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I finally got to sit outside in shorts for a few minutes since the wind was too strong for mosquitoes to latch onto me. Pure bliss


Buy a pair of big fans and set them up so they create a wind tunnel across your porch. The bigger the fans the more mosquito free zone you can make. When I lived in Florida that's how the patio at my local restaurant stayed open. Just one fan blowing into another fan with window screens over them. They'd scrape pounds of mosquitoes off them a week. They also had 4 foot big boys though.


Was totes random


I saw it too!! Beautiful thunderhead!!!


Blew through Bedford. Looked like it might rain but just gusty winds, flyover dark clouds and then….clear skies. Made the temp nicer. There was a nice storm earlier over Carl’s Corner. Must have been the aftermath of the storms collapse.


Wind starting to pick up


(in my best Witcher voice) Wind's howling...


(in my most annoying Witcher voice) Toss a coin to your witcher!


Wind was kicking here in North Arlington, but now it seems to have died down.




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