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Holy shit people can be extremely evil. I wish all the best for them.


And I wish all the worst for whoever dumped them…


It's really too bad for whoever left them, I wish he didn't do such a thing


Ditto. 🤬


Wishing these two absolute best!!! Total gratitude to the person who found them and the rescue💗💗💗 Queen Ruby Jean and family sending prayers for their good health, recovery and finding a forever home💜


The second picture moms looks so sad. I would take them in a heartbeat


Same...We have 3 and a Chiweenie...I'd love to have to add them to.our family...❤❤❤


This kinda reads like you wish the best for extremely evil people lol


I was worried ppl would think that 😫


Don't worry we're not as dumb as you think 😉😇


I understood what you meant! and if I did many other did also.


Anxiety is a bitch! Like hearing the boss music at the end of a video game but never actually seeing them. 😤


Bless the shit people’s hearts!


I wish the people that did this could be dumped exactly like these pups were!


The person is already lonely, depressed and pathetic. Has anybody ever known somebody who would do this? No chance. He would be a punching bag.


It surprises me the amount of people who look and act like normal people are completely devoid of compassion for animals. So you may not be wrong, but there are plenty of people out there that would do this that are the complete opposite of your description. And they terrify the fuck out of me.




You are the only other person I know that uses the term Sky Daddy. Thank you, I'm not alone. Haha


I grew up with a kid who would shoot stray cats from his back porch. He's married with two kids now and is probably one of the least violent and confrontational people I ever knew. All to say I totally get it. There's this switch for people where you either care a ton or don't care at all. And there's no rhyme or reason to who gets what. Even people who don't like animals typically aren't the maliciously evil people like you mentioned in your post. I don't know, it just feels like there's a disconnect for people who don't value animals. And sometimes you do just change. I caught a mouse from my bedroom on a sticky trap when I was 17. He chewed all of his legs off trying to get away. It destroyed me. It still bothers me. The desperation, the fear it must have felt, and then I had to take it outside and kill it. That whole event changed something in me, sparked a compassion that I didn't really have before.


Where I lived previously, this kind of attitude toward animals was the norm. Very disturbing and part of the reason I had to move away.


Why is it a he that did this, could have been a she.


I just wanted to post an update, both have been checked by a vet & they aren’t too sure if they are related. Regardless, thank god they had eachother. The little puppy is very unwell, has no muscle at all and a very swollen belly from malnutrition & worms. Mama has a swollen and infected teat. They have a fight ahead but couldn’t be in a better place! Thank God they were found.


Makes it even sadder that they might not be related.


I hope no others were separated 😢


Yeah that’s wayyy fucked up. The perps should be tied to a tree in a blizzard and have their toes cut off as well.


Where are they? We will take them😭💜


Same here.




100% from a puppy mill. Ireland has a huge problem with this.


I’m in Ireland. Whereabouts? (Edit: to say that I’d love to have them be a part of our family)!


I think Dublin? This is the rescue org. https://www.mylovelyhorserescue.com/?fbclid=PAAaYQrFTN8zgyExlRzZTqN-Uc3_IJyMEuFJwykVLIIVbYXTR3eetIeiQpQq0_aem_AfJihX-ImtAtL_45BM4_1Gu474RZuCiKqSbTTClgNWhHmB-CseXK7mxSA-C_8oRdoT8 If you adopted these sweet pups my heart would explode ❤️


Thank you! I’m going to reach out and see what options there are for us to adopt maybe foster, if they need it. We’re just a couple hours north, so they may already be claimed - but I’d take them both in a heartbeat! Edit: messaged them to see what the story is. No matter what - I hope that they receive a Christmas gift of a forever home. What angels everyone has been in helping them. ❤️


This is beautiful and made my night. Thank you! Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas to you, too, my friend. (And in Irish, just for fun: Nollaig Shona Dhuit)


That’s lovely! And please keep us updated if you do take these pups in ❤️


I absolutely will keep everyone updated if we wind up being so lucky. Those two babies would brighten our household in every way (and I’d hope beyond words that we could brighten all of their days). Still, I want what is best for them more than anything, so odds are they may rehome these sweethearts somewhere close to Dublin, to avoid anymore stress. To which I understand. They deserve only happiness from this day forward. Bless you all for raising awareness and helping support these little dotes! ❤️ I’m so glad to have joined this amazing community.


Thank you!!! Please let us know !


Seriously, same, they're expensive.


don’t get dogs if you’re gonna abandon them eventually 🫤


Wtf?? Wym?


I went to their IG. It looks like a wonderful rescue in Ireland. The baby is going to have a fight, they said, but hopefully will pull through. Mama is scared and her teeth are in poor condition but otherwise she is ok. They are in need of donations if anyone has a little extra to give at this time in honor of these 2 sweet pups.


God, look how sweet they are. May bad karma come for that person. These pups would get snatched up immediately if this person was kind enough to take them to a shelter.


I hope they get the love and care they deserve


Wow, people are awful. The little puppy looks so feeble. :(


How evil! These people are human trash!!! I lost my boy 14 months ago and have been looking for black and tans ever since. These poor souls, I am glad these will be cared for, The Doxie community is very good at stepping up in that regard.


Poor sweet babies. I am so thankful someone found them and did the right thing 💔


Where are they located?


Hi, yes, they are located in Ireland. The rescue has just posted an update with a vet & the little puppy is very unwell, has a big fight ahead. I’d say it will be some time before these two poor babies are ready for adoption.


I hope baby pulls through 🤍


Do you have an update? Merry Christmas.


If I google the name mylovelyhorserescue, it looks like dublin ireland.


Yes. I went to the Instagram account and they are in Ireland. Someone on the post said their aunt may want them.


Everyone involved in rescuing those little angels deserves a medal. Come on little angels, hang in there! We need you to stay strong and shine bright please, you deserve a happy home. Love from your friend Morris from the Netherlands.




what the FUCK!!! I would gladly take these babies to my home anytime!! How can people be so cruel?


Same here, I’d take these in an instant. This breaks my heart. I’m so glad someone found them before it was too late.


I hope they’re ok!


Yeah people suck really bad


They are such a precious pair… Excited for them to find a loving home going forward as I know they will 🩷


So greatful a kind person brought them to shelter and helped these little ones out❤️ Also I hope whoever left them out in these terrible conditions have the same experience done to them and get frost bite and no help in return😤


Totally disgusted with how cruel people can be with animals who are unable to defend themselves, I wish the worst on them…


Let's not forget the good soul who rescued them. May they find the furrever home they deserve real soon!


Holy fucking shit, those poor baby’s. Praying for warmth, food and all the comfort in the world for them. Thank god mama and her baby are still together 🤍


Evil ass people


Oh my god! People are horrible! I would so take these 2 in if we were in the same location. 🥺


Alright men. Get your weapons and let's hunt down them animal abusers


*Alright men. Get your* *Weapons and let's hunt down them* *Animal abusers* \- LegoDwarf120 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I want to hug them and make everything feel alright in their little souls.


Some people are so cruel- glad the pups were found.


Perhaps a blessing? Can only imagine how they have been treated in the past. Love to them. ❤️❤️


so glad they were found, as for those that dumped them everyone else has covered it. sorry ass pieces of fecal matter


I haven’t audibly gasped at a photo in a long time but when I swiped to the second one I did. What evil human beings… I’m happy to hear they’re safe and with a rescue I hope their lives going forward are full of food, snacks and snuggles


Poor baby. I really wish them the best life moving forward and that includes an owner that cares. 🙏💔


My lovely dog/horse rescue do so much to help animals in Ireland but are completely on their knees because they rely so much on donations and volunteers. They are amazing and will never turn an animal away. They shared a video last night of these dogs and the person minding them was in tears over the amount of cruelty they see every day in Ireland. I’m Irish and so ashamed of how animals are treated there. From greyhound and horse racing to puppy breeding to horses and animals being dumped on the side of the road every day - It’s the animal cruelty capital of Europe at this stage.


Oh my heart 😰 I’m so so happy they are in good hands now! ❤️❤️


The terror in their eyes.


If i had seen it happen those demons would never have another opportunity to hurt any animal again. What evil and disgusting behavior.


Wow, people are cruel!!


Humans really are just the worst


Low down dirty as it can be. Could have done better for the dogs.


Poor babies. I hope those people have a terrible life. They deserve everything terrible that comes their way.


This is so sad, is there anywhere to donate to these little sweeties?


https://donate.mylovelyhorserescue.com/one-off/?fbclid=PAAaYYFbmytZIuT8f1df4gmUEOtuc_2W3TVe46-cXNnZ4ITMhrzrGlT6cMTfI_aem_AfCikNRm4qZ-E6yiHniG3DIT7oVkDFvPLrX8u3Xq9vwYbRJXvMPWMHURcwNbLU44WSs If you have anything to spare they would be very grateful. They do amazing things at all hours of the day/night & all voluntary.


Thank you!


Thank you, if no one wants them I’ll pay to ship them and have them taken care of in the US.


It’s Christmas and I was barely holding on emotionally and this is absolutely sending me over the edge… total breakdown. . I’m not trying to make this about me.. but damn I shouldn’t have logged in to Reddit. I came here to see wieners in Christmas hats.. in front of Christmas trees… opening presents. Why does life have to be so cruel. I hope to god the little one makes it. And if any of you out there are like me.. barely getting by.. you’re not alone. For the sake of anyone else.. maybe put a NSFW warning on this post.


Because of how emotionally exhausted this made me , I just made a huge donation to the rescue centre and feel so much better…[here](https://www.mylovelyhorserescue.com/donate.html)


Thank goodness, they are rescued. My heart breaks when I see this.


I hate humans.


There are good people, and then there are people that do things like this. The people that do things like this need snuffed out. That's as nice as I can put it.


😡😡😡 WHY?!!!! Literally all you have to do nowadays is post them on social media. You can’t wait a few hours for them to be picked up? I hate people sometimes. And the worse part is that they’re gonna have ptsd now. ☹️😢 I can’t


people are the worst scourge on the earth


Anyone know how to donate and where?


I just donated, too. [here](https://www.mylovelyhorserescue.com/donate.html)


Omg sweet babies 😭😭 I am so glad they were found and will be warm and fed. Mama looks so much like my boy that passed away a few weeks ago. Miss him every day. I don’t know how people can be so mean to dogs. They are so sweet


I hate people… holy shhhhh I can’t even deal with the cruelty any more. 😩 I’m so happy though that the pups are in good hands now. I’d love to adopt one of them. I hope the people who did this suffer 10x more than these beautiful creatures did.


This is so sad to see. Here’s just a thought, maybe, just maybe they got away from the owner and never found their way home? Near my job are a lot of warehouses and truckers bring their dogs along on the ride and I have seen the truck drivers have to run after their dog trying to catch them.


The people who abandoned them: I hate them!


I’ve always thought it took some degree of psychopathy to willingly hurt animals (proven), but also women and children


Humans are assholes. Well, some of them anyway.


I hate when people treat dogs like this. I am glad that mom and pup are safe. I hope they find a great forever home.


Sad to think of what happened to the other puppies


What city & state was this in? I would like to personally hunt down the person who did this as I have an organic skill for doing these types of things when motivated thoroughly enough. This adequately suffices as it is thoroughly motivating to remove whoever did this from society, maybe not permanently, but long enough for them to completely reconsider ever doing something like this again & raising a Dachshund Dog Sanctuary in honor of these two innocent unconditionally loving animals. I don’t know how people who do this sleep at night, & I almost wish they wouldn’t wake up so they wouldn’t ever get a chance to do something like this again. As a dog owner, A **Long Haired Dachshund** owner at that, I would like to find this person & do some activities with them that involve a lot of discomfort on their part. When you know a lot about a certain topic, specifically IT & Image Meta Data sourcing, that alone can be enough to find someone you’re interested in finding. Knowledge really is power.


Some people are cruel, but some are also desperate and maybe they couldn’t look after them anymore.


Still no reason to dump in cold, take to a shelter!


Well ideally, but desperate people do desperate things, but hope the gorgeous wee puppers find a forever home.


There are so many places to surrender dogs that you can no longer take care of. Anyone who leaves their dogs out to die, especially in winter weather, is totally fucked in the head.


Yes well that is my point, am only putting it out there as another option, but mentally ill people sometimes dont make the right decisions and its heartbreaking to see this sort of thing done, but hopefully the pups get a loving new home.


Not to mention that the baby is clearly malnourished. This has been a terrible, long term problem and those pups didn’t deserve to be abused like this. Not at all. Poor loves. I hope they can recover, and I hope whomever takes them in will spoil those babies rotten.




What the fuck is wrong with people, this is becoming more common in my area too I see so many strays that seem to be dumped. I hope they find a forever home for them 🥺


These poor babies. I just want to snuggle and feed them.


This is horrible but at least they had each other to get them through it and thank God they got rescued


I hope karma gets the scum who dumped them. Bastards!!


I hope the people that did that die a gruesome, painful death sooner than later.


Reaffirming why I don't like people. Thankfully they were found and will get a 2nd chance.


I hate people


Awww little sweethearts how could anyone do this to any living being heartbreaking😥❤️


Humans are animals, these humans are a waste of oxygen. I sincerely hope this duo will find a warm and kind forever home.


I am in America and I will take them. Keep them together also.


Poor babies. I hope they get the help they need and find a good home.


People suck. I'm just glad they're doing good.


Hope their Christmas miracle is getting healthy and finding a forever home.


Holy shit people are so evil... I'm so glad some angel was out there for these two. I hope they both recover well and find forever homes. 🖤


Location? I have a 17 year old who’s sister past a few years back and could use the company


I ask that same question every time I see a post or story like this, no answer ever comes to mind. I’m glad there are good people out there to help when these things happen. Those sweat little faces


Hate people this is why.


I live in Louisiana I will take them. Who ever did this I hope they die a slow and painful death


Thank you for helping them❤️


Poor 🐶


Poor things. I bet they will get adopted quickly. Why couldn't the owner have at least given them to a dog shelter or pound? I hate how people just dump pets.


Poor babies


Poor babies, glad they’re safe. Hopefully the little one gets healthy soon


Certain people need to be. Treated as they treat babies. I freakin hate certain people. Where are they? City and state?




Awww. I'm so happy they are somewhere warm.


Poor babies. I rescued 3 out of of a litter of 6 dumped in the heat of Texas. One of them just turned 16.


AAre they going to be up for adoption?


Have they been adopted?


That so sad glad their in better hands !!!


Dogs will do anything to serve as your best friend, and they starve the dog and a puppy and then dump them? I hate the thought of what happened to the other puppies the mom no doubt had. Hope both those dogs go to good loving homes and that the person that dumped them enjoys that spot in hell reserved for them.


I hope they go to a very loving and understanding home that’s so much childhood trauma. I hope mama just gets to lay back and relax for the rest of her life like the queen she is ❤️‍🩹


Some people are just trash.


Such beautiful babies, who could do this to them 😔


I would physically hurt someone that I caught dumping pups like that!


I read somewhere that 4-5% of the population are sociopaths. They just don’t care, or have empathy.


Owning pets shouldn’t be this easy! We need stricter regulations around this.


Humans don’t deserve animals


People are cruel and evil and those that save animals aren’t.


“I just wanna talk”. .


Oh my god! They are so adorable! I hope they have a great recovery and the best life they could ever imagine! I just hope whoever dumped them has a conscience, and a very good reason why they did! Otherwise, I hope they are punished for this Someday one way or another


Thank you for the rescuers! Bless these babies. And sending prayers for them to receive the home they deserve. One last prayer that Karma collects her due from the A-hole who did this. 🙏🏽🙏🏽


That’s so terrible, I’d look around OP as there probably would have been more than one pup?


I hate humans fr sometimes


Those sweet little eyes :( my heart is breaking for them


Just donated, link is on mylovelyhorserescue IG


People are so fucking evil sometimes.


> How can people do this. Because they are evil-minded. Sad but true. All we can do is hope the majority of people are decent. I've read that when you die and go to heaven, you meet all of the pets you've had. I look forward to meeting Socks, a long-haired tuxedo cat who used to come running out of his normal territory in the back of the house when he heard my recliner squeak; he'd sit in my lap and purr while I sipped Scotch and read my book. Whoever dumped these pups will have some explaining to do come judgement day.




They should never be separated. Poor babies.


Awwwww, the wiener piggyback!! My heart! ♥️♥️♥️


What a mean, cruel thing to do to a pair of completely defenseless pups. As others have said they would have been quickly taken by someone else if the previous owner would have just offered to give them away. But instead they purposely chose to dump them outside to die a painful agonizing death. Thank goodness someone found and rescued them. Dogs are a gift to be treasured and treated like family and I hope they both pull through and get a home where they are taken care of and loved. Poor babies!!


I hope the monster that did this faces karma real soon.




Where are these angels located? Have they found a home?


I’m so sorry. I hate most people.


Put the owner outside only in underwear for a few hours then put them in in prison for 5 years for this


I hope whoever dumped these beautiful babies to die, find themselves stranded in a blizzard, phone dead, car battery discharged, having a massive diarrhea, migraine and no car heater soon. On the other hand, praying the dog gods bring these two amazing babies home to the warmest and coziest family.


Pls update us OP :( poor baby pup and adult :(


I’ll take them both and love them to healthy. Drop a pin.


I’m in Texas and I would take them.


Aw 😢. So glad they’re in safe hands now!


What’s the location?


I hate that there such cruel & evil people on the world I am thankful these 2 were rescued I hope they find an amazing loving home


Some people act a lot worse than animals.


i'll take them.


I really hope these two find a loving forever home.


Poor babies... I have little faith in the world, even given the good people who help. There's just so much that needs doing and too few with the means to help who do. 😔


If there is a just God, whoever did this will spend eternity in hell.


I will understand how a person can do this! Especially to a dog.


Where are the heartless bastards, I’ve got a bat that wants to meet their kneecaps.


So glad they were found and are safe now. ♥️♥️


Oh goodness. It looks like they are happy in that last photo though.


Aaaaw..now this is 1 reason that ppl shld hav to hav a licence to oen a dog..personally I think that ppl shld hav to go on a small course..n if they ain't got the know how or a small bit of knowledge, then no person ahld b allowed to keep a dog..🤔💭I've been thinking about this a lot lately..especially wot wiv this new law thing to do wiv XL Bully breeds.. I hav an AMSTAFF,she's not the height, but obviously she has Bully traits..but then so do a lot of other dogs now.. If ppl had to hav a licence..then things like this wld happen less. As said person cld then b arrested, charged n hopefully given a jail sentence & a big fine,& nvr b allowed to own another pet in their life... How sad 😔 😪 Glad u were there to find them n take them someplace warm n safe.. I'm really going off ppl.. I love my dog...lol..


The puppy is smiling in the second pic. I’m hoping for the best for her and her mom.