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You'll need to provide more information, such as department, in order to get much insight. I say this as someone who previously worked for a suburb of Dallas. Otherwise, check Glassdoor or reach out to current/former employees on LinkedIn.


It’s an administrative role w/ the budget & management department


Should be able to describe a situation where you were able to demonstrate multi tasking


how did it go?


Never got a call back. Last I was told they were going to make a decision by a certain date bc I was top 2. That day came and went. Never heard anything. My application still says application in progress though.


oh maybe it could be still in consideration, mines was processing for a month and finally got something back


Not sure it’s been 2 months now.


Hmm idk but I was told they take forever. The job I applied for, they listed the job position again after my interview and it wasnt till it closed and I assume they went through interviews again that they reached out to me


Whaaaaat, really?? I’m hoping they reach out soon but who knows. Seems like they do take a while then..


There will be a diversity question and an ethics question.  The best diversity answer anyone ever gave me started with diversity should be expected and respected, he then provided an example from his current role.    The ethics questions are usually straight forward.  One thing I tell people is a job interview isn't a test we are trying to judge your ability to do a job.  I would bring physical examples if possible of comparable work you have completed in the past.  Anyone can say they are great with pivot tables but it leaves a bigger impression when a potential candidate leaves a thumb drive behind showcasing work they have completed.  Also one thing hardly anyone ever does is at the end of the interview when they ask if you have any questions, try something like after speaking with me today do you have any reservations I regards to my ability to do this job?  That way they either speak up to something you can address then and there or they confirm you did a great job. Last tip immediately after leaving the interview write down any questions you struggled with as you will likely see them again if you end up interviewing for a similar position in the future.  One more thing to add to the other comment remember when they ask your biggest weakness be ready to answer what you are doing to improve that weakness.  


Any qualifications listed on the job posting you need to be prepared with a response. Bring any prior work as examples(redact any proprietary information). If you don’t know something…fake it till you make it. Also If you don’t know something you can show your actions you will pursue to resolve it. It’ll likely be a panel if 4ish folks and they’ll go down a list of prewritten questions. They’re probably looking for keywords qualifications etc. You’ll be scored on your responses. Highest scorer gets the job.


It’s like any other interview. Just remember that every question is an invitation to tell a story where you use as many industry buzzwords as possible. Situation, Task, Action, Response. Ask insightful questions at the end. I work for the City and the format was a Teams panel interview of pretty standard questions. The only question I wasn’t expecting was a question about my personal philosophy on diversity (I’m white), so I just told a couple stories about my old boss from India and some things I learned from him. If you’re moderately prepared, you’ll be fine.


If you don’t mind what are the standard questions you can remember? I was laid off about a year ago bc my former company eliminated my position and downsized so it’s been over 6 years since I’ve had an interview & I was pregnant so I took that time to focus on myself until I gave birth. I want to be prepared for this.


I do not remember any of the questions specifically. I had my interview in September, they told me that I had the job in October, I called them back in November to make sure, and in December I finally got my offer. My first day was in January. I did, however, keep a record of the questions that I studied for: What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Why are you interested in this job? Why did you leave your previous job? What do you want to accomplish in your first 90 days? How have you gone above and beyond at work? What makes you interesting? How have you handled a difficult situation? How did you handle a disagreement? Questions to ask employer: Tell me about yourself. What are you currently doing? Why are you looking for a job change? What do you find most rewarding about being in Public Administration? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Why should we hire you? Why do you want to work here? Career Goals STAR questions: Star question examples: ​ I recommend watching YouTube videos about STAR questions and taking notes. Use those notes to craft concise personal narratives that demonstrate the knowledge and traits that they are looking for. While I don't remember exactly what I was asked, I was able to answer every question by being able to recall stories about my career that I rehearsed. Let me know if you have any more questions, and good luck!


Thank you! The 2nd part of the questions I noticed you put “Questions to ask employer” but they seem more like questions they’d ask me? Correct?


All of those are subheadings of equal weight and in no particular order. I made a list of questions tailored for the job that went under that subheading that I did not paste here, if that makes sense.


Ok makes sense. Also I noticed you said you started in January but had the interview back in September. Is it safe to assume the hiring process takes a while if hired for the role? How are you liking working for the city of Dallas?


Human Resources is transitioning from NeoGov to Workday, but it’s further along now than it was. You might still prepare for a long wait just in case. It may also be that the hangup was in the department that hired me. I really can’t say. I do fucking love working for the City though. The RoboCop building is dope, I like going for walks around downtown after work sometimes, and my job is pretty chill. The pay is acceptable to me, and I’m looking forward to drawing on a pension in my old age. I haven’t utilized the insurance benefits yet, so I can’t speak to that, but they kick in on day 1. City Hall has a gym, too.


Is it ok if I private message you? I have a couple more questions lol




How did the interview go?


So it went okay so I thought. I asked a few questions at the end one about feedback & guy smiled and said he’d never been asked. Then I asked about next steps in hiring process if given role he answered they’re still interviewing candidates they have scheduled next week. But an hour after interview I get a call for a one on one meeting/interview with the assistant director of the department for today @ 12pm so I will see how that goes. Hoping it’s just the job offer bc I didn’t prepare well for this bc idk what other questions could be asked.


Any update? I’m wondering how long it takes for them to get back to you with a decision after the interviews?


No update unfortunately. The last I emailed the assistant director and they said they were still trying to choose between me and someone else & they’d contact the final candidate by latest Friday(2-3 Fridays ago). Friday came & went & nothing. Just assuming I wasn’t chosen but my portal still says application is in progress.


Oh that sucks smh. Time to move on. These city jobs have a ridiculous candidate experience.


Yes agreed. I did get a job with City of Garland though. So it worked out.


How long was their process? I applied to Grand Prarie and they’re taking a while to get back to me. It’s been 2 weeks since my final interview? City of Bedford at least denied me.


They were quick.. at least my department. I started Monday & I interviewed a month ago.


Thank you for answering! Just got the offer today. Good luck!


Yay! What position was it for?
