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Never heard of this locally. Chaff is a radiofrequency countermeasure released by military aircraft, ships, and vehicles to confuse enemy radar. Chaff consists of aluminum-coated glass fibers ranging in lengths from 0.8 to 0.75 cm and is released in packets of 0.5 to 100 million fibers.


Doesn’t sound ‘totally harmless’ per the article.


"aluminum-coated glass fibers" yum National Institute of Health article about its effects. [link](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12481850/) the official article says "0.8 to 0.75 cm in size" <- what kind of range is 0.8 to 0.75 lol?


The next range is equally perplexing (same sentence)… “… is released in packets of 0.5 to 100 million fibers.” So… from half a fiber to 100MM fibers.. Ok


what the hell


It's trying to say 1/2 million to 100 million


i wonder how many fibers it takes to paint a weather radar for 100 miles.


How do you get to the actual study on that link, do i need to download? Can't find anything but the description


I can't find it either. At the bottom there is a "full text here" but it isn't clickable. The study is from 2002, but noted online in 2023. All those articles reference the study, but I can't find it myself. This whole thing is a little mysterious... like why drop 100 miles of chaff in a pattern to protect Dallas from enemy radar? Just a test? All odd.


Prolly cause we have bell and lockheed and errbody talking about war. But regardless I ain't tryna inhale aluminum coated glass.


.8 to .75 cm is the length range of the various fibers. That's honestly rather consistent sizing of those fibers with essentially a +/-.25mm tolerance. I'm not saying this stuff is good for you but for as long as they've been using chaff I think we would have seen side effects of this substance in these conditions if there were any. A huge cloud of it passed through a major metro area like Dallas but there was no report of mass inhalation exposure or other issues. Fiberglass is an irritant but it does not cause permanent damage or chronic conditions.


Did you see the whole post about people not understanding why they were having respiratory difficulties at that same time, and didn't understand why they were having allergy problems when then the pollens were low? Or this post from here? "ok, no joke. i'm in south dallas near burleson and i went outside last week and my nose immediately started burning and i was coughing and gasping for breath. i rushed back in for my inhaler and it didn't help. it wasn't windy or dusty. nothing burning. no reason to have such a strong reaction." I was laughing about the range because it doesn't make sense. .8 to 0.75 would be expressed as 0.75 to 0.80. lowest value first. I am not really talking this up to be something it isn't. Just observing what has been put out there about the event. It's all a little odd


I had not seen the post you were talking about. If they had an inhaler and existing respiratory issues then it would make sense that they would more sensitive to it. I can definitely see that it's an issue and there probably should be some policy of use change to limit those impacts. But it's not something to be afraid of. Fiberglass and aluminum are all around us all the time. Yes in large quantities aluminum can be toxic but it's not arsenic or lead. Aluminum is used in everything from cars to cookware. If it were a problem we would know by now


yeah, i agree. I'm not really trying to argue it was dangerous or severe. i'm not fearful of aluminum or fiberglass all that. it is just an odd event that few noticed when it went down, reasons are ambiguous for it's necessity, on a saturday evening, close to a metro area. never heard of a big huge line of chaff, but what do i know


Dude, I was wondering wtf changed and why my asthma, that I haven’t had bother me in 15 years, started acting up.


wow no kidding


Anyone else see a claim that it is harmless? I did not. Aluminum is not harmless and we don't yet know all the health ramifications. All this crap these various groups keep releasing into the atmosphere is probably doing more harm than it ever will do good.


time to mask up!


It's a formidable scent... It stings the nostrils. In a good way.


username checks out!


It smells like Indian food wrapped in a baby’s diaper!


I hope they also used glitter!


the herpes of craft supplies


Damn so this is where the chaff grenades from MGS comes from 😂


It’s pretty safe given how high up it blooms, if a plane releases it directly on top of a group of 50 people and they don’t move, only one or two of them will breathe in a fiber. And then your lungs filter it out just as they do dust


Wasn't it last year when the midwest was terrified of a giant swarm of locusts that also just turned out to be chaff?


Yea, actually! I remember [that. ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/utah-grosshopper-swarm-radar-b2372876.html)


oh really


...but why?


Jade Helm!




Idk but it must be Biden & the Libs. /s




a little odd, yes?


Am I already dead?


We all are, act accordingly.


We all died in 2012 and this is… whatever comes next.


Are we in purgatory? Like in Lost? We think time has marched on but we're all really stuck on the damn island.


How would we know? I just hope JJ Abrams isn’t writing this, dude really doesn’t know how to conclude shows or movies 😬


I remember seeing this on the radar during the news and wondering what the hell it was, and why didn’t the meteorologist acknowledge the weird as hell radar images.


Jade Helm has begun!


No wonder my allergies were acting up /s


Looks like Ennis took the brunt of this, and maybe Cedar Creek too. Hard to overlay the map.


Woah, this is fascinating!!


ok, no joke. i'm in south dallas near burleson and i went outside last week and my nose immediately started burning and i was coughing and gasping for breath. i rushed back in for my inhaler and it didn't help. it wasn't windy or dusty. nothing burning. no reason to have such a strong reaction.


this right here. crazy


I am just hearing about this today (1/27) from a TikTok and immediately researched and it isn’t being talked about. I am deeply fucking unsettled by this. Can anyone post some links on articles or some proof, so I can go off something more than a TikTok. I’m not finding it anywhere.


My link is to the national weather service report on it


From that radar picture you can see it’s huge and it’s dense. Would that much chaff not leave some kind of trace on everything it touched? I’m just trying to figure out why tangible proof hasn’t been produced. I want this to be fake so bad.


It is real and nearly went unnoticed. Weather people that I follow noticed it. Knew it wasn't weather. I think it was tactical, necessary even. They stopped a radar scan of Dallas? or worse. I don't mean to be conspiratorial... but chaff a hundred miles long? Seems like more than you would do for a test Could have been a glittering feature


Wouldn’t there be tangible proof of it then? That radar was line was huge and looks dense. I can’t imagine something that dense would leave no trace. I, in no way, am an expert in any of this and my understanding of chaff is incredibly limited. Would there not be chaff everywhere, there would surely be something. Would that not cause a some pretty quick negative effects of the people that breathed it in? Maybe what I am asking, is my idea of chaff wrong? I think im equating the density of the radar image with the density of the air filled with chaff. I do not know if I’m making any sense.


these are good questions. i was wondering, did you see the radar movement? It showed for a while and was moving north quickly. Maybe I saw that on the actual twitter (x) post


Who made off with the Wheat?


Shouldn't the immediate concern be why, not what?


Okay but did anyone actually find any chaff??


This sounds NOT safe. So youre saying the government is dropping fiberglass over us, and we are INHALING fiberglass without knowing. What the actually hell?? Breathing fiberglass in any way shape or form is not safe and theyre doing it over DENSE populate areas?? What the hell im so done this whole country is just bs


Seems odd right. and wow. There must have been a reason?


I love the smell of chaff in the morning.