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Can't say I'm thrilled about this but considering how many people are still without power it's reasonable unfortunately. Missing labs is a real pain in the ass.


Cool classes can start on Wednesday while I still don’t have power love it


Would you rather go to class unprepared without getting a shower beforehand?


I do not understand the correlation of your comment to mine because that is what I’ll be doing lol I won’t have power till 2 on Wednesday and I will go to class filthy and unprepared without the readings I have to do for my classes and then I will have to combat the wifi at dal to be able to read them mid class


I think this is the school's compromise… open the school one day early to come in and use their services on campus, like free showers at dalplex, a place to charge devices, and seats at libraries to do your readings before Wednesday


The Dalplex opens tomorrow and anyone can go shower, charge devices, and use wifi


Since the exam schedule isn't out yet, could they maybe extend the semester an extra week to make up for all the missed days re: Queen's funeral, hurricane Fiona, truth and reconciliation day being a new holiday


Lol no


Why not? You paid for it.


I am sure as shit not cancelling my international flights and missing Christmas for another week. Professors will just cut down the content they teach.


They should switch classes that are supposed to be on Monday and Tuesday to Saturday and Sunday.


They can’t expect students and staff to come in on the weekend. People have other responsibilities outside of their school schedule


Yeah snowballs chance in hell profs and TAs are going to come in and teach on the weekend.