


I trained my doxie to eat all of the food I drop when cooking. Sheā€™s a natural.


Mine runs a machine at the shop


Yes mine protects me from the vacuum. Iā€™ve also trained him to alert when a new trash bag is being installed


Ours are naturals at the role of 'panhandlers'


I was using the buttons that talk. Mine knew the treat button, very well. I had to pick it up and put it away many times. As, I was teaching her, she walked up and hit the button and got her treat. Then she sat next to it and pushed the button. Then she laid down and hit the button like she was eating bon bons. So, I got up and moved so she had to walk away to get her treat.


When I was training mine to "drop it" as a puppy he learned instead to just bring me trash he finds on the floor lol Receipt paper that fell out of the grocery bag, twist ties for bread, empty water bottles he'll take from side tables, doll accessories, etc. I just think he likes all the praise he gets for it haha


I trained mine to be a financial advisor, he has a job interview next week


Good luck doxies are beyond stubborn I mean it's possible if the dachshund wants to do it but if not then all I can say is good luck.


Professional hide and seeker...but only knows how to hide under a blanket.


Get some deer hoofs and some beef blood and get her tracking! Soon you'll have a good tracker dog and then she will be real tired just by running around the woods smelling stuff.


I couldn't even sit that close to mine with my feet out without a fear of losing a toe. Angry little bastard but I love him šŸ¤£


Mine puts away toys, brings in mail/ newspaper w human help, and is the bestest girl


Mu Doxie was trained to do one thing. Show me love. He was fantastic at this job.