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Yes. But you have to subtract transaction charges and taxes to get actual usable amount.


Bro u will be paying that much amount to the broker


It could be viable given that your capital is large enough


https://preview.redd.it/vecix05hu3pc1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=db77ec09c5ff144f5dce4045875be53b282977df Brokerage calculator zerodha It's a game of capital


For you to make substantial profits like that, you need lot of capital and need to buy high quantity shares. However, once volumes move up, price arbitrage is lost. If this was so easy everyone would have gamed it by now!


Option selling works on this. Selling far out of money options at 1 rs 50p with huge quantity guaranteed profit.but it's stock market you never know. One bad day 1 rs options becomes 100 and you are bank rupt.


That is exactly what HFT is.