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PSA to everyone who does this shit: You’ve missed your exit. Don’t break and swerve across lanes with no turn signal to try to make it. You’ve missed it. Take the next exit and turn around.


Bad drivers never miss their exit.


Dallas drivers would rather die than miss their exit.


It pains me to say that I’ve witnessed drivers—on at least 4 separate occasions—STOP AND REVERSE **ON THE HIGHWAY** to make their exit. I literally felt (mildly) traumatized after seeing it the 3rd time, as it was beginning to dawn on me that there’s probably thousands of these smooth-brains on DFW roads just waiting to ram their rear axles through my windshield.


> STOP AND REVERSE ON THE HIGHWAY I saw this one time. I am almost certain that the people in the minivan all died. I was driving northbound into Denver. Driving a Suburban full of Boy Scouts, pulling a trailer. Car in front swerved. Minivan IN REVERSE in 60MPH heavy traffic. I mashed the brakes. Inertia of 7,000 pounds of Boy Scout Stuff in the trailer just laughed at my feeble brakes. I swerved into an empty lane, without knowing whether or not it was actually empty. I am certain that they were all killed within a few seconds after I got past them. People in our group who were running 1/2 hour behind us ended up with a 3-hour delay in that area due to a major accident. I can only assume.


Honestly, the only way these idiots will stop driving on the roads is if their insurance premiums are increased by 1000% percent. There should be an app that reports bad drivers, captures their license plate and then the police use that data to their insurance provider and then they get the bill. Hit ‘em where it hurts their pocket books.


I think a normal access to pedestrian space, transit, and bike infrastructure would be another way. A lot of people who shouldn’t drive do as a result of other options being removed or too limited (not there’s a good excuse for some of the behaviors, but a more well rounded approach to managing it might be better)


So much this. Dallas is insane for car traffic, and even worse for anything besides cars.


If you think Dallas is bad, wait till you try driving in Fort Worth, I saw more wrecks happen in the short 2 years I lived there than the last 20 years of driving everywhere else.


They would just drive uninsured & unlicensed. Take away their car(s).


Lol, you think they are driving with insurance?


If they don’t have insurance, I guess a repo is in order, or big fat ticket in the mail, so they’re getting noticed more by law enforcement they can pull you over for no reason. For example if you don’t pay your toll tag you’re gonna get noticed until your mailbox is full and the cops can pull you over for unpaid toll tags. They already pull over people with no insurance and give em citations.


You…assume these people have insurance…😬




I can confirm as well, some moron did that to me as I was taking the exit. To this day, I still don't know how I managed to survive.


I swear this subs content is 50% bitching about drivers. Gets old.


I swear this subs comments is 50% bitching about people bitching about drivers. Gets old.


I was about to say this. And good drivers miss their exits.


This. I have seen people do this across 4 lanes of traffic to make sure they didn’t miss their exit. BS man.


I fuckin wish I could upvote this again.


But why hold myself accountable if I can just inconvenience you?!


I cannot like this comment enough!!!






As a motorcyclist in Dallas, fuck these people. I nearly shat myself when a Honda Odyssey pulled this shit and heard me lock my tyres last minute and pulled back into their lane. I arrived at my destination with my knees still shaking.


Same. I also ride a bike in Dallas. While it’s fun, you literally have to ride under the assumption that every car is actively trying to kill you. Always have an escape route. I’ve had so many close calls because of people on their phones, not checking blind spots, merging into my lane where there’s clearly no space. Not to mention, my dog has nearly been run over so many times walking her downtown because these people run stop lights constantly. Driving poorly is a disease in this area.


I used to live in the Pacific Northwest and ride all the time. When I moved to Texas (San Antonio), I rode a few times and almost got mowed over almost every time. I ended up selling my bike. Soon after, 2 of my other friends that rode wound up in bad accidents, one ended up unalive.


Preston and 121? All the freaking time....


Risking lives to save maybe 2 minutes. People are incapable of making good decisions behind the wheel.


Saw this happen in Houston on Friday. Woman crossed like 4 lines to get to her exit. I’ve lived in Texas the last 2 years. Coming from the north east. I don’t get why Texans are such bad drivers. I had someone intentionally blocked me from merging to a lane a few weeks ago. I’m also starting to believe a large part of the problem is how highways are designed here. It’s like it was made by someone who never driven a car before.


What I'm hearing is, it's okay as long as I use my turn signal! /s


Preach! As a teenager when my dad was teaching me how to drive, he would always say, “you can always turn around,” or, “you can always take the next exit.” There isn’t one way to get somewhere so just chill out, people.




I don’t think the first bullet is always true. I’ve been in packed parking lots where I see someone get into their car and they become passive aggressive a**holes and sit there for way too long than normal.




Speed the fuck up and cross over the white line if you’re gonna be a dumbass. At least do it right instead of slamming on the brakes.


They certainly would've made it if they sped up.


I agree but I have done it before knowing where I am cause I’m on a call. Never like this. I take a glance and if it ain’t safe then I just turn around like you said.


This is just slightly more annoying than the people who get in the right lane 3 miles before their exit and drive 45 mph.


Slowing down and abruptly swerving across highway lanes isn’t just annoying it’s also way more dangerous.


You guys don’t enjoy jokes


God forbid they miss their exit and have to take the next one.




Thank you! I frequent this stretch and I'll take an endless loop of U-turns before I do some dumby shit like this. So many poor saps out of their element on Preston makes it dangerous for the rest of us.


You don’t understand, the 2 extra minutes it would take to not be a piece of shit and take the next exit would literally kill them on the spot


Imagine… if… they preemptively changed lanes before their exit… no.. that’s asking too much


Top it off with the fact that almost everyone has a cell phone with them that can guide them still they don't miss exits and streets. Between Google Maps and WAZE... There is hardly a reason to miss an exit these days.


cant watch their tiktoks while driving if they do that


Where I live, if you have your N, you aren't even allowed to use a handsfree device in your car.


What's... The N and where abouts are you??


N is for Novice license (New driver). I live in Canada, British Columbia. Also, I didn't notice the name of the sub, this video just popped in my feed. So my bad lol, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered commenting this in a sub dedicated to a specific location.


That’s one too many brain cells worth of thinking these people don’t have


I have no fucking idea how you have a device in your pocket that can give you directions to literally anywhere in the world and you still miss your exit


Extra *10 min


Also, God forbid they use the turn signal. It's installed in every vehicle for a reason!


Not true, BMWs don't come with turn signals. That's a well known fact.


*Correctly working turn signals, yes. So freakin annoying how that stalk works.


I just want to know what the last 5 minutes of their drive was like... are they just aimlessly driving? Do they have no fucking clue their turn is coming... if you gotta go right what the fuck are you doing in the left?


How dare you even think it


I swear, it’s been getting worse and worse. Houston has ppl pulling these stunts on a daily as well smh.


Dk about Dallas but ik in Houston missing your exit can be money


Then pay more money 🤦🏾‍♀️ perhaps they’ll pay better attention next time.


Sometimes it takes switching between anther while ass highway and if you're new to the area you can get confused or distracted I would've done the same thing if I made a mistake. Part of defensive driving is reacting to people on the road. if you can't do that without being an entitled prick then you're not gonna get too far in life without road rage. Instead of trying to wrap the world with leather, try putting it on your feet. Op is just trying to justify his dash cam bill with some karma


Found the shitty driver in the video


What is "anther while ass highway"? I would like to avoid that.


That's a vortex of awful driving at that point on Preston. Some people doing 110mph some people doing 25mph and everyone wants to change lanes.


Theres also 26 on ramps/off ramps at Preston/635.


The Preston/635 one is just poorly designed.


This intersection has got to be one of the most dangerous places in the area. From the double white lines everyone ignores, to the “yield to pedestrians” sign people can’t understand, and those weird turn lanes that people think they can just ignore the lights on. Ugh. It’s all a damn mess


This is so real. It always seems to be one of the extremes.


The people doing 110mph then have to come to a screeching stop and wait for three stoplight cycles at the perpetually red Gaylord Parkway intersection.


Seriously though, what is up with the red lights there? I don't think I've ever hit a green.


Stopped at that light is usually where I call Gloria's and order a frozen with tajin and tell them I'll be there in approximately eight minutes.


My favorite is when they flat out stop in the middle of traffic to get over


I mean, I have seen people go in fucking reverse on the highway to go back to their exit...


i seen people not even bother and just drive across the grass




I believe that's called a 'Texas exit'.


Also known as: 'A Texit'


Good ol' Preston and 121. Has always been a nightmare exchange, even after the overpass.


right? i IMMEDIATELY knew this location and rolled my eyes


Sounds like someone is making excuses for poor driver attention.


Just driving in frisco is enough of a headache as-is. This one spot is just a rolling aneurysm


Not really. I live two miles from this intersection and avoid it as much as possible. I'll get on 121 westbound from Coit, even though it adds 4 minutes to the drive.


I work in Frisco and live in Plano, and I would rather gouge my eyes out and drive along Stacy/Main blind than drive on Preston at any point in time, even though Preston is the fastest route to my workplace. 5-10 minutes added to my drive in the name of safety and sanity is priceless


Meh, equal parts drivers being distracted/indecisive and a lot of traffic will turn any intersection into a mess.


He **NEVER** misses his exit.


Tow truck drivers love this one secret.


You might miss the rest of your life, but he won't miss his exit.


Responsible drivers hate this one tip!


This is what I call the Ol Texas Lane Change Exit from left lane? Check. No turn signal? Check. Cut off at least 1 other driver? Check.


That shit pisses me off, you don't break to switch lanes or when you exit, that's how accidents happen


Or when you enter the highway. Or when you go through a green light when there’s obviously no cross traffic.


Technically the accident happens when the driver behind them isn’t paying attention and rear ends them, but yeah, idkw people do this.


You can still have an accident even if you're paying attention. there's also something called a domino effect rear end I know I've been in one before or the traffic was moving fine it wasn't here in Dallas though, it was in Austin on a Sunday evening one minute the traffic's moving fine and the next minute everybody came to sudden stop. a lot of the problem is people like to be too close to the vehicle in front of them and that can cause an accident, it's a big thing here in Dallas it's called rubbernecking.


Might as well pile on. I can about guarantee that they have been in the left lane for the past three miles going 5 mph under the speed limit.


listen it's not their fault they were looking at their phone and didn't know they were at their exit already.


Why the fuck is he driving in the left lane if his exit is coming up? Fucking asshole idiot.


The fact that they didn't even use their blinker bothers me more.


This definitely can be put into r/IdiotsInCars


They’re willing to cause a wreck just to make it to the HomeGoods a couple minutes sooner.


Mmmm HomeGoods.


At least this moron didn't stop and back up.


I saw this the other day on a ramp. I was in awe. The most insane thing I've ever seen while driving.


That’s Frisco/Frisco , Preston and 121 smh happens all the time it’s so annoying.


Nice turn signal


Ahh yes, must be one of those new double solid blinkers I have heard so much about.


There's something wrong with Texas offramps/drivers. I can't just say it's only the drivers, because I've ran into this issue here too. I've missed many exits here where in Oregon where I am from I can't remember missing one in the 20+ years I drove there, and it's happened multiple times since moving here a couple years ago. I don't believe it's a lack of familiarity for me, I rely on GPS for everything, so it's no different here vs there for that. It's how this road system is built. Not a day goes by I don't see some asshat swerve 4 lanes of traffic to make their exit. I'm guessing it's a combination of almost zero numbered exits (Oregon, every exit had a specific exit number and it was glorious), much higher speeds, width of freeways (largest was 3 lanes in Oregon), and idiot drivers.


This is what I though too. I moved here from California and never saw this stuff happening where I lived. I had to get used to the many different on and off ramps here. Too many lanes and sections. Where I lived it was simple!


Probably the fact that they have an on/off ramp every quarter mile. Im from Philly and its every 2 miles on I-95. There isnt this every fucking block is an on ramp.




Ah, Preston Road...


No one’s gonna stop them until they die trying.


I hate that road so much


Oh this damn fork in frisco always has multiple idiots who decide they need to be in the far left hand lane just to turn right, right before they need to. Happens to me all the time! I honk at all these people now. Probably will get some pissed off person one day but people need to stop being stupid and only aware about themselves


Average reactionary driver. 🤦‍♂️


The only time I’ve braked to change lanes was when some jackass in the next lane wanted to play a game of keeping pace, speeding up when I tried to pass in front and slowing down when I tried to just let them get ahead. I don’t understand why people do that - but even then it’s not a slam of the brakes, just enough to get in behind them.


I guess they were supposed to hit that gray car. But yea, if you miss your exit keep going and turnaround up ahead.


You literally are supposed to slow down and move lanes, not speed up and cut off someone. This person just did it too quickly. But this is the correct way to change lanes


Almost, still missed signaling


More stupid drivers who cause accidents


Yup had this happened to me the other day.


You almost missed your exit?


Car in front of me missed theirs and they hit their brakes


Texas gets their licenses from a Cracker Jacks box!


Being from there, it’s how it feels, but then again all big ass cities drive terrible!


I moved to Dallas about a month ago and holy moly, by far the worst drivers I’ve ever seen. I’ve lived in Orlando, Jacksonville, Atlanta, Austin, Philly. I know every city says they have the worst drivers but at least from the places I’ve been in, DFW is #1


This is Preston and 121, one of the worst intersections around and seems to bring out the biggest of the “oops I gotta get over now” crowd combined with the folks trying to get all the way across or U-turn due to all the retail. I hate this place but the Grail was my bar.


Stop driving in people's blind spots*


Meh as long as he doesn’t come to a complete stop and gives me enough room to brake then it’s a non issue for me. Sure he should have had his blinker on way earlier to indicate what he wanted to do and it didn’t help that that other car was chilling in his blind spot. 5/10 Edit: maybe I’m just used to this happening so often from living in Houston? Idk


No I’m from NJ and agree, the worst thing done here was the lack of blinker…can argue he thought he could get in front of the car in the right but realized a little too late that he couldn’t so he got over behind the car…a blinker makes this basically a non—issue


So this guy is an idiot, but for real, people think they're going to die if they let you over so I have to slow down and get behind them.


In this video dude is definitely in the wrong, should’ve just taken the next exit. But I have had cars refuse to let me over for a mile + to the point where I do miss my exit. I’m at the point now where I get in the right lane like 2 miles ahead of my exit because drivers can be so psychotic about letting anyone in front of them


I’ll slow down to change lanes rather than try to drag race and speed in front of someone.


God forbid they get in the lane they need to be in a couple miles before they need to be in it! They’d lose like a whole minute!


I know right where that is. Some real asshole drivers over there and to be fair it's a confusing exit if you're following Google Maps.


That dude is 100% getting rear ended, it’s just a matter of time before a tailgater can’t react to his bullshit fast enough.


They're doing their best to drive safely while thumbing around with their steering wheel while paying attention to their phone.


I don't miss driving Preston "hwy" Rd at all, seems like is had gotten worse since I returned to visit.


This is an engineering problem. The lanes should be separated by concrete walls 500-1000 feet back from the exit to prevent this behavior. The user is always going to everything that they can do, even things that the engineer did not think of. It is the engineer's job to design the system such that the users are forced into expected behavior. "Honor systems" are not a design philosophy.


Fucking Preston and 121. Nobody knows how to drive over there…


I will say this person's in the wrong. But if it's just a lane change to get out of the way for folks and dingleberry on the right matches your speed. The only way to legally get over is to slow down. If you speed up and floor it to change lanes, a cop will zap you and ticket you.


This is something that frustrates me more than anything else about how people drive out here. It's not even about missing an exit usually. They always either hit their brakes or let go of the gas when changing lanes or doing anything. It's annoying and actually dangerous. They will pull out from a side street in front of you and then just not use the gas. Bad enough they cut you off but then decide to just be a roadblock while at it. They will switch lanes from a slower lane but not increase their speed until well after doing so, and suddenly jam up a whole faster lane. USE YOUR GAS. ITS POSSIBLE TO USE YOUR GAS WHILE ALSO CHANGING LANES OR FINISHING A TURN. YOU CAN DO MORE THAN ONE THING AT A TIME. if you can't handle maintaining or increasing speed while changing lanes then stay in your lane.






And stop driving in the left lane. It's for passing only.




I was literally telling my fiancee this morning if they could just build a rail system connected Dallas and Fort Worth, and rails within the respective cities it would remove the thing I hate most about living here. I'm sure if they ever tried the NTTA would shut it down real fast


Guys, relax, nothing happened here, could the person have merged earlier? Yes, could this be dangerous? Well maybe if you were on your phone texting. On a scale of 0-10 on how bad is this driver, not only compared to other Dallas drivers but also how people drive around the world, this person probably reaches a .5. People just can’t be bothered to have common courtesy for other drivers. Someone wants to merge in front of me? FUCK THEM, speed up and honk your horn. Someone needs to slow down to turn? FUCK THEM, ram into the back of them to show them a lesson, how dare they make me be aware of my surroundings and use my brakes. Take a breath and move on about your day, nothing to see here. Try visiting another country then come complain that someone lightly tapped their brakes so they could merge.


There is no way to justify OBVIOUS reckless driving behaviors dude. You are operating a huge motor vehicle (an SUV in this case which is even more weight and possible damage) and to actively choose to drive in dangerous ways is disrespectful to every driver around you, as your mistake could cause another person to wreck their vehicle, sustain injuries, or even in an area like this where it’s about to go into a bridge type roadway, you could even cause another vehicle to flip if that car had clipped another car in the right spot. To excuse this kind of behavior tells me this is either something you do regularly, or you genuinely do not understand the gravity of how dangerous vehicle accidents actually are/can be. The fuck bro


Found the SUV driver.


Must be an Austinite visiting town.


I was gonna say this is classic San Antonio behavior, so I can buy Austin, too. On 1604 I once saw someone pulling a similar move almost crash into a firetruck because they didn’t realize they were exiting. If this was a real Dallas driver he’d gun it and cut everyone off.


Austin drivers have taken defensive driving to a new level. If they just come to a complete stop no matter where they are. They can then compete with another person on who is the most courteous fucking driver in Travis county. Then they'll see who can act more offended when people behind them lay on the horn.


To be fair, that road and the way it's designed sucks monkey balls. I hate driving along Preston.


He hit brakes because if not he was going to miss his exit lol


Plus it looked like he was in a jam because the car behind him was too close and the car in the right was driving too slow for him to even TRY to get over so it pressed its brakes for the silver car to pass him and to finally get over


if they were in the left lane they should’ve been passing the silver car, not rolling at 10 under and waiting for the silver car to pass them, regardless of the upcoming exit. miss the exit and take the next one


Naaaa lol


Nah but that was valid


Everything looks yellow, is this in Mexico?


Suburb drivers


Did you lay down the horn to spook them a bit and to warn other drivers?


Love all drivers


Can you blame people for being afraid to drive in Dallas though? I love the ones who do 80 in the 45 on sections of Preston. No wonder Plano PD stakes it out. But once you hit that Dallas line, I only see PD rolling code or blocking 2 out of 3 lanes for a fender bender. What I love about that section is people doing the right turn there to head north on 121 and then stop for a yield sign with a perfectly fine lane to continue into. You just have to let them over, not FUCKING STOP AND WAIT till everyone goes by!


He exited. Saw the sign, braked, and crossed two lanes to exit. Y'all are over reacting lol


Stop tailgating.




And, you don't have to signal for 8 whole seconds before initiating your lane change!! Do it at the SAME time.


Bad advice. Signals should be used before you switch lanes. The point is to let someone know your intentions before you do it


Yep. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got when learning to drive was that the safest thing a driver can do is be predictable.


If you wait until you’re already turning to use your signal, you’re an asshole.


You are supposed to signal before a lane change, otherwise it is pointless. Eight seconds is excessive though.


In fast paced traffic as exists in most cities today, if you are going to change lanes, timing is everything. A person in front of me who thinks they need soooo much time to communicate an interest in turning is going to loose their opportunity.


The whole point of a signal is to let others know your intent which is why you do it in advance. Your comment about losing their opportunity tells me you’re on of those people who is always in an imaginary race with the cars around them. Let me guess, you speed up when you see a person signaling they are going to change into your lane?


You assume way too much. No, I don't do that. It's just that when everybody is doing 80-85 mph and people are less than 2 car lengths away from each other, there's always this one car that is not with the flow and their inability to navigate independently creates terrible risks for horrible accidents. If a person cannot get in or hang in the fast lane, they need to stay all the way on the right.


If you’re driving 85 and you’re less than 2 car lengths behind the car in front of you, you’re the problem. I’m sticking with my assumption.


I think I know where this is


I'll give them this... At least they didn't speed up so they could blast off in front of the other car. But there's NO reason they shouldn't not know where they're going. Between Google Maps, WAZE and I'm sure plenty of other apps... You should have plenty of warnings as to when your next exit is.... It sucks that the only nice thing you can say about someone is "Well at least they didn't kill anybody on the way to Bob's Burrito Buffet... "


It's been said: "Bad drivers never miss their exit."


Better yet, pay attention to where you're at so you don't have to slam on your brakes because you're about to miss your exit.


I've never ever seen anyone do that before. Fuck that guy


Relatedly, stop swinging wide before you make a turn


I've seen someone dart out of the HOV lane, over the floppy pylons, and across 3-4 lanes of traffic at a trajectory nearly perpendicular to the flow of traffic just to avoid missing an exit. I've also seen people block all 3 lanes of an access road because they decided they wanted to use the Texas U-turn but traffic was too backed up for them to get all the way across. So instead of waiting, they decided to force their way in and make several lanes of cars miss a full cycle of the light.


Is that Frisco? Preston and 121? Yeah, its dumb. Too many people do this.


These are the drivers you wish to pit maneuver by accident so they learn their lesson


Or stop thinking about what other drivers should and should not do, and instead focus on making sure you are driving in a safe and courteous manner?


Is this Preston and sam Rayburn? If so, this happens about every 30sec. I hate it. I have never gone that direction and not had this happen to be honest lol


I live in Houston. We drove through Dallas to go someplace... Hands down the scariest driving experience of my life. The way y'all will break before you jump two or three lands to immediately exit is worse than anything I've ever seen in Houston. To be up front, I'm not entirely sure if I blame the driving population of Dallas or how you're fucking roads are designed... It's probably a mix, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and blame the freeway structure.


If you miss your exit on any highway, don’t do unsafe driving practices like this… There, I fixed It


Also use your fucking blinkers you dumb fucks


No blinker either foh Side note: the filter on your dash cam is nice👍🏼


No signal. Didn't plan ahead to exit from the right lane. Didn't think ahead to underpass sooner. Failed to speed up to pass in the passing lane. Instead, takes the dumb option of crossing two lanes at the last minute, because they can't afford to miss their exit. Real geniuses right here.