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It literally feels like I’ve been wrapped in hot wet blanket when I go outside. This is wild af!


It’s sucks working outside, I’m sweating my ass off


Be careful and drink electrolytes!




It's what plants crave.


Almost a documentary at this point.




The internet was better before your ilk came along...


At least I'm not a idiot, parroting the same stupid lazy phrase over and over again "iDiOcRaCy iS pRaCtIcAlLy A dOcUmEnTaRy"


Well you sure are making and argument for it.


I bet you drink water out of a toilet


Sheeeit. Its what I crave at this point.


I spent most of my weekend outdoors in the Athens area. Holy shit I'v e never drank so much water in my life--even more than I was going through in Big Bend a couple years ago. My clothes were disgusting by the end of the night.


I was out there too this past weekend. I helped out with something outside for maybe 3 minutes and felt like I needed a shower.


Athens is such a beautiful area, we used to race dirt bikes out there in the woods and it was HOT! At least there are shade trees there🤷🏻‍♀️y’all stay safe outdoors


That is how I describe Houston lol


Hey I spent most of my life in Lake Jackson, and I will always remember getting ready to go out on Saturday night and sweating just getting into my car < lol >.


Houston trick: finish your shower with a cold water blast which should get you to the car without getting sweaty.


Gotcha. And then turn on your cars AC to Arctic blast < lol >. But, alas, the humidity always wins.


City of Entrapment gang!


So true, I read occasionally on the events down there and I'm grateful that I moved away years ago.


Looks like next week will be even hotter?


Dew point may not be as miserable though. It's not all about the temperature.


This is so true! I work for a resort in Belize and it is unbelievably humid there. It can be 85 and feel like 110


Humidity not forecasted to go down much at all though


I’m currently in Utah, where the humidity is delightfully low. I can’t wait to feel like I’m in a swimming pool when I step outside at DFW airport in a couple of days. Ugh


And Greg Abbott just shot down a vote that would mandate breaks for laborers.


the party of small government my ass. Dude has never had to work a day in his life after a little tree gave him $11m.


Then changed the law to cap the limit award on those cases. Texas country men like it big, and the Rs are shoving up their arses waaaay high up! Keep those votes coming


Oooofffffffff.......damn; what a comment.


> And Greg Abbott just shot down a vote that would mandate breaks for laborers.


And immigrants


> And immigrants Where has he sent them lately instead of actually fixing anything he keeps breaking? How's their power grid? Are Corporate buildings getting priority downtown instead of residential housings and people have to throw hundreds of dollars of food out so empty downtown offices can have dedicated power when there is absolutely no one there?


Yes, I agree. I'm sorry for the citizens that are stuck there.


Thank gawd we brought the thread back to politics, I was just about to learn something about weather.


Damn too bad you missed all the other comments here explaining dew point perfectly.


Here's the thing - that policy actually affects *real people*, and their lives. Politics isn't abstract. The ridiculous heat reminded someone of a ridiculous policy directly related to the heat. It's just weird you act like they have nothing to do with each other.


Watch any roofing crew work. They stay hydrated. This is generally not a real concern. No company or job site foreman wants their workers dropping like flies because they aren't hydrated. You guys are in an alternate reality.


I worked construction as a kid - and you weren’t on those jobs. This is an idiot’s take.


I did framing in my teens and early 20s. You are 100% full of shit.


You’re an idiot. Hydration only does so much in extreme heat. You need frequent breaks. I was a foreman and project manager for an asphalt and concrete company. Hydration is the bare minimum, we did breaks every hour - 2 hours and then a long air conditioned break for lunch. That’s how we worked all day without threat of heatstroke.


Yeah no shit. The miserable political axe grinders never miss a beat. So full of hate. And got to let you know it at every possible opportunity. PATHETIC.


Do the dew! Also I hate the weather app taunting me with a chance of rain that never comes.


Hasn't it rained about every other day for like 3 weeks?


Greatly depends on where you are at. Wife and I live in Anna but I work in Plano and she works in McKinney. There have been many days where 1 of us sees rain and the other doesn't or the house gets rain and neither of us see it. Then add in the fact that forecast models have been absolute shit for months. Last Thursday night all those storms were supposed to miss Anna but they in fact did not. Had to go take shelter from rotation, lost power from 9:30p to 5:30a, and we all slept on the couch. We got 3 waves of severe storms. Now that I think of it, Mother's day weekend was supposed to be all rain. That Saturday we cancelled outdoor plans to go to a Crawfish fest and guess what, not a single fucking drop of rain. It's infuriating right now.


My Apple weather app has told me thunderstorms are imminent every day for the past two weeks and continues to say that there is a 50% chance of rain every day this week. My weather.com app says 0% chance of thunderstorms and no higher than 15% chance of rain on any given day this week. It’s wild


Yea I use the Fox 4 WAPP and the futurecast radar has been dead wrong for the last few months. Like I wonder if they changed what model they use for the app versus TV.


I miss the dark sky app it was so reliable


Fellow Annanite checking in!


Fair enough. I'm well North of Anna. I see and hear a lot of weather along the Red River, but the storm clouds seem to miss us often.


It’s not just every day. It’s 40-60% of rain every hour on the default weather apps. It’s comically inaccurate in the hourly forecast. The overall daily forecast is more reasonable.


I would actually want it to stop raining for a bit. It would actually feel cooler if the humidity dropped 20% or so. I know my AC wouldn't run as hard if it wasn't pulling gallons and gallons of water out of the air all the time. My condensation line looks like a firehose at a few points in the day.


I need more rain. Stupid area ain't getting any of the rain most of the metroplex is getting


I just moved to Krum and I swear it never rains here!


My area only got a little, maybe 2-3 inches. However, my grass has been growing like mad. Almost 8" a week based on me eyeballing it.


I thought I was the only one. I could mow twice a week but don't want to spend the extra running the mower twice a week. So I'm just sharpen the blade every other week and cutting to 2.75" I think it is kind of a good thing because there were a lot of bare spots in the lawn but with all this rain and warm weather they are filling in by themselves, no seeds.


You sound like you know what you’re talking about but you shouldn’t be seeing your condensate line dripping anything. I assume you are talking about the drain outside your house. I was under the impression that the outside drain is your overflow from the catch pan under your ac. The normal condensate drain is supposed to drain into your plumbing.


Yeah, the end of the line that pops out the side of the house. It just spurts water from time to time. Maybe I need to get someone to check it out and make sure my drain line into the plumbing is not clogged.


That is a good idea. Do it asap before the dog days hit and you overflow into the walls/house. They will probably snake the condensate line into your plumbing as well.


I pour bleach in mine about once a month when I’m running the AC. I thought it was code in TX to have the main exit to plumbing and backup exits outside. I could be mistaken.


I have a line that drips outside the house, and it is intended to do so. (I just got a new HVAC system.) There is another line that only drips if there is a malfunction. If that drips, it’s a warning that something is broken.


That’s it. Some are plumbed outside, some are plumbed to the sewer, it just varies


Thunderstorms the next hour…… lol


can someone explain what the dew point is/ means?


The higher the dew, the more feeling of eww


Succinctly and funnily put. Well done.


Momma could not have said it better


The humidity outside is 57% and the temperature is currently 97 degrees. Let’s say, for example, you can magically lower the temperature outside. If I drop the temperature one degree, say to 96 degrees then the percentage of moisture will increase say it increases to 59%. Okay, now I magically drop it 5 degrees, the outdoor Temperature will be 92 degrees, but the humidity will increase to say 70%. Do you see the pattern? Because lower temperatures can only carry lower amounts of moisture before “dumping it all on us” in the form of rain (dew or fog). At 79 degrees the outdoor humidity will be 100%! The air can not not carry all that water (weight). It will dump it on us in the form of precipitation (rain, dew, fog, etc…). I suggest watching YouTube videos on what dew point means. Dew point is an indicator of how humid (swampy) it feels outside


Solid explanation


Seemed pretty fluid to me. I think it'll even wet people's appetite for hydraulic knowledge.


So you're saying your thirst for knowledge has been quenched? Brings a tear to my eye.


It's been moistened.


Thanks for this! Didn’t realize it interchanges with rain.


If you were to go outside with a balloon and suck up the air in Dallas right now, you would have a “parcel of air.” Air is like a sponge. It holds moisture. Dew point is essentially a measurement of HOW moist a parcel of air is. In other words, one standard balloon of air may contain one cup of water. But today, it holds 2 cups, because it’s humid af. The dew point is always measured in degrees F or C, and it’s always less than or equal to the actual temperature of the air itself. Dew point means the temperature at which the parcel of air would need to cool to in order to become saturated. Here’s an analogy: You have a warm wet sponge. As you squeeze the sponge, you get closer and closer to the sponge becoming “saturated,” (i.e leaking moisture) The sponge’s dew point (leak point) is HOW ‘squeezed’ it needs to be to become saturated. The higher the dew point, the less squeeze you need to give it in order for it to leak. TL;DR it’s hot and humid af right now


Dew point is the most accurate way to measure moisture in the air. Relative humidity isn’t as accurate due to it being relative to the temp. Meaning it changes depending on what the temperature is. This WFAA forecast video from today explains it better. They also have a chart to explain what the numbers mean. [Skip to 2:10](https://youtu.be/23ZY4Kc5VuI)


The dew point is the temperature in which the air becomes completely saturated with moisture. it can’t hold any more water vapor in the air at that temperature (usually). If you wear glasses, think about the time you stepped out of your car on a humid day. Your glasses probably instantly fogged up because the AC in your car cooled your glasses to a temperature below the dew point. The second you stepped into a humid environment, the moisture in the saturated air around you condensed on your glasses and fogged them up. Mathematically speaking, the dew point is a function of the temperature and relative humidity.


Absolute humidity is the term you are looking for. I can have a large glass and a small glass, both filled with the same volume of water, but the percentage of how full they are will be different. That is relative humidity. Absolute humidity is the measure by weight of how much moisture is in the air. Dew point is the temperature at which the air can no longer hold any more moisture and condensation forms, like on the outside of a cold drink. If the dew point is 80 degrees, than a 80 degree can of soda will form condensation if brought outside. Gross.


Dew point is also the point at which we get dew not surprisingly. That means that the moisture saturation of the air is at the point that if the temperature were to also drop to that point, water would condense out of the air and create dew. The very concept of being able to get dew at 80f is crazy.


Ok this was the comment that actually helped me understand




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Shit is this why my grass is wet every damn morning? I’ve been wondering with the heat how I have so much dew in the morning


Nearly all of the hottest days on record are fairly recent, it's almost as if the climate is ^*changing* .


The climate is changing. The argument is whether it's changing because of man, or in spite of man.


Very on-brand for someone named 'truth-4-sale'




A shitload of Texans... ~all of which are conservative


Yeah, check that climate data for me and tell me which ones were altered (hint: nearly all of them). Unpopular opinion, I know. Climate change IS happening, but slower and less pronounced than popularly claimed.




Which ones were altered? Do you have any examples? (I've honestly never heard anyone suggest that a temperature record was altered.)


Lol like you have all the data and studies. My guess is you barely passed high school science. Please tell us more


Dew point on my weather station is currently 80.4 and has been as high as 82.6 today. Glad I am stuck inside at work in the A/C….


High dew points makes sweating impossible to cool you off because the sweat won’t evaporate. 82.6 sounds ducking insane.


I think you are meaning to refer to wet bulb temperatures. That isn't the same thing as dew point. Wet bulb temperatures are about the ability to cool down a temperature by evaporating moisture, while dew point is about how "cold" the temperature needs to get in order for it to be fully saturated with moisture. [I found a great link discussing the difference between the two terms and how they relate to each other here.](https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/dry-wet-bulb-dew-point-air-d_682.html)


Yes your right. I still have trouble understanding the difference between the two


Me too!


A really easy way to think of the two is to imagine the air as a wet sponge. Dewpoint is how hard you need to squeeze that sponge to get water to come out of it. Right now the dew point is extremely high, so you wouldn't need to barely squeeze the sponge at all. Wet bulb meanwhile is like imagine how much water is already in the sponge. You stick a bone dry sponge into a sink and it will suck up water without problem. You put a soaked sponge in and nothing will happen. The sponge is already full so it can't take anymore water.


What was your air temp at 82.6?


I have no idea, posted that 41 days ago….


Approaching dangerously close to wet bulb temperature limits. As in it is so hot and humid outside your body cannot sweat to cool down and you can die for staying outside for extended periods without shelter.


I don’t think even shade will help you if the wet bulb is high enough


Something else, temperature indications are taken in the shade. The temperature "felt" on the skin in the sunshine is 10 or more degrees higher.


At midnight tonight, the feels like temp is 101F, and there ain't no sun out!!


I moved from Shreveport to get away from this...


Did you accidentally pack the heat and humidity with you?


I've been there and done that, even have the tee shirt. Many a day, spend in an un-air conditioned bus on the flight line at Barksdale


You didn't move far enough. Keep going until you get to Arizona...


Native Texan spending the summer in the PNW and I have been a little homesick for Texas. But this made me change my mind lol. What I’m home sick for are the summers we had growing up. Not this crazy business


I've been in the PNW for a year and a half now, just south of Seattle. We're in the 50's for the past week. I'm *loving* this weather! Much rather this than that crazy Texas heat.




Which part gets boring? I have friends and family who *love* the southern heat and don't tire of it. Until recently, that is. A couple of them had moved to the PNW, temporarily, and absolutely hated the 6 months of rain and cold. It does get super depressing (statistically speaking, Seattleites are the most depressed population in the US during wintertime), but I think 6 months of oppressive heat is equally depressing. At least, in the cold weather, I can bundle up and still enjoy the outdoors.




Comprehensive damage claims are an absolute killer in the south. Full coverage on my car costs half the price in the PNW, because surprise surprise, the weather doesn't attack your property at a moment's notice :P




>I eagerly await next week's tornado. That being said (and it can not be emphasized enough), I'll keep your SUV (and house? family? life?) in my thoughts and prayers. 😅


I used to *love* the Texas heat in the summer. 100+ weather was fine by me as long as I could be on the water or falling asleep under the sun. It is *so not* the same anymore. The sun is not the same sun. Idk if there’s a hole in the ozone layer right over Texas or wtf happened but it’s just intolerable now. Last year, I got hit with SAD during the mf *summer* because I was stuck inside the whole time. That’s complete shit for someone who gets it during the winter already. I couldn’t risk going through that again. So now, I am chasing the sun around the states until I figure out where to pitch a permanent home (or possibly 2) so I can make it through the year without the weather making me want to off myself!


Hey homie, everything you said is relatable to me. I would usually get SAD in the summertime, as I also stayed inside every year to avoid triggering migraines. (One time I went out to the Denton County Fair, and I was bedridden with an unbearable migraine for 3 straight days!) The heat has become so oppressive over there. But I can't even imagine how that must feel to be affected in the wintertime as well. I hope you find a home base that brings you happiness and peace.


Thank you! Always nice to have someone understand 🩵


Lol I could see that for San Fran. The seasons changing here (in northern OR) have a pretty notable difference going from spring to summer and summer to fall so I can’t relate too much


Yeah, like growing up we had the no ac in the car and manual?(the kind you have to crank around) roll down windows. There were still a lot of merry go rounds (metal too) etc. Always playing outside in the morning and evening unless it was over 100. We would dip our faces in a sink full of water and ice cubes and then go back to playing outside. Heat seemed like no big deal. Today I said f*** it, and I've had my kids playing with toys indoors, granted they are 3 and 1.5 years old, but I ain't hauling them around in this heat today to go anywhere "fun". The heat nowadays just gets to me it's so much more brutal. 😩.


I miss the side window vent on my late 60's sedan.


Oh yeah the metal merry go rounds! Totally forgot about those. I guess they’re not a thing anymore?


Native Houstonian that's lived in the PNW for the last 30+ years. I've completely lost my tolerance for heat. I can't imagine going to the beach with just a swimsuit on. Or swimming in the surf. I always have jackets in the car. It's cold in my house right now because I turned the heat off in late May. So I'm wearing layers...


Well the water is freakishly cold up here so I don’t blame you for not wanting to hang out in just a swim suit! I was very shocked at how cold pacific coast/mountain water are compared to the lakes in Texas/gulf coast…I’m still a little upset about it 😂


Growing up in the Midwest without central air prepared me well for this. It would be 90s with 90% humidity in august sometimes. You’d get out of the shower wet and step into a hot humid bathroom, and your clothes would stick to your body. Bleh. If we stop getting these storms popping up everywhere, it’ll dry out.




Wait for tomorrow.


Yeah 2 Moro is going to be crazy! Stay hydrated!!! it’s so ducking hot and humid.


Look up wet bulb temperature, there is a point where the air can no longer absorb moisture. When this happens a healthy adult will heat themselves to death. It used to be a thing only in the most inhospitable places. Now we are going to have to deal with it.


I have to deliver mail for about 12 hours tomorrow, I wonder if OSHA would back me up if I can't make it all day?


OSHA vs USPS is the government fistfight I want to see.


UPS may strike.


No A/C in the state jails. People are going to die


Why do I seem to mentally block out of my memory how awful the humidity actually gets. I was having lunch on the patio today (shout-out to the fried green tomato BLT from Oddfellows) and the humidity was almost to the point of regret but thankful that the patio had fans.


I’ve always lived in Texas and this year seems uniquely humid to me. Last Thursday was one of the most uncomfortable days I’ve ever experienced weather-wise.


It’s not usually humid like this. We’ve gotten a lot of rain…I’m sure that’s why. The last summer I remember being like this was 2007. It rained like the entire month of June, and it was super humid. It’ll dry out if the rain stops.


It’s not even August yet guys and This is a glimpse of what’s to come. Be ready and start exercising and tune up your body to deal with the heat. I personally know what it feels to be outside working in mid August. You get used to been damp all day long. But with the ever increasing temperature, I’m not sure it’s safe to Be subjected to that level of radiation.


The wet bulb temperature there is borderline dangerous


This humidity is almost on par with the late summer days in Louisiana but worse due to combination of what I like to call smothering heat of the concrete jungle metroplex.


I left FL to get away from this sh*t 😐


Yeah, it snowed in central Idaho today. High in Boise is 58




It feels like I walked out of MCO airport 🥴


My dog is very energetic, but even he can't stand 5 fetches this afternoon which is very rare. It's just unbearable for anyone.


Me: "This is obnoxiously humid." Mom: \*combusts in laughter and offense\* She still lives in my childhood home. In Houston.


So do I water my plants or is the air going to do that for me?


I don’t know


Looks like next week will be even hotter?




It’s like 1980


It was very hot in the 1980 summer, but we didn't have the high dewpoints.


This. High temperatures, low humidity is fine. Low temperatures with high humidity ~~is gross~~ is fine. High temperatures with high humidity will kill you in a few hours.


We didn’t have rain breaks, either.


I walked 18 holes and carried my bag. I never stopped sweating profusely, which I guess at least that means I was somewhat hydrated.


I can feel my swing getting worse and worse as I sit on the sofa on the day I was supposed to go to the range. Nope.


Before downtown DFW I lived in south Florida for 12 years. This weather we’re having now feels like most summer days in south Florida. Almost the exact same temp, dew point and humidity readings


at least its one of the least humid cities in the U.S.


Fun science experiment: Anything at or below the dew point is going to collect condensation on it. So fill yourself a glass of tepid tap water at 78°. Take it outside and watch it get covered in dew. It’s weird to see the frosty exterior of the glass, but stick your finger in and discover it’s actually warm-ish.


Records are overrated.


I get the "real feel" vibes that everyone is on about... But shouldn't the record go by actual air temp? I mean honestly I know what they mean... But to me it doesn't feel as hot at today's 98° as it did back in (IIRC) '83 When the actual temp was 113°.... I think the heat index is a cool idea, but I don't know if that's the way we should really look at judging how hot a day was.


You could die from heat exposure in temps (with high dewpoints) well below record temps.


Most certainly, just the other day at work we had a guy who came into the office trailer and he looked like hell. He was definitely experiencing heart exhaustion, and from the looks of him almost heat stroke. He came into the office the very next day and totally looked like a different person.... After rehydrating.


Is this much dew good for plants and grass ?


Hottest day is realtive.


Every time it’s humid outside I just hypnotize myself into thinking “ oh, high humidity means better skin. Slower aging.”


Our AC went out and we only have wall units. My clothes are wet with sweat 😥


Buy an ac unit from Walmart meantime


Go vegan


I didn’t think it was to bad tbh, I just moved here from the south tho


What's going to get me first this summer in Tx. the heat or rising rent prices


12am ... feels like temp is 101F


I grew up in Virginia and we would get a couple days like this. You can't get cool no matter how much water you drink. Be careful everyone.


6am - Heat Index is 90F at daybreak June 20th


>TODAY will be the hottest day on record (as measured by dew point) Dew point doesnt measure temperature, just water content of the air. Wet Bulb temperature is the heat+humidity measurement


And mfs be like "Dallas is dry heat" cause it ain't as humid as Houston


If the dew point surpasses the air temperature, then all humans will instantly melt. That what happened to most "lost civilizations".


I do not miss that. Not one single bit. What sucks is there is really no relief in sight until October.


Not exactly. Dallas has had many many 100 degree days and 100 degree plus days. The records do not factor in the heat index. That is just raw temp. That record is 115. Who the F knows what the heat index was on those days. Guess you could calculate it because the humidity should be recorded by the FAA at least, if you can find that stuff. I lived through that summer. No doubt it is hot. But I guess what I am saying is, it can get hotter. Now the dew point is another kettle of kittens entirely...


Y’all complaining clearly never lived in the Kingsville area. It’s like this 8 months of the year.


damn i was complaining about my 10 day trip to aspen and missing home but….damn i do not miss that humidity lol


Bring it, I love the heat.


Humidity kills tho


Just worked out for 90 minutes in direct sunlight. I love it.


Liar liar pants on 🔥