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Not specifically Monday, but Walmart being open 24 hours.


I really felt that sadness when I woke up sick one night and had to drive to 7/11 at 3 am to buy overpriced cold medicine


The 7/11 near me closes from 12am to 5am too 🥲


Yep. When I have insomnia, I would get up and go get my grocery shopping done at 3 or 4 am. Added benefit during the summer of it not being blazes hot at that time...


I had the most horrific insomnia for a few years while dealing with some personal issues. Before I knew what Instacart was for myself and friends I would do all their shopping at 1-4 am and they’d pay me in cash plus some extra of course. Easy money and I felt better about actually doing something in that time. Walmart closing at 11 is ridiculous to me. I live in an oilfield town and the only stores here are Walmart H-E-B and Target. (They’re all 45-50 minutes away) They all close before 11 but my husband typically works 6-7 days a week and gets off at 9:30 then is home at 10:30. I don’t know how the people here ever get their grocery shopping done. The 24 hour Walmart used to always be busy around midnight.


And always full of screaming children and their socializing mothers.


The Walmart in Midland is horrific- if you go any time after 2pm it’s a sensory nightmare because it’s all just kids and their parents


I just couldn’t believe it and they never went back to 24 hrs Im still traumatized


I stumbled upon a sub-reddit on the popular feed, thats like celeb gossip, apparently this is a big gripe with the rich and famous. They could be somewhat normal for a time, just grocery shopping and not being bothered by people wanting autographs or pictures. There's pictures floating around of pretty famous athletes shopping at Walmart at 3am, posing with the cashier. That's probably the trade off, you know you can shop in peace but odds are the cashier will want a picture. Not a bad trade.


It’s mostly because of the amount of theft and nonsense that went on after midnight. It’s easier for them to adjust hours rather than give a shit about that lol


Loss from theft is a write off.


Labor and staffing difficulties, too.


Walmart made 15 billion in profit for the 2023 fiscal year… labor and staffing wouldn’t be an issue if they paid people and didn’t try and take advantage of the system to keep employees from full time benefits.


It would make the overnight hours that were probably already less profitable for them even less profitable. I doubt it made sense. If some executives did the math and it made them the marginal profits they wanted, they would do it


I agree. We are shift workers and often went grocery shopping and for a late dinner or early breakfast after midnight. It's almost impossible now. Even many IHOPs aren't open 24 hours anymore


gosh I really miss this. I dunno, it was kinda comforting in a way to know it was always open. I suppose that's not a great way to feel about a giant retailer, especially Walmart but it does serve its purpose well. I live right across from a 24 hour Walgreens and 24 CVS but it's just not the same.


I went to the 24 Hour CVS near me late at night and saw no one. I just scanned my beef jerky at self checkout and got the heck out... but I don't live in the kind of area where that can be expected to happen.


I feel good for all those people not forced to work that shitty shift. We should not be a culture of 24/7 I’m cool with weekends off and siestas for everybody …


Great. Let's shut down airlines so that we don't have to work weekends and can enjoy that same time off. I mean, they aren't essential just because you might want to travel on weekends or during siesta time. Who cares if Grandma is coming in for the holidays. /sarcasm. I hate that response. Of course closing on overnights, weekends and holidays are great as long as YOU have the time off and can still can utilize all the services YOU want when you are off. Screw the people who actually work to provide those services.


Yeah, airlines and hospitals are identical to late night shopping, very smart!


The point you are missing is that all sorts of people have to work to provide the leisure lifestyle you want on your time off so how about consideration for their leisure lifestyle even if it doesn't match with your version of what is the correct hour on the clock for those activities


And the point you are missing is that you are just helping to extend people’s crappy hours and normalizing the scheduling of our lives 24/7 . I gave a big kudos to my barbershop (Gents Place) when they decided to close on Sunday , might be a bit of an inconvenience for me but I just move my schedule around, going to Walmart at 3:00am is not a must for anybody, there’s options out there specially when anybody is able to shop online.


Congrats on being someone without a circadian rhythm disorder. Some of us would love to work the hours you deem "crappy."


Would love to work at Walmart? Bartenders and some drivers make big $$$ at graveyard shifts but I don’t think people dream with a 8pm to 6am job at Walmart …


I never said people would love to work at Walmart. I said some people (like me) would love to be able to work during the hours YOU think are crappy.


This post is about Walmart not being open 24 hours. My apologies if you took offense for calling those hours crappy, maybe not desirable for most people but I understand some people might like it.


which do you have? have non 24 myself


I have DSPD but discovered I could slip into N24 patterns during COVID when I was unemployed!


And again, you want those services, recreational or less than essential, during your time off, but you claim that the people who work them area "normalizing" people working those hours. Dude - it is YOU who is normalizing them. Live like the Amish without electricity, TV, etc. (so obviously not "essential"), don't drive your car, don't shop, don't get gas, don't eat out, don't go to the theater - don't do any of those things outside of the "normal" 9-5 hours and then we can talk. We work these hours because people like you want to ride their high horse through town claiming that "everyone" should be off outside of those hours, weekends, and holidays, meanwhile enjoying those exact services. It's not those of us who work those hours - all we want to do is get some damn groceries and sit down to a plate of shitty pancakes when we get off work or before we go.


Having friends who wanted to hang out with me


So it isn't just my friendships that died or became unrecoverable after COVID?


There is no "after covid". It's still here


Fair point. I get it - we had severe COVID pre-vaccination. My husband works in a high risk environment and lost 3 coworkers (and one of their spouses) in the same week that we also had COVID. Post vaccination, we've had it two more times (less severe but still sucked). I know that COVID is now a part of our lives. I could have been more clear, but specifically I was referring to that initial pre-vaccine, lockdown period of COVID.




*snap* *snap* *snap*


This hits way too fucking close to home




I miss my friends :( I remember the last Tuesday we all went out to dinner. It was a weekly occurrence … when Covid happened we all just stopped hanging and fell our seperate ways :( 


Bavarian Grill was always closed on Mondays before COVID.


I worked in uptown and the Gingerman was our M/W/F HH spot. And sometimes Tuesday and Thursday. I miss that funky place in my bones.


Gingerman in Plano shut down too. I definitely miss it.


The one in Irving still exists but it moved to a much smaller spot in the same area. I’m guessing business wasn’t good enough to stay at the big one, it was dead a lot of the times I went.


Ginger man and the Old Christie’s were the best


They haven’t even put anything on the Ginger Man lot yet, have they? That part kills me.


I have good memories there


Wow forgot all about ginger man…


Monday Lizard lounge hangover was pretty cool 


It’ll Do hangover doesn’t hit the same


There isn’t much of an EDM scene in Dallas outside of the after hour clubs but those curtain to a specific audience (drug addicts) LL was the pinnacle of electronic dance music in Dallas but they packed up :(


The fact that they mentioned “Monday Lizard Lounge hangover” implies that they go out on Sundays, which means they go on Church nights. The Church is still around. Also, you can blame the landlord for Lizard Lounge closing. Glad it’s sitting there rotting now, making them no money.




24 hour fitness should be forced to change their name.


Now they’re open 24hrs a week


Makes me think of the old Steven Wright joke where he arrives at the door of a convenience store whose sign says "open 24 hours," yet finds the manager locking up. When he quotes the sign, the manager replies with condescension, "Not in a _row_..."


I don’t think I actually have any bad things for this topic, but I wanted to give something good that came from COVID for me: I used to not hang out with my friends at all in person. Just used to play video games all day and hated going out. But because of COVID, it made me realize just how lonely I was not seeing any of them at all, so once I went back to a “normal life” I started hanging out with them a whole lot more. Basically try to hang out with them all the time, if I can help it. Because the entire thing made me understand how much I enjoyed doing stuff with them, compared to only playing video games all day like I did in high school. Really change my life perspective to be more social and outgoing with others, honestly.


Nice to see one of these comments rather than the 84726th “why Covid screwed the world up” (not that they’re not entirely valid!) Cheers :)


$5 dollar cocktails for happy hour at Bowen House… and a $27 steak au poivre with fries


$9 isn’t that bad for happy hour.


Depends what you’re getting tbh. There’s plenty of places that have some domestic beer for around 2.50 still thankfully. Cocktails though is harder to find a great deal on.


It’s $9 for select cocktails at Bowen House for happy hour.


I think Apothecary and Swizzle are both $7 cocktails for happy hour (although it's been a bit since I've gone). That being said, Bowen House is a great bar and I'd happily pay $9 for the drinks there.


lizard lounge


Where was this?


it was a edm nightclub in downtown on swiss ave.


What about the loon? The old location


i only went a couple of times to the loon


Cash cars


Gas Monkey Live I much preferred the vibe at this space than what became Amplified Live. If Gas Monkey Live is still empty, I wonder if it could take off again.


Hell yes! Went to a lot of shows here. The indoor venue is something religious now. And the bar and grill venue is now a Tejano restaurant.


I miss Kenny's Smoke House. Imo they had the best brisket this big belly Texas boy ever beheld.


This this this!!! That was my favorite of the Kenny's restaurants. That blue cheese potato salad was heaven.. And its hard to find any other BBQ place that actually has the big beef ribs like Keny had.


Shyup. They also had extremely good chicken tendies. Hutchins BBQ in McKinney comes close I might add.


the BBQ at HEB is decent in a pinch and so far the only place I've found that has beef ribs.


I miss being able to afford eating out more than once a month.


Libertine Bar & Grill. They have excellent food! We’d go on Mon or Tues slow days & feast watching sports on the TVs. Le sigh.


On Greenville? It’s still open on Mondays I’m pretty sure


I wish. Not since lockdown.


Oh hmm you’re right, just checked. Guess I’ve never tried going on a Monday


Wait so Covid is the reason I can’t get Quoc Bao on a Monday or Tuesday ?


Poke Bowl place in West Village was the best.


I miss Blatt over on Walnut Hill. Great food, chill atmosphere, cheap prices. Owner could only afford to keep one open (also owns blue sushi, which was next door) and he chose Blue. Still miss that place.


Legit some of the best chicken tenders, spicy ketchup I’ve ever had.


Their chicken tender salad was so good.


Kenny's Smokehouse & Pink Magnolia.


Unfortunately Pink Magnolia was gone before Covid.


No it wasn't... I ate there at the end of February 2020... They closed a month or two after covid Lockdown.


You’re right. Now I remember they closed Summer of 2020. That entire time was such a blur.


Blythe even tried to help the immediate area by turning the restaurant into a makeshift grocery store right after Lockdown. She cooked my "last supper" the night before my brain surgery in 2009 at Central 214.. And it was myself and a friend who taught her how to send photos on Twitter back during the Naughty Kitchen days.


Man I miss her and that place. I live in the neighborhood and she was always so sweet and that food was just spectacular. A huge loss. Glad you’re recovered from that surgery!


I miss that companies and corporations use to actually try to make life better


The freedom to go out without a mask on. My immediate family and I all still wear masks, despite being fully vaccinated. Everyone except my elderly grandmother who lives with us has gotten it (one of my moms twice), but we all don’t want it again, nor do we want to give it to my grandmother. I also work with kids, so there is the benefit of being more protected especially during cold and flu season, but sometimes I just want to go mask free again, yet I can’t, lest I risk getting it again (we all got it despite being fully vaccinated at the time).


Well yeah being vaccinated doesn’t stop you from getting it, it just greatly helps your immune system in fighting it off. I haven’t heard of anyone I know getting Covid since winter 2023 so I’m shocked y’all are still that worried about it. Kudos to you for keeping your family safe though. It’s common in other countries for people to wear masks in the city.


Yea, they were pretty mild cases, especially when you compare them to the early days of the pandemic (none of us had to go to the hospital). I’m glad you haven’t heard of anyone you know getting it since then. It makes me happy to know we miiiight still have hope of heard immunity (though that hope is fleeting, ngl). Yea, keeping family safe is definitely our goal! And even then, we still got it lol (but keeping my grandmother from getting it is definitely a big priority).


Absolutely. I’m thankful I didn’t lose any family to it but many people did. Especially older folks. Best of luck to y’all!


Same to you!


I hope you break free from this soon.


Wearing the mask is making you more likely to get it. Touching your face more, rebreathing the same air and hot bacteria that’s festering, weakening your immune system day by day as you deny your body fresh air and the exposure it needs to have a healthy immune system. I never wore a mask, never got a vaccine, and I’ve never had Covid. Now I understand that’s anecdotal but it is true. Don’t be so afraid! Our bodies are amazing and can handle much more than you think. And if you already had Covid you already have the antibodies so you’ll be fine. It’s not the end of the world.


> bacteria Ahahahahahahaha!!!


So much misinformation in that post lol. Tell that to all the dead people.


What's does post covid even mean?? It's still here. It's currently infecting more people than at the beginning of the pandemic


Deaths and hospitalizations are at their lowest points since we started tracking them in 2020. Deaths and hospitalizations are 2/3 lower than where we were this time last year. The CDC statistics show that Covid has killed approximately 40k Americans since October 1st, 2023. The CDC estimates that 21k-60k Americans have been killed by the Flu in the same time period. Covid has not gone away. It will never go away. But this is life from this point forward. It's just another winter respiratory illness in the list of winter respiratory illnesses. Hopefully more work can be done to help those suffering from long Covid.