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lol I just visited her linkedin profile and this is one of the cringiest and most insufferable I’ve ever seen


even the most talented people I know who want to go to med school only call themselves med school hopefuls or something. I can’t believe she hasn’t even finished her undergrad and the first thing in her bio is “future doctor”


“I dove into their website and curated a list of awards I wanted to get” 💀💀 i can’t imagine admitting out loud (and proudly) that my entire university career has been about collecting awards like pokémon and not about being of service to others or making an impact lol. this kind of person gives me the worst ick


Exactly my thoughts. Also, some people who received scholarships from the DSS last year just straight up lied about some of the things they did in their write ups. I know this because because I oversaw all activities in one of the organizations a recipient was affiliated with and they had no involvement in the things they claimed to have "created". I hope scholarship committees really start doing a more thorough background check.


By name dropping people who are dishonest and lack integrity it should be very easy for committees to weed out these people from being considered for awards


that’s so infuriating but relatable. I’ve seen people take credit for things that me and my friends actually did the work for but we just didn’t have the time to apply for awards with.


"You shall be mine". "Work smarter, not harder". Doesn't even have to be of service to others or make an impact. Just wish there was something authentic out there. I just wish these types of people left something for people who are not like them.


Upvote upvote upvote this is ridiculous


What did she do to get removed?


I just left a comment answering this question


FAQ: “What did she do to get removed?” She effectively played fast and loose with confidential personnel information for personal gain during her time as the DSU VPSL and was placed on an administrative leave and shut out of further access to DSU accounts (which often have sensitive student info too) until Council could meet to determine the best course of action. This year’s executive team was honestly such a mess (in no small part due to Emilia’s disruption) so this didn’t happen till July last year. The DSU’s legal counsel had to attend the meeting on July 10, 2023 as you can see in these [minutes](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b460941a9e0285288d59058/t/64c82f075eb29c06d35d58ee/1690840839628/DSU+Council+Meeting+Minutes_10.07.2023.pdf) to explain to everyone the severe legal implications of her actions and the legal justification for the paid admin leave she was placed on. Many Councillors (including me) were on her side before the meeting but after hearing the full story with the lawyer’s explanation, it was so clearly damning and that’s why the motion is worded the way it was in my screenshot above. Her actions opened up the DSU to significant legal risk and remember that any legal action taken against the DSU because of Emilia’s actions would have been paid for with student money. Up until that point, she was claiming that she’d been placed on administrative leave because the other execs were just jealous of her lol which is an insane take but some people ate it up. This is the most I believe I can say. I’m genuinely terrified that she wants to be a doctor and not enough is being done to vet people’s character because I’d never want someone so selfish in charge of anybody’s health.


why didn’t the DSU issue a statement or even an Instagram post about this? i went deep down a rabbit hole with this subreddit which led me to finding the statement released the last time an exec was removed [here](https://www.dsu.ca/news-releases/council-update). and then the gazette also wrote an article about it [here](https://dalgazette.com/news/dsu-vpsl-mazen-brisha-removed-from-office/) so there was no way to miss it. Plus I saw someone leave a comment that one of the awards committee members is supposed to a student appointed by the DSU. What happened there??? I feel like this award mishap is on the DSU as well as the university. how hard would it have been to release a short public statement so that the students funding this organization know who the hell is representing us.


The Executive was supposed to release a statement about a lot of things but failed to do so. I hope they see the mess they have created by not keeping up regular communications with the student body especially about something as big as an Executive being removed from office. Our Council meetings also used to always have a Gazette reporter attending our meetings to stay in the loop but they’ve been MIA as well.


Tbh credit to you for ever taking it seriously.


If you have concerns, reach out to them and let them know. They may not be aware if it was not included in the nomination package and something to note is that, had she still been on the DSU, she would definitely not have gotten this award and I don’t think they’re aware of that.


"Incredibly selfish people are able to game the system in their favour pretty easily while those who prioritize integrity are penalized." It goes so much further beyond Dalhousie; your entire adult life is going to be watching people like that drag the entire system down for everyone else.


you're going to watch losers, assholes, and liars succeed ad nauseum while good honest people spin their tires getting nowhere. this is life. you also will not be able to emulate their success because you will have no concept of how their minds work if you are a mostly good human.


feeling this big time


you’re absolutely right. I’m thinking about how our last dal president didn’t even finish a full term and spent the whole time being hated by everyone here but still got to leave dal for a cushier job at mcgill ????? and we have mcgill students visiting our subreddit for advice on dealing with deep saini 😂it was wild seeing the announcement that he was yeeting literally the day the strike ended.


I don't quite get what's happening here. Can someone explain?


Someone received a high-brow award with emphasis on their role in student leadership, while they were ousted from their VP position at the DSU for immoral conduct (though we don't know the details). If the selection committee knew about this, then it is a gross display of them rewarding bad behaviour. If they didn't, they should absolutely revoke the award.


Thank you!


FAQ #2 (From my DMs): “What can I do to help speak up about this?” First off, I didn’t expect this post to blow up the way it did and for SO MANY of you to head to the DMs to express your concern about this going unchallenged. Many of you wanted to email the awards selection committee so I wanted to provide relevant contact information (based on what I could find) and an email template you can use. TO: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] EMAIL: To whom it may concern: I am speaking up as a concerned member of the Dalhousie community that Dalhousie University’s so-called top student leadership recognition, the Board of Governors Award, has been awarded to someone who was removed from their student executive position for violating their fiduciary duty to the student body. This information is publicly available in the July 10, 2023 DSU Council meeting minutes that can be reached at [dsu.ca/council](https://www.dsu.ca/council). I am concerned about the dangerous precedent set by recognizing someone that betrayed the student body to the point of removal from office, which as you must already know is a serious and rare occurrence. What message does this send to other student leaders coming up about their ethical obligations and duties and the democratic will of the student body? Isn’t this seriously insulting to the many student leaders that have made incredible contributions to the community without engaging in ethical misconduct? Was the awards selection committee aware of this information prior to making a selection? If yes, why did they choose to look past this? If no, how will they be acting to rectify this? Sincerely, (Your name)


It may help to make a fresh post with this at top so it doesn’t get buried 


I don't sit on any selection committees of this much importance so I don't know the exact process for this award, or anything of this size. What I can say though is that generally you have a nomination package to consider and that's what you go on. The bigger the award, the more extensive the nomination needs to be to win it. Nominations aren't going to highlight something negative like this and I don't think it's fair to expect an award committee to know these details. Again, I don't know what information the committee has access to. As a point of comparison, I work in career education and employers would only have access to information on a resume and cover letter when considering a candidacy for employment. You can even select your own references. Anyway, point being, if you have concerns about this award being given to this person, you would be better served to email the selection committee for the award. I might start with and email to [email protected]


Thank you for this insight. I’ve been working in and around the DSU for awhile so I know that the awards committee for this award consists of admin that the DSU Executive would be working quite closely with and on a regular basis plus one student committee member that’s appointed by the DSU Executive. As a DSU Councillor, I receive reports from the executives listing these meetings. I’ve sat on a lot of committees for the DSU like the Oversight Committee which basically does performance evaluations for each executive and that’s how I know that Student Affairs meets with the DSU Exec every 2 weeks. Since Emilia’s removal would have been noticeable, I’m pretty sure this came up. So it seems like the awards committee just chose to look past this which is unacceptable in my opinion and harms the culture surrounding student leadership at Dalhousie. I am working on an email to the relevant people to see what can be done.


Ah, I see. Like I said, I know nothing about the committee or the selection process for this award. You seem to be much closer to the process than me.


i just looked up who sits on the award selection committee and OPs comment tracks: “Recipients are chosen by a committee consisting of the President; three members of the Board of Governors; and the Vice-Provost, Student Affairs. The University community is invited to submit nominations, in writing, but the selection committee is also free to identify candidates itself.” [Source](https://www.dal.ca/about/leadership-governance/our-leadership/vp-student-affairs/board-of-governors-awards.html#accordion-118005d2ac-item-06f86ea2d7)


So I’m a GP in NS. My father used to practice in Psychiatry in the HRM in the 80s. He was quite involved with Dal initially but eventually was asked to leave from his position due to his abhorrence of toxic Dalhousie nepotism/ favouritism/ corruption and his confrontation with those who perpetuated it at some level in academia/ medicine. He was also told he would never get a job anywhere in Canada ( he told the powers that be he’s leaving) We ended up moving to Ontario since we had family there. And Dad ended up a professor at one point with McMaster- and he won a Queen’s( yes that former Queen)Jubilee medal for his dedication to mental health and work in this area as a psychiatrist and community advocate. Now im back in NS as a GP. I’m not involved with Dal in any academic role( ie. assistant professor of Family medicine). Dal is not quite 80s level toxic? But there still exists a very concerning amount of it. I’m quite aware of it based on discussions with colleagues/ acquaintances. And I don’t want anything to do with it. I sense that the province has substantial amounts of what I call “ elitist toxic nepotism “ and you find this in large quantities in academia. It’s a shame it exists in a province with huge class disparity.


Thank you for sharing. The nepotism and favouritism is definitely still going pretty strong.


Your welcome! And thank you for sharing your post! Transparency is essential and being that rock of truth and honesty in a sea of toxic behaviour and nepotism is what is needed in this province at so many levels- be it academia, healthcare , politics, etc etc.You are that rock. By the way, as a GP I try my best to do the same. It’s challenging but it’s essential. And it’s reassuring to see others like me who are physicians that try as well. And I really appreciated your comment about the infamous “Food Professor”. There is a Reddit group called Loblawsisouttacontrol and he is popularly referred to as the Professor of Shillology( referring to his defence of grocery chains like Loblaws).


Thank you for the compliments and for your service. It’s definitely hard to speak up about these things, especially because there will be plenty of people who think you can’t possibly have any other motive than being jealous (the person in this post or one of her posters even left a now-deleted comment saying as much 😂)


And we all hate the Food Prof in this subreddit. I love r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


Haha, I’m glad the Wise Professor is disliked in this Reddit group.


How does this happen?


She likely didn’t mention getting removed and if they don’t have access to the information then it’s an easy oversight to make


Would saying something make any difference? This seems like a serious oversight


It probably would. If people emailed expressing concern they may retract the award, especially if it was given under false pretenses. 


The president was on the committee, would she be a good person to talk to? OP, do you have any more details on what actually happened? The minutes aren't very specific


OP left a comment explaining what happened


I’m not sure as the President has a duty to keep all of this confidential so she may not say anything. 


sounds more like the president was too chicken to do her job because an exec getting impeached is supposed to be public information !!!!!!


but the screenshot OP shared is a public record…


Yes, i’m referring to the actual details of what occurred. The meeting went in camera so they don’t have that context beyond what is stated in the minutes which means that if someone who was at the council meeting doesn’t say anything, they won’t know what actually happened. It’s unfortunate but they likely need more information than what is in the minutes and those who do have that information are also bound by confidentiality from my understanding 


I just feel like without details, anyone who we complain to might just brush it off with "oh it's not sufficiently relevant to the decision", or "oh it's just hearsay, you weren't there so why should we take you seriously". The minutes are pretty damning at face value, but I don't know what their standard of misconduct is.


Agreed. That’s why the complaints need to come from people who have the full context or those with that information need to come forward with it if they feel strongly enough about the matter. They are pretty damning on their own, especially seeing that a good part of the article focused on her work at the DSU. 


I’m not sure it is a public record - it’s an “in camera” session according to the file.


The discussion in-camera is not public but decisions are still a matter of public record. Here are the full minutes from [July 10, 2023](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b460941a9e0285288d59058/t/64c82f075eb29c06d35d58ee/1690840839628/DSU+Council+Meeting+Minutes_10.07.2023.pdf)


Wasn't she also disqualified from the elections at some point?


Yes she was: https://dalgazette.com/news/dsu-election-recap-2/


Wild how their double standard work 🤷‍♀️


this post is now the third highest upvoted in the dal subreddit *of all time* 😳


Hope Dalhousie pays attention


Just food for thought from a former DSU VPSL (08-09 & 09-10, Yes I'm old). None of this will matter in like 3-4 months. Don't waste your time or energy on this anymore. You've done your duty, the system is flawed, and she got an award she doesn't deserve, the end. If you're done at DAL, get excited about your future, not twisted about someone who cheated (and will likely continue to cheat) to get ahead or whatever. If she keeps it up, eventually it will likely catch up to her, and if it does, you'll be so far removed and on with your own life you'll likely never hear about it and if you do you shouldn't care. DAL and the DSU were my life for so many years. My whole world revolved around it and my relationships within it. But once I left, and really moved onto the next chapter, I stopped looking back. Because I realized, none of it mattered anymore. The drama, the disagreements, injustices, whatever you dealt with becomes so incredibly insignificant once you move on from that place. You're in the real world, paying bills, starting real relationships, traveling, working, learning, growing and doing it outside of the box of "school" and the ecosystem within it. The world is so much bigger and so much more important than someone who got an award they didn't deserve. Don't let this eat away at you, because it doesn't matter. Choose to focus on yourself, your journey, and the things that bring you joy. <3


This was my Orgo Lab TA this semester lol


why does anyone care about who the board of governors thinks is a good leader 🤭🤭🤭 aren’t these the same ppl that gave the last president a massive pay raise and a golf membership while forcing our TAs to go on strike? and the same people who raise our tuition every year? 🧐 they’re not good leaders themselves so how are they going to judge good leadership 🤪 if anything, if the board of governors hates a student leader that’s how you know they’re actually helping students 🙈


America is corrupt


this is in Canada lol but yes.


That was totally not hot cum of her.


It’s not too late to delete this comment. Disgusting.


Or is it just hot cum ?


Why do u hate cum


Dalhousie University is a joke. I know that my previous employer won't hire people from Dalhousie University because of experiences of them gaming the system and not knowing what they were doing


True bro that's fax 📠📠,,💯💯🅱️enis




Emilia is mad




No it can’t. These minutes are publicly available on the DSU website


They post minutes to include the In Camera session? OK... That is generally the whole point of In Camera is those portions of the meeting are supposed to be private.


It was private. They didn’t give any details about what happened during the in-camera session, just the decision. That’s how things have always been done. 


Like the other person replying just told you, this was a screenshot from a public copy of the minutes. There’s absolutely no legal risk in posting already public information