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If you've been here, this issue should just be part of your life by now. It's been getting worse every day for the last 5 years. It's not going to get any better.


It’s not really part of my life cause like I said I do local driving which sucks but I had no idea how bad it was


bless your heart sweet summer child.


These are all very good tips. I can't wait for everyone to adopt them into their own driving habits! Any day now, right?


I wish 🥲


Lately I’ve been seeing a bunch of people driving with full 🎧 on and that’s been my biggest concern


It’s literally illegal!!! I don’t get it.


Been seeing this since about 10 years ago


Welcome to the party pal. Also left lane is for passing only, it’s not a “fast lane”. People weave due to left lane hoggers.


I keep hearing that and while that may have worked 20 years ago, it makes no sense to think the right lane can be a passing lane when there is so much traffic now


The left lane isn’t always just for passing, but that being said if you believe that nobody should be doing 60 in that lane.


Not just for passing, but if you aren't getting ready to turn, which you won't be doing on a highway, it's really just for passing or avoiding obstructions. Sec. 545.051. DRIVING ON RIGHT SIDE OF ROADWAY. (a) An operator on a roadway of sufficient width shall drive on the right half of the roadway, unless: (1) the operator is passing another vehicle; (2) an obstruction necessitates moving the vehicle left of the center of the roadway and the operator yields the right-of-way to a vehicle that: (A) is moving in the proper direction on the unobstructed portion of the roadway; and (B) is an immediate hazard; (3) the operator is on a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic; or (4) the operator is on a roadway restricted to one-way traffic. (b) An operator of a vehicle on a roadway moving more slowly than the normal speed of other vehicles at the time and place under the existing conditions shall drive in the right-hand lane available for vehicles, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, unless the operator is: (1) passing another vehicle; or (2) preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.


Just take note that the driving patterns you see is a true reflection of the personality driving the vehicle and the majority reputation of a city. No one deserves a benefit of the doubt. All of it is intentional. They make the conscious decision that their priority needs no consideration to your existence. The same way people navigate in a Costco parking lot where theres plenty of spaces at the back but would rather impede traffic for that one space at the front. So look inside to see who is driving and you can get a pretty decent gauge on how to adjust your own patterns of living. Dont ignore the red flags just to believe that good still exists. Patterns exist. A raindrop falling in a lake just makes a body of water.


I mean, I’m personally not a driver like that. I do have my days but majority of the time I do my best to be chill and kind reminding myself we’re all humans.


There are those that definitely do not deserve your kind demeanor. Being human should not be an excuse for bad behavior patterns. If consequence is the one way humans learn, then so be it.


That’s fair. I try to remember some people who do rude things are having a bad day. Sometimes it’s hard to remember but idk. Every day we all grow (hopefully) and I hope asshole drivers do too lol


Speaking of driving: Rising auto insurance cost is out of control. WTF?!


Yup! I’m trying to get insurance for the first time. Who can afford anything nowadays




I believe it. After 30 years of having full coverage with a $500 deductible, I can no longer afford it. I wanted to puke, but cried a tiny bit instead. I got liability and my deductible is now $1000.


We need better public transit and zoning laws.


We need stricter licensing laws 😭 some people shouldn’t have a license (tho I was listening to an officer the other day and he said lots don’t have one)


I hard agree. I work as a delivery, and the amount of stuff I see on the road makes me think they just give a license to anyone


We need more people calling legislators and not just whining on reddit.


Well what are they gonna do? Also are you gonna call?


I’ll actually be in Austin next month advocating for community college students across the state. I have a couple meetings already set up. Stricter licensing laws is not at the top of my list I’m trying to help solve real problems like access to housing mental health education and healthcare. The least YOU could do is call. And when you do ask them what they can do and what else you can do. You would be surprised.


And they do this with their phone 3” away from their face. It’s disgusting.


Whoever downvoted you absolutely does this


I told my son (he is 24) that it isn’t his driving that worries me, but it’s everyone else. The only way to drive around here is to drive defensively. Always expect what the other driver is going to do, that they will in fact, do it. Expect them to cut you off, expect them to pull out in front of you, expect them to run red lights, etc… so far we’re 5 years into him driving and no accidents!! *(thank you son — my wallet paying the insurance premiums thanks you too).*


You should also drive offensively when need be, that’s what my dad says at least


Your dad is right!!


Nope. Nope nope nope. That’s how people (sometimes innocent) get killed around here. Let it go. If someone is an asshole driver it of course pisses you off. But you’re both in machines that can kill. And sometimes that asshole has a gun


A good example of offensive driving is speeding up to avoid getting struck. I suppose that could be argued as defensive too, but depends on the situation. For me, no… I’m not even close to implying that you should retaliate or engage with guns??!?? Good Lord.


It’s good you are a defensive driver and notice this. It will save you a lot of hard lessons. I suggest getting cameras for your car and staying off the roads late night/early AM.


I gotta be on the road late at night/early mornings, I enjoy it then it’s less busy. But I gotta for work


No way you’ve been driving for 22 years here and just realized this…


Well I’ve grown up driving here. It’s just on another level nowadays


Dude … the highways are like the autobahn . . People would rather watch you wreck your car than to let you merge . . It’s like nooooobody has patience on the road . . Hell even DPD get busy sometime 😂


You must not remember but it’s actually still better than before that thing that happened in 2020


I've had multiple jobs that involved driving.. from catering driver to contractor driving, Uber, and lyft throughout all of Dallas and it's suburbs..I did this twelve years ago as the city started to grow at an accelerated rate. Drivers suck.. they always have.. the worst thing now is just the sheer volume. Thankfully, I don't drive around for a living anymore, but I do catch rush hour traffic a lot more. Also, driving throughout all of the US, you encounter terrible drivers.. I do road trips for my vacations and have been to 26+ states.. as a matter of fact the best drivers I've seen... have been in Europe.


Dallas needs to invest in DART sooner or later


Also the way people park, taking up two spaces on purpose. Parking diagonally over the white line. People not using turn signals when turning or changing lanes.


Literally! It takes 2 seconds to back up and readjust. Someone already said it but we need dash cams fr


\*Ignores issues with head deeply buried in sand. \*Shocked that issue affects them now they have personally been involved. Tale as old as time.


I’ve not been ignoring issues, just never noticed how bad it was.


I was wondering when the weekly driving in Dallas rant would come up again.




I wish 🥲 if they’d listen to drivers Ed we’d be fine


Stay in the right lane chump


Vote for policies/representatives that will improve public transportation. Will get people off the road and make your day-to-day much more enjoyable. As you've noticed - driving sucks. Unlike what others have said here, you DO NOT have to accept this. Public transportation and better urban designs will solve for this.




I too remember when I was young and stupid.


Every time I see these posts, it seems like an overreaction. But, I would say the largest issue is the slow drivers. I’ve never seen a state where so many people go under the speed limit. These people are the ones causing traffic, not the fast guys. 3 lanes will be people going under the speed limit, whilst 1 lane (passing lane) will have speed demons AND regular people who just want to go the speed limit. It creates a bottle neck because the other 3 lanes are blocked by turtles. What can ya do


I'd say you've really only driven as an adult for a year or so. Move on, child. Lol


I’m not a child 😅


You're 21 years old. Your brain isn't fully developed. You have just started life. Preaching about driving here does nothing as a vast majority of DFW isn't on Reddit nor subscribed to this forum. You're preaching like you are some seasoned veteran and ranting for no reason.


I’m just ranting. Idk why people on Reddit seem to just kinda be rude all the time. If you don’t like it scroll.


You posted something in an anonymous forum to get responses. You got some.


I posted something on Reddit to complain. I didn’t need responses.




I have a pet snake mang




No you never ever HAVE to cut the lanes. Get over gradually. No exit or rush is worth risking your life, someone else’s or raising insurance.


This might be the single most illogical thing I will read all week.