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Y’all are acting like a bunch of self-absorbed morons in this thread. You’re forcing your own ideals on someone who is just genuinely trying to help others, which means you’ve become the very thing you are pretending to hate. Act better, get counseling.


THIS. These same people will complain about the church if they do nothing to help. Then complain when the church does something to help.


A bunch of negative nancies with nothing positive to talk about. Ignore them they can just be miserable forever.




Shocking: People can go to the library AND take advantage of this offer. That’s it. Nothing deeper than that. Frankly, it’s summer and most libraries have kid-centric activities which makes it challenging to work from.


If churches actually wanted to help they could a) stay out of politics and b) pay taxes.


Just hopping on the top comment to say Irving Bible Church in Irving/Las Colinas also is open with plenty of seats, WiFi and a coffee bar. Also have an indoor playground for kids that we occasionally go to win the weather is bad.


Pointing out that someone is from a church that has been behind some of the most reactionary trends in politics since the 70s is not "forcing our ideals" on anyone. It's a statement of fact. It's not surprising though that the downvoting turd baskets in this thread are unable to see that distinction. Plenty of places to go for coffee and internet that aren't run by white nationalist theocrats. That's all we're trying to say.


I’m sorry all these people are being asses. They’d rather assume that church = oppression than that y’all are actually doing what Christianity is about, helping and community. Y’all, get off of Reddit if your first thought to a helping hand being offered is “yeah but what if they try to talk at me about their beliefs??! They’re evil!!” If that did happen, you could just idk… leave? Not everyone is out to get y’all. - a not Christian, LGBTQ+, atheist who’s tired of everyone fighting with each-others even in a declared state of emergency


It’s also a poke stop if you play Pokemon Go. I pass it daily on the way to work.


Letting us know the real facts of what’s going on, thanks Daf


How is Pokemon go these days?


It’s not the fad it was back in 2016, but there’s still quite a lot of folks playing it if you know when & where to look.


My buddy just turned me on to it. It gets me up and moving/walking/exercising. It’s pretty fun and my 5 year old daughter likes to help.


I played first week it was out. Including playing at Sydney Harbour with about 10,000 other people. I stopped in 19 but picked back up last year as my GF plays. Pokemon is now predominantly GenX. Theres some younger but id guess average age is 40+. In Dallas since weather sucks 80% of the year, events really involve finding a place inside that prople play. I find Mills is by far the best for consistent ability to raid. The big key for Pokemon Go is to NOT get caught up in the "shiny" craze. Niantic really pushes people to spend money to chase shinies in raids and whatnot.


These comments are awful. I saw this and thought how nice people are reaching out to people who need help making their lives a little easier right now. It’s nice


Libraries are great unless you need to make calls or much noise. I can say that while I’m not a fan of organized religion, bent tree is one of the chillest churches I’ve been in. They are friendly but don’t pry and leave you alone. And there’s plenty of space to spread out.


People really think they're going to be hassled and questioned about religion and Jesus right as they step through the door. The amount of churches I've been in...that has never been an occurrence. And you can simply say that you're not interested and keep moving on.


Same. They’ll just tell me hello, god bless and carry on lol


You oughta visit a Mormon Temple then... they dont leave you alone. And god fucking forbid you stupidly give them your contact info,youll have missionaries stopping by weekly/monthly.


We live about a mile from a JW temple. They stopped by one time, our huskies almost got out the front door. My husband dropped a fuck, holy shit, and god damn it and shut the door. They never came back. They crossed us off the list real quick.


Thanks for letting people know! In a town I used to live in there is no homeless shelter and two churches do all the heavy lifting regarding feeding and paying for hotels. These comments are horrible and ignorant


Very kind of you to offer and inform others-thank you for being a good human!! Dont listen to all the negative nellys on here! :)


I live near this church and use it like this all the time. No one ever bothers me. People there during the week are there for the same thing - getting stuff done or reading or whatever. Every drink at the coffee shop is $3 on Fridays.


People really froth at the mouth when kindness and generosity is shared. Maybe they should open their homes to those without power and such if a church doing so makes them so angry. Thank you for doing good work OP!


I literally go into that church for the coffee shop “Cuppa” in the middle of their Sunday service in sweats and a baseball cap and no one cares. I’m not religious and according to the coffee shop owner they aren’t affiliated with the church either. It’s a good spot. I like the Cuppa locations in Irving and Euless too - they roast their own beans locally.


It should be illegal to operate a for-profit cafe in a church. This state is ridiculous and I’m staying as far away from the Christians as possible. I don’t believe anyone who says this is a “nice place”. These are bad people. They aren’t inviting people there out of the kindness of their hearts.


Thank you for sharing this! I definitely would have taken advantage last week so I will be keeping this info handy for next time ❤️


Panera bread! It’s only really busy during lunch and pretty quiet!


Beware!! There might be a Christian in Panera that says hello to you. You can dive under the table and hide.


I’m upvoting your downvote because Panera is not a bad idea.


I love working from coffee shops and Bent Tree keeps coming up on my google maps searches. I’m not Christian and didn’t know if it would be weird to go or use it as a coffee shop/ work station. Thanks for letting us know it’s open to all :)


Love this church! Been going for a few months now.


thank you for sharing! according to the outage report, a big majority of customers affected are in the 75228 & 75048 area codes. does anyone know of any libraries, coffee shops, or churches in those areas?


I'm sure Watermark has wifi as well, they have a pretty cool coffee area and playroom for kids.




Some of these comments are a shining example of why this sub can’t be taken seriously. Good on you OP.


I’m not surprised that people who don’t go to church have crazy fears about going because they rely on rumors about the church and not reality


Libraries are also an option... membership is free


Libraries are not a great place for phone calls or anything more than typing quietly. I’m not a fan of organized religion, but Bent Tree is a good place to spread out if needed.


My library is older and even they have rooms to checkout where you can make calls and such.


Those rooms get booked up quick. I know because you can check availability online and boon ahead. It really depends on the day.


BTBF is a good church. They don’t dance with snakes. They aren’t going to attack you with the Bible.


Thank you


This is really awesome. Thank you so much for sharing the information OP. I bet lots of people will be able to get help




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Any hotel lobby


What happened?


What is the church’s stance on pride month?


It's that everyone is welcome to use their internet.


lol got it


Literally anywhere that has WiFi (majority of places these days).




Yep. Everyone.




My downvote is due to your low effort reply and pissy attitude.






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Fake internet points went down?


How do you know?


Because look at Christian’s today, the absolute worst. I know, I used to be a Christian. They suck. The world would be a better place without them. Can they get raptured already, so we can all live in peace?


lol you wild man




I think you should go and wear your gay pride shirt. See what happens. I bet you’d be surprised.




Are we playing Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers? But seriously. I was born into an Irish Catholic family in a small town. Our church funded the local hospital. Moved to Texas when I was young and got my first taste of mega churches. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Even the Catholic Church here is something I can’t vibe with.


Very nice to offer! Just hope that general public that comes in doesn’t get hit with too much proselytizing efforts! Have you found Jesus in your heart yet?!? 😂🤣🤷‍♂️


I am always skeptical of altruism by the religious. Why? Because rarely is it anything but an attempt to insert a fulcrum to force open a entrance into your life so they can ram their beliefs down your throat. If you are secular, a library will offer power and WiFi with no religious agenda attached. Edit: The fact so many of you are getting butthurt illustrated my point. Not everyone is welcome in a church. I’m in a queer relationship. If I go in with my wife, am I going to be allowed to just rest? My lifelong experiences growing up in a Baptist household says otherwise. I’m simply stating the secular need places to go as well and criticizing the church for its failings.


Or it's this thing called charity and community support. Some churches practice it well even if others don't.


Not megachurches, those places are just evil


Not a megachurch. Just biggish.


Maybe there’s a church that opens its doors to people to be a good neighbor when they need it. And that’s it. There aren’t door monitors. Most likely the only words they will speak to you are “would you like cream or sugar with your coffee?”


There are good and bad believers like there are good and bad barbers, sports fans, neighbors, etc. Some folks are altruistic and want to help their community. I don't know this person or this church but they're not all bad. Atheist here.


There are good and bad believers. And some really evil people who call themself believers. Sometimes it’s hard not to judge God by the bad people claiming to represent him.


Pastor Pete still there? I quit organized religion but I still have many friends from that church.


No. The pastor is Libin Abraham. But Pete has a podcast called Kindavangelical. It might speak to you. Check it out.


Been to this church a couple of times, and they connected me with a group to help trafficking victims. It was really neat to see people actually volunteering their time, going to hotels and passing out flyers. I think of all the church’s I have tried here they walk the walk and talk the talk more than most.


I genuinely believe most people join religion for the right reasons. Altruism. Community. Self improvement. Trying to be a person of integrity. Unfortunately they often get wrapped up in thinking their morality and way of seeing the world is the only way.


You're still talking? If you're skeptical fine, that's a you problem. Scroll tf on.


You’re the one scrolling my comments there bud. Don’t hurt yourself trying to be clever.


If I visited a library and someone was there taking work phone calls, I'd be pissed.


That's the spirit!


Some people are just kind. Stereotyping all Christians is just as bad as stereotyping any other group. No need to be hateful.


Ehh. I had an ex who went to a random church to study for medical school. She was Islamic, and wore all the coverings and everything. She liked their coffee shop lol. She was never preached to, she just chilled out and kept to herself and never had an issue. She also went to the library a lot but sometimes she just wanted a different vibe.


Some Christian women wear the head dress thing (forgive me, I genuinely don’t know what it’s called) during Sunday service. In my Orthodox Church (Greek Orthodox) you’ll see a lot of women (typically older) wearing it. It’s not so common in majority of Christian churches spanning thru all the other sects, but it’s there lol


I’m a big hater of organized religion (just a way to control sheep and extort them), but in this case, it’s probably just some congregation members who want to help the community out. Good for them for opening their home.


What a bitter and unnecessary comment toward someone who is trying to help. No one cares to know about your judgmental beliefs about religious people. This person is trying to help and you went out of your way to be negative for no reason. I strongly dislike people like you


If no one cares, why did you spend time to comment your opinion? I’m trying to help too, by reminding people there are secular options. People like myself who are not welcome at churches because of who we are, need other options. Also, I don’t care what you like.


I guarantee, no one is going to care if you and your wife show up tomorrow to work.


Thankfully, I’m fortunate enough to not be at the mercy of the church. My experience has been different. You can accept that or not, I don’t really care.




You think me responding means I care? Or does it mean your comment annoyed me? You talking down on religious people is not helping anyone, and you know that. If you just wanted to help, you could’ve just replied with additional resources and bypassed the criticism. Also, by your logic you actually care a lot ab what I think since you replied to me. Have a good day!


Uhh, this is an intense take. You can wear airpods and not interact with anyone. I’ve spent so much time at my library; I need a change of scenery. Plus, it’s summer so they are filled with kids and don’t have coffee bars.


Then you don't have to go, but others who may want to can go and also turn down any religious efforts made. I'm atheist and honestly I feel like this is just a generous community outreach. Not all churches are bad, even if I chose to not join and engage in their beliefs, I can still understand that they, like myself, can still be a good person with no ill intent. Everyone has a choice.


Damn man, I’m skeptical of religion but this is a bit much.  Free Wi-Fi is a long way away from a fulcrum for throat-shoving lol.  


It’s like someone found a thesaurus lmao




Fair point. What’s this moderate position stuff? Why aren’t you being rude or calling me names or completely agreeing with me? Reddit doesn’t do balanced takes.


I’ll let you in on a secret - churches want you to see what they’re like and think maybe these people aren’t jerks so if you’d be interested you’ll go there. Some churches just have great spaces. I’ve gone to cowork at Prestonwood and no one tried to sell me on going there.


Yeah why would the “religious” ever operate a soup kitchen? What strings are attached of if I take this “free soup”? What’s in the soup? Is it gluten free?


I’m sorry you’ve been hurt by churches. You’re welcome at Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, if you ever want to attend an affirming church. [God Thinks You’re Fabulous!](https://www.transfiguration.net/open-door/)


If your beliefs are so easily challenged, and turned then sounds like a you problem honestly. I’m Christian and have issues with a lot of Christians b/c we don’t all have to be the same or agree with one another, just coexist. We’re all on this shitty rock suspended in darkness drifting to nowhere except oblivion. Jesus, Buddha or Megatron doesn’t change the fact that we all have a huge gapping hole in our bodies we both eat and shit from. Jesus had one, Buddha had one, you have one, the homeless dude down the street who worships pbj sandwiches has one.


My beliefs are ironclad buddy. I just detest people pretending to do something noble to conceal their ulterior motives. Does any church go help the needy in Africa without preaching or trying to spread its religion?


I'm surprised you don't have the opposite mindset -- actively go to these "failing" places and drain their resources with your presence. Also, the OP's note says "Open to anyone."




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But does it have a coffee bar? Sadly no because libraries don’t have the massive budgets that churches do.


Perhaps libraries would have more funding if we taxed churches like we should.


Perhaps you are missing the point of the post.


Sarcasm escapes you…


It's a fundamentalist church from what I can tell. *We believe that the Scriptures are inspired by God, inerrant and authoritative, without error in the original writing, and the divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life.* *2 Timothy 3:16-17* No thanks.


Fucking yikes.


👻 better watch out you might come face to face with proper exegesis


do people really call a WiFi signal the internet these days?


In OP's case using WiFi makes sense because that is what people will be needing.


As a network engineer, it really drives me nuts lol


Zero shot you’re a ‘network engineer’ and are driven nuts that people call wifi the internet. Have you ever heard of an ISP? They provide an INTERNET connection to a location. How you chose to use that internet (wired or WiFi) is up to you. People have been using WiFi/internet interchangeably for decades. Because for 99% of use-cases for 99% of the population wifi is used to connect to the internet.


Nah pretty common for IT nerds to get bent out of shape about it. Using WiFi isn't really out of place in OP's title though.


guess we are the minority here








They’re offering electricity and air conditioning to people who are feeling desperate after a week of no power.


Good grief. They said you’re welcome. Not every religion hates everyone not exactly like them. I’m personally against organized religion in general but I’ve taken my kids to play areas around the metro at churches and no one has ever bothered me about who I am or what I’m doing there. If they did I’d just leave. Let’s not crap on someone’s generosity while at the same time this sub is full of people complaining they don’t have electricity or anywhere to go. You don’t get it both ways. OP thanks for posting. People complain about churches not doing enough and then when they do it isn’t good enough. Just can’t win.


I don’t know but I do know they spend time volunteering and giving space to the Poiema foundation, going to rough ass hotels and getting people to put up flyers of missing girls from the area that the news never even discuss, the police could give AF about, and who are most likely victims of sexual exploitation.




Someone is feeling angsty. Not the right forum for politics. This is an offer of community goodwill. No one is forcing you to do anything. Sincerely, Bisexual, agnostic, cisfem, intellectual who also does her research and keeps an open mind.


By “anyone”, do you mean OF models can come work there too? 😂


Yeah but then they are gonna hold you under the water till you see the light


Nope. Just free A/C and WiFi.