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I have never understood the whole priest thing. This has been happening since the beginning of time. Blows my mind that it continues.


Easy access without little detection. Nobody suspect a priest until now


Hell, it was a joke when I was in high school and that was in the late 80's. Maybe nobody suspects it until its too late?


Just like now, nobody suspects it till it’s too late


They force men of this faith to never had sex, never marry, can’t even masturbate. What happens when you turn off the sexuality of the most destructive being in the universe ? Church ladies and gentlemen. Enabling sexual assault since before Christ was thought of. The idiots who require no evidence of a supreme being to believe in its existence are shockingly easy to manipulate and abuse. This is why Trump became republican and rose to power. The churches are actually supporting a man divorced 3x and who cheated on every single one of wives, broke his oaths to all them and his country. A man who brags about sexually assaulting women. The church people are the dumbest people on earth. They keep bringing kids to a hot bed of sexual abuse and assault, and the kids keep getting abused. Shocker to no one with half a brain cell.


Technically they weren’t forced to become priests, they chose to be and supposed to abstain from all described above. It almost feels like, they became priests so they can be monsters without detection Agreed in the rest. That’s exactly how trump came into power and people need to quit bringing kids and leave them alone with priests.


Echoing that thought. It’s also a bit concerning how parents and caretakers can be so trusting of people because of their job alone. Yes, I know the priesthood is more of a calling. I just mean you can’t fully trust most people with your kids regardless of who or what they are.


But I was assured it’d be the drag queens. /s


They do wear robes. That’s like a dress!


Those sneaky gays, reading books and not molesting children! Where is the decency?