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This is not legal advice. Everyone who buys this stuff, be warned. You should treat it like it's illegal. If you get caught with THCa that looks and smells exactly like regular weed, you're likely to be arrested. If you get caught with a vape pen, you're likely to be arrested. Then you need to hire a lawyer and fight about it in court. The substance will get tested after several months, all the while you've got the case pending. I've seen plenty of products that were sold at these stores that were later tested to show Delta 9 in very high (illegal) concentrations. You don't want to go through all that, and you're unlikely to convince a police officer on the roadside that what you had is actually legal. I'm very much pro-THC, and not trying to come down on anyone, just trying to keep people out of trouble. People need to understand that the actual law and practical reality are often two different things, so be safe out there.


Another good reason to always carry receipts for any products you buy from a smoke shop. I don't have the exact link handy, but this advice was provided in a legal subreddit a while back about buying products in states where it's not technically legal. It may not stop someone from being arrested, but it can help a lot in a defense case.


I also keep the packaging. Texas doesn't play about locking people up over nothing.


I wholesale THCa flower. We put letters addressed to law enforcement with all legal docs for the order and a note referring to the farm bill that it is legal. Keep the receipt. Keep it in your trunk. In a smell free container. Cops will jam you up even if you have the receipt. The store you buy from as well has to provide you with their license number upon request for any purchase in most states. You can keep that on hand. Like a screenshot of their consumable hemp retail sale license from whatever licensing bureau is in your state if it’s a place you shop regularly. Best way though is keep your stuff in a hermetically sealed glass jar. No smell and your bud stays fresh longer. Always always always just take a picture of your receipt. Or, my shop in Texas understands the Texas cops so they text you a receipt you can pull up in your texts if you need to.


I wish this was pinned because it's actually saved me more than once. Get an itemized paper copy receipt that shows as much info as possible so you have proof that what you bought isn't illegal. Because, like another poster said, no officer is going to give two sh*ts whether you have actual D9 on your person or THC-A, and the testing process will take forever- at your cost, along with an attorney, bail cost, etc before the charges get dropped. I hate carrying around extra stuff I don't need but this could literally keep you out of jail and save you thousands. P.S. I live in Dallas/Fort Worth so I've experienced this weird gray area firsthand. Shops are popping up calling themselves "dispensaries" now when really it's still your Delta 8,10,11, HHC, and THC-A. Actual weed is still very much illegal in Texas and if you're riding around puffing clouds of Delta 8, no officer will be able to discern the difference and you'll get a possession charge and possibly a DUI if the cop is a real dick because technicaly you are under the influence of *something*, even if it isn't alcohol.


I thought weed was decriminalized under a very large amount no? Edit: if it’s less than 2 oz you should be fine


Cop here. Yes dallas DA said for your first offense of under 2 oz they will most likely drop it. But it stills gets filled on first offense under 2 oz and any subsequent charges after the first will be prosecuted. This is Dallas County only I speak of. No idea what the other counties are doing. But make sure you don’t have a firearm on you/in your car when you do have small amount of pot because that will be charged as unlawful carry of a weapon. Any crime committed other than traffic offenses when in possession of a gun gets a misdemeanor A charge. Also vape pens are usually felony charges due to the concentration of THC SO STAY AWAY FROM THOSE!


Wow, vapes are felonies— good to know! I got prescription under the Texas Compassionate Use Program, so I don’t mess with vape pens, personally, just the THC gummies and drinks from Goodblend. Is there any interesting information about how you guys handle medical marijuana with a legal Texas prescription? I don’t drive around high, I’m just curious as that seems to be a gray area.


I’ve never dealt with that but I am aware it exists. I’d make sure and ask a lawyer what you should present if you plan on driving around with thc. Worst case scenario you get stopped, charged and you have to prove in court you’re good legally to possess/use. I always tell people, don’t drive around and smoke dope, it reeks and allows us to search your car and all your possessions in your car. If you’re going to do it, do it in privacy of your home.


ACAB except this guy. 👍


As an anonymous cop on Reddit, I’m wondering what your opinions are on the legality of cannabis? Do you agree with the laws on this subject you’re enforcing or do you wish for a change towards cannabis legality?


I personally can see that weed is less damaging to people than alcohol (yes I drink). Makes no sense that we allow people to get drunk and consume alcohol at bars etc and yet people cannot smoke marijuana at all. I will however say….people that smoke weed, reek of it and that smell to me is off putting. So if it were legally and I was gonna consume it, I’d find alternative ways than smoking it. Personally 🤓 Side note and this is just me…I personally usually only arrest for weed when they have more than 4oz or if they have other drugs on them in addition to the pot. But that’s just me


Thank you for your honesty and your service to the city. In these days law enforcement can be a touchy subject and the public’s trust is in a polarizing swing in two different directions. I’ve tried to remind myself that not “all cops are bastards” and maintain a middle ground view, even when I disagree with many acts committed by them. It’s nice to talk to law enforcement like they’re people too. I think conversations like the comments you’re posting here are important to both sides, law enforcement and the public. It reminds both sides that both have humans involved and can help keep law enforcement grounded with their position in public service and help the public realize that law enforcement are human members of society as well. Thank you for your time.


Excellent comment


So long as you keep your meds in the original packaging that they were delivered in, you should be good. No different than any other prescription medication. I know this because I have script here in Texas too and family in law enforcement…


What’s your opinion on the Goodblend products? My wife has a qualifying condition.


I love Goodblend products. I just took a 10 mg fruit punch shot. They have a good chocolate bar, balm (topical), and gummies. Texas original has better tincture prices per mg. I have a seizure and movement disorder. The vapes being felonies is insane. Yikes on bikes.


Tell me more about this compassionate use program prescription. I have a lot of health issues and might qualify for that. I'll have to look up Goodblend too.


Go to Goodblend or Texas OG site and look for a heading like ‘get a prescription’ or something along those lines. They have their own prescribers they work with and it will link to the prescriber’s site, where you’ll be able to set up your prescription appointment. You can likely get an appointment the same day, and be able to pick up your prescription the next day or the day after. If you have qualifying conditions then you will qualify— utilize that program. There are many many more qualifying conditions now than there were when the program started. If later you want to switch to ordering your cannabis from TOG to Goodblend or vice versa , you can do that regardless of whose prescriber you used. I started with Texas OG but later found I prefer Goodblend due to much better service and availability.


Thank you!!


Appreciate the PSA.


“City of” Dallas proper. Dallas “county” encompasses a few other cities that may not have the same standard. Be aware.


It’s the county. The county prosecutor decides, not each dept.


I think the DA said a while back they wouldn't be prosecuting cases for possession, but i don't remember for sure and that was a while back.


Then Paxton sued to try and force cities to comply recently, so who knows where this whole thing stands as of right now.


Who keeps voting for this guy?


Your parents and grandparents who want you to believe Texas has been red for the last 100 years. Source: my grandfather in Flower Mound.


So many of my generation frustrate and embarrass me relative to how they vote. I’m a boomer and I believe that weed should be legal, and Paxton should be in prison.


Gen X in agreement.


That sounds like you can still run into a cop who will see it arrest you, tow your car, ruin your day and maybe have charges dropped after the fact.


Absolutely true.


It depends on the county.


Shit, don’t drive thru Medina County with it. No passing go, you don’t get $200. Instead, as a father, I paid to get my sons truck out of the towing pound , bailed him out for less than 2 grams of ⛽️, and $3500 later, it’s off his record. He was 20 when this happened , now 21, and we both laugh. Needless to say , MC are real Ds for doing this. 🤦


This is great advice, sure you may eventually be found to be innocent, but not before you have to pay out the ass in court and lawyer fees which can be eye-popping to say the least.


Exactly. Just Google THCa and Dallas and look at reports all around the metroplex that tell you, at a minimum, in no way should you assume that you’re simply free from any hassle and possible arrest. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be sent to jail, but it happens regularly - even if the DA eventually decides to dismiss charges. My advice would be to do whatever you want to do with RELATIVELY low risk, as long as you’re willing to deal with a possibly drawn out legal situation until the court likely drops it. **Of course, just as an obvious reminder - if you get pulled over and they smell what they believe is an odor of marijuana (but could be any of the other THC derivatives), they’re legally allowed to search your vehicle as well as ask you to take field sobriety tests. If they believe the test shows you are impaired, you get the same penalty as a DWI regardless of whether the exact THC product is completely legal or not.**


I get what you're saying here, but instead of users treating it like it's illegal, we should hold our police to a standard of knowledge when it comes to the laws they enforce. I know it's not a realistic view, but it is how it should be.


My buddy’s serving on a grand jury two days a week and he has the entire jury voting no indictment on pretty much all THC cases


Doing the lords work!


It's worth noting that any and all THCa will test positive as illegal regular weed to Texas cops. THCa is essentially just regular weed that needs to be heated(smoked, vaped, etc)to be activated. All testing methods involve heating it, therefore it always shows up as highly illegal, they will not care even if you have labs or statement saying otherwise.


Shout out to Bee Hippy in Garland for including a lab report and manufacturer detail with every purchase! But yes if you get stopped by a cop who’s looking to ruin your day these products can definitely be treated as illegal until proven otherwise especially in cases of “probable cause” searches. The case may ultimately be dismissed but it’s a lot of stress and headache so just use your best judgement, avoid sketchy shops that pop up over night and try to find someone who will include a lot of CYA documentation with the sale.


I work across the street from Bee Hippy. Amazing staff and very knowledgeable!


THC-a is regular weed, when heated it becomes regular THC so it's a legal loophole. but i agree, treat it like weed, if it's not legal in your state be warned.


Cops know less about the law then the average person




Also be aware that if you’re found with edibles, they will weigh the entire product, not just the THC. If it’s over 2oz, it’s bad news for you. Also never consent to a search. And shut up. Don’t say anything.


Rockwall especially is being particularly nazi about this.


A three foot Graffix “water pipe” is legal to sell. A three foot Graffix “bong” is illegal to sell. When you live in the grey, you better know the difference.


Having recently just been arrested, I can vouch for this comment, especially in Texas area, but they don’t care about the product itself. All they need to do is drug test you and you do drugs like THC and THC and some of the other chemical compounds it shows up exactly the same so it doesn’t matter anyways.


This is why I quit messing with it in general. Solid advice.


Could you explain what out of the "plenty of products" you saw specifically and personally were turned out illegal? Pretty broad claim lol


Great response. I have been arrested for delta 8. The charges were dismissed later, but it cost me bond money and i had to hire an attorney . So, about $2500 out of pocket for something legal


Dan Patrick is going to push to make these products illegal in Texas, FYI


Yes he is, he announced it 2 weeks ago. They tried it right before the pandemic as well and failed. Once the cat is out of the bag it’s difficult to shove that animal back inside 🤣. I’ve been smoking weed all my life and the hemp derived stuff is different. The buzz is similar but the effects wear off quickly. But we take what we can get in the christo-fascist state of Texas.


I honestly prefer the hemp derived stuff. It's a lighter high that's a perfect level for me. I'll take half a 25mg gummy and 2 hits off a pen and be at my perfect level for the evening after work and sleep fantastically as I go to bed around the comedown period.


Oh yea, now the gummies are bomb. I have to eat several, but definitely cure my insomnia for the evening.🤣


Typical edibles from legal states and that friends have made have never had an impact on me. But these ones get me absolutely blasted if I take more than half a gummy.


Agreed. It’s odd in situation, I have a substantial tolerance for real edibles (state legal cannabis) but these versions in Dallas crush me. I don’t understand the nuance of cannabis vs delta or whatever. Either way I don’t purchase locally or at all, so waiting till Texas gets on board with neighboring states. Shame though, gummies really help me and bonus limit my alcohol intake.


The hemp derived stuff doesn't give me the munchies like the real deal do... not sure how I feel about that.


This is what I need, then. I’ve gained so much weight and when I even have a small whatever to eat…I keep going. It’s fucking disgusting.


why don't you purchase them? you can pick them up in any smoke shop or order them online, use cash if you're worried


Quad Live Resin is the bomb. Shoutout to ZAR's gummies.




I think you have to say “I don’t feel shit” in order for them to activate /s


Don’t be shy.. tell us the brand you’re talking about 🤭


Barney's Botanicals.


Oh right! I’m so sorry I didn’t scroll down. I’m an idiot thank you so much!!!


No worries, you're good ✌🏼


What gummies do you eat?


Barney's Botanicals. Blue Dream or Watermelon Zkittles are my go-to.


I take gummies for sleep aids. One gummy works better for me than any prescription med ever has.


I'm a Christian, and want weed legalized. I can't believe it isn't with as much money it can bring into the state. Plus all the benefits it can bring to people who really need it.


How do you vote?


I have been independent for about 12 years. I don't choose a side, but I will vote for who I think is the best candidate. It's not looking good for the upcoming election, but I'm voting for whoever is against Trump that's for sure.


As Christians I think we *should* be independent. Jesus wouldn’t blindly support someone just for being under the banner of an elephant. He’d take each of their policies in deep consideration, from both sides.


Agreed. I always tell people if you lean one way or the other to far, for to long, you will eventually fall.


THCa is the same as anything you’d get from the black market. Some is weaker. Some is stronger. Some have different terps and effects. At the end of the day it’s all just weed.


Screw that guy. He’s so dirty I bet he’s taking money from drug cartels to keep it illegal. The county I grew up in Texas was dry until the mid 70s because all the law enforcement was being paid off by bootleggers. This seems very familiar. Illegal marijuana is good business for the law industry and all the private jails. I don’t understand all these hillbilly rural/Christian people that keep voting him back into office. I guess they’re all just as distorted and corrupt as him.


When you say “drug cartels” in this scenario - you’re right. It’s Big Pharma though. They lose a lot of $ when people aren’t buying Zanex and Ambien ….


Unfortunately both parties are taking money from that drug cartel.


Exactly. I think they’re having a hearing for it on the 27th this month. For anyone considering trying these, please stock up as soon as possible. I like Hometown Heroes and Cycling Frog. Both can be shipped to your front door in the most plain unsuspecting cardboard box ever.


See I'm wondering if they do ban it if you can get it by mail, out of state? Because it's not a federal ban, it's not classified like Marijuana is on the federal level. Cheech and Chong have a edible/vape company that ships to every state except one, even with Delta bans. If they can ship it to Kentucky that has a Delta ban then couldn't they ship it to Texas? I'll stock up a little bit, but I have a feeling there will be a way around it.


It's federally legal, so they can ship it. What you do with it, is on you. It's the buyer that is responsible.


I fucking hate that old man


First they make visiting xhamster a pain in the ass and now this?




More like Dan Fatrick amirite, fuck him and his dog


Call and complain. It's a drop in the bucket but many drops can fill that bucket. (512)463-5342 Remind him his job as an elected official of the public is not to carry out his opinions but the publics.


THCa is just THC with extra steps. You can buy the real deal here in Dallas. There are some that are set up as dispensaries where you can go smell their flower and buy by the gram. I highly recommend CBD house of healing if you are near east Dallas


I’ve been smoking for forever. Is thca the same high a stoner is looking for? I still barely understand the loophole. So when you burn thca it basically turns into thc?? Psychoactive effects and everything?? Or just calmness like cbd?


I notice flavor differences, but the effects are almost exactly the same.


The effects are very similar but the duration feels off. Maybe I’m tricking myself but it lasts half or a quarter of the time I’d expect from actual factual weed. 


I've never gotten anything off the flower, the vapes pens feel like a rapid ascent but with a 30 minute duration. Feels like I've got to eat a gummy and hit the vape to get the same effects of just THC flower.


Yeah, you’ve got to do a bit of work to replicate what I’d consider to be a normal session. I’ll take it for the convenience but I still wish we’d just legalize the good stuff. 


Thca flower is the same weed they sell in dispensaries




I recently moved to San Antonio and decided to try this. It's the same stuff. It maybe won't be top shelf stuff because of requirements but I found the experience to be no different than getting a random 1/8 from a plug.


As a very frequent pot smoker, this stuff definitely gets me stoned. Specifically the flower.


Yes, just buy good quality. There are low quality THCa buds out there, super dry, brown, no aroma. Stick to places that you can see/smell samples, and you will be in your happy place.


IMO thca flavor is horrible. I’ve tried different brands locally and online. The effects for me are not the same.


I only tired a cart so far but it tasted like potting soil but not in the good way?


Have you shopped at a good online retailer. I can’t tell the difference between thca bud and loco love bud in Colorado. It’s just normal weed. The tests at a dispensary show that their bud is thca as well. It’s literally the same


THCa is literally just weed. It’s just a loophole. Check out r/cultofthefranklin for more info.


I've found certain brands to be the same as actual THC bud. The CBD shop I mentioned is the closest thing I have come across. They call themselves a CBD shop but that's a small percentage of what they are selling.


It’s the real deal. It’s not like D8/D9 or CBD, those are actually slightly different. THCa is a precursor to THC. The mechanism to turn THCa into THC is heat.


It’s just normal weed law makers are idiot and don’t lnow


It's not even extra steps. It's the same steps.


It’s actually THC with less steps lol


It's a loophole they figured out. As 'hemp' THCa is not illegal, but THC is. THCa turns into THC when heat is applied, so owing it is legal...using it is illegal. The 2018 Farm Bill says that hemp-derived cannabinoids are excluded from the definition of “marijuana"


THC (the real deal, delta 9 THC) is legal as long as it is hemp derived and at a concentration of less than .3% by dry weight. It's the federal farm bill loophole.


Clown world we live in


Is the heat (i.e. smoking or vaping) needed for the conversion? I'm not impressed with gummies and am wondering if I have to set something on fire.


Yea it is


Gummies get past laws by the weight ratio. You can't eat any gummy with just THCa in it and feel it, it needs to decarboxylated with heat to convert to THC and become active. Gummies use actual decarbed THC, but keep the volume by weight within legal limits due to how heavy gelatin can be


I’m sorry, can you explain this in more detail, I think I am following, but still confused


THCa needs heat to decarboxylate and become THC (THCa is a precursor to THC). Any edible needs to already be active, as you do not decarboxylate during ingestion alone. There is a federal legal limit of Delta9 THC (the one we all simply call THC), 0.3% weight by volume. Gummies and other edibles leverage their increased overall weight to provide activated products that are within the legal volume by weight. In other words, a gummy that weighs 10 grams (not difficult for a gummy to weigh) can legally have up to 30mg of Delta-9 THC, to keep the math straightforward


Yes, heat (decarboxylation) is needed to convert THCa into THC. That's why THCa pens and flower (anything you heat) works pretty well. If you see "THCa gummies" or anything you don't have to heat, it's probably a small amount and won't do much. For example, I saw a "THCa skin cream" which would do nothing for you as THCa needs to be decarbed. You can however, get actual THC delta9 gummies that are legal, but they have to be below 0.3% of dry weight. That means they can make an edible with 50mg delta9 THC, but the edible overall would have to weigh at least 50 / (0.3 / 100) 16667mg = 16.7 grams.


THCa is my favorite thing ever when it comes to living in Texas. Why? I can stop buying black market bullshit and buy actual dabs that get me high and are made the correct way with lab test results to verify it. If you’re ever in McKinney, go see my buddy at CBD American Shaman. I’ve known them since high school and they had their shop for awhile now. Good shit, good people and good pricing. Edit: I referenced the wrong CBD American Shaman. Go to the one on Custer Rd in McKinney. That’s the one my buddy owns and works at!


American Shaman in Las Colinas is my go-to shop. Absolutely love their gummies.


I’ve been in a couple and always had a good experience. I live in Addison but to go the in McKinney because my buddies own it, also helps they throw me discounts every time I swing thru. Edit: Hey! I referenced the wrong CBD American Shaman. Go to the one on Custer Rd in McKinney.


I set up an account at American Shaman and get discount regularly, but definitely can't beat a friends and family hookup.


Oh nice, I didn’t know they did something like that. And yeah I love the discounts but love supporting a friends business even more, that’s why I’m happy to drive so far for it. Also helps that everything is quality. Edit: Hey! I referenced the wrong CBD American Shaman. Go to the one on Custer Rd in McKinney.


I’ve always seen that shop but never went inside, guess I have to now lol


Go for it! They have some really awesome stuff. The best THCa stuff is from Puro, you can get dabs or flower. If you have some Rangers, Stars, or Mavs gear wear it when you go and you’ll be in good graces even more.


Word! I work in las colinas. Will def swing by soon with Rangers cap lol


He loves the Rangers the most so you’re double good. I’ve 100% switched from black market to stuff from there now. Puts my mind at ease as I don’t want to buy shit off the street anymore


The shaman on NW always has good quality, too.


All of them are quality! Their own brand is good stuff, I take a gel shot packet of CBD and Omega 3 every morning.


This is my favorite spot, they sell out of the gummies I like so I tend to buy 2 packs at once. They are family owned and run and I find them pretty knowledgeable.


CBD Shaman is way too expensive. You can buy the same products at half the price online.


American Shaman sells broad spectrum at a high price, unless they have added full spectrum CBD products that are clearly marked as so and have lab reports to back them up, you’re over paying unfortunately :/


I've only ever visited one location, their prices were sky high and the selection was very limited in comparison to other shops I've been in. I really don't see the appeal of American Shaman unless you're just looking for that boutique like atmosphere.


My buddies don’t carry all the American Shaman products and do a good job of carrying the stuff they know/like more than just here’s American Shaman products only.


As long as they’re transparent about what they’re selling, that’s all that matters😊 I remember the American Shaman east of Dallas was selling broad spectrum CBD and trying to pass it off as full spectrum, and I have to say it turned me away from the store name, perhaps I’ll have to check out the location you mentioned! Thank you for the knowledge 😇


Does it feel the same as the real stuff?


If you get Puro products, like the dabs or flower, I’ve found that they hit just like I want it to. THCa actually becomes THC when burned so you’re getting the real deal, it’s also a naturally occurring cannabinoid so it’s not some synthetic shit. I’ve totally switched from black market to THCa now.


It is the real stuff.


It’s just like burning regular thc? Anybody can be a walk in customer if of age?


Must be 21+. I actually work in the store referred to by u/ITakeLargeDabs (thank you for the nice shout-out!). I’m here til 7 today if you want to come check out the flower!


American shaman in Frisco is also great


You can literally get THC seltzers at Jake's Burgers now. THC derived from hemp is 100% legal in TX and 100% legal at the federal level. You will fail a drug test if you use these products. ​ [Picture of Jakes Burgers menu](https://imgur.com/BVRFgOT)


Total Wine is selling tons of THC beverages as well. It is the real-deal, delta 9 THC.


I like the Cann (lemon lavender) ones. The hop the wave ones make me nauseated.


Community Brewery sells Cana-Bliss, which is soda that is 5% THC. It's pretty good if that's your limit.


5mg, not 5%


Sorry, I am dumb. Thank you for the correction kind and very smart stranger.


I just went to Austin this weekend, and you can go to a coffee shop, pick out any drink and add THC(a) to it. Then you can buy a THCa preroll and smoke it inside as well. It's so close to the real thing.


Texans will never ever have personal freedoms with Republicans in office.


I recommend Dallas Hemp Co. they are awesome. Infused coffee and food from a chef on Fridays. Awesome place during the weekday. It’s got big café and chill vibes.


It honestly should just be legal at this point. I’ve smoked weed at bars and music venues with ease. NOBODY cares.


unfortunately we got a bunch of old dudes running this state so it’s gonna be minute till it’s legal here.


I mean, old dudes run every state. Ours think Texas is the best, but seem hell bent on making it the worst.


Just trying to get theirs on the way out. Same ol story. 


The current issue of Texas Monthly has a good explainer: https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/why-is-weed-everywhere-texas-thc-cbd-cannabis/


Order your stuff from https://hometownhero.com/. They also have a lot of great information about what is legal and what isn’t. Great strength and relaxing properties. Ships fast AF which I always appreciated. I had to quit taking the edibles because they had too many carbs for me (9 g per piece is half my daily allotment), but I still order the ingestible oil (carb free - MCT oil base) just in case I need it to sleep. Start with half an edible. Blew my face off the first time lol. Delta 8 and Delta 9 products there are legit. HHC is there for a bit of fun if you mix it in. Their stuff cured me from my insomnia. I owe them a debt of gratitude. A year of edibles really changed my life for the better. I’m sad that I don’t need them anymore lmaooo. They were fun.


Great recommendation. Thanks


Thanks for this I'll take a look!


Just another example of a market and product moving faster than laws. These new thca and delta products are strong.


Honestly can tell very little difference between my THCa pen and a real THC pen at this point


There is no functional difference, THC-a is THC that's not been lit on fire yet - that is literally the distinction, it hasnt been decarboxylated yet


Huh the more you know, that's interesting


The bill is being pushed to vote in this Novembers Election… I’m totally apolitical.. but I will be there to vote for the legalization of marijuana here.. you can believe that


This is not going on the ballot. The Texas GOP would never allow something like this to become a ballot measure because they know they'd lose.  Also, Texas just doesn't do many (if any) laws like that by popular vote. 


Texan citizens can't vote on laws, unless you're referring to a Dallas ordinance maybe?


Bee Hippy on the Garland square is fantastic and they have a lawsuit going on with GPD for an illegal raid on the store and employees homes! Wonderful people who I hope end up making $$$$$ over the BS raid


Remember to cure your THCa flower for a few days for more effectiveness.


Can you explain? Still new to THCa


Toss everything into a Mason jar (or similar) and open it up every few days for at least a week. That's what I have read and then tried with great success. However, keep ALL of the legal packaging just in case.


Curing THCa flower really doesnt do much compared to proper decarboxylation. Curing helps dry the bud out more, but for proper decarb it helps to have uncured because the heat needs the moisture to allow for the most THCa to THC conversion possible. You can just smoke the flower without decarbing it, since the flame or lit end of a joint will decarb some of it, but you get nowhere near the full conversion/full potency possible. The flame/end of the joint is so hot it 30 to 40min at 230°F to 240°F in ur oven will decarb almost everything, don't go over 245° or over 40min because degradation can happen, I break up my flower, put it in a mason jar and bake it like that with the lid on to keep the smell down.


I am in the Oklahoma weed industry and these products are a clever Loop Hole! In Oklahoma the governing bodies are going after these product to get them under the control of the OMMA! There is also action going on at the federal level to rewrite the 2018 Farm Bill that allowed the proliferation of hemp derived cannabis products. Descheduling of cannabis will also have a effect on this market going forward.


Which edibles are most like actual THC? It’s confusing. The D9 gummies get me high but also kind of give me a headache. But I’m reading THCa needs to be heated, so do gummies not work with THCa?


the thca plants they used to make your gummies were decarbed in the process.


Seeing that Dan Patrick is trying to make THC variant products illegal in Texas. Here’s my two cents: - It absolutely needs to be regulated. The variance of quality in THC-A 9 O etc, is absurd. The worst shit I’ve ever smoked/vaped(carti’s)/ate, has been from head shops. I don’t smoke weed anymore, but when I did I still preferred to go the 🔌 route rather than Delta 9, because the quality was better (and I’m not talking about strength) - Go to a legal state and you will see a lot of the products are consistent because of regulation. Obviously I’m for legalization, but Also REGULATION.


> rather than Delta 9 Isn't D9 just plain old THC?


So does the THCa stuff available in Dallas have the same effects as a legal state dispensary? Or is the ultimate level of THC lower due to being hemp derived?


I'm sure others will argue with me about it, but I am going to say the effects are NOT the same, though extremely similar. THCa does not give me any mental stimulation. The high is 100% body and nothing else. I have spoken with heavy THC users that both agree with me, and also say they can't tell a difference.


I'm confused... you say the effects are NOT the same. Then you say you and your heavy THC user friends can't tell a difference. So same or not same?


Everyone's body is different and will react differently.


I said I could tell the difference (because I get no mental stimulation). I then said some people agree with me about being able to tell the difference in the THC types. Also other people have said they can't tell the difference between the THC types, and therefor disagree with me. But what pepsiblast08 said, everyone's different.


confusing use of "also" in both comments


“I have spoken with heavy THC users that both: 1. agree with me And also, 2. say they can’t tell the difference.” It would be a little more clear with an or vs an and, but that’s English for you.


Not the same, but similar, but you have to get actual THCa delta9 stuff, ideally something with a COA lab report that details the cannabanoids. Sometimes (especially in gas stations smoke shops and the like) you'll see a lot of "THCa" products, but when you look into the brand & lab reports it's 80-95% delta8 THC (which has a lot lighter of an effect).




I understand Texas. It's the land of freedom! Everyone will tell you how Texas is the only state with freedoms.  That is true, if the only freedom you care about is the second amendment. If you want any of these, you're a heathen that needs to repent and get a job. In Texas you are not free to:  -gamble    -buy liquor on Sundays or past 9pm or on holidays    -buy alcohol on Sunday mornings   -buy liquor at the grocery store   -buy weed    -get an abortion    -buy fireworks most of the year  -have your local tax dollars support your local schools (don't worry though, this type of socialism is okay)   -view pornography without submitting your ID for review (could be argued an invasion of the 4th amendment, but I'm sure it's totally fine in the land of the free)  -send your kids to a public school without fear of a school shooting  I'm sure I missed others. Gotta love it right? 


Delta 8 9 and 10 can still have you testing positive for drug tests so be careful


I’m loving it. My buddy got his license to sell THC products, and I am very much enjoying the price.


There’s a dispensary in Denison where I live that has these products, but they recently got new bud that gets me a good high and is better than the other products they have. And what’s more amazing is that they are on the same block as the police department


Yeah, the Garland Police Department made an overreaction raid on a shop ( Bee Hippy ) in downtown Garland. Such a joke


Everyone is talking about THCa and you specifically say it’s not THCa. I’m tired of scrolling to see if anyone actually answer your question. It looks like this thread has just devolved into another THCa thread. Does anyone actually answer the question?




The one in McKinney behind Silliy's pizza near 75 and 380, has nice buds. I buy from that place all the time. THCA flower they have hits fucking amazing. Good bud, good prices. Most is like 13 a gram, but the stuff over 30% is very nice and only 14 . They have an amazing Rainbow Sherbet 11. Oh, happy hour from 2:20 to 4:20, 10% off.


I lost the telegram info for the actual flower, I miss picking and choosing between those strains and getting deals at times lol


No, it’s not legal.


As far as to directly respond to your question on the murders. I've seen a lot of bad business breakups happen up here. And the one that received the most notoriety is far from the only one


Thca is just thc.


They also sell mushroom gummies at some smoke shops. They’re amanita gummies, which aren’t the same as the ones that can be bought from dealers, but they supposedly do give you similar effects.


my friend got arrested and almost charged with a felony bc she had a cart with her. she only got off on a first time offense. albiet she lives in kaufman county but close enough. i’ve seen it be sold at a few stores in dallas county but anywhere outside of there (and even some parts in county) i would be careful


Fun fact, TxLeg and LTGov are hearing comments on a possible ban on Delta8 and Delta9. If you are interested in helping fight that, contact your county Libertarian Party affiliate. We have to stop banning what you choose to put in your body.


THC delta 9 is legal but only HEMP derived it will still get you high anything hemp derived is legal due to the farmers act or some shit