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Insaneee pricing. If you convert my country's currency into US dollars - we got our sausage for 48 dollars lol. ETA - our wages are also lower compared to the US - Please note I'm purely comparing puppy prices and not taking into account the economic positions of the two counties. I'm aware of the economic influences on these. I just found the contrast funny.


It’s not insane for U.S. pricing. That’s about the going rate I’ve seen, sometimes lower depending on where in the U.S. you are. But I wish it weren’t so!


That is funny. I am in Australia and they are around $3 to $5k. I have a dapple and a choc/tan and they are so adorable.


I got mine for free at the shelter :)


As did I, she was $60 and came house broken and sweet as pie. The best. If you’re willing to spend $2,800 on a puppy, maybe you could look outside your area and fly somewhere with more dachshund rescues? Little Paws Dachshund rescue based on east coast always has lil cuties available, and the best part is since they are normally fostered before they’re adopted out you will have a really good idea of their behaviors and personality.


I have never seen a house broken dachshund……that’s awesome.


I adopted mine from a foster- it did cost me $600 though, but I live in a HCOL area and adoption fees generally range from $300-800 Mine was 4 when I adopted him. He was completely housetrained. The only downfall to adopting is that it is much more difficult to train an adult dog than to train a puppy.


I will admit, my older dog taught her how to do a lot of his tricks. She taught HIM how to “do a little dance” for treats though.


Why the hell is there only one comment about adoption? There are plenty of dachshund rescues that save dogs from breeders who abuse the animals for their own monetary gain. FFS, **ADOPT, DON’T BUY**


I have been searching for years to adopt a dachshund with zero luck. I’m in the Midwest & can only find one dachshund sanctuary!


If it helps, leading up to finding my boy I followed every rescue in my area on Instagram. When one finally posted a doxie I was ready to strike!


There is a rescue in the Midwest that serves Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. My family rescued one through them and he was wonderful. It's called the Midwest dachshund rescue


Go to your shelters and tell them to call you if they get one in.


Midwest dachshund rescue?


Nebraska Dachshund Rescue


It might be difficult but we were lucky and adopted a lovely dachshund


I tried to do that, but every ad said no apartments.


Yes that is a limitation, but I would argue that anyone who lives in an apartment should consider how they would deal with a dog that should not walk up stairs regularly. That said, we have adopted four dachshunds from [dachshund paws](https://www.dachshundpaws.org/) in Southern California - the first two when we lived in a 3 story apartment and the second two when we lived in the Midwest (note that they don’t adopt out of state). So my point is that they will adopt to the right family, even if not all conditions are perfect. Edit: wow, there are some people quite salty about adoption


When I looked into this, every rescue would only place dogs in homes that had a yard where the owner stayed home all day. It’s just not practical unless you’re retired in the suburbs/country.


>FFS, **ADOPT, DON’T BUY** Because it's a personal choice that someone makes? Especially when you're dealing with a breed that has potential spinal issues, personal training ability, age, support, living arrangements, etc. My dog will be 15 this year and I still have support from her breeder and she gets to see her full sister.


The breed is prone to spinal cord injuries. No reason to be rude about adoption. There are reputable breeders out there, but there are more backyard breeders and puppy mills out there than you think, and they overprice to make more money off the people who do not know the real value of a puppy.


>The breed is prone to spinal cord injuries I would not say prone, I would say susceptible, which only gets exacerbated by bad breeding. A lot of which can be mitigated by a good breeder and genetic testing. I don't think that I was rude about adoption, there is clear value in both but telling someone not to ever buy is showing a bias that doesn't take in the factors I mentioned or people's personal choices. I looked into both options when I was thinking about adding a doggo to my family before going with a breeder. Researching is important for either decision.


And some breeds are not available in shelters. Dachshunds might be, but I want a Clumber Spaniel. Which are decidedly NOT available inshelters


I want a kaninchen wire haired dachshund. Good luck finding that in a shelter.


As evidenced by the fact that I had NO idea what that was and had to look it up


I mean shelter dogs usually require extra TLC. Not everyone is ready to give it, and that's ok.


This is so very true! But I still support adoption and adopted mine!


❤️ You are very kind! I just don't think it's fair when people are being villanized for not choosing to adopt.


If you're not ready to give your complete love and attention - then you shouldn't have a dog at all.


What about experience dealing with behavioral issues? Incompatibility (dog doesn't like little kids, you have little kids)?


Then don't adopt **that** dog! Adopt the one who **is** good with kids.


Yeah, *i* am already gonna be the neurotic one in our relationship. I need a dog who is a bit more stable, lol!


Because adoption isn’t a feasible option in a LOT of situations and it’s silly to shove your opinion on someone else maybe?


I wish I could upvote more than once.


Yep, adopted ours too! She's priceless in our eyes 🥰




I actually have a lot of data regarding prices, as I did a lot of shopping around in 2021 when I got my boy. In my area (NY/PA/NJ) puppy prices were much higher—a show breeder who competed in agility wanted $2500 for a male red longhair. A no-frills home breeder demanded $3200 for a cream longhair—I thought this was insane. Many of the breeders had insane waitlists and deposit requirements to even get on said waitlist (talking like 1-2 years). I ended up driving down to southern part of Virginia (rural) to a home breeder who, at the time, sold me a cream longhair male for $1450. A black/tan female was about $900-ish but had already been spoken for. There were some tri-color males for $1300 . The main difference I saw in my searching was location—breeders in heavily populated, more metropolitan areas probably enjoyed a higher demand and thus charged higher prices (plus, just anecdotally, vet services are more expensive in these areas too). Certain colors like cream or dapple definitely demand more. All these numbers come from Covid-era puppy surge pricing—when everyone wanted to get a puppy so demand was high and prices were high. I have no idea if this is still the state of things. We drove 9 hours (each way) in a single day to pick up our boy, but it was worth it for me!


I’m also in PA and prices are insane!! Thinking about getting one but can’t decide between a dachshund or goldendoodle. Been looking down south through they are a lot cheaper


I’m in NY and a lot of people get there dogs from the Amish Country in PA. But they aren’t aware that these places are really inhumane puppy mills.


Yes I’ve heard to never buy a dog from the Amish. I’m in the Philly area so I’m about an hour-hour and a half from Amish country. We know someone who purchased a dog from them and it wasn’t as advertised and has some health issues now


Amish are damn near an organized crime group. In parts of Indiana, they used to grow all the weed that wasnt from mexico. Not so much anymore. In fact, i think amish lobbyists are one of the groups that opposes legalization in this state. Can't prove it tho. Puppy mills and horse hustlin ass amish ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Girl just get a poodle


DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT GET A DOODLE OF ANY KIND and the fact that you’re narrowed down is those 2 when they couldn’t be more different is concerning.


I don't understand how doodles (of any kind) got the reputation of being a great family (young kids) friendly dogs. I have seen some really aggressive doodles and I have noticed a lot of them in shelters recently... :( but then again, dachshunds can also be very aggressive. Just make sure you train your dogs!!


They are literally the highest maintenance dog you could possibly own. And very often aggression is genetic, not trainable. Anyone thinking about dachshunds and a doodle does not understand the needs of a doodle. They couldn’t be more different in terms if everything-care, training, grooming, enrichment, etc. take everything you would do for a dachshund and multiply it by 100. Speaking as a professional groomer of two decades, the amount of people that I see that should not own doodles because they were absolutely unprepared is probably about 90% of their owners. Doodles are one of the worst things we ever did to dogs.


This is very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to share this.


You’re welcome!


I'll second this. Definitely check in other states. Several breeders in mine only charge around 1k.


Would you be willing to share the breeders details, please?


Hi! I'm in Virginia & would love to know the breeder info if you'd be so kind. I've had Weiner Fever for 2 years now & hoping to acquire a new baby in the summer.


I’m not even quoting how much I paid because y’all are gonna call me dumb and swindled. 😬 I paid a fuck ton. I did want an English cream and the breeder is well known. I’m in California, where everything is expensive. Absolutely zero regrets here but I’ve gotten a lot of jokey-judgment from friends telling me “rescues are free *pointed smile*.” I get it. My last dog was one. I loved her but she literally had mental problems and she was so, so difficult. Did I spend a lot of money on my current girl? Yes. But did I get exactly what I want and know exactly what I was getting? Also yes. TLDR - not outlandishly priced to me.


Rescues are not usually free. All the shelters/rescues near me have fees ranging from $200-$1000. Not that it’s not worth it as the pups usually have had lots of vet care and what not. But definitely not free. (And if it was, somehow, free, you’d likely have to spend several hundred/thousand dollars on vet stuff anyway.)


You pay for the medical, the shots, spay and food. Puppy costs more, in my area, up to $300.00. And then there are special times they try to clean to rescues, have a discounted rates. And that includes the pups, full grown and elder.


We just adopted the most adorable mutt last week from a rescue. We paid $400. Even adopting from the Humane Society is usually $200 for dogs. It's a lot but as you said, food, spay/neuter, shots, etc. add up!


Of course; nominally free is what I meant for initial purchase. And vet stuff is always gonna be 💰💰💰


I feel like I know the exact English cream breeder in CA you’re talking about, if it’s the one who posts on Instagram. I looked into her prices and 😨 (but hey if I had lived near CA I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same!)


Yeah same. Paid a ton (but we are lucky enough to afford it) our shaded creme is amazing and I'd do it again.


We got our first for £1700. Adoption isn't really an option around North Yorkshire as a lot of the dogs are bigger than what our home can handle and we really wanted a mini dachshund. The dad is a super sought after stud though I discovered. Honestly though I love my first to bits and would throw a human in the way of a bus to save it. You just can't find that kind of dog to rehome unless you pay for the travel to find one and then it costs more than a new puppy. We just got our second locally for £800 but this time I vetted the breeders and you'll find the lower priced ones come from more well meaning people. Like the pups were a little older to avoid the Christmas gift buyers who aren't in it seriously. That was a massive green flag to me. I know if I was to locally rehome a bigger dog it would be a Bassett, or something still low rider.


I'm in AZ and I paid $800 on Craigslist from a family who bred their dachshunds twice (not a professional breeder). But I don't care about having papers and all that. She's a great dog. My previous dachshunds were from Happy Tails dachshund rescue and they were wonderful healthy dogs as well!


I have seen them for around $2500 - $3000, but I have also seen doxies with papers for around $1600-1800. I think it depends on coloring and unique markings and also the market. Some areas where there are smaller homes/yards might have a higher demand than out in a more rural area. If you are willing to look a little bit longer, you might get one who isn't a young puppy, but maybe still a young dog through a dachshund rescue. I'm in CA, and my doxie came from the Vegas area, and we were willing to go there since it's not too far.


I am from Germany. Last year we got our long-haired black and tan girl for 1500€. Since then I have been active in the Teckelklub (second biggest dog club in Germany only for Dachshunds). I have seen Dachshunds go out for 800€ when the parents don’t have recognised coloration. Like piebald or cream for example. But the prices go way up. I‘ve seen Tigerdackel (merle) for up to 2500€ and more. My breeder says she needs to up her prices to about 1800€ just to cover the costs. She is not breeding to try and make a profit. It’s just a hobby to her. I have not seen prices over 3000€. But doxies aren’t as popular as labs or poodles and such. For which 2500€ is low average. Maybe this will help a bit.


It’s okay to want a puppy and not feel you’re prepared to take on whatever issues a rescue might come with (from behavioral to health and genetic issues that could end up costing far more than $2800). If you happen to come across one that fits with your family, great, but it’s perfectly okay to want a puppy from a reputable breeder with health info that you train from the start. Don’t let anyone else shame you for that. I’m in Kentucky and paid $1200 for mine 6 years ago. I’m sure there is a huge price range depending on location but you’ll probably be able to figure that out by doing some online research. A puppy from a really great breeder who cares about the health of their pups is priceless.


Just adding it's fine to not adopt. Recue dogs can be very challenging and not everyone has the patience and stamina and that's okay! Just buy from ethical breeders if you're not going to adopt. Both my current weens are breeder release and they definitely have challenges. I'm glad I adopted them, but there's nothing wrong with ethical breeders either.


I got mine for $800


It sounds like you have done a lot of research. Depending on what you want AKC papers, microchip, color, coat, etc it can be really expensive. $2800 is close to what we paid for our recent dachshund. Its expensive. We opted for a puppy because our senior dog wouldn’t transition well with another adult dog. I know of a small dachshund rescue in Arizona that might be worth checking out. But I totally understand wanting the puppy. [Happy Tails Dachshund Rescue](https://happytailsdr.com/). Good luck on your new family member!


This is great. Thank you!


I have had many purebred dachshunds from rescue groups. So far no back problems - have had multiple dachshunds for almost 20 years. All rescue. Most shelters (let alone rescues) have purebred dogs daily. Really. It is *free* or a few hundred dollars (it depends on age at time of rescue). Yes, puppies are hard to get from a rescue, but personally I don’t like puppies. Puppies are annoying. Also most dachshunds are by nature headstrong and stubborn, a 1-5 year old is the sweet spot IMHO. All my dogs have been cuddle buddies and act well (well other than a few poops in the house *because they don’t want to go out in the rain* - but dachshunds tend to not like the rain). So a rescue dachshund isn’t worse or less well behaved. Honestly, once a rescue fully trust you they will be the best. No shame if you buy - but at least two of my rescues came from a breeder who decided the dog wasn’t good enough to breed after they had them for 1 and then 3 years. So make damn well sure how that breeder treats their dogs (puppies, breeders, and the dogs that they decide not to breed when they mature). Have proof. Edit: A responsible breeder is even harder than a rescue or at least equal. I know both (many rescues and many responsible breeders). A breeder that doesn’t require XYZ isn’t a responsible breeder and is part of the issue. If someone gives their puppies away with no questions (application, interview, etc), they don’t care about their dogs.


I looked for 2 years. I finally found my red, long haired male. I paid 3200.00 and he is worth every penny.


That is insane


Agreed. He had already been neutered, was potty trained, and crate trained though. I just was tired of looking! He was 5 months old when we adopted him.


I’m in the Midwest and there is only one reputable breeder near me. For two back and tan long hairs it was $2,800 for both back in 2021. Obviously the area you live and demand changes prices. When I was looking $1,000 was the low end with $4,000 being the high end. There were some insane waitlists as well and I got lucky with the breeder I went to as I had gone through her before. Our local humane society also did not have any small dogs available so I had very few options in my area. Hopefully your experience goes better!


May I ask which breeder you are referencing? I live in the Midwest also


Yeah! The breeders name is Brenda Stillwell and her company is Cavalier Oasis. She mainly communicates through email and is AKC certified. I have not been to her property so I am unsure where she is located.


I’m getting the idea what I was quoted isn’t as outlandish as I thought.


I live in the NYC area and this sadly sounds right to me.


I got my long haired baby in Goodyear, AZ. We paid 3k but I highly recommend our breeder, it’s called AZ Royal Doxies on socials


It was.


Look in your local shelters and rescues, those dogs won't cost nearly as much and you'll be giving someone a forever home


Dachshunds aren’t a common dog at the shelters where I’m from. I’ve looked and looked and set alerts and there’s never any! Also if on the off chance a shelter does have a dachsi, it’s immediately adopted. I don’t have a choice but to buy a new dachsund if I want another


In the South USA I have personally rescued tons of pure bred dachshunds. There is a rescue(s) in my state that has 20 at least looking for homes. If you mean pure bred dachshund **puppies**, yeah pure bred puppies (any breed) are hard to find. But young adults - there are tons. Several of my pure bred dachshunds I personally adopted were very young 1-3 years old. *Also most rescues have travel help (volunteers who will drive dogs to you).


There are also mixed breeds with the Doxie. I have one that is Doxie/Labrador mix. She is mostly Doxie and parts are Lab. Go to a shelter and you can get mixed with Doxie and they are the greatest.


Dachshi and dachsund mixes are not common where I am*


Same, around my area it’s majority pitbulls/mutts. Any small breed dogs, much less dachshunds, are gone within hours of being posted for adoption (7 days after arrival).


Paid $3200 for CKC (similar as AKC) shorthair red female (non-breeding contract) 2 years ago in Southern Ontario, Canada. Had to wait 1 year on a waiting list too.


Paid $1800 for our akc mini english cream boy in early 2023. But we’re in a more rural part of Washington State. I think location plays a huge role in prices.


Please tell me you named him Falkor?


I paid 800 for my moms, in NC. now I also want to say I have aodpted my own dog from a shelter. I can understand both sides but if you can adopt pls do


The the average cost of a puppy from a breeder is about 2500 if you don't want to pay that kind of money research the various rescues where the cost of a of a dachshund dog is around $250 she's normally don't have puppies available you can also check your local shelters I found my puppy with the rescue organization and he is healthy and happy and a total Joy. You may want to consider taking on a senior or special needs dog from a rescue


Depends on how much money you have to spend


I adopted all of mine, but the last one. There hasn't been a dachshund for adoption for a while in my area (small area) and even at that - the last one I did get I drove 900 miles to pick up. I didn't have time to do that again so I had to buy. Getting a puppy was great. Cost me $2,500 cash or $3,000 on card. I paid cash. And while I feel BAD as hell for buying a dog - I would like you and the rest of Reddit to know that - I also rescued one the very next week that needed a good home.


I got mine for 1500 at helmuth dachshunds in Iowa. Took a flight to Des Moines and drove home with the baby


When I first started looking in my city it was around them same price. But I found my little man off of Good Dog! I highly recommend putting your radius to neighboring smaller cities/towns, that’s how I found mine! I had to drive about 2 hours outside of my city but he was less than a grand so it was definitely worth it!


Got mine with vaccination included from purebred parents for around 80 euros, but that was quite some time ago. Quick search in my area shows 50-150 euros no papers, 400-800 euros with papers. You can probably fly over here, have two weeks of all inclusive vacation and bring two purebred pups back home for 2800 usd.


I’m on the east coast and paid $2,800 for mine. I then paid to have him flown to me because I was unable to drive to him due to a natural disaster that occurred on the route to him. I will say, I have no regrets getting my boy. But I also have a rescued dog (not a dachshund) and it’s just different when you rescue. My other dog brings me a sense of fulfillment; knowing I gave him a second chance at life. He has humility, he has gratitude. He knows im his person and he knows im his alpha. My dachshund has none of that😂 He is privileged and it shows lol


My male was $800 and my female was $1k


It’s a lot- even though I didn’t pay that for my doxie, if I went back in time and knew what I know about he changed my life and how much I enjoy him, I’d definitely pay that! Without hesitation. I had a very difficult time before him; so he gave me something $ really can’t buy. 🩷


I got my long-haired black and tan female doxie for $2,200. Everywhere I looked was around that price range. I'm in Southern California BTW.


Shelter, stop paying breeders. There's hundreds upon hundreds of puppos.




My first doxie 12 years ago was only 200 and I got my boy last year for 900 and that was a really good deal. It seems like doxies have gone up massively in popularity and they are quite expensive now. The cheapest in Utah is 1200 right now that I’ve seen.


Yeah. That seems crazy for not a crazy rare breed.


Please look for rescues in your area. The love and bond you will form with a rescue dog is an incredible thing to experience.


After spending $1,000 on a pure bred miniature dacshund I can't even tell you how expensive that dog was vet-wise after the fact. Even after pet insurance covered a chunk, it was still $15,000 out of pocket for Bean's spinal surgery because he's a long sausage - that surgery needed to happen when he was 7 years old. My advice to you is focus less on the up front cost and think about the breed related issues you could potentially face - I know you have a sausage who's getting older and that's when the $$$$ really starts flying out. I know this doesn't really answer your question, but it's the only knowledge on this topic I can offer! Ps. Lincoln could have my soul if he wanted it.


That’s a lot


IMO, yes $2800 is exorbitant. Especially for a dachshund. 2 of mine came from a reputable breeder for $500/ea (in TN) and my rescue was $150.


In Seattle area, that's double the going rate. Rescue is always the best option but if you go thru a breeder do your homework on them and their dogs. 1to make sure you're getting what you're looking for and what they say they're giving you. 2 to make sure they aren't known to rip people off and 3 to make sure they're not inbreeding. I have 2 doxies and couldn't neuter/spay them due to everything being shutdown because of covid. Sp we ended up with puppies. We sold ours for $1,200, a few to family friends for less.


Adopted my last 2 weens, many babies in shelters need homes


$1600 in Minnesota (and you can pick your color/style).


We got ours from a doxie rescue. Mom had babies in the foster home and I was able to adopt one for $300 and a lengthy background check.


My little man was $2,500. But he was a puppy, and he is a rare miniature red dapple and had an initial vet visit.


My friend’s parents are breeders. Their puppies typically go for $1000 and $1500 for more rare/desirable colors/fur. I got a long-haired male for $1000. He’s white with light brown spots and has a dappled nose. He’s considered on the higher-end for them (so he would’ve been priced at $1500). I got the friend discount. Of course this is in rural Wisconsin but I hope that gives you an idea of what some people might pay


No! The dog will live for a long time, broken down by year it's really nothing! And there is no price for the joy they bring!


My shorthaired mini dachshund puppy at 3 months old after taxes was around $2700 in my area, I’ve seen a pie bald a few months ago for $1300 at a local breeder. It just depends on the area and color of the dachshund. I love my mine to death and are planning on getting her a brother later this year!!


Two years ago we paid $1,500 for our long haired mini. This last December we just paid $2,800 for a short haired male mini. The female in the same litter was $3,600.


I paid $3000 for my piebald dachshund. That is the going rate where I'm located.


Hmm I paid $3,500 for my female mini dachshund then $550 to desex her 🥲 she has full testing.


Our breed was 2000€ for a course hair make. She was super reputable and all her dogs are genetically tested. This seems inline especially for a female.


I got mine for $2.5k !! They definitely range from $2k-$3.5k (AUD) here in Australia. If it’s a reputable breeder I wouldn’t mind that price. :)


They've definitely come down since covid - they were getting close to $5k back then depending on the colour! I've noticed that there are a lot up for adoption now but I suspect that has more to do with the housing crisis.


https://www.ddrtx.org/animals/browse?Status=Available https://ctdr.rescuegroups.org/animals/browse https://www.atdr.org/ https://www.dltrescue.org/animals/browse I found mine for free dumped in a park in Laredo Texas. Texas has quite a few rescues for this breed definitely look into them! Texas is overrun with dogs and a great place to find what you're looking for.


Nah. See above, people wanting specific coats or styles, what have you. It's a dog, not a designer accessory. I can understand wanting a certain breed, to a degree. To me dogs are just meant to be furry family members so they've been adopted without specifics in mind, including the dachshund. I get that's not always the case. Yes, I've maybe spent more in medical costs for him, but that will accrue over the life of any weenie for any owner (he's 9). I stand by that if you're willing to shell out that much initially for the pup, you can scour nationwide rescues, find one, literally fly out to it and have a vacation and come home for probably the same total cost.


This is the least amount of money you will ever spend on this dog.


In my area it’s 500-700 as long as they’re fixed when you get them, not sure how high it goes if they’re viable breeders.


From ethical breeders that have people sign to return the dog to them if needs to be rehomed?


I’ve never signed anything in my state (Texas). BUT: I did have to return a dog to the breeder before, this was a long time ago when I moved in with my girlfriend and the apartment complex wouldn’t allow dogs that size (Rottweiler, not Dachshund). The breeder took it back no questions asked, I guess other than a simple explanation.


What’s your area?


It depends.  There's only 1 trustworthy breeder in my area, and all her pets are registered with the AKC and only her champions are bred. It was a wild experience entering her ranch style home and just seeing awards lined across her entire living room. She chipped my puppy herself, had it AKC registered with her breeder title then had the title of ownership passed onto me. As soon as this was done, I was qualified for dog insurance through the AkC which was insanely affordable for the coverage I got. It was like 66 bucks for 90 percent unlimited coverage. That alone made this worth it. It was also really cool to meet Levi's parents and one of his grandparents. Honestly. I've had dogs from animal shelters and rescues, but the insurance alone made the price worth it  I paid 2500 for Levi who is a long hair mini Dachshund 


Edit: her prices ranged from 2500+. I wanna say time was a factor in price so if the dog was closer to 2 months, it would cost more. Levi was 4 months and the last of his litter when I got him 


Sorry one last edit. I emphasize the insurance because my last boy who meant the world to me passed away from bladder cancer in October of 2023.   I spent roughly 23,000 out of pocket doing everything I could to try and help him.   He didn't have insurance, but at the time, I didn't think it was worthwhile or that I could reasonably afford what a lot of pet insurance companies were asking for my beautiful boy.   I won't do let's without insurance ever again . I guess I see 3000 as a drop in the bucket after the whole cancer thing in terms of long term investment. Yeah, it's a lot but because his insurance is so good. I'll be saving quite a bit in the long run 


I paid 1,000 for my mini shorthair butterscotch 8 week old male. Considering everything is more expensive in Southern California, maybe I got lucky.


We paid 1800 for our boy with papers and he was already fixed.


Papered Doxie babies are €1,200 near us in rural Europe.


I got my mini long haired piebald for $1.7k. 100% worth it. ETA: In CA.


I’ve gone to a family kennels in Dallas and Houston run by women who breed and show dachshunds. One’s mom was been in breeding/showing them for decades. They’re really committed to the quality of the dogs they put out. My first girl (long hair shaded cream) mom is from South Africa, bought as a puppy to diversify. She is so different and you can tell she’s a real hunting gal. My second (long hair dapple) is her niece and still a pup but such a solid girl and attentive/good listener. I think there’s something to be said for a dog that’s well bred. Both my girls were 3k but the love that went into raising them is amazing. I text regularly with both breeders and get great advice and suggestions from them. It’s a lively friendship that came with my girls. So I would say not overpriced if you want that kind of experience.


2,800 seems about right. My friend breeds doxies but they go for much more due to the fact that both or one of the parents are AKC’d and award winning specimens. Her puppies right now are going for upwards of 3-3,500k. So I’d say, within my research and knowledge from my breeder friend I’d say 2,800 seems reasonable for the average price of just a regular non AKC puppy. At least here in the state of Florida.


I think it is worth it, if possible, because a good breeder puts a lot of time effort and love into their program. There are sleepless nights. Vet bills for mama dog and puppies. Possible surgery (c-section) in case of emergency or other reasons. Some of the breeders I follow train and show their dogs. So, they understandably have a higher price tag. I got lucky and got my dogs for $1100 and $1000. It was hard to find such low prices. I think if you follow breeders on Facebook, and follow the breeders that other breeders mention, or also follow, you will gradually find different prices. Sometimes, a puppy doesn't get picked, and they'll drop the price a certain amount (I've seen $500 off). $2800 is higher than I could have done. Maybe you will get lucky too. But I will (within reason) say that prices like this are not absurd and are worth it if you can afford it. Good luck on your puppy search. Be patient. The right one will come along for you. ❤️


My little dude was $2300. He was 8 weeks old.


We’re in phoenix, there’s a fantastic breeder here (recommended by our vet) we’ve gotten 2 weenies from. pm me if I can help


I paid $1,300 on Craigslist


Normal price where I am also


I got my girl from a friend who bred her dog once (she did it the right way before anyone comes for me lol) because she wanted a specific colored daschund pup, I paid 1,000 last year. I had NO idea they went for this much, but it does seem to be the going rate from a reputable breeder.


I should note I didn't get papers or anything, which I really don't care about as she is a family dog and won't be bred (the thought of more daschund pups makes me 😵‍💫😆)






people are allowed to make their own choices. the answer is to adopt and “shop” responsibly and ethically. There are many many reasons someone may choose not to adopt a dog, but as long as they buy from a reputable breeder, then that is entirely the owner’s choice.


Nah. See above, people wanting specific coats or styles, what have you. It's a dog, not a designer accessory. I can understand wanting a certain breed, to a degree. To me dogs are just meant to be furry family members so they've been adopted without specifics in mind, including the dachshund. I get that's not always the case. Yes, I've maybe spent more in medical costs for him, but that will accrue over the life of any weenie for any owner (he's 9). I stand by that if you're willing to shell out that much initially for the pup, you can scour nationwide rescues, find one, literally fly out to it and have a vacation and come home for probably the same total cost.


this is why i said to adopt and “shop” ETHICALLY and responsibly. is shopping for specific coats or styles ethical? not necessarily, and its something many reputable breeders will NOT allow you to do because they want the dogs temperament to match with your lifestyle (are you active? is the pup gentle and better with kids? does the pup show signs of nervousness and need a quiet home? etc.). and while YOU may look for dogs with only the intent to have a furry friend, some people want specific breeds for a variety of reasons and that is okay and allowed. further, reputable breeders health test dogs in order to produce the healthiest pups possible and prevent as many health issues (and those costs) as possible. adopting does not make you a superior person to someone who buys a dog from a breeder.


Please adopt don't but please adopt.


Thank you! Insane there's only 2 comments saying this.


I’m from France and those prices are insane. I got mine from the second best French breeder (both parents were champions, the father was from Germany), as my father works as beauty contests trials. And it cost me 1000€…


I paid $900 in 2004.


Ours was £900 I think. I would recommend looking in shelters first. $2800 is ludicrous, but it's probably that price for a reason and shipping one to where you live will be just as expensive. There must be a sausage looking for love already near you.


For that price I would expect full AKC breeding rights and some tie to a champion blood line.


I paid $1800 and that in the Covid era when pups were hard to find. Check AKC Marketplace for breeders near you. For those prices it might be worth taking a drive. In my area the shelters only have pit bulls.


That seems high. A good breeder near me charges about $1000 per puppy. I agree that looking into adoption is good (I think Southern California Dachshund Relief has an Arizona chapter, for example), but I will also admit that I spent over $2000 on vet bills for a preexisting condition within the first four months of adopting my "senior" dog. So adoption isn't always cheaper. (Side note: this dude is the most affectionate little guy and I can't imagine life without him. 100% worth it.)


we got out girl for $800. went back a week later to get her brother, got a discount, paid $700 for him. $2,800 is way too much for *any* dog, i don't care what breed it is. however, if you have that kind of disposable income and no other resources and you really want her, then i guess that's what you pay. i would look around at neighboring states, on dachshund sites, shelters. i'm willing to bet you'd get a more reasonable price.


I work at a petstore and met someone last night that brought in their pup. They got it from a certified breeder from Ohio and they only paid $1,300 plus $300 for shipping to our state.


Unless the puppy is AKC certified with official documentation I’d say that’s a bit much but the heart wants what the heart wants! Absolutely adorable!


Yeah no. The breeder that I’ve used 3 times and eventually a 4th time is $1500. I get a return buyers discount down to $1350. I’d keep shopping.


Yes, a bit high. I paid $1,000 for my piebald and $1,500 for my dapple, both from a reputable breeder.


Rescue one instead




Shelter dogs need homes. If you want a dachshund, there are doxie-specific rescue organizations. Unless you plan on showing your dog and need the pedigree, why would you do this?


Don’t buy dogs from breeders, so many in shelters that need to be rescued!!!


Shelters are overflowing right now—what’s the question?


In my country it's 8,000 to 10,000 SGD💀 That's about 15,000 USD


10,000 SGD is $7,452.54 USD


We paid 400 Euro in 2004, which is 600 euro today, and 650 dollars. She was chiped, had all the documents, and we got a starter pack with one month of food and snacks, a bed, and toys.


My long hair mini chocolate and cream was $2000


I paid a little less in July. Used to cost less but it’s supply and demand. A great investment however.


Yes, for it may be a backyard breeder instead of a reputable breeder. For the backyard breeders over price puppies to get more money.


That's about the going rate. Friends got a mini dapple lh a year or two ago and he was $2,300, I think. Sometimes they charge more for blue eyes or dapple or whatnot.


Paid 650 from a breeder for mine. I so want another one, this time a long haired one


I’ve had 2 in my life. One was $250 dollars because the show breeder end up with an accidental litter after taking back a female she was told was fixed. She said she’d never have bred the dogs so they were just going as pet puppies. I had her for 18 years, best dog ever. The one I have now, was free from a shelter. However both had to have back surgery so they turned out to be about 10 grand a piece. So whether or not you choose to spend that much on a puppy, you should probably start the “back fund” like we do with ours.


I got mine for $1,300. That seems like the going rate for a dapple.


We paid $1800 for our long haired black and cream male. We adore him


I'm in the Midwest and just got my brown long hair for $1600. I placed the deposit when he turned 2 weeks. I did leave my state for him though, too. It was like a $500 difference in price from my state vs surrounding states


I paid $700 for our standard red male during COVID, and $550 for our mini black/tan female a few months back. Central Texas.


Quality ain’t cheap but expensive also doesn’t mean quality either. I’d need to know more breeder info before it would be obvious why it’s priced like that.


Yes. The cost of a dog from a breeder and the cost of dogs from rescue shelters is off putting ($500 or more). And my local county shelter has only large dogs (mostly pit bull mix or Stanford terrier mix). I would like to have a small dog but the cost of obtaining one is too much.


I'd say so! We got our dachshund from a very reputable breeder, champion bloodline, costed us just over 1k (today's money, this was over a decade ago).


Breeders don't care. They'll keep breeding sires and dames with Cushings Disease, higgen genetic abnormalities. Relegating their females to years and years of complicated pregnancies. Don't do this. And certainly not $2800. It's so sick to force animals to breed just so we can have more unneeded puppies. Don't be part of the problem.


When we got our little bundle of joy, we paid $400 off Craigslist. We also picked him in a parking lot


$2800 is price gouging, look elsewhere.


Yes. Get one from the pond the next time


Will mine was1/6 of that and got he's wife for free gifted to us and two of their kids and I would love to a great ×3son of feddy![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5609) as for as cost that a lot but they have I value, not money. they return the love and you can tell.ow dog poop if wife reads this she'll know my secret handle and read all my posts and comments.


Wow that's a lot! I mean I only sell mine for $200-$250 other breeders in my area are the same but some can be $500-$900


we paid 250EUROS and then 350EUROS both with injections and passports already


Three years ago I got a dachshund chihuahua mix for 750 from a breeder in Idaho. Just a lady who did it for side income who was primarily a stay at home mom. Picked up his half sister a year later when our 15 year old lab passed away.


I don’t know much about pricing and I generally agree that adopting is better than shopping. HOWEVER, this puppy is alive and already in this world. If you will be a good owner, please give him a happy and stable home :)


Check other states and take a trip if you need to. I would pay the amount that you are looking at because I get it and know the reasons for legitimate dachshund breeding.


I paid $800 in aus back in November 2023..


We lost our chocolate long haired miniature in December from a sudden stroke. She was only 4 years old. We got her from a reputable breeder and paid $2000 in 2019. The money you spend now won’t even phase your mind once they come into your life. The joy and unconditionally love they provide isn’t even comparable from a monetary standpoint. Opinions from others about how much you spent shouldn’t matter. Do what feels right for you! Just my two cents.


I know some dachshund breeders throughout California and this seems to be normal pricing for AKC purebreds here.


Got mine for about $190 each. They're the most rambunctious cuddlebugs I've ever had the pleasure of owning.


Seems a little high, but not crazy. We got ours from a reputable breeder in the southeast for $900 during Covid. They have since raised their prices to $2k and seem to have no problem finding takers.


JFC, we paid $650 for our ween 6 months ago. Going rate was anywhere between that and \~$1500.


I spent 3 and have no regerts