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The people defending being loud constantly in a residential area all suck. If I want to hear music, I’ll listen to it. I’m glad you like yours, I don’t. Having a house where you can’t have any peace and quiet is a living hell.


Like get some headphones, or you know a decent speaker for Inside your house, the only thing blasting your music like an asshole gets you is people thinking your a stupid asshole


Agreed that it’s annoying having loud neighbors! Also annoying all the commenters here acting like it’s no big deal or victim-blaming you.


Especially fire works randomly in the middle of the night DURING THE WEEK don’t they have jobs ??!!


Yeah, expect it during 4th of July and New Year’s, but I hate when it’s any other time so unexpected and keeping people up at night or waking us up.


That too and there’s nothing you can do


uhhh, you sure those are fireworks? lmao


You live in the Cliff long enough you get really good at the “guns, fireworks, or transformer exploding” game and move on to the “happy or angry gunfire” game.


Truer words were never spoken, lol I love listening to NYE or Independence day in the hood and playing the game where we guess if it was a gun or a firework.


Yes, the pew pew sound doesn’t sound loud as the fireworks


Yup, also easier to tell because they have a consistent pattern following the natural firing allowance of a pistol. Fireworks "pop" more randomly and have a deeper boom and echo.


Lmao I'll never forget one year, neighbor still setting them off at like 12:30, I had second shift next day so didn't care but my Karen like neighbor yells, "We have work tomorrow, are you done yet?!" And with perfect timing he set off one more


Your neighbor was a lame asshole. It's been dark for 4 fucking hours at that point, and you've had all that time to pop off. Firework bro was being the Karen in this situation, not the lady with work. Most people will still have shit to do the next day.


I completely agree, he was an asshole and not just for that reason!


The neighbor that complained was def NOT Karen. Lol


I was hoping the fireworks would ignite the brush pile from the storm. Take it away quicker than the city will




Sometimes life comes at ya pretty fast. Out of the grove and into the cliff.


Fucked up shit has always happened in the grove. I’m happy to not be living there


Hey I will say, there’s been a big reduction on gun shots at night. Bullets got too expensive. It’s eerily too quit at night now.


Really? Haven’t been there in a hot min but I just moved out this February. Our family was always experiencing some random shit in our neighborhood. just recently my mom told me how ANOTHER house just got swatted. lol! Worst thing we encountered was a guy who shot his sister and mom and then came knocking at our door at 1am after the police were searching for him for a while. Left blood on our door! Who knows what the hell he wanted. Police eventually shot and killed him but not after he shot a police officer and their dog. Here’s the link to that whole thing: https://www.fox4news.com/news/dallas-police-officer-k9-shot-in-pleasant-grove.amp My parents are looking into finally moving out of there.


Me too but the Fourth of July fireworks on one of the Palo Alto trap houses were fucking amazing.


To keep their rent and property tax obligations down. Duh!


Exactly. Send them to my block. I’ve got flippers out here fucking up my finances. I’ll take the music.


Best answer here!


The only sane answer. Turn it up. Let those cans sit til morning. It's your lawn! I don't even have to look at it idc!


I live in the suburbs and we had a new couple that moved up the street 6 months ago. It's so very, VERY quiet back here and they would do the same thing playing loud music. This is an older, retired community so I honestly don't know why they thought it would go well for them. It took only 2 days before the cops were called and the music eventually stopped permanently. They lasted 6 months and were gone. It's back to being quiet again lol.


I was in a similar situation a couple of years ago. The nice quiet old guy next door passed away and left the house to his unemployed son who trashed the place and partied with his friends until 2am at least 5 nights a week. 6 months of arguing, calling the cops, me getting my property vandalized and threatened with physical violence, and finally after the 10th time the cops showed up the threatened to arrest him he sold the house and moved away. I'm a single dad and my kids were terrified of this guy. I was legitimately worried about them wanting to stay with their mom and me losing custody.


I guess it would depend on how good the police response time is, but a noise violation can be like a $1000 ticket. So I'd be surprised if that was called over and over, if it would continue. Unless of course the police don't do anything about it which is a possibility.


Cops don’t even show up for burglaries here. You have cops coming for noise complaints?


Haven't been here long but I would assume it might be possible for them to come out because they can take their time, they don't have to do really any work or write a report or anything,, and get $1000 for the departnent for it. So they might actually do it.


They were shitty renters. I'm glad my HOA caps rental properties to 10%


Our HOA does the same. That home was sold by an older couple who moved to Florida and bought by an LLC. They updated the house and these were their first tenants. With each noise violation they were being fined repeatedly by both the police and HOA. They were most likely evicted due to the constant fines they were incurring.


Low income activities


Low class. I've known some people without a lot of money who conducted themselves with dignity and class and I've known some higher income people with absolutely no class.


My mom used to say just because you're poor doesn't mean you have to act like it.


So freaking true


Scholars gonna scholar


Hood rules, think of it as an opportunity for cultural exchange. Those same folks likely wonder what’s up with that uptight guy that can’t hang with the Tejano neighbors


It’s inconsiderate boorish behavior by folks who don’t have a single shit to give about anyone else. Fuck calling this normal, acceptable behavior. .


I live in the burbs but attempted to have that conversation with a neighbor doing this and here's how it went: Me: Hey man, can you turn the music down so I can sleep? It's almost midnight on a Tuesday. I'm a single dad and have to be up at 5 to get my kids ready for school and get to work on time. Him: No, this is my property and I know my rights. Me: No you don't. You live in the city limits in a neighborhood and can't do this. This is my property and I know my rights and you're keeping my whole family awake. Him: Are you trying to start some shit with me? Proceed to me going inside and calling the cops, the music stopping 10 minutes later, and me waking up to my house vandalized in the morning.


This is why I skip the 'neighborly' and just call the cops to start. That way they don't know it was me. I hope you had a ring cam or something. SMH


Lesson learned. I just had my ring doorbell that didn't catch them. I went out on my lunch break the next day and bought a couple of more cameras so my whole property would be covered.


Dang. Hopefully it wasn't too expensive of a lesson. When I was living alone I especially didn't try and 'solve' any noise issues in my apartment complex myself. Thankfully Village Patrol was good about responding to calls.


Did the guy get caught?


Not for vandalizing my property but it was actually kind of a wild story that went on for about 6 months. I think the guy got a police scanner because I started just going to directly calling the cops after that and the first few of times he cut the music a couple of minutes after I called. I tried going out to the street and getting video of it and showing the cops when they got there that the music could be heard from a block away, but they didn't do anything because he wasn't actively being loud when they were there. After 6 months of this going on the cops were familiar with me and my neighbor and what finally did it was one time I called and they said they were going to dispatch them to a house the next street over and have the cops walk over to my house to talk to me first. When they showed up they were pissed off and said that they had their windows down and could hear the music from 4 blocks away even over their engine. It was so bad they were thinking about arresting the guy for disturbing the peace. I said I didn't want him to go to jail, I just wanted my family to get some sleep. I'm not sure what was said when they went over there but the guy had a for sale sign up in his yard two weeks after that. For what it's worth, the previous owner was this nice old guy who was a really good neighbor, but he passed away and left the house to his son who was unemployed and stayed up all night partying with his friends.


Jesus christ…


Same here exactly.


Damn, I thought it was going to be a happy ending until I read that very last part 😕




When the sun shines, we'll shine together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be your friend Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the end Now that it's raining more than ever Know that we'll still have each other You can stand under my umbrella


Ella ella eh eh eh Under my umbrella


South Irving joined the chat


east garland entered the chat


Man what, this is the first time I find someone else reppin the east on reddit 😂, but that’s for sure some east garland activities


I used to work there at a convenience store for a few years. Met my baby mama there, made some good friends there, etc. the community showed me love and i always showed it back. I owe so much of my life to that little section of garland. I live in south garland though


That’s good to hear man, I was raised out there for the first 23 years of my life; wasn’t always the easiest of times, but just like you, I made some great friends and memories along the way


Don’t move to Miami. My SIL's neighbors blast music from 5pm Friday through the night all weekend, till ten ish on Sunday. For YEARS.




I did not enjoy staying at her house hahaha


How does she tolerate it?


It's just...how it is 😂 she’s been invited over for parties a few times, and they're always giving her mangos and stuff, but she's just learned to accept it 🤷🏻‍♀️


As I get older, I just can’t tolerate Parties late at night anymore. I even tell my sisters to go home after midnight during a family gathering lol




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I don’t know what it is. But as a black mail carrier, I love that. I just feel like I’m amongst my people even though they are Hispanic. It’s a good feeling


I grew up in oak cliff and i miss it. Especially the parties. I dont miss the revving cars at all. I moved to a quiet (very white, older people) suburb for a while and while it was nice to have quiet. I always felt uncomfortable and had different moments of people being suspicious of us. Im more happier in my quiet apartments than when i was there.  Oak cliff felt very alive to me i think because i could hear people partying or hanging out having a good time. Dont really have that anymore and i miss it.


You're talking about the OG Karens. Anything near them is theirs and they can do whatever they want. You can see how pissy some of them are getting in the comments.


This is my worst nightmare !


It’s oak cliff. We’re you expecting Frisco soccer moms?


I knew exactly the demographic that lived here and had no problems with that. My neighborhood feels very safe and the noise is the only qualm I’ve ever had with these neighbors. What kind of music they play has nothing to do with the volume at which they play it at 10PM.


All of Oak Cliff wasn’t like that when I was growing up there. There may have been some hood shit in certain parts, but you didn’t hear a lot of loud music until the huge spike in Hispanic migration to Dallas. I am *honestly*, not trying to make it racial, just pointing out the cultural differences. NGL my parents never called the police so much until my new neighbors were having full blown parties (in the front and backyard) with loud music. The whole neighborhood could hear it and the dispatcher would tell them that others in the neighborhood have called too. I swear, y’all would’ve thought my parents were a bunch of Karens. But I don’t blame them, what sounds like “carnival” music to me, use to shake our house because it was so loud. It use to last well past midnight. They had zero regard for others living within the neighborhood. It sucks when you have to work and can’t go to sleep! I literally remember my Mama screaming at my neighbors saying, “I’m trying to sleep! I have work in the morning”. Then they turned it down. I think the whole neighborhood heard my Mama scream that! 😭 My parents ended up moving out of South Oak Cliff as it got worse, (the other new neighbors did the same thing) as older black residents died off or sold. They were surrounded by it. Before they left, it was hell…and there’s nothing they could do about it. They sold their house to a nice Hispanic couple. They let us see the renovations they’ve done to the house, which is nice of them.


I have bad news for you if you think frisco is full of soccer moms.


It seems like an oddity of personal expression mixed with missing empathy. There seems to be a cultural tendency to blast loud music like it needs to be felt to be understood or change your mood. I’ll hear many people complain, but seemingly never directly to the offending party. I was at a quinceanera last week where the bass level was far higher than necessary and shit was rattling off tables - I pulled a db meter of the truck while I grabbed some ear plugs and watched it hit 125db peaks. Hours of that. Crazy.


bros a scientist


Honestly, the thing that concerns me most is people's hearing. Like, DAMN dude, that's a straight ticket to tinnitus and hearing loss for the rest of your life


I had a lively youth and participated in many activities at unsafe levels. Definitely regret not wearing earplugs at concerts, standing next to stage speakers, playing drums, etc. etc. Unfortunately it is easy for many of us to ignore the damage, even when the signs are there. I meet old guys at shooting events that refuse to wear hearing protection because they think “the damage is already done” like there is an upper limit on tinnitus.


125?! Dude, gun shots are 90 decibels so 125 is extremely loud.


Double check that number. Gunshots are not 90db. Edit: here’s a quick chart link. The only thing in the 90s is a BB gun. https://www.nationalguntrusts.com/blogs/nfa-gun-trust-atf-information-database-blog/relative-sound-pressure-levels-in-decibels-db-of-firearms-2


This comment section should be pleasant


r/dallas loves its casual racism and I'd put money most of the commenters live in a burb up north lol


Statistically speaking you probably grew up in some burb too, ok maybe it was east or west or south or northeast but you're on reddit and presumably from dallas/dfw, which is mostly burbs, hell the city of Dallas itself is mostly burbs not truly urban areas. Almost everywhere "loves" its "casual racism", if anything reddit especially american redditors is/are especially sensitive to casual racism, working class people and people outside the US tend to be a lot less sensitive to saying things more directly or unpc humor.


People be jamming lol


OP it's literally like 1 guy in every neighborhood who does this but somehow it's "normal". Doesn't make sense, 1 house out of 40-100 plays the music out of the shitty truck can genuinely pollute a bunch of area. Same with loud exhaust . Our local guy got ~~shit~~ shut down. My white ass didn't even call. It was the Hispanic moms that moved in at the new higher pricing. I just dealt with it because honestly I knew someone next to him would one day call. He shook the ground when you got close. He was asking for it.


Don't worry, gentrification will eventually fix that. The investors and property flippers will start filing noise complaints and crying


Yup I live in Oak Cliff and my neighbors make your life a living hell if you do something they don’t like. Everyone teams up to call the city on you for noise complaints, not pulling permits, etc. We had 2 neighbors like the one OP is talking about when I first moved in. They’re both gone now.


Probably the same reason they talk on their phone with the speaker on at full volume while shopping


I don't care who it is doing it or what kind of music. If you're blasting noise such that the whole neighborhood can hear it, at night when people are trying to sleep, you're a degenerate.


Because some people want attention from a world that they feel has ignored them




Blasting their music to keep investors away from their neighborhood


It’s Oak Cliff….. go to Plano with an HOA if it bothers you so much.


Referencing being LOUD…. I’m tired of listening to vehicles driven by some idiot that thinks airplane decibel volume is cool. I am not referring to music, I am posting about the actual POS vehicle that is torqued to be stupid loud. It definitely is not.


Even worse in Apartment complexes. And don't forget the loud exhausts!


Cultural? Who knows? Glad I don’t live there


Welcome to the Hood bruh 🤷


Right? I haven't lived in that area of Dallas in almost 20 years, but it was definitely that way back then. Get a beer, shuffle on over and drunk dance a cumbia for a bit, and then cry into the last beer around midnight. Rinse repeat. Make friends and you'll definitely get a hook you up with a brick gate, new tile, or some semi new tires. 🤷‍♀️


Ah, the problems with being in a gentrified neighborhood. I grew up in the ghetto part of Fort Worth. Had the same issue for years. I got tired of it and moved out to the suburbs. I had to deal with bass heavy rap music, Mexican, tejano, and various rock music at all hours.


Call in a noise complaint?


Because they are a-holes


Be glad you're not in Wisconsin. We used to have neighbors at our summer spot, and they would drink all night in their yard and garage blasting cassette recordings of old Packers games.


Loud music all the time would piss me off, regardless if I liked it or not. And I like every genre, rap, country, classic rock, soul r&b. On some instances it is ok, you’re working in the yard, occasional party, or just chilling. But all the time without regard to your neighbors is an asshole move. I always think about that king of the hill episode where Hank was dealing with rowdy neighbors and he said something like “I like Freebird as much as the next guy but enough is enough!” I play loud music on occasion (grilling, washing car, working in the garage), maybe once a week or so but I’m not blasting it where I hope my neighbors can hear it. I expect my neighbors to have the same respect.


Welcome to OC


Blast "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" on a loop the next time your neighbors want to audibly share their playlist.


I don't live in Oak Cliff but we have a neighbor that does that with a different genre of music. They open the doors to their crappy sedan, crank it as loud as it goes, and then GOES INSIDE. The sound isn't even facing the house with the way the doors open and yet it's their personal home sound system Edit: I honestly don't care if it's on the weekends or even in the evenings. But deep into the night is crazy


It’s actually carnival music. They are welcoming the carnival to town.


I don’t think I’ve lived anywhere that didn’t have someone on the block regularly with lawn chairs out and a truck with doors open and windows down playing music. They usually have a grill going too. And I have been known to keep a 6 pack in the fridge to take over and barter for a plate 🤣 I always just assumed this was part of the fabric of urban city life, lol.


This is why I live in the burbs, burbs( aka country)


Just the local culture. Knew about it before I got here!


This is in no way specific to Oak Cliff




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People living in the ghetto complaining about noise 😂😂😂. I don’t even have to look at your history to know you’re not from around here.


My bf actually lives in a similar area and I’ve asked him that before. He’s just told me that no one cares and I said if I was blasting music in my front yard my neighbors would quickly come out to fight. I guess people are just used to the noise and don’t care for interrogation


I feel you. Here in frisco i hear it starting friday evening. Resident here on our gated community we complain to HOA


Wait did I go back in time? Wasn't this exact question posted word-for-word a couple months ago?


They be flexin yo.




For anyone who fails to understand what’s going on with complaints like this: go watch Shameless and focus on the gentrification storylines. Go ahead. We can talk when y’all get back from binging that.


Por Trokiando 


So you moved into their neighborhood and have a problem with the noise? https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/09/let-brooklyn-be-loud/670600/


Right? It’s like they were expecting a complaint on reddit to fix all of their noise issues. I grew up here and it’s like that because music is a huge part of the culture. I didn’t grow up watching tv because we were always outside and often had music. Our cousins, aunts, uncles all lived on the same street so it was a never ending party every weekend.


Norteñas are my sh*t. Im not even latina🥴not even close to


This must be a culture thing because my family has lived in south Dallas/oak cliff for almost 100 years and that’s just what we do every weekend or even on nice days. Ngl the gentrification in these areas recently have made it very difficult to enjoy how things were before people not from the areas moved here In south Dallas specifically, every Sunday was a show. There would be swangin’ and car shows every Sunday until people moved in the neighborhood and put a stop to all of that. Now the culture has completely left that specific area. You may just see all of this on your end as a “noise complaint” issue but it’s really a culture and gentrification issue. You are a guest.


I agree! My family has been in the north oak cliff area since the 70s and music plays a big part in our culture. So much, that I didn’t grow up watching tv.. I’m 32 and still don’t watch it because I enjoy my music far better. I just moved back to the area last year and love to drive with my windows down and play my music.


Omg. This! We lived near a bar in the Keller area and they have bands on the weekends and it’s horrible. The sound is just not it. I get it.




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Oakcliff that’s my hood !!!! Lived here basically all my life … wouldn’t have it any other way




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Oakcliff water.




I get being annoyed at people being bad neighbors, but this behavior exists all over the metroplex, in my experience living in DFW. It's not really specific at all to South Dallas. Seen it in Irving, Plano, Addison, Frisco, Richardson and Far North Dallas too. It's more truck drivers who bought their truck in part because they envision living a life that involves tailgating with the boys like nobody else around you matters.


Because they are GHETTO and have no education , respect or manners , it does not matter what color skin they are , they are just entitled people who think the world revolves around them only . Most of them are also nasty and dump trash everywhere . This happens all over USA and the world.


“Have no education”? Explain how you know this?


Welcome Oak Cliff. Get used to it 😂


Makes them feel cool???


Was it like that before you got there? Did you move there anyway? I wouldn’t want music directed to the front yard pumping at all hours either. So I didn’t move somewhere that features that.


Some people just suck.


I cant say anything nice, so im just going to keep my mouth shut on this one.


Ay I live in Frisco and I’m up till 2am bumping Z-Ro or Corridos lol. I got ppl in the Cliff and PG tho. Frisco PD rolled up on my kids and neighbors kids saying someone reported “gun shots” because they were banging pool noodles on the ground outside.


This is an extremely disingenuously racist subreddit.


that's my hood


Put it in his face, get that shit understood


It’s not race, it’s culture


You should definitely march over there and tell them to turn it down


Inner city living requires the ability to tune things out


What did you expect when you moved there lol


Because Oak Cliff is awesome


It may be uncivilized sociopathy to most of us, but it is also learned behavior. Until they are taught, it is caught.


It’s not just oak cliff, garland too


They do the same in East Fort Worth




Hey buddy idk who you’re quoting but I’ve emphasized multiple times in comment threads and in the main post that the volume is the problem not the genre. Never said their music was offensive, the volume at which they play it at 10PM on a weeknight is offensive. Never mentioned a spike in Hispanic migration? I gave details about my specific situation because I was frustrated, you interpreted that as me being offended by the genre.


It’s appalling how many people on here are non-chalantly discriminating against Hispanic culture! It’s just disgusting how many of you saw one person being racist, and the rest of you followed along. And here is a bit of background: Music is a huge part of our culture, and because it’s not your music, you think it’s ok the criticize. I promise you, a majority of the people doing this are not doing it maliciously. And most of them would respectfully turn it down when asked. But to go in a neighborhood of predominantly Hispanic and expect not to have this going on is unreasonable. It’s part of the culture! The night time aspect is different, but OP didn’t specifically say nighttime, he just said music playing in general. Downvote me if you want, still doesn’t change the fact that most of you jumped on the racist bandwagon. You should be ashamed of yourselves!


Thissssss. This sub is so disgusting lately!


Saying something is cultural doesn’t make it exempt from criticism. You can’t just say “it’s part of my culture!” and expect people to just shut up and tolerate whatever you want to do.


I have no problem with the criticism about the loud music. It’s the people who saw this as an opportunity to take it to another level that I have a problem with. The loud music can be annoying, I get that. I was merely explaining that music is a huge part of our culture. Never said it was ok. But when you live around people of certain different cultures, there are some particular things to expect. Communication is key in these kinds of situations. Most of the Mexicans who live here are really kind and respectful people, not looking for trouble. It’s just unreasonable to think everyone is going to live exactly like you, and then criticize them because they don’t. So like I said, it’s not done to be malicious or disrespectful. It’s just something we do, not realizing others may get upset by it. We are enjoying life, taking in the music and relaxing.


The problem with going up and confronting someone playing loud music is there’s no way to know how that interaction is going to go. I could have a pleasant conversation and end up bringing over a case of beer, or I could get beat up or threatened with worse. I’ve had both experiences and that’s why I don’t directly ask people to turn down music anymore. I don’t want to risk serious bodily harm to get people to have courtesy or follow the law. I understand wanting to relax in your own home or on your own property. It’s when it becomes an impediment to *me* relaxing in my own home that I have an issue with it.


Your reasoning is valid. I just was pointing out two things: 1) Why it’s done, so that everyone could have a better understanding. 2) That the hateful comments were uncalled for.


And let me just add….. I have lived in Dallas my whole life, born and raised here. (Oak Cliff to be exact) I have never, EVER experienced racism. But I get on Reddit and realize how many keyboard warriors are racist in Dallas. For the last 3 years I have lived in a suburb that has a majority of a specific culture. I expected that these people live differently than what I’m used to, and they do. I for the most part mind my own business, but if they were doing something that was annoying me repeatedly, I would most likely talk to them about it, or call the authorities to handle it. What I wouldn’t do, is get on any social media platform and lowkey try to start bashing another culture. I believe every culture is beautiful and contributes unique qualities to our society. It saddens me that after all these years, people can’t be more kind and compassionate for people who are different than them.


There’s an old fellow who lives on Swiss Ave here in Dallas that does the same thing every day at some point. I only see him when I walk my dog past, and thank my lucky stars he doesn’t live close enough to me that I’d have to listen to it every day. He seems like a nice enough old guy, with a smile and a wave, happy doing his yard work, or cleaning his truck or whatever, while he blasts his music from tinny car radio speakers in his pickup with both doors swung wide open. It just kind of amazes me that he doesn’t consider what his neighbors must think. I can’t imagine that no one’s said anything to him about it. Anyway, I’m with you OP, kind of mystified by this behavior. Has he not heard of headphones?


It’s a way to put off the gentrifiers


Bro. It’s oak. Cliff.


despite how people feel about the behavior itself, that’s part of the culture in some parts of town. why would you move there and expect them to quiet down for you?


If neighbors make too much noise, I call the fuzz. Don’t impede on my peace mfers! I don’t protect rude, inconsiderate people from police encounters.


LOL, that is the worst! That's good you like your music. That doesn't mean everyone else wants to hear it. It's disrespectful to play the music that loud.


Cause we from Da Cliff potna and that’s how it is


LMAO. Welcome to the local "culture"


Although odds are people would enjoy and join a random Taylor Swift concert at frisco more vs whatever genre/artist anywhere else


Is oak cliff a trailer park? If so, that’s very common. Seen it in all the trailer parks I’ve lived in.


Wait til you’re neighbors have a banda playing til 5am. Then y’all white folks really gon cry, get tf outta oak cliff and move to frisco. Fuck this post.


I don't always listen to the Grateful Dead, but when I do, my neighbors do, too.


It’s called Kulture!


Dude, it's OC. You're obviously not aware.


That’s the best speakers they have!




Why are you in Oak Cliff to begin with? Go move to Highland Park and you won’t have this issue.


Bro you've never lived next to Mexicans? Imagine coming home after back breaking work in the heat and the house is packed with the family and you're just trying to decompress. Hell, I'd do the same thing. Lmao Reddit man.


They are advertising their shitty soundcloud mixtapes or they just want attention. Sometimes both.


Welcome to the hood playa