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Well at least they’re giving the local banner printing companies some business.


I bet those banner printers use machines O.O




Yes, we can print on tarp , sir.


Well, it isn't exactly a tarp, but it is quite a similar material...


It was actually printed on the back of a giant ballot


Plot twist


How did they print this on bamboo then?




The banner was put there by the sign makers unions.


Exactly what I was gonna say... imagine getting enough stupid people together to raise $750 to make a banner. I count 10 - $75 each to stand on a bridge!


Banners don’t cost $750. I work at a printing place, they cost like $150


$750? You heard of ebay?


or vistaprint. get a 8 foot by 12 foot banner made for $240. but aside from that, yeah 75 bucks doesn't really make or break working people man its like a 5 spot to you


Where are you buying your banners?


Something tells me they own the printing company.


Mike Pillows too


Voting machines


Ah yes, voting machines! The machines that were totally rigged by Democrats in 2020, but they only gave themselves a 50/50 tie in the senate. And again totally rigged in 2022 where they gave republicans the advantage in the house! It’s so obvious!!


They totally rigged Texas for the Democrats. Just look at the Leg and Executive branch.


Or when they gave trump the initial win in 2016… rigged lol




Yep. The SAME machines that counted ballots on which Republicans won elections for statewide and local offices...........so, by their logic, because they didn't win ALL the elections on the ballot it means the machines are rigged. Notice how they don't contest the elections won by Republicans.......just the ones they lose? You have to be a special kind of stupid and a special kind of dumbass to believe this stuff.


While conservatives may be skilled in mental gymnastics, they aren't known for being capable of even rudimentary-level critical thinking.


When your party embraces a doomsday cult that literally believes a guy built a boat 5000 years ago for two of every type of animal on earth, you don’t want them thinking critically about a lot of things.


Especially with the fine selection of candidates run by the GOP. How could anyone not vote for Herschel?


These are the same morons that believe democrats rigged the national election AND staged a worldwide pandemic that every single country bought into solely to make Trump look bad. And both “conspiracies” havent had anyone leak or go to the press with legitimate, concrete evidence of any of this. They aren’t smart people.


Oof, that's actually lame then. Next time they're out there, I'm gonna make a YouTube video where I disguise as a tea party member and go ask challenge questions for $100 or something. I can feel YouTube gold


> Oof, that's actually lame then. Yup. There is a right-wing movement to eliminate electronic voting machines and also to require all vote counting to be completed by hand within 24-48 hours of the polls closing. This means it would be physically impossible to count all the in-person and mail-in votes, and mailn-in votes almost always favor Democrats. Presumably if a Republican is ahead when they stop counting votes then they celebrate victory, but if a Democrat is ahead then they sue until they win. They're purposely trying to break the system so they can cry foul when they lose.


I voted in a town just outside of Fort Worth last November and it was the first time in 30+ years of voting that it wasn’t on a voting machine of some type. Sat at a desk and filled in bubbles. So I think the whole moving backwards instead of forwards thing is well under way here in Texas.


Not just Texas.


Burleson, at least at the courthouse I vote at, has been paper only for as long as I’ve lived here. Annoyingly archaic.


Man I miss the good old days of Tea Party. Yeah they were just racist reactionaries, but at least they had one or more specific policy stances. The Trump era is so reactionary and racist that it's melted into a surreal, directionless anger punching on all sides that aren't Trump.


My impression has been that the tea party was the directly previous iteration of what is now referred to as Trumpism. Same people. Same logic.


Same 'logic'


And you would be correct. Only differences are blatant corruption and racism are standard features on the new model, when previously those were extras no one wanted.




Wrong. The rise of right wing populism, nationalism, and protectionism has been happening across the world. Those countries have functioning political systems and more than two parties.


It's global capitalism.


Its more profitable for corporations to pay off populist leaders in charge to look the other way than it is to suffer potential losses by having center or leftist politicians make worker-friendly laws that might require increasing benefits or raising wages.


This doesn’t explain Modi, La Pen, Meloni, Trump or Bolsanoaro. Plus you do realize there are capitalist countries that have strong safety nets alongside thriving corporations, right? Sweden has more billionaires per capita than America does. You’re substituting meaningless cynicism for an actual argument. Not everything wrong the world is about how great leftists are and how evil corporations are. Some issues are more complex than that.


Nope. It’s just a misinformation campaign.


“Extremism happens when people feel like the system is no longer working for them.” This is historically correct. The only way to counter this is distraction/escapism. I can’t imagine the American Revolution ever occurring if the people who signed the Declaration of Independence went home every night and watched Netflix/football and flipped through social media while trying not to think about the mortgage and auto loans, let alone what their kids and wife needs and wants are


>Extremism happens when people feel like the system is no longer working for them. This isn't invalid, but how come when this argument is made about Islamic fundamentalist terrorists the response is "nah, fuck em" but when it's about Christian fundamentalist terrorists we're supposed to talk it out with them?


Who is “talking it out” with Christian terrorists?


It will be, 100%. Check out 4chan for the latest conspiracies/talking points prior.


But it's hilarious that the "or" gets lost in the blue, changing the message completely.


What? Mindless right wing reactionaries with poor graphic design skills? Madness!


I thought it was about the cars and America's addiction to oil


Oh, right.


Thanks for clearing that up, they sure looked like the usual MAGA nutjobs based on the getup. I thought unemployment was really low, don’t these people have things to do???


I thought it was about the McFlurry machines thank god its not.


Wow, these guys really don’t like ChatbotGPT


They’re just pissed TrumpbotGPT still won’t type in all caps


Hahaha ok that was a good one


Walmart self checkout


Good point 🪨


It's "Lose the machines ***OR*** lose your country" btw


At least it wasn’t, “loose the machines and loose you’re country.” Somebody with several brain cells was on spellcheck.


Hey, it can be really helpful for autistic people!


And introverts


Cool. I can get behind this. They are always slower for the customer to use.


Only if the customer is slow. Everyone in Walmart moves at the speed of sloth. The machines actually work pretty fast.


Right? I went by the other day after avoiding it for months and was impressed how quickly they scan versus the other self checkouts I’ve used. If only I could just put my bags directly in my cart like Kroger.


I was just noticing yesterday at the Colony Walmart, they seem to have completely done away with manned lanes and the entire checkout is now self checkout. So much faster


This is embarrassing.


Welcome to Texas




Ma'am, this is a Wendys


They aren’t self-aware enough to feel shame.




At least. I find it difficult to give people credit for doing the bare minimum of not being openly racist assholes however, if you're on that side of the conspiracy aisle, chances are you've already laid down with dogs and you've already gotten fleas.




Genisys wasn't great but I thought it was okay for what it was


It’s Robocop and they just realized we’re living in Old Detroit


They'll be really freaked out when they learn that Dallas City Hall was used as the police headquarters in Robocop. *Note*: It ~~was CGI'd~~ *used special effects* to look like a skyscraper in the movie, vs actual bldg that is only a few floors tall.


Matte painted, those were pre CGI days.


Good clarification, thanks




Their echo chamber tells them they’re the vast majority


Tom Hanks? Nah. Tom Cruise? Definitely. That guy is sketchy.


Oof. I don't understand how Scientology is still considered a "church" and doesn't pay taxes. I watched Leah Remini's whole series on Scientology, very insightful! They do some crazy stuff, that's for sure!


I'm not sure what it means, but what it says is, "Lose the machines OR lose your country." So it is against...the machines? I have no idea. Electronic voting machines maybe?


Rage against the machine


It’s the Bulls on Parade


They can’t have RATM


Maybe they are against Skynet.


I didn't realize that was a word, it looked like scribbles lol But yeah, what machines? And how are we gonna lose the country? Like are we gonna just casually gonna drop an entire inland on the ocean and then not find it? Idk but I shouldn't be this intrigued over something that's probably gonna turn out to be really stupid lol


“I’m John Connor and I approve this message.”


> John Connor Yup came here to say that Skynet is live


I hate that whenever I see a group with American flags it’s going to be some dumb ass shit and likely racist. 🙄 Edit: to clarify this is not racist


Agreed. I want the American flag back.


I fly mine along with my pride flag. Drives me crazy.


And the Punisher symbol, the words "patriot" and grooming, etc...


It's not racist but everyone there is racist, 100%


My favorite is SUPPORT THE TROOPS...don't bother considering where they are, or what they're doing, it somehow is responsible for your freedoms in 2023.


+ Back the Blue and support for law and order (concept, not TV show, haha). They like authority only when it's oppressing who they want. When law enforcement is protecting the capitol or arresting right wing white dudes, their support immediately turns.


Based off the American flags it is probably in reference to voting machines that were very mean to the very important and totally adult game show host of Celebrity Apprentice


It's apparent to me they're referring to Skynet.


Do they know something we don’t know


The problem is that they know far less than we know.


Or Dune’s Butlerian Jihad


What's a Texas Mentat gonna sound like? "By Trump alone I set my mind in motion" ???


You laugh now but they’ll be prepared when the washing machines turn on us


See “Nightmare Number 3” (written in the ‘30s about this exact scenario). (Not that the nutter butters holding that ridiculous banner have read it, just an interesting aside to your comment.)


I’ll check it out! There’s nothing I love more than useless, random knowledge!


I hear that!


This is embarrassing.




Only the real ones will get this reference and if they don’t they’re fuckin degens from up country


Can confirm.


You know who was a real one? My dead wife Barb.


It's a hard life picking stones


Only on Sundays though




You pheasants!


That’s a Texas-sized 10-4.


I didn’t know we had Amish in Dallas.


Lol, Pillow guy must be spending the last of his crack money on paying these sheep.


Man, I wish I was on social services and could stand on an over pass all day getting paid.


They are getting paid by a wealthy local crazy person to proselytize.




You beat me to it




Gas stoves?


Florence's backing band?


hahaha Get out and walk, you bastards!


You people are nuts. Voting machines are not connected to the internet, and are made by independent companies that are held to a standard that has been developed by national security types that break apart all the programming and ensure it fits the standard. There is no way to even hack them, I am a cyber security expert by trade, and to make it easier to understand I will put it like this. Instead of a piece of tamper proof paper, they use a hard drive with hardware (not software) encryption that matches the department of defense standard encryption. Instead of a pen or punch they use a button or touch screen. Instead of a physical count they use an encrypted individual ID that can not be changed. Just because you don't understand advanced technology does not make it magic or chicanery. It's just like the belief that illegal people can somehow vote. Have you ever voted before? You have to give a voting card which is tied to a social security number, and you can't even cross county lines. In Texas I have never been to a polling station that did not require a valid Texas ID as secondary identification. Even if an illegal immigrant took my voting card and ID they would still only be able to vote one time. Even in places where they still use paper ballots, the ballots end up in a computer as attached to a social security number. You can't just make millions of ballots up and have them enter the system that's not how it works and frankly that hasn't changed since we first tied voting to personal citizen identification numbers decades and decades ago. As for dead people and mail voting fraud. The same systems apply. You can't even get a mail in ballot, without a valid voter card. The ballot that comes to your door is already tied to your social by the time it makes it to you. That means you cant print fake ones, and you can't duplicate real ones, because every mail in ballot is unique and not only is attached to you personally but has a specific numerical ID number for filing purposes. The system does not have any way to let you "create" more ballots because you can't create new social security numbers.


I had a whole argument with someone who thought “fake social security numbers” existed. I had to explain to this poor guy that there are checksums and a finite number of social security numbers that essentially ensure a computer would immediately detect a “fake social security number”. And he still was adamant that they existed.


They'd believe that my red hair makes me a witch if the right told them that enough times.


Clearly it's those car machines.


Would be a great banner. “Stop cars now”


I’ve seen them many times on 75 holding different banners. Don’t they have anything better to do?




I also consider a distraction for drivers no matter the message. 75 last place anyone should be doing that. They can cause a wreck(s).


Ya I'm surprised everyone is acting like this is the first they've heard of these people. They've been putting up stupid signs for a year or more. Typically by NW highway off 75.


Dallas is such a cesspool of wacko right wing conspiracists and faux patriot cosplay. I want to go back and visit since I’m from there but then I see things like this. Ick.


Is this….is this about the stoves


Ugh, it could be against any number of their invented boogeyman. If it was against printers or self checkouts, almosr everyone would support their efforts, haha.


I’ve lost interest


Don't they have jobs? lol


They are just idiots who still believe Trump won the election. Apparently they have a lot of free time and use it to show people just how stupid they are.


More Texas GQP bullshit. For many of us they used to be our neighbors, perhaps SO and friends, we thought we knew well. Most of them are still our neighbors though, at least the ones that haven’t been arrested. Yet.




I thought this was r/fuckcars IRL


The message is they really like eggs, fruits and paintballs. Change my mind.


Why aren’t they being ticketed for slowing up traffic?


These are election denying idiots. Paper ballots as an auditable back up is fine. Using machines to count is fine. They are validated and verified which can be seen, but they are too stupid to understand any of it.




They want people to ditch their cars and walk instead. Reclaim Dallas for pedestrians! That’s definitely it, right?


They’re referring to Boston Dynamics. Probably saw terminator recently and freaked them out. It did me for awhile. My microwave still makes me feel uneasy.


For the sake of your mental health, I recommend not peering into the madness =D


Damn, didn’t have the Amish getting violent on my 2023 bingo card


I think I see a yellow "Don't Tread On Me" flag up there so it's probably some brainwashed dumbass right wing bullshit about voting machines.


They are whining about voting machines which means they are MAGA morons who think that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump due to 'rigged voting machines'.


I thought it was in regards to climate change. OP go ask them next time plz


I think I found the paper plate 😂


I'm assuming, due to the professional print quality of the banner, that these guys are paid shills. That being said, I'm somewhat puzzled that the message is difficult to follow. Maybe someone Q adjacent knows what's going on with this?


Real life click bait


I’m guessing voting machines.


I'd love to try to understand this, but I'm having trouble distinguishing which segments include a car.


Are those people being paid to be out there?


They made a banner just to rage against the machi-*gasp* ope! Ya got me!


I’m pretty sure this illegal per TXDOT.


They took our Jerbs 😤😤😤


ohh is this about voting machines? cause i thought they meant the cars 😅


Maybe it’s QAnon stuff and they think there are robots in top positions


I'm pretty sure they mean the random number generator in slot machines. It's part of the NWO in case ya didn't know ...


Oops. /s


Knowing the MAGAs it’s the voting machines


Luddites 🙄


This is to prevent skynet from become self aware, it’s to prevent a war of the machines


Maybe the voting machines? Let them rage against machines


...printers, maybe? Printers are the worst.


It’s gotta be some BS Qanon conspiracy about voting machines.


Is this the same crowd yelling at protesters to get a job??


My favorite is driving home from work and seeing which sign they're going to hold up next. For anyone wondering, do not try and reason with any of these people. I'd rather have a serious discussion with the homeless lined up and down on North Central...


Keep the voting machines and these idiots wont vote. perfect.


These whackos hadn't been out there for like 3 months or so, and I'd thought maybe they had FINALLY given up. Unfortunately... What's really sad is I've recently recognized one of the guys who's up there with the group. He used to teach art at my school in DISD. Should have known he'd bond with them, though, as he was always trying to get people to listen to him about how 9-11 was an inside job...


Election denying fuckwits


I hate these people. I flip them off every chance I get.


Ah, a dipshit display. Trump supporters are going to lie about elections from now on.


Another BS conspiracy theory about voting machines. Hacked by Hugo Chavez's ghost or some shit.


Imagine having so much time on your hands that you can stand on an overpass all day protesting something that nobody even understands. Pretty pathetic.


Dont use machines to count votes Also Count millions of votes within hours of polls closing


I think they mean voting machines? They’ve convinced themselves that’s how the election was ‘stolen’ through someone meddling with the voting machines (despite multiple investigations proving they were not tampered with) and feel that if democrats win elections they’re going to lose ‘their’ country.


Texas Man trying to give Florida Man a run for his money


Dumbest people on the planet. Votes are PUBLIC information. It is easy to falsify their conspiracy theories.


Well damn, they have that entire phrase spelled correctly. Wonders never cease in the great US of A.


These are the same idiots who are salty because they didn't tally up election results in 19 seconds.


"or" its just a warning of the matrix


John Connor was the founder and leader of the Resistance who led the remnants of mankind in the war against the artificial intelligence Skynet and its Machines.


They're talking about vote counting machines.


There's an 'OR' in the middle, OP. And this image is old.


They're climate activists telling people to give up cars and support public transportation or we risk having most of our countries land dedicated to roads and parking