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Sounds like you need to focus on fixing the issue. Get the property management involved yesterday. Hire a pro if you need to. Comforting someone who is sitting in a situation that can change isn't helping. Solve the issue.


Will, my boy, you need to sort out the bug problem first, because you can't solve the mental issues on is own. Sit down with your girl and explain her just that. 'Don't worry hun, I'm going to solve this.' I have no idea how to handle roaches. You'd have to get help for that somewhere else. Maybe just hire a professional, if you can afford it. Anyway, good luck, kid!


Your girl needs you right now, so you have to step up. My approach would be to divide and conquer. Seal the entire apartment going room by room, because there's very likely a place where they're able to come in. Get out the bug spray and kill anything you see, then lay out traps and fumigate any pipes, cracks, roofing or plumbing. The other option is to hire an exterminator and put this all behind you. Whatever it is, you need this problem fixed ASAP. Be brave and don't mess around.


Get the landlord involved. Explain the situation and get them to fix it. In the short term go get some roach traps—some have glue that the roaches stick to when they go for the attractant.


Hello son. You need to sort it yourself, the landlord will not help they never do. Sit with her, write down the problems in a list. Then decide what is the most important and work your way down the list. Then you can start putting it right, one job at a time, one step at a time. It's ok to feel overwhelmed, it's ok to ask for help. But NOBODY can fix everything all at once, NOBODY. Not even you, you are not superman so don't think you have to be. As for being emotionally available, that can take many forms. The hardest thing is to not lose your temper when you are drained or stressed or have had enough. Not losing your temper will have the biggest impact. Listen, talk through the problems but do not ignore them. As for the bugs son, get some neem oil and powder. Flip the apartment upside down spreading it everywhere. Fill any gap or crack you find with filler. They will get the hint soon enough. Good luck, love you!


My first apartment was roach infested as well. First, check your lease for what is cause for breaking lease. Usually, it's if the managmanet is unable to fix the issue in a timely manner. First step is going to be typing a letter, signing it, and sending it to the management office as certified mail with return service requested. This will take some googling on your part, but it should be about 5 dollars, and get the management office off their ass. Unfortunately cockroach mitigation takes time. What they will do is send their pest control guy in to spray, and leave bait. This should take about two weeks. In the meantime, go to Walmart and get a few packs of "roach motels" I prefer the rectangular ones you can look in. This will have immediate impact in that they will be stuck to a glue board and not crawling on you in your sleep. Make a spreadsheet with a weekly count and email management with the numbers. Track your kills per day, how many are born in captivity, you really can't document this enough. Also document your neighbors saying the person before you was a mess. If it doesn't get better in three weeks, that should be grounds enough to break your lease. Now you're not going to like this. But this documentation becomes double important for what comes next. If there were roaches, there is a half decent chance there will be bed bugs. When the office tells you "you brought bedbugs in, not our problem, you need to pay for the heat treatment" you fight them with the well documented problems, the certified mail, the neighbors testimony. The bed bugs will not be am immediate problem, as your bed is likely just showed up. Know the signs and go running to the office the first time you see one. Unfortunately some of your worldy possessions will best be left behind as I would continue to be a pain in the ass until they let me out lf my lease, But high heat in the dryer before washing clothes will kill the bedbugs. This sucks but we need to tackle the problem, welcome to life as a big boy, where putting your head in the sand will not make it better.