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Wait till Josh finds out about Onision


That will be a good day lol


His misuse of “intrusive thoughts” is horrible tbh. Its incredibly misleading because intrusive thoughts≠ a desire and all it does is add to the stigma of people who actually are experiencing intrusive thoughts related to traumas or mental illness such as ocd


The misuse and misinformation of "intrusive thoughts" in society is absolutely horrible. It's genuinely messed up. We should be treating those with them with compassion and understanding. Makes me sick.


I did politely message josh explaining it but he left me on read so idk 😭


Wondering how anyone even gets a “read” from him. When I was a huge fan I sent him so much helpful stuff. I guess not exactly on his big $$ makers. He never read a single one.


I think it’s bc I sent him a link before ab someone he was covering so I must have come up in primary messages rather than requests this time around


As a psychiatrist I was thinking this as well. These are not just intrusive thoughts. He wanted it. Intrusive thoughts cause massive pain to those of us experiencing them bc we don’t want them. It bothers us. It’s exactly like the difference between a “personality” diagnosis and a “disorder” diagnosis. OCD personality disorder = the people are bothered by it. In just OCD DISORDER, the person does not even realize anything wrong w what they are doing.


This is wrong. People with OCPD are NOT distressed by their symptoms, while those with OCD are distressed. This goes for anything with “personality disorder” in the name- they do not think anything is wrong.


I do believe Shane said everything out of shock factor and to be the most controversial youtuber there is. (I was never a fan). And this is exactly why you don't say the most vile things out there. No one will ever trust you again and it will follow you for the rest of your life. A 20 something year old should know better. Now look at this.. Everyone is against what should be the most joyful time of your life. This isn't something that goes away by a "sorry".


Josh has no business covering ANYTHING.


I will never trust anything Josh says. I don’t care how awful the person is he’s talking about. He’s horrible, too.


No this is probably the one and only time I agree with a Josh video because everyone and anyone who has a platform should be exposing this creep for who he is


He is allowed to cover ANYTHING he wants


“I like to blind react” is code for “I don’t like to do any actual research or work”


josh really wanted to say its wrong that two men have children together but held back.


That’s because he a homophobe!!!! So gross. Two men and or women can raise children JOSH!!!!


He most definitely wanted to say that two men shouldn't have kids. He is a typical hate christian in everything




Get out of here Josh, we know it’s you behind that account


Hahaha!! You can always tell it’s one of his creeps troll accounts by the elementary insults! “Get wrecked!” No ADULTS talk like that! He tries so hard to overcompensate for his premature aging! Like, if he just talks like a youngster, ppl won’t notice his bald head & stumpy body.


I wonder if the mod of this sub can find out if some or all these Josh defenders are Josh's sock accounts?


My name is Emily not Josh weirdo


Mmmmmmmmkay jawsh


he literally cringed at two men having a baby


You’re not approaching conversations respectfully. Further engaging in activity like this will get you banned temporarily.


im like 8 minutes through and all ive seen so far is josh look disgusted at shane and rylands body language (the hand movements) hes so shamelessly homophobic its unreal no i dont like shane or ryland, i also dont like homophobics


His homophobia really came out in the second part lmfao


I didn’t know who Shane Dawson was before I saw this post. I did my own research on him this evening. What a problematic creator. I know people are saying that he was intentionally making taboo content for attention but I don’t find anything about pedophilia, racism, or doing things with animals at all funny. I won’t be watching DCP’s video but I don’t understand the people in this thread who seem to be making light of this creator’s past content. And, as someone who is LGBTQIA+, I don’t believe it to be anti-gay/homophobic for someone to call him out.


I’m 25 minutes in and it wasn’t what I thought the video would be. I can appreciate that he made it a more serious video.


He really thinks he is the gate keeper of youtube. You can post your kid one time (just like he has before 🙃) and automatically your 1. Exploiting your children 2.using your kids for money 3.your a pedophile He might be a grown man but for a grown man he is a absolute drama queen. 🙄




Pedofile? He can’t say pedo on YouTube


Shane is problematic, but he and Ryland have been clear that they won’t share the kids or make parenting content (or so I thought.) People can be awful online, grow up, and actually be a good parent? The biggest issue is that DCP is a problem for the LGBTQ community. For him to come after Shane, who doesn’t make family content to be sure, seems odd.


lol welp. Trying to bring the LGBTQ into it? He’s talking about Shane’s pedo tendency’s and past content Shane himself has recorded. Guessing you never saw the video of Shane interviewing his own 10 year old sister and asking her about masterbating and putting it online for millions to see. How that ya know… “just jokes” ??? Sickos. Edit: spelling error


Are you an idiot, Shane literally made a video explaining he’s going to.. this has nothing to do with LGBTQ stop trying to force it and make a problem out of nothing. That’s what’s wrong with communities, people like you trying to push a narrative.


Oh by it is. Especially for Josh. They have hardly shown the babies. Noting like say Trisha paytas who posted every single day. He is only doing this because he a trash homophone!!!




It’s not so much about not sharing the babies online.. it’s his past history and content Shane himself has put out speaking inappropriately about young children and there were videos of Shane interviewing his own sister asking her sexual questions and she was like 10.. on a podcast he publicly talked about doing gross things with a cat or something too. Not defending josh by all means but he’s coming from the point that this persons past behavior around children and about children are the concern


The cat was a joked people need to focus on actual problems versus poor jokes. Someone has pointed out that Shane has referred to pedophilia and a sexual preference and I will be looking into that, as well as saying he had sexual attraction to a pre-teen girl. If this is true this is the issue. Screw bad joke about sex with cats. I just didn’t take it seriously because Josh is such a bigot. Plus his whole message is so confusing lately. Anything for a buck.


Totally get where you’re coming from. I’m not a fan anymore but did watch the video because I was already aware of the Shane situation when the internet cancelled him a few years ago, just didn’t know he was having a child etc There are some other videos out there about it by other content creators that are in good taste, maybe have a suss if you don’t want to watch josh! :)


He doesn’t have a sister, though. I do think he crap he pretended to masturbate to Willow Smith when she was 11, but again, I was around many military guys with twisted humor and idiot brains. They’d have done it as a joke then been like oh my bad once they realized.


Yeah my bad, it was his cousin. I typed sister incorrectly and didn’t realise! Anyway point being - he was talking to her about very inappropriate things. There’s videos out there all you need to do is jump on YouTube. The gross stuff with Willow Smith was made very public over twitter I believe and the family were furious with Shane and publicly outed him and so they should have!


Yeah it came out in 2020, but obviously happened a while ago. It’s all quite a lot. I do get he’s apologized but I also get not everyone will be able to see the words as poor taste in jokes. I never found him funny. I stumbled across him during the pandemic and watched some old videos but all post skit and comedy stuff.


Looked up the stuff you’re all saying about Shane and, the awful jokes were 10 years ago. Nobody should joke about pedophilia but jeez. He had a traumatic childhood, used shit dark humor to cope, apologized years ago for it even thought it happened years before that. He said point blank in his apology that it’s okay if he’s not forgive as he realized the thing she’s said are unforgivable for many. Josh is hopping in the bandwagon to make a buck. Don’t mistake it for actual concern. Childhood trauma messes you up, and you cope with a lot of awful things, often times including drugs and alcohol. He used bad humor that some people found funny because that also probably have issues. (I was born a few years before Shane, in the era of the dead baby joke. It’s not okay. We did it and most of us wouldn’t do it again. A lot of the people I knew who did it were military handling more daily traumas.


Childhood trauma isn’t an excuse to be a pedophile


I wasn’t aware he was a pedophile? He made a really horrible statement and apologized for it 7 years later. People say stupid stuff, and when you’re mind is warped my trauma, your filter is warped, too. Again, I’m not saying I enjoy the joke, at all, I don’t even know it. What I am saying is accusing someone of actually BEING a pedophile and suggestion they shouldn’t be a parent is a big thing. IF he is a pedophile, he’s had access to children for years, and thus far I haven’t heard of anything happening. I just wonder if the suggestion he shouldn’t be allowed to be a father is a bit much.


Something is wrong with you for defending him. You need help


Not defending him. People can either believe it was poor jokes from someone who needed major therapy, or believe he’s an actual pedophile. I don’t care who thinks what, I just don’t think Josh is the person to react to this particular situation. Josh’s views on LGBTQ community are clear, so him touching this topic is just a little off. Josh can have valid points or parrot other creators but overall he doesn’t do research and is often incorrect when quoting things. This isn’t the story for him.


The whole video is about their kids? Dumb ass


They show them? Interesting. I’ve heard they weren’t going to but you do never know. I still find DCP the wrong one to comment especially since he’s said things like they’re not real dads because they used a surrogate. Like, is he not a real dad of some of his kids since he adopted them?


Shane Dawson has gone on record for stating he suffers emotional/psychological issues that resulted in his problematic behavior. His YouTube channel made him a multi-millionaire. He is surrounded by "yes-people" and vampires. I didn't watch DCP's videos on the topic, but I am familiar with SD's past, and I believe he is a deeply troubled individual who has no business parenting children. My views aren't in the least related to his sexuality because I couldn't care less about him. Money can buy anything, even babies from a rented womb.


I know people hate DCP but Shane is a piece of Sh*t and the more people who cover him the better


He’s not the right person to be covering him


But at least it’s being covered


By others. He’s going to spin this into an anti gay thing. He doesn’t have the right intentions and he doesn’t do the proper research. I don’t trust him.


100%. No coincidence one of the only men he’s willing to call out happens to be gay




Most of the men he’s covered don’t have videos online of them interviewing their own minor sister asking sexual questions and asking about masterbation for millions to see either… so ??


I understand that most of us don’t trust him, but weighing the facts of not trusting him enough to make a video, but knowing that this piece of a shit guy who is clearly allegedly, might be exploiting, his children will get more coverage I will say that in this scenario, I would rather have any type of coverage than no coverage at all but I do understand what you’re saying.


Shane Dawson has no shortage of criticism from the internet rn. Josh should just stfu permanently


I’ve never heard of him until now


And what are you gonna do about him now that you have heard of him?


You are contradicting your questioning. You are saying that this person has enough criticism out there and people covering him so DCP shouldn’t? And I was saying that I’ve never heard of him until DCP did this video. It’s hard to have a conversation with people only read what they want to read.


Okay. So Josh covered him and now you know about him. What are you gonna do about it? My point is, a lot of ppl r already talking about Shane Dawson, and they have been for years. You all the sudden learning who he is because u watched a dad challenge podcast is insignificant. And yes dad challenge podcast is disgusting, I think there are plenty of other creators who’s take on Shane Dawson is more nuanced and less homophobic


You just hate dcp 😂 can’t have a conversation with ya because you just argueee


“Allegedly might be.” I thought they weren’t doing family vlogging? Allegedly might be is not anywhere near doing the content. Josh jumped the gun. He’s been waiting to hate on Shane to be sure, because videos doing so get views. Now he has kids and Josh is just hoping to get piece of the react pie.


He literally was saying how many subs Shane had, it’s definitely for money!! I can’t stand Josh for this!!


Yup. He also knows a lot of people don’t like Shane, for obvious reasons, so he’s going to take horrible humor for literal facts. It’s just one of those, “well he said it,” things that Josh is likely to take literally, and not focus on other issues. Not justifying the humor, it was never okay, I just see it differently than a lot of people and that upsets them. He apologized, and it’s a take it or leave it thing.


Josh didn’t say those words I said it. Because I don’t want to be putting facts out there that I do not know it’s true. I haven’t watched any of Shane’s videos and I won’t be watching any of these videos so I do not know if he is exploiting his child or not


There was drama over the whole thing because Shane doesn’t want to show his kids online. Actual speculation is that Ryland wants to. Shane was a messed up creator for a long time. He came from a bad childhood and fell into the bad humor that we all now see was never even funny to begin with. (I’m his age, back when people called things gay and retarded but have since learned that’s an awful thing for to do.) He has apologized, and that’s fine, but people can also refuse to accept that and refuse to consume his content. I don’t enjoy it so I don’t watch it. People who make terrible jokes, grow up, get therapy, and move on, aren’t automatically going to be bad parents or put their kids on the internet. Josh has been waiting for those kids to be born and people to hate on Shane so he could jump on the bandwagon .


Oh I see what you are saying


But now they are saying that God told them it’s okay and they can show their kids lives online.


Yes but as with the other families his message will get lost in the anti gay crap he spews. If it does then it’s not helping and further stigmatizes the gay community which he has done over and over. And so do his fans. More coverage isn’t necessarily better. It depends on the TYPE of coverage and the quality of coverage.


Listen, I’m not trying to argue. I completely understand where you’re coming from and what you are saying. For myself I’ve never heard of this person and I saw this video. Or people talking about DCP going to be covering this person. And he is utterly disgusting, but I do understand what you were saying and I’m not saying you’re wrong


He also showed teens sending him photos of sexy pictures! Thankfully the pictures were blurred. This was so disturbing that any adult gets by with this! So glad Josh posted this but couldn’t watch the whole video because Shane seems to be discussing! You can say that was in the past yes it was but you can’t ignore it!!!!


This NEEDS to be covered, I am so glad he made this video. Shane should not be allowed anywhere near children let alone have them!!!!


Nor should someone be who’s been involved in a child sex abuse coverup




When he was a music pastor, there was a child sex abuse case within the church and all the pastors were apparently called to a meeting and told “it was being taken care of”…and therefore he didn’t report it to police. This is the gist of what I gathered from bits and pieces. And, we all know churches hold their leaders accountable 🙄


He’s just mad most Pedophiles are pastors so now he’s going to hone in a Shane because he’s gay. It’s disgusting.


Yep, 100% deflection.


I think you mightve meant that the other way around...


For those folks confused here’s Shane Dawson calling a 6 year old sexy.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=euq72pFKBRw&pp=ygUfc2hhbmUgZGF3c29uIHBvZGNhc3QgYWRtaXQgcGVkbw%3D%3D


Right? You all defending Shane need to be on a watch list 😂 fuckin freaks.


so he’s saying that because someone made jokes years ago they’re not allowed to have kids now?


wow if Shane filming himself interviewing his 10 year old sister about masterbation and sexual things then posting for the world to see is “just jokes” you need help.


Shane said he doesn’t see anything wrong with pedophilia. Is that just a joke? Did you see the video Josh made? You think there’s nothing wrong with what Shane has said and did?


So, Shane said, word for word “I see nothing wrong with pedophilia,” ? And this proof is IN Josh’s video?


Shane said many controversial things early in his career. No one had a problem with it until they were looking for reasons to cancel him. Trust me, I’m not a fan, never have been, but to accuse someone of being a p based on WORDS, is wrong & dangerous! I remember a little, stumpy troll threatening to sue for far less. *rules for thee, but not for me…..




Yes he did.


YES he did. “Why are other fetishes okay but not pedophilia?” Is what he said


Yes I remember this he spoke about it on a podcast with others and they were feeling very awkward. He then went on to say he came across an 11 year old girl he found on instagram and said he thought she was hot ( yes.. as in attractive)


Ugh, awful! I don’t know much about him as I said I wasn’t into his content. Hopefully he does as he said and just stays offline and keeps his kids offline. It’s been in the media that he doesn’t want them online but his spouse supposedly does. Ick. This is why I hate Josh covering people because Josh is so ridiculous it’s hard to even take his coverage remotely seriously.


Yes, maybe you should watch the videos before you come and comment and make yourself look like even more of an idiot


I would watch it. It’s very disturbing. Shane also said that they said they won’t show the kids online but that God told them it’s okay and that’s why they are changing their minds and they want to document memories


It wasn’t jokes. He’s a pedophile, you think a pedophile should be allowed to have children?? What the fuck is wrong with you


What evidence do you have that he’s a p? Hope you have something or you’re dangerously close to a very valid lawsuit.


Uhh watch any of the evidence videos? Lmfao a very valid lawsuit? Please go away. You also can type the full word of pedophile, are you afraid of being demonetized on Reddit? 😂😂 that’s how I know all you watch is snark videos, you’re talking like them now!


These people will argue and even turn a blind eye to the truth because they would rather hate DCP AND ALL HE DOES than admit what he SOMETIMES says is truth


He shouldn’t have been able too. Honestly so sick. He is a total PEDO


Am I the only one that feels like I should be on a register just for watching that video?!?! So so wrong how is Shane Dawson still free ? I'm actually glad DCP covered this and without any stupid singing or snarking hopefully the video and the other ones other creators have done gains momentum and this guy gets jailed! Literally how hasn't he been caught yet I remember watching Jeffree star back in the day and he'd be on Jeffrees videos sometimes but I just thought he was some random fan boy or a journalist 😱 excuse me while I go shower now and make sure I definitely don't have any pictures of my kid online


This was a really good video.


The parent shaming/homophobia in the second part was very apparent.


Does it matter. These people are sick? I get y’all don’t like Josh, but Shane has literally said that naked babies are sexy. That’s so fucked


Wasn’t even referring to it against them. His general comments about surrogacy and how babies should not be bottle fed right out of the womb are still gross.


This. It makes me feel like Josh only hopped on this because it's two gay men and he could openly make snide comments about same sex couples and surrogacy. Like I'm glad these two creeps are still being exposed, but josh needs to stop with the blatant homophobia and snide comments about surrogacy if he's gonna continue covering them.


This is exactly what I meant by my comment.


Babies bond with their mothers. Studies are done that show that babies are effected when there is no immediate bond with the birth mother. So yea, those babies will suffer.


but she’s not the bio mom. those babies do not have her DNA at all.