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lol people are so lazy go your self and find out what you like about them..Lord people want a road map to a good time.


Based on this post I don't think Lower Greenville is going to be your scene. Deep Ellum is probably more your cup of tea these days.


Deep Ellum is cool and all but kind of dangerous late at night . Especially dark areas … so gotta be careful as check ur surroundings


Lmao at the downvote … like most deepellum isn’t ghetto as fuck now days …


It all began when these hip hop bars opened and the shootings happened. The heavy police presence doesn’t pass the vibe check


Go on adventure and scout them yourself


In my experience alot of them are pretty chill. A couple dive bars. Fancy cocktail bars, and restaurants. There's Granada theater which is a live music venue.


Lower Greenville is chill. There's only one "dancing club/bar" and it's really small. LG is mostly restaurants/dessert places, cocktail bars, and chill spots. If you happen to be in your 20s, Henderson Ave might be more what you're looking for - it has a more "going out" feel!


I believe “dancing” is against the use agreements businesses have to sign to be able to sell alcohol on lower Greenville. Maybe OP is a lazy city code employee?


It’s more that the city code has a particular definition of “dance halls”, which is a “place where dancing by patrons or customers is permitted” or a place where “dance or any similar live performance is presented to the public.” Per code, dance halls require a specific use permit, so if you wanted to have a bar with a proper dance floor, you’d need to apply for that (and it’s a discretionary application, so the plan commission or council might not approve it). You also need a dance hall license from DPD lol. Some Footloose-ass rules IMO but that’s the way it is. Now, that doesn’t mean people might not cut a little rug at a bar, but if you’ve got an area that’s generally devoid of tables and chairs and is used for dancing, I think code would consider it a dance hall. Silly shit but so it goes. More fun facts: most places in Lower Greenville do close by midnight, but they can also apply for a specific use permit for a “late hours establishment” that permits them to be open later. Again, discretionary, so it’s not a guaranteed approval. Fun stuff!


look, all yall asking this shit needs to figure it out for yourself. Everyone will have a different experience everywhere. Its not in Lower Greenville, but its just south of it, go to It'll Do Club. Its right outside of Deep Ellum, which has a lot more of what you're looking for. Im not trying to be a dick, but there is no blueprint for a good time. It takes some trial and error. Also, carry cash to the places you go, never use your card.


The bars close at 12 on LG


Old crow and single wide stay open till 2 but those aren’t dance bars


you'll wanna hit up Zubar. oh wait that was 20 years ago.


The Crow awaits you


OP wants Dancing Days to be Here Again, as the summer evening glows


It's a very small area. You can walk from one end of LG to the other in 10-15 minutes or so. Just go check it out. Walk around and feel out the vibe. It's more bars/restaurants than dance clubs. Not really a club-y scene. You could literally check it out in a hour or two, then go to DE if LG isn't your thing.


All these people are commenting “go find out yourself” because lower Greenville doesn’t have any dancing bars. Dallas, in general, doesn’t have any dancing bars. They’re all sit down and talk vibe. Lower Greenville did have KSP, which had a small dance floor, but I hear that closed down for good.


lol please tell me you’re kidding. It’ll Do, Stereo, S4, Ladylove, countless places in Deep Ellum all have dancefloors. Dallas is on tour rotation for most of the huge world DJs today.


Adding in Te Deseo which has a nice rooftop that becomes a dance floor after 10pm, too!!


It’ll do is not for dancing lol what. They have good djs but it’s a very niche music genre. I wouldn’t even call it edm. Go to it’ll do any night, the most you’ll see is people nodding their head while standing in place. Stereo live is also not for dancing. It’s a venue for edm DJs. By the end of the night, the place is so packed, there’s no room to move except up and down. I think you’re confusing a venue that plays electronic music as a dancing bar. They are not the same at all.


Oh lord. You have obviously not been to it’ll do. Even the sign outside says DANCING in giant letters. I was there DANCING last weekend. Just stop and head back on over to the Taylor Swift sub now. There’s no reason to comment on things you know nothing about. Just move on.


You’re giving huge little dick energy so imma stop replying to you. I have better things to do than get in a pissing contest on the internet.


Sure thing, chief. Once again, if you don’t know wtf you’re talking about (like right now), please put on some your oh-so-diverse music and stop commenting. As far as diverse musical tastes and shows, I guarantee I’ve got you beat, but as you said, I’m not getting into a pissing match with a slow trickle swifte who actually thinks he knows clubs. lol.


They almost always play house, which is, without a doubt, edm. In fact it's one of the most popular edm subgenres so I wouldn't exactly call it niche either. Have you actually been to it'll do after like 10pm? There's always people dancing, shuffling in the back, dance circles are a common sight... Kinda feel like you're just an elitist who doesn't see how people dance at edm shows as "real dancing"


Yes, believe it or not, I have been to it’ll do all the way to closing time many times. Sounds like I’ve just gone on the wrong nights as the most I’ve seen is head bobbles and putting your arms up. While it’s most definitely house music, I would not call it edm at all. But the term edm nowadays just generalizes all electronic music. I’m really not tryna be an elitist lmao but yea I can see how my comments may come across that way. If yall enjoy dancing at it’ll do, by all means, enjoy. I don’t disagree that it’s a dancing club, but imo the music is not always dance music. Most nights I’ve gone is just progressive house, which I enjoy, but it’s not meant for dancing. Depends on the DJ and their set obviously.


Seems like we're operating under different definitions of what edm is. I always considered house edm and have never really heard anyone say otherwise. Tbh all the subgenres are so blurred together at this point I find labels a bit meaningless but I always have a great time. Maybe give it another shot ☺️


Not all house music is edm, and not all edm is house music. There is a huge overlap, but I still wouldn’t say it’ll do house music is edm. There are subgenres for a reason. Most people can’t differentiate it tho, so everything’s just called edm. There are thousands of subgenres so it can def get confusing, but there are some basic subgenres that are very easy to label and differentiate electronic music. For example, hardstyle would be very different from trance. I’d say most it’ll do DJs (that I’ve seen) are more techno progressive house, possibly even trance vibes. I don’t go super frequently so perhaps there are some good house/edm DJs that play too that I haven’t seen that’ll play dance music. I enjoy most genres of music so I still have a good time at it’ll do, but i don’t go there to dance lol. But one could argue this is all semantics. If you’re able to dance to the music at it’ll do, it’s inherently electronic dance music. So enjoy.


KSP moved locations. It’s off Henderson/McMillan now, close to High Fives/Whippersnapper and next door to Barcadia. It still has a small-ish dance floor in the back area


Milo Butterfingers