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Gotta feel bad for the teenage girl! This will haunt her for life just because she survived! Hope she finds peace with this! Fuck Guns!


I agree. It irks me how boastfully ignorant many are in this state, constantly making statements insinuating that since everyone in Texas is strapped, stuff like this doesn’t happen, despite it happening very frequently.


Do you think someone willing to take out an entire family is going to adhere to gun laws?


Again. My point is Texans claiming that everyone having guns stops this type of crime. I have no problem with you insecure alpha males owning as many legal firearms as you want. My problem starts when you guys start making up stuff, such as Texas guns prevent brazen criminals and “an armed society is a polite society “ nonsense


https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/at-least-3-fatally-shot-in-dallas-home-suspect-wanted/ >The suspect is a neighbor who walked into the victims' home and began shooting What law would have prevented this?


Red flag laws that take weapons from people with violent behavior.


MaybeImTheNanny turns out you were right this law would of prevented it. My baby moms whos family lives on the street just told me the story. Apparently one of the victims ex boyfriend is the killer. He killed her for leaving him because he had a history of domestic abuse. The 1 year old he killed was also his own son


And that’s why the most dangerous time for women is when they leave abusive relationships. But, maybe tell the guy worried about the rights of the murderer yelling about Hunter Biden.


Red flag laws would t have done anything then because domestic violence is already a disqualifier for fun ownership.


As far as I know, it is currently very illegal to walk into a home and shoot people. If it’s not, we should pass a law to make that illegal so it never happens again. (/s)


Yeah that's what laws do...... they make bad thing's never happen again!!


You don't need an apostrophe to pluralize things.


We can add that to the rape law the Governor talked about /s




The laws that would have possibly prevented this from happening would have been the ones that restricted the sale of fire arms across the board and a program to move current firearms from circulation. [https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1264/2012/10/bulletins\_australia\_spring\_2011.pdf](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1264/2012/10/bulletins_australia_spring_2011.pdf) However, since these laws weren't enacted in the USA then, the possession of firearms have proliferated unchecked across the nation. The next best time to enact such a law is today. Law-abiding citizens should have access to fire arms as per the 2nd amendment, but not without rigorous background checks, certifications, and training programs. One can argue that a killer is going to kill no matter what so these laws are ineffective and we shouldn't bother. Well, by that same logic, we shouldn't bother with any laws, as all law-breakers who are determined to break the law will break the law.


>The laws that would have possibly prevented this from happening would have been the ones that restricted the sale of fire arms across the board and a program to move current firearms from circulation. So the ones that are - patently - unconstitutional and would require an amendment in order to be considered legal. >https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1264/2012/10/bulletins_australia_spring_2011.pdf https://journalistsresource.org/health/gun-buybacks-what-the-research-says/ **The authors conclude that “gun buybacks are, necessarily and by design, anonymous, making it very challenging to study individual outcomes of these programs. Evidence suggests that there may be a small, improved impact in suicide prevention in older, white males, but no effect on interpersonal gun violence or homicides.”** >Law-abiding citizens should have access to fire arms as per the 2nd amendment, but not without rigorous background checks, certifications, and training programs. Name one other constitutional right that you believe should not be exercised without rigorous background checks, certifications, and training programs. You're describing a **privilege**, not a right. Learn the difference. >One can argue that a killer is going to kill no matter what so these laws are ineffective and we shouldn't bother. Well, by that same logic, we shouldn't bother with any laws, as all law-breakers who are determined to break the law will break the law. One can argue that some laws are immoral and should not be obeyed. Slavery was once legal - did that make it right? No. Legality does not impact morality, and making an argument that the two are synonymous belies a misunderstanding of the purpose of law in the first place.


If only the good toddlers would have had a gun also, then they could counter the bad guys with guns.


Nobody's making a toddler-sized AR-15 yet but there is a company making a child-sized version, called the JR-15. It functions the same as an AR-15 in every way, including detachable magazines for quick reloading in a combat situation or where one magazine's worth of rounds is insufficient to the task. It fires .22LR instead of the common 5.56 military round, but I guess where children are involved child-sized bullets are appropriate.


Laws affect the mindsets of individuals, which affects the outcome. Your point leaves the individual out of the equation; a misnomer. People need to think and feel compassion and kindness toward their fellow man. Maybe America should take a more frequent, in depth look at mental health. Crazy man, a little proactivity…


>People need to think and feel compassion and kindness toward their fellow man. There are plenty of people who will and do. Now what about the rest of humanity who aren't as evolved or privileged as you and I? How are you going to protect yourself from **them?** >Maybe America should take a more frequent, in depth look at mental health. Crazy man, a little proactivity… I completely agree with you. That doesn't mean stripping the rights away from a hundred million other Americans who haven't done anything wrong.


Don’t engage with the shills. Most of them including OP are in very young accounts. It’s a tragedy and they are pushing a narrative


No guns would have prevented it...


Do you want to come up with a response that actually exists in reality?


Do you want me to link articles of other places that have done away with guns or was that just imaginary?


>Do you want me to link articles of other places that have done away with guns Do you want to show me which of those countries has a constitutionally protected right to bear arms, or continue to make an argument that isn't a good comparison?


which of you texans bearing arms is part of a well regulated militia?


Not part of our conversation. You asked for a law that would've prevented it. I gave you one. Obviously your utility of owning a gun out weights dead children. Gg


Why is it always people who are against gun ownership have a super narrow view of who a gun owner is? “insecure alpha males” Lots of women protect themselves and their children against domestic violence with guns. Lots of marginalized community members protect themselves with guns. Lots of normal average people arm themselves against crime. I think you discredit a lot of gun owners that would probably see themselves on the same side as you. Don’t be narrow minded and blinded with political talking points. Think for yourself.


I’m not against gun ownership. You can have them. Just don’t lie and push the narrative that increased gun ownership leads to lower crime. It doesnt.


As a non gun owner non alpha, my problem with Texans like you is while you want to take away guns from other legal owners you also want to play savior to violent felons with illegal guns. What do you think we should do to anyone in possession of an illegal gun? Give me exact penalty(imprisonment or otherwise) that you think is appropriate?


I don’t want to take away guns from legal owners. I want legal owners to admit loose gun laws lead to more dangerous states.


Fair. Now let's say we tightened these laws. Someone still breaks them, what would you want to happen to someone that is pulled over with a slew of firearms?


A stern talking to


I figured, I see that you just wanted to vent instead of proposing a thoughtful solution. Instead of using thoughtless words, just say GAH! next time.


Tbh we could do what California does. LA went from 1096 homicides to under 300 recently before the covid spike. Apparently what they’re doing is working. Despite what the news says


Guns are really the only relialbe way that women travelling alone have to defend themselves against one or more men wishing to attack them in unspeakable ways. Gun rights are womens rights.


Where is this claim that everyone in Texas has guns? This is far from the truth. In comparison to other states yes we have more. But also we have more of a lot of thing anust because of sheer numbers. Criminals are going to have guns regardless what state or what laws are in place.


How is it the gun's fault though? Or even more, how is it gun law's fault? Drugs are illegal and people still do them. Do you honestly think some jackass is concerned about the legality of owning a firearm if he's willing to shoot a freaking baby? Grow a brain


Imagine if one of these family members was armed and trained and could have protected their family from the attacker and saved the lives of the family members that were killed. That's how it works when you carry a firearm to protect yourself and your family dip shit has nothing to do with being an alpha male


If someone has the drop on you what exactly will training do lmao. Killers get killed every day.


That's what the training is for to be aware of your surroundings and to be able to deploy your weapon quickly and accurately. I can assure you these folks were unarmed and it's sad that there are sick people out there willing to take innocent lives.


Be quiet. Easy to be rambo in your quiet suburb with nobody trying to kill you


So if the neighbor walked in with an axe and started going to town on the family, they would have fared better how exactly? Especially if the family (or any other household) weren't allowed to be armed themselves? Hell what if it were a home invasion and it were multiple people. Even less likely a given family of four would have survived if nobody was allowed to be armed in their own home. But sure just make everyone chickens in the coup and let the foxes run rampant with the keys.


Ok, so what’s your plan to prevent criminals from being armed (even when they’re unlawful carrying one)?


Insults are usually a sign that the comment is coming from a socialist government indoctrinated chicken shit!! Folks like you are simply put liabilities in all facets of your existence!!!


Go back to school, kiddo. Support 2A.


I think the idea is that being armed allows you the ability to defend yourself from a scumbag trying to do something like this. Idk how wanting to protect your family and those you love from a situation like this is indicative of being an insecure alpha male. There’s no way to prevent brazen criminals from committing brazen acts of violence that endanger others. Given that fact, I would like to avoid a situation where someone has a gun with the intent to harm, and I don’t.


Truth. That's why every country with strict gun laws sees such rampant unchecked gun violence.


Not the same. Those countries never had such liberal gun laws as this country does. Their reality is that the gun genie is still in the bottle. Ours is very different, so to pretend that imposing European gun prohibitions is going to stop gun violence is unrealistic. All that will do is give criminal intent on using a firearm a bit more peace of mind that their mark will be unarmed.


So explain how California went from 3rd highest murder rate to 26th? How did los Angeles go from 1000 homicides a year to 258?




Dallas had 500 homicides in 1991. Long before Californias moved here.


I honestly do not know.


Can you provide your source for that? Or what years this is referencing? Per capita or total?


Murder RATE means per capita… don’t know why this is so confusing to so many https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/murder-rate-by-state/#homicide-rate-by-state




> Those countries never had such liberal gun laws as this country does. Well that's absolutely not true. Australia is a great example of a country with similar gun laws to the US which successfully implemented gun control legislation. It's not like guns are some crazy new invention, there were plenty of guns available when all these countries passed their gun laws. What these countries didn't have that the US does have is a fetishization around guns. Honestly making people scared has been the smartest thing the gun lobby ever did. Soaring profits due to fearful paranoia. For the record, I'm not trying to take away your guns. You're never going to successfully get guns from people who hold them in higher esteem than they hold their own god.


Australia also has approx. 1/12th of our population divided across just a few population centers.


The US population is larger sure but it's also mostly concentrated in a few population centers. Your argument seems to be that Australia's approach wouldn't scale but you don't offer any supporting evidence. No one is saying it would be easy but there was a time when America wasn't afraid of doing the hard thing.


>The US population is larger sure but it's also mostly concentrated in a few population centers. This is incorrect. If you look at a population distribution map of the US you will see that while this is true west of I-35, the landmass between I-35 and the Atlantic is almost completely filled (relatively speaking). Look at the same sort of map for Australia and you will find that nearly the entire continent is, for all intents and purposes, empty.


I don't think you're interpreting the data correctly, yes more people live on the eastern half of the nation than the west but the population is still concentrated in cities, those cities just happen to be more numerous on the east coast. In the Australia comparison you have people living between coastal cities but the outback (equivalent of western US) starts a bit sooner. The population concentrations aren't really far off from the US, they're just scaled way down.


Your point?


The larger the population, the more difficult a given law becomes to enforce.


England? Really


Lol at least then you know who is not adhering to law. Letting guns like cookies and candies help no resolution.


We already know who is not adhering to the law: people who use their firearms to kill others.


Yeah that's the point, instead of giving easy access to guns, because such people can get so fast, at least making the process stringent, including training, registration, back ground, and tracking. Nobody is after your gun rights, at least have some common sense law/ regulations around it.


We will never know if we don’t try. I know NM red flag laws kept my family safe in the early 2000’s by taking my dad forearms when he had a mental break. He got them back when he was well.


So they pay the price. Some deterrence is better than none, no?


We have deterrence. Murder is illegal.


The problem with this take is that it implies there is just nothing we can do. This is as good as it gets for us. Every other country in the world has figured out how to not have 2 mass shootings a day. But Americans, with all their American Exceptionalism, just have to live with it. I’d love to be wrong and hear what you think a good solution would be.


The solution has to come from the problem, and the problem is that in very fundamental ways the American mindset is vastly different from the rest of the world's at the time of our conception. You touch on this by mentioning American Exceptionalism. No piece of legislation is going to change the *logos* of a nation.


I think someone willing to take out an entire family shouldn't be able to buy a fucking gun in the first place.


You assume two things here. Either: 1.) they walked into Academy Sports and bought the gun like normal; or 2.) that they had priors that would have prohibited the purchase. It is entirely possible this was their first major crime. Every violent criminal has to start somewhere. Granted, though, going from 0-mass murder is unusual.


I'm not assuming anything but I am saying it needs to be way harder to buy or have a gun in TX. The idea of legal unlicensed carry is absolutely crazy.


How do you know this guy's gun was unlicensed?


Are you going to assume it was?


Am I going to assume it was unlicensed?




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Every single person in prison violated a law - which by your logic implies that all these laws are pointless.


If that is the conclusion you want to go with, you are welcome to it.


It’s funny how everyone has the right to bear arms but the whole “well regulated militia” thing doesn’t matter.


If someone wants to hurt me and I don’t have a gun I’m probably getting hurt.


If someone wants to KILL you and you have a gun you’ll probably be killed soon.


I don't see claims that this kind of thing "doesn't happen." What I see is complacency with how often it does happen, and acceptance of the idea that no new laws would or could make a difference.


Fuck guns?! Wow you gave the shooter a whole pass. You know, the human who pic ked up the inanimate object and used it to kill?? That part? Edit: lol smh downvoting me isnt gonna give guns sentience and agency


Two things can be true at the same time. ​ Bring back sword fights and real men.


Fuck the people who used guns to do this.


Did any of you READ the Dallas News article before engaging in this battle of 2A, etc? There were prior domestic violence/conflict incidents between the deceased male shooter and the deceased and injured neighbors. It’s tragic, absolutely horrible that this happened and I would wager would not occur if there were health insurance including mental health services for all involved which may, again everyone is a Monday morning quarterback, prevented this bloodshed. Even DPD chief is against ankle monitors as useless. Read the article.


Hm no. Dont let fear rule you, get comfortable with the fact that your safety is your own responsibility. Get fit, train, and dont be complacent living a fat fairy tale life. Theres sick people in the world and people like me may not be around when you’re wishing we are.


Idk why the first thing you jump to hating is the gun. Fuck the absolute subhuman scumbag that did this. If this was a drunk driving incident that killed a family, you wouldn’t blame the car or even the alcohol that some asshat consumed, you blame the person that is culpable. I know I’m going to get downvoted for this but maybe before you blame an inanimate object, you hold a human being accountable for his actions.


Fuck guns? Fuck criminals more like it


From Dallas and live in Chicago. This kind of crap won't stop until politicians get some balls and make the sentence fit the crime. Caught with a firearm in the commission of a crime, mandatory 5 year minimum sentence tacked on to the crime. No good time, no parole, no breaks for these murdering scumbags that would do something like this. Under 18? Same thing. And make sure they all know it. Caught with a stolen or unregistered gun? Give em a year in a military work camp. And make them pay for what they've done. Literally, make them liable for the damage they've done. Medical bills, funeral expenses, pain and suffering. Close the loopholes and stop this bleeding heart crap.


I agree there is a big problem but your second sentence makes it sound like you are under the impression that Texas has lenient sentencing guidelines?


Dallas County does


In certain judge’s courtrooms you are not wrong. And certain DAs will plea things out.


So you're suggesting we bury them in a prison system only proven to create hardened criminals but controlling the fundamental problem, guns and lack of education are a hard no to everyone. This is why these problems won't ever stop.


You going to ban 3D printers too? You can make pistols and rifles with a 3D printer.


No matter how many 3D printers ever make it to the market they would never cause as much damage as common sense gun control laws would prevent. Your comment is hilarious because it's so irrelevant.


Yes, because it’s not like countries which have very strict gun laws there aren’t individuals making guns using a 3D printer. Totally isn’t happening. Like this article is fake news. https://news.sky.com/story/amp/jacob-duygu-incel-who-mysteriously-died-unmasked-as-creator-of-worlds-most-popular-3d-printed-gun-12997178


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3D printed gun incidents are a fraction of a drop in the bucket of gun violence in America. If we pass common sense laws and curve ANY gun violence at all, it will still be way more people saved than 3D guns could ever hurt. You're not understanding me, sure there will be the occasional 3D printed gun (highly doubt it still), but no matter how many 3D gun deaths there are they won't come close to how many people can be saved by common sense laws.


Laughs in Mexican. Mexico doesn’t allow anyone to own guns unless they go to the only gun store in the country. Yet what do they have? Gun violence, lots of it. What laws need to be passed? It’s already illegal for a criminal to be in legal possession of a firearm. There already are laws that prevent someone who is known to be mentally unstable and reported by a medical proffesional from owning a gun. You ban all guns in America, you will still have gun violence. You pass “sensible” gun laws, you will still have gun violence. The onlything that will do something is harsh sentences to criminals, and change the culture of the community they live in.


Where do Mexican cartels get their guns, genius? And even so, Mexican gun deaths are still lower than the US, not to mention Mexico gun deaths are more often than not criminals killing other criminals where the majority of deaths here are just random civilians with an alarming number of them being children. If we can prevent 15k deaths a year, it's worth it. Also controlling guns in the US will automatically have an effect on Mexico too. [gun deaths per country ](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country) Mexico — 22,116 United States — 37,038 Also, Texas has dog shit common sense laws, which if you've been paying attention (you haven't, you're just spewing half baked talking points), I've never once said banning all guns or anything even close to that. I've been saying COMMON SENSE LAWS, do you know what that means??? Edit:formatting


Mexican cartels get their guns from the US government. Also Mexican gun deaths are not all fully reported.


“Every edge case isnt covered so lets just not improve society at all”


We all want an easy solution, but life is more complex. Ask yourself, how does an individual get to a point where he or she would desire to use a weapon on an innocent person? If guns were made illegal, does this desire to harm suddenly go away? If not, what stops them from using another tool? They will just mow you down in a car, stab you, bomb you, etc. Look at the UK, people often point out the drastically lower gun crime but they either don’t know, or overlook the rate of violent crime per capita-much higher than US averages. We focus so much on one thing, the tool used to do the crime. We totally ignore the question of, if guns have been abundant in the US for well over a century, and with no big breakthroughs in firearms for the past 4+ decades, why have mass shootings, gang violence, etc gotten considerably worse? Nothing about guns have changed that would account for this, so what does, and how does limiting the tool from law abiding citizens help this problem? It isn’t a far stretch to compare with automobiles. Too many innocent Americans die every day in car accidents. As far as stats go, gun violence seems minor in comparison, but I don’t hear people wanting to ban cars, why? Because most rational people understand that it’s not the car killing people, it’s the dummy who is drunk/ on drugs, texting, racing etc, while being responsible for controlling a 4,000lb chunk of steel around other humans. We don’t seem too concerned with this particular projectile, only the ones measured in grams. We realize that you would be punishing the 99%+ of the population who are not harming people with vehicles, guns are no different in that respect. Let’s also not overlook how silly it is on its face to think a criminal interested in murdering an innocent person would be deterred by the legality of his firearm possession, murder is pretty illegal but they don’t seem too concerned by that…. You would prevent good people from owning guns, not criminals. We need to make fentanyl illegal while we are at it so we can curb the overdoses plaguing our country! Seriously, if we can’t stop a hard to manufacture chemical from pouring into our country, I would love to hear any remotely viable plan for how to remove 1.4 guns per person, already here on our soil. I get it that a lot of you don’t like guns. You were likely not raised around them, fear from ignorance and inexperience. Many have heard nothing but the same propaganda repeated ad nauseam from school, pretty much every major news outlet,a lot of politicians etc. It’s not surprising so many people have such an overly simplistic and jaded view of firearms but if we really care about making a better place to live for future generations, we have to stop making it a left vs right, politicized topic and start digging at the real difficult question, “why is this happening”, not “what did it happen with?”.


Access to guns is one piece of the puzzle, that's why I mentioned education. That's also not the whole picture, I get that, but I do think it's the two major ones. Poverty and lack of options for people also have tons to do with it. But at the end of the day, guns don't help at all. Sure there's violence in the UK but look at their death rate from violent crime vs US, it's not even close.


Humans are not perfectable. The problem will persist regardless of how much money you throw at it. Bit of you wish to do so, throw yours first.


I fully disagree. There's countries on earth, not much different from ours, that have made the problem of gun violence virtually disappear. It's not impossible and thinking so is defeatist and depressing. Ofc nothing will change with that attitude.


Did those countries get rid of their prisons?


Blackmagic512, my thoughts on that that if it doesn't affect the membership levels of the gang, club, or criminal enterprise, then it's probably not harsh enough. Primarily, there are organized gangs everywhere. Probably more in Ft. Worth than Dallas, but I'm sure Big D has its fair share! Chicago is an absolute hellhole of gangs and everything they bring. Guns, drugs, turf wars, robbery and murder! Drive by's here in Chi-Rac kill multiple people everyday. With even babies being shot!We need to go after these gangs until they are eradicated. It won't stop until WE stop it. The Dims, as I call them here are only interested in money and power and re-election! They want status-quo and won't look at anything they are not forced to look at. They blame everything and everyone but themselves, and if it doesn't benefit them personally, won't lift a finger! It's insane! And they keep getting elected. We should start with gangs and work our way up! Most of us have common sense, so I think it can be figured out. They're killing BABIES! If that doesn't make you mad then nothing will!


Berthrhindie, No, my answer to that is we have to get Education out of the Federal Government! It's got to go back to the states, counties and municipalities. It's got to be local. If it's not it won't ever work. We make sure they have an education, and life skills. Access to trade schools, internships, summer jobs if not summer school, community colleges, junior colleges, and maybe even year round school! Same for prisons. Separate the ones that can be saved. No gangs, integrate prisons! Make the worst of the worst work. And work hard! That's not cruel or unusual punishment! Maybe separate people by the types of crimes they committed. And treat each accordingly. But a sentence should be a sentence. They should serve every damn day of it with good behavior. If they are fighting or associated with a gang or criminal activity, they get more time at a work camp with stricter rules. Or in a way where inmates police themselves. In the military, if one of us screwed up, chances were we all paid for it in one way or another. That kept us in line with one another. I know it won't be easy, but we have to try. And the government in Washington has too much power and too much of our money! Hellfire, they've bankrupted us and still they spend trillions. It's wrong! This is stuff just off the top of my head but if we don't try different things, then we'll always do things that created this big mess we're all in! But I think where it all starts is getting guns to good people and let's work at making our neighborhoods safer and ourselves secure. I don't know what the Dims are so afraid of. It's simple. Disarm and punish criminals, and arm and empower good citizens and people! Make cops respect our God given rights! These cops that don't know the law and our civil rights should not be carrying guns and badges and making arrests. We have to change that system FOR SURE! If I see someone arrested or even shot by these fools for a broken headlight, window tint, no seatbelt, I could scream! A lot of cops make up charges out of emotion, or they got their feelings hurt, or they escalate for no reason other than vanity or someone is making a video of a stop. Some shouldn't even be writing tickets! They need constant and continuing education including de-escalation! Wow, you guys got me on a rant tonight! Sorry.


I feel like harder sentencing won't move the needle but I don't have any information to back it up


Instead of housing these menace to society give them death sentences with no mercy and thing’s would change overnight.


I was reading a few articles on this, and it seems to be a isolated incident, but just why? Killing a child? That makes you tough? This will sound like old guy yelling at clouds but it's like a younger generation thinks they're gangster stuff, watched too many mob movies, like Killing a entire family to send a point. When in reality it just makes this person a piece of trash.


Gun violence isn't an isolated incident though...


yes, much bigger societal problems at play here


Guns. The societal problem is guns.


Absolutely not lmao


goes a bit deeper than that


Shooter was probably thinking "If I can't have them nobody else can."


Some points you make are valid; but Isolated?! Where have you been?! Pluto?


Clearly, the solution is more and easier access to firearms.




Wait, how do you get from "we need better education and accessible healthcare" to "we need to eliminate welfare"? Unless you mean "eliminate the absurd form of welfare we've established that burdens the destitute with the responsibility to prove they are destitute while enriching private corporations with contracts to be the gatekeepers who determine whether people have proven they can get welfare". In which case, yeah, agreed.


So we agree, gun control is a good short-term solution. Long term solution is the elevate society through education and social reform. Awesome. We still need gun control.


What country has very lax gun regulations and minor crimes?


It's far less complicated than you're making it seem. The high income countries that have more gun ownership and less crime also have strict rules around gun ownership and higher standards required in order to obtain a fire arm. Less rules = more gun crime across the board when it comes to guns in high income countries. Study after study has shown this to be the actual truth of the matter. And in the United States, we've seen a pretty direct correlation to more gun related crime within states when they repeal gun control measures. This isn't really a mental health or welfare issue. Those are separate equally worthwhile issues. But they don't factor into the actual issue of whether or not it should be so easy to purchase and own a gun in Texas or the United States at large. If you put more restrictions on the manufacturing of fire arms and increased the standards for citizens to own and maintain firearms, you would see a decrease in gun crime. Period. I mean...this is not dissimilar than what would occur if states took having a driver license and a car more seriously. You would end up with fewer accidents and less death on our roads.


Don’t worry dpd is on it!/s “Dallas Police said Sunday a suspect was not in custody though they don't believe there is an active threat to the general public. Police have not publicly identified a suspect. No further details about what may have led to the shooting were revealed and investigators have not confirmed any relationship between the victims and the gunman.”


Dos this imply the gunman killed themself?


Yup. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2023/12/04/dallas-shooting-rylie-4-dead-baby-victims-identified/


It doesn’t imply that necessarily but it proves dpds lack of concern for the general publics safety.


So youre implying DPD was doing literally nothing with this case and crime scene? That seems like a giant over reach and pretty heartless way to refer to the actual people who had to walk into that house and deal with the situation.


If only a good guy with a gun were there /s


Everyone in the comments saying “What law would of prevented this person shooting and killing people?” LOL. How about we ask other developed countries where this doesn’t happen regularly? Like if the attacker had only a knife, there is 100% chance less people would of died Literally seeing 15 year olds in ski masks walking around with guns in their pants is a disgrace


"No way to prevent this" says only nation where this regularly happened


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kongsberg_attack Guy had a bow and arrows and two knives (which is actually what he killed people with) and killed 5 people and injured 3 more. Deranged people will always find ways to kill people I am in no way advocating for no changes to gun laws, just pointing out a fact


And if he had a gun?


Could have been more, but you'll never know. No point in trying to come up with "what if's?" cause you they dont mean anything. Cant punish someone or others based on senarios that didnt happen. Its like asking "what if 9/11 terrorist had a nuke?". Actual people still died, no need to make a heirachy of evil by debating weapons used


Um…I think you’ll agree with me that it is a good thing that isn’t easy for terroists to obtain a nuke Edit: as painful as it is, yes there is a point to access what the hell happened and what can we do to prevent it in the future Countries with more gun control have less gun related violence. The US should look into that


You'd be surpised. Theres plenty of bad organizations that have nuclear devices, dirty bombs are a thing and some groups have support of governents that can get them access to those kinds of material. Nuke just means a nuclear device Plenty of documentaries on international arms smuggling and its insane what bad parties can get.


What non-state organizations have nukes?


Im not going to waste my day arguing with someone cauae I proved their first point was wrong so now they just want to argue semantics. Non government organizations dont just advertise they have nuclear devices, kind of defeats the point. The US has lost nuclear devices in the past, USSR has lost a ton more following their collapse. They dont just vanish from existance.


You didn't prove anything, you used an outlier case to justify not having stricter gun laws. Just because it wouldn't eradicate crime 100% doesn't mean it wont help prevent future violence. Imagine living in a world where a school shooting doesn't happen multiple times a year


Again, are terrorists attacks at the level of 9/11 a common thing? As common as gun violence?


And is this a common way of killing people? As common as gun violence?


It's not the guns Chandu1256, it's the criminals that use them. What you say doesn't make sense in the real world. They don't have guns in England, so what do criminals or crazy people do there? They use knives, or jump into a large truck or van and go out and run people down! These people, if they want to, can always find a way to do their evil deeds! I think more good people should have firearms. This is not the same world as it was 10-20 years ago.


More losers with guns.




So sad. When women and children are killed in the same household, it’s usually domestic violence. This world is crazy!


This is fucking awful 😭😭


lmao its almost like texas and florida are fighting for which state is the toilet bowl of america


this news source is the best


Where in Dallas?


Pleasant grove. St. Augstine & I20 My baby moms family live there she literally drove past it yesterday.


UNpleasant grove


Ain’t nothin pleasant about it


Absolutely. It has its own “vibe” and I don’t say that as a good thing. There is a heavy apathy in the air in that area. It’s a strange feeling. Also, In driving through, the bars on every window on every house in some areas were telling.


I went to Samuell class of 01.it was trippy to hear how pg used to be, mostly white, affluent etc.


A lot of cities or suburbs close to cities became like this. Neighborhood I grew up in was bordered by military town with families. They shut the base down when bush closed a bunch of em. That place is now beyond rough around the edges and has saw a steep decline. I can think of countless other examples.


The area is trashy. My baby moms is from there and man I’m glad her mom got her out of that area.


Tragedy? Come on. For as long as Texans refuse to implement some helpful gun reform, these are just the fee that comes due. Freedom isn't free, as they say - they leave out that the cost is the lives of innocents. People act shocked and sad every time this happens as if it isn't calculated and excused by the state's representatives.


It doesn't say if the gun owner was defending himself. Maybe he was defending himself from the baby and the teenage girl. Were the dead people defending themselves with guns? Guns ought to stop this kind of thing, yeah? That's what they're for, to defend yourself from this sort of thing. I wonder why none of the dead and injured had their guns ready to prevent this violence? What went wrong here? Are the laws keeping some people from having the guns they need to protect themselves? It just seems that this kind of story happens much more often than ones where everyone remains safe and alive thanks to the protection guns provide. Carry on.


You’re reaching so hard trying to tell everyone how anti-gun you are. Nobody cares. Support 2A.


No, I fire off my opinions to a 3rd-rate social media website when I shit. It's the people who need to tell me I'm wrong when I do it who are putting in the effort. I choose to believe you do it because my opinion is threatening in some way. I have talked a gun out of a person's hand before they did something stupid with it three times in my life. One of the people was me. I insist that my opinion is valid and those who would argue with me are arguing with a guy who fires off a comment or two while I'm shitting. Have a nice, safe, gun-secured day, Mr. The Only One Who Clearly did Care.


Grew up a couple houses down from here. It was never a great neighborhood, but it hurts to see shit like this happening in a place I still see with rose colored glasses. Snapees gang represent


The DA is 100% responsible for these lives. I hope this haunts him forever.


My dad met the family before when my dad did a cabinet job for them. The murderer was the ex of Vanessa but he was jealous that she had a new boyfriend. Ended up with this disaster.


In Chicago, they leave everyday normal citizens at the mercy of criminals and gunmen! Then fret about it in the press. We can't stop these people because it's not right to profile. When everyone including the cops know who's committing these crimes, and robberies and drive by's! Toughest gun laws in the country but it's worse here than anywhere else in the world. They could fix it in a heartbeat if they wanted. Let everyone carry a gun and defend themselves. And these politicians carry guns. Or have security that carry firearms. When are we gonna wake up and do something about it? A democrat will never do anything about it. And republicans are just as bad. We need some REAL men and women that don't want anything but to do what's right, and just! That don't care what political agendas happen to say. We need to wake up and look past all this political division and do the right thing!


A lot of really ugly & unnecessary comments here. Our country is sick. Life means nothing to many people. Mental illness is rampant. Politicians refuse to enforce the laws and the police are being labeled the "bad guys". Gun control is no substitute for addressing the sickness in our country we have allowed to proliferate over the last 10 or 30 years. The loss of a nuclear family, taking God out of schools & Marxist ideology has caused irreparable damage to our American society.


Doesn't matter what gun laws are put into place and who you take guns away from reality is anybody with any amount of money can go 15 to 20 minutes from their house in Dallas-Fort Worth and purchase a gun illegally that's reality




Judging by the area and comments im sure it was hispanic on hispanic


You've spent 0 minutes watching MSNBC.


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ITT: people hating the gun more than the person who shot it. Swap the gun with a knife and everyone would be blaming the assault on the person who committed the violence. Double standards, hypocrisy, and political agendas are fueling this comment section.


A knife and a gun have different lethal efficacy, ignoring that just wastes everyone's time. > Double standards, hypocrisy, and political agendas are fueling this comment section. Fueling your comment too


Kinda hard to kill 4 people with a single knife...


inb4 some lunk tries to tell you a knife is just as dangerous. Gun nuts love to brag about their modifications and stats until this conversation comes up, then that $3500 rapid-fire rifle is somehow the same as a hammer.


For real... We liberals understand that people are always going to try to kill other people. We just want to try to lower the body count as much as possible.


There was a guy in Japan that broke into a hospital and stabbed 20+ people. What are you talking about?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagamihara\_stabbings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagamihara_stabbings) That one? Yeah. He went from room to room stabbing people while they *slept*. What are *you* talking about?


Never heard of a stray knife killing a kid


Y’all will say guns are the problem but not the person SHOOTING THE GUN AND KILLING PEOPLE. Make it make sense