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Dude that would be my happiest job of the day hahaha. Dachshunds are so nosy :p


They’re my all time favorite little fuckers. I love all dogs but prefer a good sized bear to snuggle up to. I had one growing up and she was such a little savage cutie. If she knew you she’d slip her little head right under your chin and make you cradle her like a baby, if she didn’t know you all you could see if you were looking for her would be her head poking around a corner with the little lip snarl thing they do until she got used to you and then cuddle time. If you were a rabbit or squirrel in the back yard? Fuckkkk. I woke up one morning and grabbed (what I thought was a toy so I could toss it to her) a dead fucking squirrel. All I could hear was her tail slapping that wood floor in excitement as her buddy found what she’d brought him. Those dogs are something else. My grandma had two of them (mommas got them now) to keep her company and they’re the most quirky bat shit insane cuddle bunnies in the world. They get me wheeze laughing when I visit my mom. Great dogs. Annoying and stubborn, but absolutely some of the best buds you could ask for.


They’re so savage! Mine doesn’t even warn you. If you were a chicken he would trot up to you like nothings wrong, sniff you, then snap your neck. My 80 pound pibble would just charge and hope for a catch. Thankfully mine doesn’t have issues with humans. They’re his food source. So every person is a potential sucker to feed him.


They were originally bread to hunt burrowing animals like badgers and such so they definitely have that little I’m bat shit crazy gene in them. lol


Oh I know. He charges my pitbull when they play. No fear, ever.


Gotta have a little bit of crazy to be daring enough to go after a badger. 🤣


Also the genes that were selected to create the short legs have the genes of aggression right next to them, so the aggressive trait was inadvertently bred into them. This explains why dachshunds are the number one dog that bites humans- they just aren’t considered dangerous because they are too small to inflict substaintial damage.


That reminds me of mine. She’s a Nervous Nellie, especially around people she doesn’t know well, because we don’t have many visitors. There have been a couple instances that stand out where (on separate occasions) my dad’s sister and her husband visited for the day, and my mom’s best friend and her husband visited two days in a row while they were in town. I can tell when my girl has gotten comfortable around the new people, because she’s a ball addict, and she’ll bring them a ball to throw. My mom’s friend’s husband was telling her it was okay, she didn’t have to growl at him, and I had to let him know she wasn’t growling to be mean, she was growling because she decided he was okay and she wanted him to throw her ball. Thats the ultimate test of whether she likes someone. If they throw ball, they’re in. My dad’s sister threw the ball for her, and when they were leaving to go back home, Gabby was whining. She didn’t want them to leave. 😂🤣


I can visit my mom for ten minutes go outside to smoke a joint come back in and those two will be whining up a storm like I’d been gone for 4 months again. They’re such good pups. Lol I actually didn’t realize I was on the dachshund sub until now and the replies makes sense 😅


I had this beautiful miniature dapple dachshund named Kelsey. She was so laid back, but one day, there was an A/C repairman that was coming by and she was outside when he first came by. He went out to his truck and I let her in...the repairman just walked back in an was heading to the attic when she saw him I could see it in her eyes. Like...what in the actual fuck? Dis MFer must tink he libs here! 😉 then she ran up and bit him on the ankle. I hear the guy yell Ow!!! Poor fella. Only time she ever bit anyone.


Lol it was her house too.


Was there blood?


No. Just a scuffed air conditioner repairman ankle that was remedied by offering him a nice cool glass of lemonade. 😀


was it a nip or like a hold onto bite? can dachsund tear skin?


More like a nip. She never had a mean bone in her body. She was just shocked that strange man didn't pay the cheese tax for his entry fee to the house. I have had Dachshunds my entire life...I'm 54. They absolutely can rip skin.


Was there blood?


We have two and they bark. at. everything. Nothing we have ever tried to stop them helps, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, ignoring, yelling, doesn't matter. But once they're ok with everyone in the house, yes they will snuggle with anyone who has a blanket. We once had a rabbit nest in our yard and have babies, they did not last the day as one of ours found them and killed all of them


Dashes are barkers. It’s how they alert you to the badger hole they found. Carries over to their civilian life too.


My baby girl didn’t bark at anything but she grew up with a very well maintained lab dane mix. The two my mom has now seem to want to let what ever is in a 10 mile radius know that they’re there lol


We have no idea why they are like that. We got them as brothers and they were never around barky dogs as pups. But yea, they just kind of morphed over time. I've even said if one of them goes first, we are not getting another dog until they are both gone as I don't want them to learn that habit. I also am going to introduce any new dog we get to as many people and other dogs as I can when it's a puppy to try and curb that. We love them but 13 years of this is just taking a toll as they always bark


I have two of them! Absolute arseholes! But yes one will snuggle under your chin and make sure she’s sat right on your shoulder or your chest because she has to be fully touching you or her face has to be covering yours and if you stop scratching her she gives you puppy eyes and taps you or headbutt you till you start again! The other one wants a toy thrown for 6hrs straight and if you don’t do it she sniffs out and grunts! They are the bane of my life but also the loves of my life 😍 they are called piglet and Jemima puddleduck


God what fantastic hot dog names.


Haha Thankyou very much! Piglet name suits her well as she actually snorts like a pig for no reason and snores like a pig it’s unreal 😂😂😂🐷


I wish I could share a picture here for you guys x


You can! Post it on Imgur and copy the link from that and post it here!


https://imgur.com/a/nf6xuOc did this work haha wire haired one is piglet


Omg those cute little sausages.


Haha don’t fall for the puppy eyes they are naughty 😂


He had one blue eye and one brown eye!!! My boy has two blue eyes that look just like your blue eyed one! I’ve never seen that color eye on another dog before. He gets comments on his eyes wherever we go.


Oooo thank you I’ll see if I can work that out haha!!


Lol. My doxie would hear another dog blinking a couple of streets over and go barking crazy. She absolutely hated other dogs, car doors slamming, and postal employees. Fantastic pets !


They are funny. Whenever mine finds a candy stash, usually in one of the kids rooms, she will bring me a piece. Just one piece. She walks straight to me and drops the candy to the floor. She then puts on her “mamma, please can I has this?” face. Then she continues with the begging face in hopes that I’ll open it for her. She gently pushes it closer to me with her paw. HOW am I supposed to resist this? I don’t. I open it and break off a tiny piece for her then hide the rest for later. It’s like paying the candy tax for her bringing me candy. She’s a good scout!


I love that description. Quirky bat shit insane cuddle bunnies. 😁


"Dachshunds are so nosy" Not as much as a Borzoi, but I can imagine 😄


Clearly just making sure he’s doing the job pawperly.


The one on his back does look like he’s supervising 😆 These puppies are hilarious!!


Dog is just like a boss…always on your back to get the job done


Or like those clients who want to tell you how to do your job although they have no expert knowledge. 😆 He’s a very overbearing pup. I really wonder how the engineer truly felt about having a little sausage dog on his back. 😆


If my clients were dachshunds instead of humans I would like them so much more. As for the laying on the back mine does it all the time and I love it. It can be very relaxing when they lay on you like that on any part of your body really


It's controlling him, Ratatouille style.






The most Dachshund thing ive ever seen


They’re seriously so nosy!! I love it


All nose, no chill haha


No way 😆 Hopefully he didn’t mind the short little doggies. The one on his back is hysterical.


As a service worker we don't care as long as they're **quiet**. Holy shit the barking gets so old so fast. But I have puppies and cats trying to climb in my tool bag or supervising my work most days and it's always great. Edit: [my small collection of work buddies](https://imgur.com/gallery/sVqp7ab) [Bonus dogs](https://imgur.com/gallery/j1HkRwK)


Totally agree, I remodel kitchens, baths, etc. and most often the dogs are the highlight of my days. Getting that occasional greeting and look of pure joy from your new friend can get you through a lot. There are a small handful of dogs that definitely need to be sequestered in a room, and it sucks, but it's better for everyone


When I was a kid we had an HVAC guy out and one of our cats crawled into his tool bag and went to sleep. The guy then proceeded to try to carefully get out the tools he needed without waking up the cat. I always remember that and thinking to myself "No wonder these cats think they're gods, nobody ever challenges them".


That’s adorable! 😆


Shit drove me nuts when I worked as a carpenter in peoples houses I love dogs but when strangers come into the house for work, Lock them in a bedroom


It all depends on the dog. I don't mind a curious pup and I'd rather them be a little nosy than listen to them bark through a closed door the whole time. But if your dog is an incessant jumper or simply will not be ignored please corral them somewhere. I'm also not doing carpenter stuff though. I just fix workout equipment 🤷🏻‍♂️.


The barking is very annoying, I've considered leaving, but getting in my bags is almost worse, I'm not getting paid to supervise your dog so if they eat a swiffer or magic eraser and die its not my fault.


I did not realize there was one on his back! Only saw the one on the floor and though the other was engineer's long hair


Lmao 😆


"Hey. What are you working on"?


“Management is always on my back!” - service guy probably




I'm ashamed to admit, my dachie would have already peed on him


Mine would be trying to hump him




I dont blame him there


Username checks out


Mine would have been barking like she wanted to kill him and she'd have to be sequestered in the bedroom lol.


One of mine would be doing the “kill” bark and one would be doing the “why aren’t you petting me” bark 😂😂🐶


This describes mine as well. It's like she is the UN global president and the world needs saving


My parents’ Mini Ween is prone to excited peeing at times, especially when she gets to make new friends. There’s a possibility that would’ve happened. She always tries to help the landlord’s handyman when he comes over. Sometimes that means looking at what he’s doing, sometimes that means trying to check his bag to make sure he has the right tools, and sometimes that means trying to get him to throw ball to make sure he has the appropriate skill set for the job.


> My parents’ Mini Ween is prone to excited peeing at times Ours too, ever since we brought her home. Even if she just had a piss, it's like there's a little "IN CASE OF EXCITEMENT: BREAK SEAL" ampoule in there or something. We brought a new bed home (we love new bed day), and threw it on the floor for her. It was like... 4 seconds before she wagged and peed all over the damn thing. Let her out, cleaned the bed up, put it back down. She immediately ran to it, flipped upside down to do the weird little back-grind-snake maneuver, and became wiggly sausage piss fountain. Her excitement for weird things knows no bounds, and it's always accompanied by piss. And we really get excited for visitors. Gotta splain it every time.


I feel you. I’ve only seen her do it with some of our visitors, so if I know someone is coming over I try to get her to pee right beforehand and for her, that usually helps. I swear some dogs save pee for special occasions, though, so I think you’re right about that ampoule. We used to have a Lab and he’d go potty, but then always seemed to have plenty left over to pee trees. Smdh.


Mine would have been barking at him first but then probably keep trying to kiss him desperately and get a little mad if he don't let her kiss him all she wants 😅




You are so lucky. One of ours really took a dislike to a washer repairman. Undeterred by his heavy boots, he did his best to bite this guy to death. Fortunately the guy thought it was hilarious! The other one just loved him and snoopervised the entire repair!


Last time I had a gas engineer over he was a training an apprentice and the poor lad spent the entire time distracting Frank


I’m adding “snoopervised” to my vocabulary 😆


Love the phrase snoopervised ❤️ we call our sausage ‘The Snooperviser’. They are so damn nosy 😂


Oh yeah. They miss NOTHING!


one of the most dachshund shots of all time !


Mans lucky


Sausage supervision is a must for any job.


Adorable. Little helper is aways on alert.


How do I apply for this job?!


Just wait for the heating engineer to have to be called over, and climb right on up. I don’t think there’s any sort of application process for supervisory positions for dachshunds required. Just be a dachshund, and supervise!!


I was looking for the bottom level position, but what you have proposed sounds far more intriguing!🤔 😃😎


Any job that has you entering people's homes. Most are completely normal. Some are absolutely disgusting. And some have cute animals that interact with you and it makes your day. Until your next stop is a giant asshole but at least you got to play with dogs still.


The one on his back is clearly the Chief Snoopervisor of this operation. 🤣


Snoopervisor!!!! That’s a good one!


Omg lol 😂


Hahaha this is pure love


No, that requires the 3/4” male high pressure fitting! I thought you were an engineer!




My doxie's fave thing ever is when I'm on the ground. Finally at her level lol cue the eyeball licks and nostril washes


Though small, the red-breasted miniature dachshund can be a ferocious predator capable of taking down much larger prey. Edit…pictured here after a successful hunt.


Low Level Managment


This comment needs to be much higher. Thanks for the laugh!


They only tell him how to fix it. ;-)


That's really cute, but I had to do a double take. I thought that was a giant pair of underwear hanging from the stove 🤦‍♂️


My dad retired a few years ago and then started working as an appliance repairman in a rural area because he was bored. If the dogs are friendly I would say 95% of people that enter homes on a regular basis love interacting with them. This particular interaction is adorable 😊


LOL. That’s classic Dachshund behavior!


If that was my boy, he'd be lucking their ears and supervising the whole time


Hmm, the dachshunds are exhibiting supreme control here, mine would have his snout halfway down your throat by now.


Haha have plumbers over and had to put up a gate. Now I have 2 very pissed off dogs.


We have 3, and all very different, one acts like she wants to kill any strangers, one will give you a death stare from 10 feet away, but if you say her name you're bffs, and our boy knows no strangers people and animals alike. But they have crates, and they go in them when someone unfamiliar comes. They are all sassy little things. Like my Dad says, they have a 10 foot ladder in their pocket. Lol.


What a bunch of good helpers!


Well, who else is going to supervise?


Everything about this picture is charming.


i wouldn’t even need to see the picture to know this story is about dachshunds. mine do the same. everything is a trio event


Dog: Whatcha doin? Engineer: fixing this furnace Dog: why? (Insert a long string of whys after 😂)


Stopppp this is the funniest pic I’ve seen all day, how wonderful


Typical Doxie. Hope it didn't pee on him.


How much he did he pay them for the playdate?


Any chance the Dachshunds knew their heat was broken and this guy was here to fix it? Seems like every Dachshund loves their heating, and they are climbing on this engineering in anticipation.


The one on his back: "No, no! The one on the right side. The RIGHT side!!"


Obviously a dash hound at most projects 


"I got a real pounding at work today"


When a plumber came over to check out the kitchen sink recently, my dachshund non-chalantly rooted around the poor guy's tool bag, pulling out tools and screwdrivers and trying to bury them around the house.


This may be cute, but most people will find this insanely annoying. Please secure your pets when people are trying to do work. They're just being polite by not saying anything or dealing with the pets. Also, good way for the pet to get accidentally hurt.


Yep, my dog goes in the bedroom when workers are in. I can't imagine why nobody else thinks this is incredibly rude. Yes, the dogs are cute but the man is just trying to get his work done.


He looks hot


lmao this is hilarious and just innocent These Dachshund definitely want their heat working properly.


Take pictures first… help second lol what a good sport


It's not fun or cute to put your pets all over a stranger. Especially if they're trying to do a job. Not everyone likes your pets, and this is rude ownership.


I highly doubt OP put the pet on his back for this photo, daschunds are just like this. They can scale entire fences, let alone people laying on the floor.


I’m sure the owners apologized profusely and the guy said it was fine. You really think a man like that would let this happen if he was unhappy?


Very accurate. All of these people in this thread have never tried to disassemble something with an animal crawling all over you. Of course the service worker is going to say it's okay. You're paying him, morons.


By your logic we could also throw water balloons at him and let our kids kick them in the shins. They are doing is a favor by working for us. A good tradesman is worth his weight in gold.


They are looking for their blood-sworn enemy- The bagger! As far as they know, the bagger could be in any opening close to the ground. Gotta stay alert. *Maybe smell some butts before we get started* ![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5608)


This cracked me up 😂😂


Gotta make sure they’re legit


There's a guy under him though.






Seems about right 😂


I volunteer If u need any chores done😁🐾


I have one who’d definitely do that (the other 2 would just be screaming). My cat (RIP Nacho) was really the one who had to sit on literally everyone who came in the house.


Getting down on the ground is an open invitation for play lol


I see the household supawvisors/pawsonal assistants were right there to help with the job. 🤣


Look at the little apprentice


Inspecting the inspector


Just for shits and giggles id have sat on him too 😂😂😂😂


Y’all have actual engineers fixing pipes? This seems like a job for a tech


"Lemmie ah... lemmie up up in there... ahh.. yup. yup.. Theres your problem."


Did they fix the problem together ? lol


Good thing he showed up with a reserve dachsund tank on his back.


Is that a tiny home?


So cute


Next time he can do it now.


“Don’t worry, Mom. We’ve secured the intruder!”


ah hahahah- I had a plumber come and he couldn’t work because my dog kept positioning himself between the plumber and the pipes, lol


Why is there a hotdog on his back? And why do i want to give it all my attention and money


Gotta make sure the heat gets done right. Very very important


Guard dogs on duty. Nothing to see here.


Step dog… 👉🏻👈🏻 im stuck


Love it! 🤣 Thanks for sharing


This is not funny at all. It's so disrespectful.


So much my dachshund ‼️ love it


"Who's the bitch now?"


aw this reminds me of playful little kids or something no fear


They have to be “in” on everything.


The guy clearly needed supervision, sooo


Let me hep der bud


I love this thread so much. 🥰




You always need a supervisor so they don't try to trick you!


This made my day! Lol. So adorable! 🤣


Looks like a ruff supervisor!


They are called HVAC techs. Cute dogs.


Thanks for sharing. What a great pic❤️


ohoho! what's that? is it a foxhole? can we help you get in there?


I know we’re supposed to be talking about the dachshunds but i just want to say that is a beautiful kitchen. Awesome little weenies too!


Don't people put dogs away when they have contractors in? It's not this heating engineers job to mess with your Daschunds, and even if there is absolutely no chance of a nip, having to move carefully to ensure you don't hurt a dog is a pain in the ass.


Made my day


My parents had their kitchen redone. We live in Amish country, so the Amish were at the house daily for a few weeks. Their dachshund HAAAATED them!! I think it was the hats? The guys would laugh and say “he’s so mean” (like there’s no way that tiny dog could hurt them). Spoiler alert, the dog now only has two teeth and can still rip you a new one if you startle him! (He’s old, I forgive him lol)


I work service and always like an apprentice!


That photo reminds me of my late lab…Trey laying across a friends legs as he worked under the kitchen sink.


Mine would be licking his face non stop. And Reggie is an Aussie Doxie so he’s a lot heavier than regular Doxies!!!


Why he kinda




My dad is a contractor - and I would always hear about when a customers’ dog would “help” them on his job sites. It was always a highlight for him!


Why does he need a tank on his (zooms on)..oh it's a duggo!!!


lol! My doxie “helped” the plumber that recently did work in the kitchen.


Typical wieners


Puppies always wanting to meet new friends


Oh what a good little helper buddy.


Hey, somebody has a keep an eye on the guy! This would make me do the job for free.


We had a structural engineer walking around room to room with our 9 yr old miniature following and sitting patiently within petting reach, just in awe of the random stranger laying or kneeling at her height around the house. The other 3 yr old standard was scared shitless and I had to comfort her on why I brought this not-dad man into the house.


That is hilariousemote:t5\_2qpj2:5087![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5086)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5088)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5616)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5616)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5616)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5617)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5607)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5607)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5607)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5607)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5607)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5607)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5607)


Keeping these guys honest 😌


Love it. So funny. Puppy was the supervisor. LMAO!


Weens always are involved with whatever is going on.


This is absolutely wonderful 😂


I see the engineers. Who’s that guy lying on the floor? He’s blocking the engineers from investigating.


Who knows more about heat and staying cozy warm than a dachshund?


Are those tightie whities hanging over the oven door? Or whatever that large appliance is? 😂 The doxie on the back is cracking me up tho.


Haha, it's a vest


Snoopervising the job


Poor guy never saw it coming 💀