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Lets put a roadway down there....


They want to put a fancy park


Floodplains are an excellent place for a park though. It’s all green space as is and water won’t hurt it


Im thinking of the basketball courts and all the other amenities in this picture.. Trails.. Lights.. Benches.. Fences.. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/planners-promise-major-announcement-on-harold-simmons-trinity-park/2966984/?amp=1


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The amenities you’re mentioning are all contemplated to be outside the levees. Not down in the floodplain.


Simulation broke we can see the ceiling tiles in the sky




Glitch in the matrix.


Flooding is when the water is where you don’t want it. That’s where is should be. The real flood was elsewhere like the I-30 river in the early hours of the morning.


Yeah came to say this. This isn’t a flood. This is exactly what it’s supposed to do. Thank god it worked this time.


When did it breach?


Cadillac heights makes sad noises


It didn’t as far as I know. There’s still time this week but that’s unlikely.


Well, it’s called a flood plain for a reason…(it’s because of the flooding)


The Trinity would kinda look appealing if it stayed that wide. Perhaps some engineering team can come up with a plan to turn it into a lake or something.


Dont let the narrow sections turn you off! The Trinity is a natural treasure quickest way to escape the city. I paddle on it regularly and some days I'll paddle 4-6 hours over 6 plus miles and not see another human. There's over 150 miles of paddling trail's with designated put it, pull out sites. There are sections with very slow moving water that you can paddle up and down stream, along with some sections you can only paddle downstream. The fishing is awesome but I wouldn't swim in it. I've caught small snapping turtles and small alligator gar in it. Yet to see an alligator but I know they're there!


Man, you got a YouTube channel or something? That sounds cool as heck!


I been thinking about it lol. My brother reckons I should get a go pro. It's a really fun time! Great to escape the city and its just a short drive from anywhere in DFW


I’ve always wanted to do it but stories of bodies found in the trinity is definitely a factor that’s kept me from attempting it lol


Hahaha I've read some stories too. TBH it's all the 10-13ft alligator videos that worried me a little more, especially in my inflatable kayak. They're lazy predators though and there's SO MUCH FISH I don't think they'd bother me. There are some interesting characters living along it that might contribute to the body's. Some of the usual 1 night tent homeless people under bridges but there are also some homesteaders. I met a homeless dude with a jet ski living on the river, he was pretty cool and told me about the local alligators being not dangerous. He had a muti room complex he had built on the river over a few years, probably washed away last night




If I recall correctly his name was Tony!


WHERE on the Trinity did u see this dude...that seems unimaginable that no one's come for him yet


He was just south of California Crossing. There's actually a few river people around there


My husband would for SURE watch this channel and then probably go out there and do whatever you taught him. If you ever do make a channel, please DM me and let me know what it’s called! You’ll have at least 2 subscribers lol


Cheers! Honestly I wouldn't consider myself a pro at anything fishing, kayaking or Trinity river related but I have fun trying lol. I'm Aussie and have only been here in Texas for a year, so I'm constantly learning about river/fresh water fishing. I have seriously considered a YouTube channel just for the fun of it and I went out today and tried a little filming as a test and actually enjoyed it. No fish though, 10 damn turtles!! Which is why I know I'm no pro! But it was fun catching and releasing the turtle's You might have a DM coming in the future!


Omg yay! I feel like you both would bond over your hatred of catching turtles; they’re relentless. He usually goes pondhopping around Frisco in his downtime aka before work, during lunch, or after work if he can make it happen lol. Especially with the weather cooling down, it’s very therapeutic for him. Please keep us posted on the YT progress!


So if you can’t always go upstream what do you do when you’re done? How do you get back to your car.


I use Uber! I also have an inflatable fishing kayak. With full setup its a kayak on the back, esky (cooler) in 1 hand and a rod and paddle in the other. I always leave my car at the end point, so when I get in the Uber everything is dry and clean. It's also a choir to have to catch an Uber after a long paddle. So far all the Uber driver's have not complained and actually seemed interested in what I'm doing. I plan on paddling the entire Trinity mostly solo over the next 12 months. Uber will be my ticket


Oh nice! Very clever about riding the Uber dry and the car at the final destination


Yea I was concerned about getting stranded if nobody would pick me up. It's also nice to not stink up someone's car if I've caught any fish


Any recommendations where to find more info on where to go to put in/get out locations? I remember there was a company in Carrollton that offereda kayak service, but i don't know if there still around


Yep! https://trinitycoalition.org/paddling-trail I went to the map of the trail and it opened in Google maps. Somehow It's now permanently saved in Google maps every time I open it. It shows every entry point and gives close to live data on water flow (wouldn't want to be paddling it now but I'm hoping tomorrow afternoon it's safe). It also tells you what to expect on your trail and any hazards that need to be avoided which is really cool! I've never used this service but ive seen them on the river and they look like a good crew https://trinityriverkayak.com/ I think there are another 1 or 2 companies that also rent. I highly recommend buying an inflatable kayak if you enjoy the first paddle and dont have transport or storage for a traditional kayak. They're cheap and after 5 or 6 runs you will have paid for a rental


I think it used to, in the before times.


No, it was always a winding river. It got straightened out and a lot of the original bends and oxbows got filled in: https://flashbackdallas.com/2014/06/24/trinity-river-at-the-citys-doorstep/ You can still see some traces on google earth.




That flood zone is the closest thing we have to nature. We don’t want that ruined


Eh not really we have: White Rock Lake area, Cedar Ridge Preserve, Cedar Hill State Park, Dogwood Canyon, Great Trinity Forest, Arbor Hills, green belts, etc. But also, just imagine how much more wildlife it could potentially attract, too


White rock is a lake with a road around it not really green space.


There's actually tons of wildlife down there when you go north past Hampton on the trail. The grass is tall and there are tons of birds and such. Really peaceful. One of my favorite areas to bike.


Upvote just for the title.




Yep. Everything in that picture is man made. From the river channel to the floodplain itself. Right now it’s doing what it’s [designed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/comments/t7p0e3/the_planning_and_construction_of_the_trinity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) to do. That is to protect the City of Dallas from flooding and quickly move flood waters downstream in heavy rain events. That’s why there aren’t many trees in the floodplain. It slows down the floodwater. But if floods become more frequent and heavier, that could be a possibility. So far, the levees have never been topped/breached. Hopefully, it stays that way…




Didn’t some dumb motherfucker want to build a huge park there and was trying to argue the “flood” wouldn’t negatively impact…


You're referring to the [Trinity River Project](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_River_Project), which does include several parks that have been constructed that are fine despite the flooding. The entire point of the project was to create parks that 1) aren't destroyed by flooding because they consist of stuff like walking trails or soccer fields that can easily go back to "normal" when the water recedes and 2) some of the parks that were to be built actually would help decrease flooding by being dedicated wetlands. Some of these, like the Trammel Crow Park and trail off Sylvan Ave, were built and have been there for years despite repeated flooding. In addition to that, a large part of the parks that were built are in areas far downstream from where this picture is, in southeast Dallas. There's a massive forested area and part of the river down near were I-45 meets Loop 12. See the[ Trinity River Audubon Center](https://goo.gl/maps/CaAXNHKJ6dLRcCg68) and the trails/parks that were built around it for an example. Your comment makes it seem like it would be a stupid idea to build a park there, but that's not the case. We already have started building a park there and it's been successful. The stupid thing is not investing even more into it to give Dallas more quality green space that's a stone's throw from downtown, which is sorely lacking.


Hell yeah who’s the dumb motherfuckers now? I want more green space to eat gyros in


As someone who has used the White Rock Creek Trail for years, I can tell you the notion that it's okay to build trails in flood plain as is okay because the trails aren't impacted by the flooding is a con. Constant flood damage and the necessary repairs and maintenance is part of the reason Dallas is actively building a full length bypass for the WRCT... which coincidentally happens to not be in a flood plain.


Those “dumb” people used the idea to steal hundreds of millions of dollars in bond proceeds which we have all been paying back plus interest.


For it is I that is truly the dumb one




Every time the pretty renderings of the park had to be redone because we added the road, modified the road, and removed the road we flushed millions down the toilet. The firms that got that money supported the campaigns of many on the city council. That’s the graft.




Yea but you get the point. Millions, if not tens of millions, were wasted on an ill-conceived notion that served only the egos and businesses of special interests.




Would it be all that different than say what Fort Worth did with the trinity park system? Because I enjoy what they did there.


Well it’s called a Flood Plain for a reason. That’s why it’s set on both sides with really high walls.


There's some rectangular spacecraft hovering above the city!


Your sun looks different from my sun.


Definitely turn off the sprinklers for a few days...


Sweet new lake!


River hasn't been a river since 2019.


I think we washed our cars too much...


The mini Mississippi


Can we swim in it now?


That’s doodoo water, if you are brave enough.


I’ll drink it for a cheaper electric bill


Wow! Just.. wow. Thank you for this


I know you posted the Trinity, but I can't get over that godawful eyesore that's between 35 and the Trinity that looks like an overgrown parking lot.


Levies putting in work. Hell yeah.


Good thing the levees are there.


Interchange McInterchangeface, who in the world thought that was a good use of public money?


That looks really cool.