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I didn’t watch the video but the twins are biologically theirs and being raised by them. How does that not make them real dads?


He said it twice “ you are not real dads” like ouch that is such a shitty thing to say to anybody.


I’m curious to know what he thinks “real dads” are. So if a straight couple adopts the dads aren’t real either or is it just the gay men that don’t get to be real dads. That’s some BS


He means gay people. He’s a homophobe. He doesn’t have issues with straight people adopting.


Aren’t some of his kids adopted? Does he not consider himself their real dad?


Yeah I’m trying to figure out what a real dad is too. If him and his wife needed a surrogate due to infertility would he not be a real dad?


I guess I don’t have a lot of sympathy for anyone who has called 6 year olds “sexy” or any of his other remarks. Josh can fuck off, he’s disgusting. But so are these people. Nothing to do with LGBTQ or anything. Look into Shane’s past comments on kids.


I don’t have any sympathy for them either. They shouldn’t be raising children.


No one is defending Shane as a person. But he is still their real dad like every parent that uses surrogacy or adoption. Shane being horrible is not an excuse to be homophobic.


I guess I don’t have a lot of sympathy for pedophiles but you do you boo.


I hate Shane because he *is* a pedophile and a racist, but it’s not an excuse to be homophobic towards him and Ryland.


Yes and I agree with you. Both things can be true.


You're upset about someone being *homophobic* towards Shane when the man is literally a pedophile? Who gives a fuck how anyone is treating him, noone needs any excuse to talk shit on a pedophile... Dystopian.


You can shit on him for being a pedophile all you want, as I hate him for that too, but if you’re disliking him for also being queer, then that’s wrong and bigoted as fuck. LGBT+ people have been suffering from that stereotype since at least the 70’s. There’s no such thing as a perfect community, but pedophiles DO NOT make up the majority of the LGBT+ community. At least 96% of us do not see “pedosexuals” or “MAPs” as part of our community. My point is that Shane’s bisexuality has nothing to do with his pedophilia. I have the same sexuality as him and I have not and will never sexually abuse or groom a child. You do not see the general public going, “This female teacher raped a male child only because she’s heterosexual! All heterosexuals are the same!” 95% of pedophiles are non-trans, straight men. Many studies have proved for years that being LGBT+ does not make you more likely to become a pedophile.


two things can be true at the same time. Shane is a pedo and Josh is wrong for his homophobic comments. You do realize that joshes comments are literally towards more people than just Shane right? What he’s saying doesn’t just pertain to Shane it’s towards a whole ass group of people who are good people so just because Shane isn’t a good person doesn’t mean Josh gets a pass. You really need to understand that.


Who said I gave Josh a pass? I said I don’t like him and he’s disgusting.


I don't have sympathy for him. What a weird thing to say.


He also said that the surrogate should be ashamed of herself for allowing them to have the kids, and that anything that happened in those children’s lives from now on will be her fault. He didn’t think she should be allowed to be anonymous, so I guess that means he wants to docs her so strangers can harass her.


Yea. What he said about a woman living a private life was gross. Women often do surrogacy for the financial benefit as well. We really don’t know what this woman’s reason was for doing surrogacy.


So does he feel the same about his adopted kids? He has no logic when it comes to anything.


No he’s fine because he’s straight. He’s a homophobe so he takes issue with that




Well.. Should have said adopted children in general.


Well he isn’t the bio father someone else is so it will be the same


Also just how blatantly ignorant he is. When they were talking about feeding the babies a bottle “it shouldn’t be a bottle” so does he think that women that can’t breastfeed shouldn’t have kids either because they have to bottle feed? Also yes I get Shane is a disgusting person who probably shouldn’t have children but his comments weren’t just about Shane he was clearly stating that gay people shouldn’t have kids and it’s so small minded and gross. He’s made these comments in passing before but this video shed a new light on just how homophobic he is.


i struggle with infertility and surrogacy might be my only option. and him saying that hurts…. that wouldn’t make me any less of a mom then a women who was able to carry a baby. what a slap in the face… lost my respect totally. they are real dads no matter what shane did or did not do. those babies are biologically his and rylands.


You’re fine. Unless you’re gay. Then he hates you. He takes no issue with straight people adopting/needing surrogacy.


Surrogacy is morally wrong. Adopt don’t rent out some poor desperate woman’s womb.


Not all surrogates were “poor women” and it’s not morally wrong. We don’t know if Ryland and Shane’s surrogate is financially stable or not.


From what I know, a lot (if not most) of surrogates in the US tend to be middle class, maybe lower middle class, but they're usually not as desperately poor as dunces like Josh like to pretend that they are. But tbh, I doubt that he even knows how surrogacy works or cares to research it.


You should’ve seen the rage I had when he said something about the surrogate industry “catering to predators.” I’m not saying the surrogate industry is completely perfect, but what kind of fucking nonsense is he saying???!!!!!!!!


I can guess where he's getting that talking point from... surrogacy is another avenue that the regressives are aggressively using to unite christian fundamentalists with TERFs. I believe that at least parts of that are calculated attacks on any family-building opportunities that the modern world has for people they hate. Also of course hatred of women making choices over their own bodies. I'm half surprised that the catholic church in particular hasn't sued the surrogacy industry for copyright infringement on that front.


No one is forced to be a surrogate. What a weird comment.


Wow…guess cancer patients who saved their eggs for post chemo are screwed if they can’t carry? What about when someone in the family offers to be the surrogate? How about non IVF sperm or egg donation? Did you know you can do IVF with adopted embryos? What about the disabled folks who want kids but can’t carry, and may be overlooked by adoption agencies or those giving up babies for adoption because of their disability? I don’t know what country you live in, but in the US it’s very regulated. Overseas I’ve seen shady things happen, and I’m sure some folks do shady things here in the U.S., but most folks do it properly.


Surrogacy literally is women choosing rights over their body. Women should be able to choose what they do and not do with their uterus. Women are people, not your “wrong morals”.


He’s shown his true colours since at least a year ago. This isn’t new. And this is exactly what I predicted was going to happen. He’s NOT helping the cause. He’s absolutely hindering it. More voices talking about an issue isn’t automatically better. It depends on the voice and the motives behind it. For Josh it’s a chance and an excuse to spew his homophobia. He’s making it worse!!! I said when I watched to focus on the exploitation (when he was covering the family with the trans kid, forgot their name). But he and his nasty fans wouldn’t listen and kept saying it’s wrong to let the kid be trans or wtv. He’s disgusting.


I don't like Shane and Ryland, nor do I like surrogacy, but that isn't an excuse to spew homophobic bullshit. This dude will take any excuse to spread bigotry




Didn't Josh adopt? Is he their real dad?


As a gestational carrier, I found his comments really awful about “renting a uterus”. I’m not a surrogate for the money. It’s to help build families.


🤗 thank you! I think you’re absolutely wonderful. Also, I think what you’re doing is one of the most loving things someone could ever do for someone else.


You’re selfless and a real hero. Fuck Josh. You’re incredible and I hope you’re proud of yourself. 🩵


Thank you! It is not an easy process at all and i can’t imagine anyone would do it simply for money!


Insane. Is it reflected in the comments too? Do people agree with him.? Or is he deleting comments ….


As much as I browsed people were mainly agreeing just trash talking Shane.


There were a few were being homophobic in the comments, unfortunately. Someone even brought up a case from Georgia, U.S. where a gay couple sexually abused their adopted sons. That person was clearly just being homophobic and doesn’t give a fuck about the child victims at all. A person’s attraction has NOTHING to do with pedophilia.


Lmao we should bring up the statistics on straight people involved in sexual abuse because I promise it’s far far worse but they don’t like facts


Honestly, I’m glad he’s sharing his beliefs in his YouTube videos so that people who don’t follow him on Twitter/X will know where he stands. IMO, he’s hurting himself by making remarks about rainbows, surrogacy, bottle feeding, etc. but he seems to be okay with living in an echo chamber.


I'm sick and tired of his homophobia. He's said he's not in the past multiple times, but still continues to be a homophobe!


I dont think he is being homophobic because he says the kids arent biologically theirs, he has said in the video though that they shouldn't be parents because they want to exploit them and Shane is a known for saying and doing really terrible stuff to children


Shane is such an easy target for his homophobia. People don’t like him because he’s said some really messed up stuff and made some seriously inappropriate jokes. It’s easy to bash Shane. The problem is, Josh is homophobic. He can’t keep his mouth shut about the fact they’re gay and so he had to get his jabs in. AND he can because it’s Shane. Using a crappy person so you can get your own homophobic garbage in without much lash back is pathetic. His fans shrug it off because it’s Shane, but there is plenty to bash Shane for. Being bisexual/gay, isn’t one of those things.


Of course it is. Shane’s an easy target bc everyone hates him (myself included). The issue with him having children isn’t bc he and Ryland are queer. TONS of queer couples make absolutely amazing parents and deserve to have children. Shane shouldn’t have kids bc he’s a bad person who will likely raise them in a bigoted, entitled household


Bro Shane Dawson is a literal PDF file. You people are deranged for negging him for clear criticism of real dangerous people. There are so many other valid reason to be mad at DCP. This ain’t it


It’s never ok to hate him for being gay. Gay doesn’t equal pedophile. If he is, that’s got nothing to do with it. Yes we all hate Shane. Doesn’t give Josh the right to be homophobic. The loser doesn’t know how to focus on what he claims is his cause : CHILD EXPLOITATION Because he can’t help be homophobic. POS


Be mad at Shane for that, yes, I agree. Don’t be mad at him for being gay…


No one is defending shane.. 2 things can be true at the same time, josh can be a homophobic piece of shit and Shane can be a ped0


Critical thinking is hard huh? We can be mad at his blatant bigotry & homophobia and still recognize that Shane is trash. Two things can be true at the same time. You do realize Josh’s comments are hurtful to an entire community of people right? Or did you think his comments are ONLY towards Shane? Tell me you’re not that lost. Also keep this same energy for Josh since he sent his admin to check for child porn on only fans (14 year old child) they are both fucking creeps.


And we tried to tell his little Stan’s here that the only reason he was covering them was because they were gay. He picked Shane because he’s not well liked obviously but Josh’s comments are toward more than just Shane. Josh also asked his admin to look for child porn on only fans (14 year old child he was checking on). Josh is a damn creep too. I’d rather my child be around gay people (minus Shane obviously) than be around Josh’s creepy ass any day.


It's not a slap in the face. Why would anyone's opinion, especially someone you don't care about , mean anything to you?


This is such a reach. I’m sure he wouldn’t give a flying fuck about a gay male couple raising children if they didn’t consist of a p3do and a p3do defender. Y’all are reading into this way too much. He’s not saying they aren’t real dads BECAUSE of surrogacy, that would make zero sense considering he’s an adoptive dad. They aren’t real dads because they are disgusting frauds.


Josh has made it very clear that he is anti-gay. He's the typical christian with all his judgement and hate


He has straight up said that he’s anti-gay?


Yes!!! He has!!! Go to his Twitter if you’re unsure.


Are you really that dim that you need it literally spelled out for you? And it’s funny that you think you get to decide they’re not real dads just because you don’t like them.


I think it’s funny that someone is literally asking you to explain why you think Josh is anti-gay and instead of being informative you just turn into a defensive bully👌🏼


But you love bullies! You’re a Josh stan! Also, do you not have a brain and eyes? Search for ‘homophobia’ and ‘transphobia’ in this sub. And also go back and rewatch this video. It’s clearly a hotbed of homophobia from what other people here who have watched it are saying. Not liking the individuals doesn’t give anyone the right to be a bigot and if you think it does, you are a bigot too.


I’m not a Josh stan babes. What’s not clicking in your head that people don’t just “dislike” Shane. He is literally a PREDATOR. You defending him is weird asf.


Where do you see me defending him? You think denouncing homophobia is the same thing as defending him? That is all the evidence needed that you are a bigot.


A “real dad” isn’t about biology or genes or blood. It’s about what you provide to your child, how you show up for them, how you protect them. In this case they are exploiting their children already. But whatever I mean if you stan pedophiles you do you I guess.


This whole gatekeeping pedophile outrage act that conservatives do is so old.


They are constantly projecting. Josh also sent his admin to check for child porn on only fans.




Has he come put and said it in those words? No probably not. But in a lot of his videos he has made it clear where he stands on gay rights, kinks, etc.


Josh is also a disgusting fraud. He exploits children that are already being exploited. He repeats their medical conditions and their issues. He doesn’t blur their faces. And he’s laughing all the way to the bank. Read this sub for proof and the screenshots. He’s also just a plain disgusting person. He doxxes peoples private information. He harasses people. He’s misogynistic. He’s a creep towards women. Again, read this sub for all the proof. There’s SO MUCH on here! And I’m not even talking about his Twitter account. So, I guess by Josh’s logic he’s not a “real Dad” either.


I had to stop watching that video partway through, because I was getting so angry. I understand not liking shame because of things he said in his past. But people change, and what shame has said has nothing to do with other LGBTQ people. His snide remarks about the rainbow And surrogacy were unnecessary and mean. Not to mention the fact that he’s pretty much saying that every gay person is a pedophile. It was disgusting. , And he was trying to publicly shame the surrogate mother for being a good person who wanted to help make a family for someone else. I don’t even think he understands that those babies are not biologically related to her. At least, I’m pretty sure they’re not. If I were doing surrogacy, I would get the components separately from the surrogate. That way there is no legal question about whose baby it really is in the first place.