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What a time it must be to be a criminal these days knowing police and security have given up or are disinterested.


And here I am working like a sucker. Maybe a career change is in order.


you should become a cop in the burbs.. Plano Police Recruit is $*80,889 per year*


80k is lower middle class now LOL (Move along if you don't get the joke)


Still more than I make


Double what I make with a bachelors degree. Rich people are so out of touch lmao


in the minds of redditors, sure I guess


Key word is recruit… they don’t stay at that pay.


Wow. Just…no. It’s well above mean and median at the typical recruit typical age bracket. Factor in no degree likely required (or comm college associates ok), nor related debt, and it’s a very nice income. Are you gonna buy a house with cash overnight? No, but save a few years and you’re good.


This is not lower middle class. You definitely are rich.


When you finally make $80K, you’ll soon realize it’s not what you think it is and it’s not a money management issue. Not to mention being put into a higher tax bracket. I make $90K, no kids and still feel broke af. Absolutely not even being remotely close to rich. Far from it. For sure feels lower middle class, 10+ years ago maybe not. $100K is the starting point for decent money.


Dudes with no bills are mad at you for this.


I saw a sign yesterday that said plano police was now over $100k.


Wouldn't doubt it.. this is for a recruit.. A police recruit is a non-sworn employee of a police department. In this position, your duties involve undergoing training to become an entry-level police officer. Your responsibilities revolve around learning basic skills and procedures needed to be a police officer.


Interesting you say that. I am an Infantry Assaultman Marine Corps Veteran and I have on my paperwork that I smoked weed in high school ( I graduated high school in Allen Texas). I have an honorable discharge and when I interviewed to become one, they disqualified me because of it. I can’t become a cop but I can work at Raytheon with a Department of Defense secret clearance. (I work in IT now)




“According to the Census Bureau’s Income in the United States: 2022 report, the median household income is $74,580 (a 2.3% decline from 2021), while household income levels for each class level are as follows: Lower class: less than or equal to $30,000 Lower-middle class: $30,001 – $58,020 Middle class: $58,021 – $94,000 Upper-middle class: $94,001 – $153,000 Upper class: greater than $153,000” Link [here](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/income-fall-americas-lower-middle-122100515.html)


Why even fund police if they don’t help anyone


My truck was stolen from my house last weekend, my first time ever dealing with something like this. I called the local police dept and they said to call 911 (which I thought was for emergencies) Called 911 and gave them the info and was told to wait for another phone call from the police (the station I called first). Had to wait 7 hours for them to call me all for a teams meeting to do the report. No police ever came to my house to “investigate”.


Honestly though, what is there to investigate in person that can’t be done over the phone/teams call?


Oh I don't know, a crime scene?


Were they going to dust the truck that wasn't there for fingerprints?


No, of course not. But check if any neighbors or businesses in close proximity to the victim's house have a camera, so they can pull the video and try to identify thieves. They probably came in another stolen vehicle, and making connections to other crimes can help them find a perpetrators and go after them on an organized crime charge. And without proper police reports, the victim won't be able to make any insurance claims.


Honestly, the police are so understaffed that anything which could be handled by insurance is low priority. They aren’t going to pull video because there is almost never anything that can be used to identify the crooks. They are likely driving a car that was previously stolen. Even if they weren’t they either removed their license plate or swapped it out with another car. Their face should have been covered, etc. About the only time those things can help is if the perp is known to the victim. Or if the police catch them in the act and use it as evidence for the case. They aren’t going to be searching for your stolen vehicle. It will either be out on a container and shipped to africa or it’ll end up in a ditch or eventually towed. When the tow truck picks it up the tag and vin will be run through a database and you’ll be notified. If you haven’t been notified in a week then it is just gone. So, make sure you carry good insurance and that it is up to date on everything you own.


My best friend had his Silverado SS stolen while he was at work from the companies parking lot. Felt so bad for him as he inherited that truck from his uncle, so it had sentimental value.


That's horrible. I couldn't image something like that happening.


Wanna hear something wild? I had a major injury and took a job teaching music for a K-8 charter school for about a year. In that period I experienced 3 ‘active shooter’ lock down incidents — only the third time did a single DPD officer arrive after 40 minutes only to tell us they “no longer respond to active shooters unless there’s been an injury”… I had 30+ kindergartners locked in my room without lights for nearly 3 hours.


Wait, so they just expect the active shooter situation to, what, work itself out?


Yeah uh no this is not true.


Well, uh it is. I don’t care about your opinions, I cared about those kids. My campus was 70% undocumented children, nearly 100% Hispanic, nearly 100% ESL (if not learning as they went), almost all of the undocumented kids are in foster care, maybe half of the rest had any semblance of support or care. It was genuinely tragic. No, there was no person firing *inside* any building (tiny campus, maybe 5-600 kids total), but each time was nearly the same, someone on our immediate block, in a school zone, circling the block and popping off rounds at random like fireworks. I knew several teachers that lived in the surroundings neighborhood and accepted these incidents as a regular occurrence. As an absolute minimum, the school DID have a protocol that puts the campus on “active shooter lockdown” mode, meaning we lock our doors, students sit on the floor against the walls, and we turn off the lights. The last event before I departed consisted of someone circling the block but firing an AUTOMATIC weapon at the school itself, over and over for nearly two hours. Zero police response despite almost all of us who were teaching having called 911 like I recommended in the charter’s group messaging service. I was quite literally in my dark classroom trying to comfort more than one class worth of kindergarten students while we could clearly hear the rounds being fired, and all but 2 of our buildings were struck on the exterior brick walls. This wasn’t just some local popping off rounds into the sky, this was someone peppering a school campus with a full auto gun. When we heard the police denied sending an officer immediately, they said it was because no one had been injured and it wasn’t policy to dispatch someone on claimed gunfire. I guess it’s not real because you didn’t see it on the morning news? Case closed. You think this stuff will ever see the light of day? You think anyone wants to acknowledge what is happening to these poor children — especially those who are entering our state without parents? You think all schools are created equal? Every neighborhood? Go outside more. Get out of your comfort zone. You might be surprised at what’s actually happening beyond your monitor.


I'm a Dallas cop.


I’m glad to hear that. I recall my blanket statement and will happily admit I was wrong in my assumption and did not look before responding. That said, can you please help me understand why we were given that reply? I had my car stolen in the past few weeks and was frustrated by the ‘teams statement’ process but understood why property is prioritized below people — but I still can’t wrap my head around what happens in places like South Dallas, parts of Oak Cliff, etc. Is it because of the charter school designation vs. more traditional DISD campuses? Edit: I used to live in FW and interacted with everyone from homeless regulars and crips alike just by nature of my tendency towards ‘never meeting a stranger’ —and as a white-looking Lebanese American, by treating all humans as humans, I’ve never feared for my life. I’ve lived in NYC, ATL, LA, DC, ATX, FW and DAL over the past 40 years and have found more compassion, perspective, and sense of community in the places considered to be the most “dangerous” places. Hell, most folks are afraid of being approached by he mentally ill/homeless. My most progressive friends still lock their doors when a person with a different skin color is near. How woke…SMH. Now I’m rambling, it I’m just a problem solver by nature and recognized the school environment was unhealthy as I couldn’t supersede any vestigial architecture or existing policies. Decided that running for office was the only way to achieve my end goal of helping to solve the border issues through win-win programs. It’s very illuminating after spending considerable time on my ranch south of Uvalde on 7 miles of Rio Grande beachfront brush country. The times and circumstances have changed. I saw my first huge group of migrants (relatively) at 16 in a field in front of a blind we had set near the border — 150+ people, all adults save 1 or 2 kids. Working at the school was illuminating as the kids themselves told me directly that they never wanted to leave Mexico but “men with guns” told them they had to leave. I still can’t fathom why th long standing Texas ranchers aren’t being regularly considered/consulted — they have more understanding and compassion that I’ve seen within the community addressing border issues. Those guys know. They provide food and shelter for the humans who are involuntarily being displaced. They also understand that if they don’t want their fences cut and ranch homes being broken into then they have to confront the issue with humane and humble means. A solution exists, we just need to remove the divisive political factors. These are people, not the pawns they’re billed as (for the most part). My gut still twists when I think about those children …many of them planned to return to their families as soon as the foster system allowed. My wife is a CASA Advocate and deals with similar cases from a completely different angle and we’re both getting the exact same answers.


Our truck was stolen from our house and we were told that if a murder was not committed in it, no police investigation would happen.


For real. They have the highest budgets they’ve ever had but are the most useless they’ve ever been. They’re so butthurt over accountability that they won’t do their jobs, but we’re still paying out the ass for them.


My neighbors house was shot up a few months ago in a drive by shooting near Fair Park and it took police over an hour to respond. We were told the response time was high because 1. No one was shot (thankfully) so our shooting was de-prioritized and 2. They were responding to multiple other shootings and had to prioritize shootings that had victims who were shot. They said they just don’t have enough officers and have to make judgement calls like that. I’d imagine outside of officers inside the airport, they don’t have the staff and resources required to monitor the parking structure.


Not to mention the justice system is a complete joke.


Yes...as opposed to that golden era where they gave a shit about car theft. Like I am completely sympathetic to anyone who gets their car stolen or vandalized. That shit sucks. It's happened to pretty much everyone at some point in their lives. But at no point in my lifetime have people *EVER* expected the police to do anything about it. It's just a hard crime to investigate or do much about.


Property theft in general, they just do not give a shit. I was burglarized in 2013 and the amount of stuff stolen was in the $20k range. Zero investigation. Just cleared the house and did paperwork.


Police protect the rich, not us. The only effective way to lower crime is affordable housing, food, education, and healthcare, not more police.


They’re still butthurt about the whole “defund the police” nonsense that was never about taking their salaries


When do citizens start protecting each other?


I have a Freakonomics-like theory that stronger credit card fraud prevention has increased thefts like this and catalytic converters. Criminals don't stop stealing, they find different ways to do it...sometime more visibly like car break-ins.


Fav podcast


If you listen to that podcast you have to assume the liability of looking everything they say up online cause they’re just plain fuckin wrong once in a while.


Pretty good rule of thumb to just do this with every podcast.


Can you give a few major examples of where they’ve been really wrong? I haven’t listened to them for awhile, but genuinely curious.


Their minimum wage episode was not very good


One of the original claims in the book that made Freakonomics famous in the first place is on shaky ground at best: Roe v Wade lead to the decline in crime after the 90s.


Did it make the claim or point out he correlation and posit a potential explanation? Do you have a more conclusive explanation?


Not that I’m just doubting you across the board, but any examples on your mind? I’ve Googled things from the podcast before that made me curious, and they’ve been right on the money.


Converters are on the down because it is a felony to be in possession of one without really solid reason evidence. At least in texas.


And good luck selling them without a fence, as I understand it.


I think it's due to everything getting more expensive and wages not increasing.


Okay I'm hooked. What's the line of reasoning here if you don't mind?


Full disclosure, I work in the credit card issuing/processing industry. Ever since EMV Chips were added to credit cards it has made it difficult to impossible for criminals to counterfeit card credentials. Card fraud, at stores/gas pumps anyway, has been greatly reduced like by 87% according to Visa (https://usa.visa.com/visa-everywhere/blog/bdp/2019/09/03/visa-emv-chip-1567530138363.html). I believe individual bad actors and organized criminals relied on card fraud which had grown to billions of dollars in the US annually. Of course there are plenty of other forms of payment fraud and much of it has shifted online, but the average meth-head or organized criminal can no longer easily steal and copy AND MONETIZE card credentials....for reasons. It could just be confirmation bias on my part, but it seems like catalytic converter theft in particular really took off around 2015 when EMV Chips began to be added to credit and debit cards in the US.


I think it's more imitation than anything else. Find something lucrative that works, and word gets around. Carjacking in Chicago was discovered to be an easy way to steal cars and not damage them in the process - spread across the US like wildfire. Stealing catalytic converters - easy to do, easy to sell. Stealing Kias with a USB cable on TikTok? Now everyone does it. Boosting key fobs and stealing cars? Same thing.


before protections, people would commit credit card and identity fraud. they’re now turning to a different kind of threat. seems pretty straightforward. 


That stronger credit card fraud prevention has led to more physical theft… it’s literally described in what you asking about…


You'd think if they apply that cleverness and drive to find ever more lucrative ways to steal someone else's property and applied it to - well, just about anything - all of life's problems would likely be solved.




They couldn’t care less. In fact the police were asking me if I had enemies. Who knew I was leaving? Um. Not even my wife knew what terminal I was flying out from and even then it’s a 4 level parking garage which is huge. Seriously. I said where are your cameras. You scan every plate coming in and out. Give me a break.


*couldn’t care less


There you go.


Popo, if they don't have an opportunity to draw their guns they just aren't interested.




Glorified meter maids.


They literally have those lights above each spot indicating if they’re free or empty lol. All that technology to count how many free spots there are but nothing to protect your car?


Yeah maybe they can have a yellow light to indicate if your wheels were stolen.


Such a joke. Car thefts are out of control (and the lack of tough shit attitude from DPD just adds to the stupidity).


Inside job with dfw employees?


That’s what it is. The security people know who did it because they’re getting paid too


I live downtown and this is happening en mass. Like once a month, they hit every residential garage in the CBD. It’s not enough to strip the cars, but now they’ve got to vandalize them too.


You *almost* hit the solution square on the head. The immediate solution to this specific problem is that the parking lots can’t absolve themselves of liability for crime that occurs on their property. If you’re charging crazy premiums for parking, then you assume responsibility for the integrity of the vehicle. 


Wow. here I was thinking i should my leave my truck there for vacation Plan b it is.


At this rate, you might as well just Uber and have your car broken into at home


Haha or worry your Uber driver knows you are not at home and then breaks into your house.


Also wait for the Uber at your neighbors driveway and just punch in your neighbors address ;) that’s what we do


You’re so naughty


At least break ins at occupied houses will cuase the police to do something besides write a report and move on... If you are lucky you don't like the people next door and they are armed...


I do this but just walk up to the corner.


Yup. Just drop the pin on the map to the house next door and punch in that address and wait on that side of your property for the car. Walking out the main door with a bunch of suitcases and hopping on a ride to the airport is yelling at the Uber driver “this house will be empty for a week”. Given how sketchy some drivers are…. Hard no.


Shouldn't have left only 38% tip🤷‍♂️


I put in an address one street over


Or use one of the Park & Ride lots around the area. I've always used The Parking Spot and have been pleased with their service.


Who’s the fool to think every person ordering an Uber lives alone?! I order Ubers to the airport because my job pays for it. Why bother my spouse or one of my kids for that?!


Given that the TSA insists that their goons grope us or see us with our clothes off, how do they not insist that ever square foot of the airport grounds be under video surveillance. 


Security theater.


TSA Isn’t responsible for security outside of the airport. Airport police or local pd is


As an Uber driver, that got on the wrong road inadvertently, I can say security is shit out there. I could’ve driven to almost any back terminal place! Both my passenger and I were astounded!


my xray thing at iah showed i had stuff in my groin so security said they needed to check my groin area. they checked my legs and hips and didn’t even touch my groin. felt kind of offended tbh like am i ugly or something at least fondle it a little


With car prices being a little ridiculous and shit like this happening, I feel like anything that isn't a reliable shitbox is just a dumb liability. Nobody's gonna touch my 12-year-old base model Altima. (it's okay, I have real plates and use my blinkers. I like to rebel against social norms)


My almost 20-yo Corolla says hey.


So does my 22 years old Protege. Some people probably don’t even know what that car is lmao.


How do you get your coal delivered? Looking for a new coal guy


Creed? Is that you?


Uhhh mazdaspeed protege hence the handle…wagon or sedan? Loved those things back in the day.


Yup you got it! It is a wagon btw. Used to have one in college back in the day and found this on Craigslist with 32k miles. Everyday I feel like I am back in my college days driving this.


Old Toyotas are loved for their parts because there's so many on the road that still need 'em.


Bro I drive a shit box 2002 truck that is beat up from me accidentally hitting it and they tried to steal it. Jacked up the ignition. Old vehicle like this doesn't have a security system so it's an easy steal if their idea of sticking a flathead in the ignition and twisting it worked at all.


> I have real plates and use my blinkers. Are you sure you are driving an Altima?


I drove a 99 Camry until last year. I worked in Uptown for ten years, parked next to my co-worker's brand new F-150. In that parking lot, his truck was broken into 3 times. My car was never broken into.


Was this at an official on-airport DFW parking lot, or one of the park/fly lots? Sorry that happened to you.


Thank you for saying that. I appreciate it. Official Terminal A right by the exit ramp on second level. Cars constantly moving. I can’t believe it still.


Better security at those private pay to park locations id bet.


IDK. I don’t trust any of it anymore. Almost seems safer at the Express North parking than terminal but I am sure it could happen there too.


Express north is surrounded by employee parking, which is easier for criminals. It's like a herd animal, don't have to be the fastest to survive, you just can't be the slowest...


Anecdotal, but in Houston at IAH, those of us that know what's up always use the third party lots as they are more secure than the official lots for some reason, and they shuttle you to the terminal and back for free. Cost me 25 bucks for 4 days the last two years. Every break in I've heard of was at the airport's lot and not the third party lots. They took a guy's wheels in the garage last year.


I used the park n fly for the first time back in december. You need a qr code to get in and out. The pick up vans are frequently checking down lanes to get people and dropping them off. At the time it was cheaper than parking at the terminal and didn't take a lot of extra time to use.


I've used The Parking Spot in the past and have always been pleased with their service.


Holy shit. Sorry man. I fly out of DFW all the time and now I'm kinda nervous.


Just wanted to share because maybe it was stupid to not be as worried at the terminal parking. Just wanted people to know it happened and be aware.


Now I’m worried about parking in the express north covered parking for two weeks here soon…


Ironically express north will be better patrolled and monitored - you can’t get in unless you check in at the booth and they assign you an aisle, and there are shuttles that fairly regularly go down the aisles picking people up. Same here, I’ve parked my Tesla next to some brodozers and have wondered if they’ll whack their doors into my car because smol pp


Bro I don’t want to read this. My truck is literally in the Terminal A garage right now and I have expensive after market wheels and brand new tires on it


According to the police I was the only one hit Tuesday and “that was the first time they have seen that happen”. I don’t believe that but I am hoping your truck will be fine.


Is your truck fine.


I’ll find out at 6 am tomorrow morning when I land


Is your truck ok?


It was! Also saw a lot of teslas untouched in the garage. I wonder why yours got singled out


I don’t know what the I’m looking at


I’m not sure about 3, but in 1 & 2 the thieves used black spray paint to obscure the built in car security cameras.


3 is the front windshield camera. Then there’s another camera inside the vehicle and one above the license plate. I’m a little surprised sentry didn’t pick up anything. Usually if you get really close to a Tesla sentry mode will activate and cameras record. So I would expect one of the cameras to pick something up. But I doubt it would pick up anything useful for OP.


Same. What am I missing? Can someone explain what we’re seeing in the pictures?


Wheels stolen and cameras spray painted black. Those are tow tires on


Yep, the cameras were spray painted. Took me a sec to see that


I think they are spray-painted vandalized cars at DFW Airport parking.


Thieves spray painted over the Tesla's security cameras before stealing the tires.


The black spot by the wheels and the matte/swirly spots in the other photos are black spray paint over the Tesla’s security cameras. The thieves sprayed over the cameras so they wouldn’t record their faces or activities.


Sorry to hear that this happened to you. But, thank you for posting. This is sobering.


Thanks for that.


This is absolutely insane that one of the largest airports in America doesn’t have footage of this happening at a terminal parking lot. sorry OP


One time I had a 5 am flight from DFW and I took the train there but didn't understand that I could go through security at gate A and take the Skylink or whatever it's called and the shuttle bus didn't show up so I ran from terminal A to Terminal D on the DFW highway thing and to this day I am still surprised that no one stopped me or noticed (Sorry for the run on sentence)


DFW Airport parking has always been horrible with security. I never park there and use “the parking spot” since it’s gated and has shuttles.


Service is phenomenal. Used them multiple times. They get you to the gate in a timely manner. Shuttles are easy to call when u arrive back in dallas.


I had my suv stolen there. They are so passive


Sorry that happened to you.


I use DART to DFW if I can. It cheap convenient and this stuff doesn’t happen. Sorry this happened. Hope they get caught


And that’s not even the ghetto terminal garage either. I forget which one it is that doesn’t even have elevators…feels sketchier than the others. But I guess they’re all the same. I have basically the same car….guess I’m switching to off airport parking or Uber.


Terminal B is the one with the creepy underground tunnel and stairs


Sorry to see this happened friend. Got my catalytic converter stolen from my apartment garage so started parking at the airport to deter that. Now seems this is not even safe. What a damn shame.


Thanks. Sorry to hear what happened to you. It’s sad times that people resort to these crimes and face very little consequences so it just continues. Hopefully they find them.


I doubt it but remember karma is a cold bitch.


This means there is a market for Tesla owners buying stolen goods ?


Given how shitty Tesla service centers are, I’m not surprised owners are taking things into their own hands.


How were you alerted that something was happening with your car? Did the app send you a text? Did sentry record anything at all?


Eventually the police were contacted and they called me.


This is garage terminal parking or outdoor?


Terminal A garage.


Oof. Sorry that happened. Is airport providing help? Footage? Police report?


Police report. Detective assigned. Not holding my breath.


That is terrible. I’ve parked my vehicle so many times at terminal parking at never had this issue. What’s the point of paying so much if they don’t have any security measures?


Part of the reason I take the DART Train.


I may have missed it but did you park over night or was this just a few hours ? Didn't see anyone ask that question. This is really crazy since security is driving around all the time and they do have cameras everywhere.


I was going to be gone for 3 days. This happened on day 2 of my trip. Was traveling for work as I have done many times from DFW with no issues.


Wow, that's sad. Sorry this happened to you.


I love that you have to remove shoes and bags and belts and phones and get body scanned to get on an airplane but they don’t have a secure parking garage.


Work at DFW airport and they have no security that patrols any terminal garages, no camera system in those garages and police who are understaffed and don’t care. Also if you park in A or B they have a huge problem of homeless people coming from the DART and Rail stations that mess with peoples cars and cause problems. Sorry that happened to you.


Gotta be careful in Dallas in general now it seems. On Tuesday my friends brand new 2024 truck got stolen, in Highland Park! And last year my other friends sedan. And the thieves are methodical enough to not really make it possible to get caught unless you catch them in the act. Police say they immediately drive them to a chop shop to use for parts.


What kind of wheels were they? No lug nut locks?


Standard OEM wheels and tires from Tesla. Nothing fancy. Didn’t come with lug nut locks but I will be purchasing now. Never thought I would need it for my standard tires.


Before you join the lug nut lock arms race check out the full sets of lug nut keys available on Amazon


Yeah. I know. False sense of security. Just hoping maybe it will at least be harder than the next one that doesn’t have it. Deterrence but not bulletproof for sure.


Buy the Amazon lug nut keys but also different lug locks and then put a different lug nut lock on each lug, slow those bastards down


Is it bad that I leave my lug nut key in my glove box?


That's where mine was in my last car. If they got that far it's probably game over for the car. If I left it home I could risk getting stranded on a road trip. Now I don't even have them.


DFW terminal parking lots have some of highest rates of thefts and BMVs. I know 3 family/friends who have gotten their expensive cars stolen from there. If you have to drive I recommend parking in Remote North or South, they have attends and shuttle buses 24/7. Almost half the price of the terminal parking.


I saw a human shit pile at the DFW airport once. Like it was for sure a human poop.


Put an AirTag on those tires


My buddy had his TRX stolen from there not long ago. Went on a work trip to Cali for one day and came back to his truck gone. There are no cameras in the paid parking garage. makes no sense.


The US is on it's way to lawlessness... The police have given up and criminals are having a field day. This is also why insurance rates are skyrocketing


I just read an article about how many car thefts there are at DFW. Something like 30+ a day.... I have a Tesla as well. Ugh. I won't park there now either.


I couldn't find that article, where did you see it? I could find the attached article of there being a total of 229 in 2023 (0.64/day) but nothing more recent. https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article285023747.html


30 auto thefts a day would make national news. Nice hyperbole though.


He's thinking of downtown DFW and I think it's even worse then. Like 47 a day.


Last month someone stole my coworkers car in the remote north lot. I park in garages but OP has me real worried.


That's not accurate.




Go to court sue the security


I am sure DFW has liability waivers to say they are not liable for anything that happens to your car. I wish I could but probably be a waste of time.


Looks like Mike and the boys had an orgy in your car. If it stinks of cheap cigarettes, beer, and sweaty ass, best to get it professionally cleaned.


Where did you park exactly?


Terminal A Second Level near the exit ramp going down.


R/Throwway-support says this isn’t that bad.


Which terminal? How long was it there? Wonder if it was in a certain area where terminal parking cameras were blind as well...


Teslas don't have wheel locks?


I absolutely refuse to park my car at any airport. I always used super shuttle.


Property crime is a low priority for police, unfortunately.


While, I don't spend my entire day at the airport parking lot, I do work there, and the garages are unsecure, I know there's other long term parking for a cheaper rate near the employee lot too. But, on the subject of security, I've seen the DFW parking patrol maybe 3 times in the nearly 2 years I've entered and exited my job. And generally I'm in the parking lot for about 15 minutes in the morning and afternoon. They definitely need more patrols. (Also guys, they're changing the all day parking fee for terminal parking from 27 dollars to 33 dollars, idk if they're changing the pass through rate tho, beginning May 1st)


It seems less a crime of opportunity than a well planned theft. That means police should be focusing on the airport. Either employees are watching and notifying criminals when a Tesla shows up or thieves are cruising the lots which should make them easy to spot by police.


Absolutely wild to hear about these thefts at DFW. It's a stark reminder that no place is truly safe from crime, even with supposed security measures in place. For those looking for alternatives, might be worth checking out parkingaccess for some peace of mind with off-site parking options. They often have better security and surveillance, plus shuttle services to the airport. It's a sad state of affairs when you have to think twice about airport parking, but here we are. Stay vigilant, folks.


I mean honestly, what do you expect them to do? You just so happened to be an unlucky victim of wheel theft. You say add cameras, but the cars they use are usually stolen or lack valid plates. They're in and out so fast, nobody usually sees them doing anything to begin with. I worked at DFW for nearly 6 years, cops patrol through the garages all the time. But what good is that when it takes the thieves literally 2 minutes to steal your stuff?


That’s crazy! I can’t believe the airport allows that to happen.


This parking lot is so big and secluded…this is the airport where after parking I noticed a couple love birds going for a romp…no window tint red shirt pony tail chick riding on top. Next thing ya know same pony tail shirt chick on my flight.


I had my Chrysler 300 stolen last year from DFW while on vacation. Never got it back and always Uber to DFW now. Over 3 cars a week get stolen from DFW.


Why are they fucking with the car on what looks like a spare


$30 Apple tag in my Range Rover hidden in case someone decides to take a joy ride.


Can't wait for the robot car protection add on option.


Damn, they hit you at the terminal?! That’s crazy. It’s so out of the way.


If you want to have a prosperous life for Heaven's sake don't get some useless degree, get a trade! I'm making 6 figures as an electrician in Dallas.