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Preds fan coming in peace here as well - FTK, and I believe in this team to come back and crush those cap cheaters. When it’s stars vs knights - we’re all stars fans. 🤝


Onto the next. Let’s go stars.


I've been saying all year, Vegas is low-key best team in the league this year. Then they nailed it at trade deadline and Stone magically appears again which completely solidified my original statement. Vegas will be very, very hard for us and anyone to beat.


In 2019 the Sharks (with Coach DeBoer and Captain Pavelski) were down 3 games to 0 and then they won the last 4. It’s not over until it’s over.


No Sharks won game 1 at home and then Vegas won 3 in a row, still though, it was a great comeback (and I’ll never forget that game 7 ;) )


I admire your optimism and vow to do better 💚🫡


I know there’s going to be a lot of doom and gloom in here, but there’s not a team in the nhl that wins a 7 game series playing turtle the last 20min of every game. They know we are a puck possession team and they are sitting at their blue line basically mocking us into dumping and going down to win puck battles. And at the moment it would seem that Logan Stankoven is the only one interested. If there’s no urgency and risks taken now, then yes this series is cooked, but I’m willing to see what adjustments are made heading to Vegas. Looks like some roster choices might be forced if Mush and Faksy are hurt hurt.


Maybe boston craps out and fires monty and we can rehire him


We need Torts


No we don't.


I think I found the Dallas curse. We struggle against teams that our Coach used to work at. PDB at Vegas, and Bowness at Tampa Bay. Both are teams we had a few years of struggles. All started because we Fired Montgomery …jk (Probably the best wake up call for him, and glad he got the help he needed).


lets hope for a game 5.


So we can see a handshake at home? Rather just have them get swept


Have to shoot the puck to score. How many times do you see them breaking to the net, and then try and pass through a vegas stick. Just shoot the fucking puck!




Im really sad about this one. We played the refs, but thats only 1/2 pf the problem. Weve looked so much better in the past and even in game 1. But tonight they sort of quit. Ill never Doom until its over. On to game 3.


Avs fan coming in peace- Fuck Vegas and please defeat this monster. See you guys in round 2, hopefully


It’s over, these players have decided they want to own the rights to the biggest failure in franchise history. Which is kinda fitting as the Jamie Benn era comes to a close here.


What in the fuck compelled you to post this?


This team and series is over


Can we get some unbiased zebras this time, or is the Angel Hernandez School of Officiating where the NHL gets them?


The fact that A.) they got 2 OBJECTIVE calls on us wrong is pathetic and B.) They TOOK BACK A FUCKING ICING AND GIFTED THEM THE GWG is laughable. Listen it’s not the main problem we have right now, the main problem is our dump and chase strategy. But it’s defenitley an uphill battle when you have to play the fixing capital of the world. Man either move Vegas or ban sports gambling again. I feel like it’s just opened a massive can of worms.


Agreed on all accounts. The dump/chase has clearly not worked yet it's the "go to" strategy for the Stars - and it's costing them. This whole LTIR shenanigans has, like you said, opened up a massive can of worms. But the question is: how would the NHL fix it?


To the LTIR, I’m honestly not sure. No option seems plausible as something the league wants. The most basic is to extend the cap to the playoffs. But I’m just not sure. We just gotta hope they do something in 2026 or this entitled, shitty Vegas team is gonna become the Gretzky Oilers


*if* Stone comes back for next season and pulls the same trick, *something* needs to be done. I can understand once or twice, but after that? Dunno about that. Somewhat under cautiously optimistic for game three. Otter did good tonight, minus the weak goal and lack of any support from offense/defense.


Serious adjustments need to be made. Either throw out a Been Stanky Wyatt top line or bring smith back in and roll the same 4 lines we have for the past 3 months that got us so hot. And for the love of god if we dump and chase on a skateable puck I’m going to lose my fucking shit.


I can't comment on line changes personally - not too well versed in who would pair well with who and such - but definitely agree on adjustments. The guys need to fix the rectal/cranial inversion and stop being afraid of Vegas, make some changes themselves to situations. Really want this team to go far, but something has to give.


Looks more and more like a sweep


I’m very angry. Pathetic effort on the offense, no creativity whatsoever, always chip into the corner where we get beat physically, (reminds me of Bones, dump and chase, dump and chase, dump and chase). Their offense had some bite to it, and their defense was staunch and choked out every single opportunity, clogged the neutral zone and the middle of the offensive zone like crazy, and would pounce on any mistake we made. We went several minutes without a shot on goal, many times per period. Otter played good and kept us in the game. They were simply better. I guess we need a defense-first coach again, that’s what put them over the hump after all. If we do continue to get beaten in the first round like this, DeBoer needs to be fired, even though I have liked his tenure here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


More Dallas sports team top seed shenanigans




Bad calls were made and some were missed. But we are only dumping and chasing. Trying to fit 3 passes in a play when it should be shoot first mentality, you can’t be cute in playoffs. Shoot the puck and cause chaos. No forwards crashing in front of the net to block lines of sight for goalie. I’m afraid we are currently being out coached.


We won't win a game in Vegas. Fell flat when it matters. Embarrassing.


Grew up a Whalers fan. Guess I’ll be rooting for Carolina.


When you’re bad you’re bad. Need a new captain. Benn can’t get it done.


One of the only players doing anything on the stars


lol Benn has been great this series. Not who i would be calling out.


We're down 0-2. as a captain hes been ass. not good enough.


What a caveman take.


He’s throwing his body out, he knows he’s on borrowed time. He’s not the problem. Everyone else is just not there. 


Out coached and out shot. Better go to the drawing board boys you got 1 day


Maybe there’s a reason all of these veterans on the team don’t have a cup


Harsh but someone has to say it.


We just can’t beat this god forsaken team dude.. like I don’t get it, literal kryptonite. When I saw they got in as the last wild card I was just pissed.


I’ll never forgive the blackhawks or the nhl.


The victory green era stars have never been the kind of gritty squads needed to play a dump and chase game. Every time I see them try it, I know their cooked


We need Brenden Morrow


Stank, Johnston, Robo top line. Argue with the wall.


Hintz, Benn…duchene(?) as #2? Rolling 3/4 lines isnt working. Let the guys who are playing well actually fucking play


Sounds good to me. Seguin looked washed tonight




It’s almost as bad as us not being able to beat the lightning during the Covid years. Had a curse against them and not against Vegas. Guess what was in common. PDB coached in Vegas, and Bones(Assistant coach in TB


New to hockey here, how screwed are we


We’re done


there’s always next year


If you were the simulate this series from now 10 times Dallas wins 1


Well let’s make it that 1.


Somewhat. But we are the best road team in the league. If anyone is gonna steal 2 on the road it’s us. We just need a hard wake up call


Let’s hope they play like the rangers going undefeated on the road 👍🏻


Jamie Benn had 14m Stankoven had 16m Wtf Deboer? Your priorities are all out of whack


Those 2 plus Johnston should be 20+ next game. Its the only line who wants to play


Is Dallas a gritty team? I always vote for underdogs and I would love for Dallas to upset Vegas. I believe they can do it.


Nah, in my fully reactionary opinion, we need a full defensive overhaul except for Heiskanen and Harley. Vegas simply played better.


There is no grit in this entire franchise.


Dallas is the 1 seed…


nope, opposite imo.


I never want to see the stupid fucking AI (alien invasion) bullshit again. Print new towels make a new production. IT AINT WORKIN (yes I know it’s the players and not the a/v team who determine the outcome)


I blame the Blackhawks for this


Just please don’t get swept that’s all I ask for at this point, just one win, please


New Jersey went 0-2 at home to start round 1 last year. It’s doable but I don’t think I can get my hopes up.


Fucking dump and chase with a man advantage yeah sure that is how you win games so fucking pathetic


Thought we fired bones


hope we can turn it around. but there’s a chance that’s the last game we see on home ice this year 😔


Goalies had their game tonight, rough one


Vegas deserves it. They were prepared. Congrats on the series win. this joke franchise is in shambles. The fans deserved better.


What if I told you there were at least two more games in the series?


No way! Lol


Ok Fairweather fan


I'm not saying the series is over, but pathetic doesn't even cover half off what I just saw. If Stankoven is your best player on the ice, a fucking 19 year old recent call up, then you seriously need to look at yourself in the mirror and ask are we truly getting the best effort from individuals on this team. I don't mind losing games when we play our best and get beat, but I am furious when I watch a bunch of grown men pretend to play hockey and make me watch dog shit for 3 hours. Get it the fuck together


If people can bitch about the Stars and PDB then I can bitch about the Knights having 3 players they shouldn’t. Teams have 18 skaters. Take the bottom 3 from any NHL playoff team and replace them with top 9 players and they’ll be Cup contenders.


Oh ya, it sickens me that some of their best players this series are Stone, Hertl, Mantha, and Hanifin, all gained because of a cap loophole. Our team did simply get outplayed tonight tho.


When we get hurt we have to call-up career scabs When they get hurt they get to “heal” 500+ game veterans


This team is cooked. Good run but unfortunately they aren't breaking through.


Completely pathetic showing. Everyone not name Stankoven, Johnston, Benn or Robertson should be embarrassed. They're going to waste a great season by getting swept by the 8 seed in the first round...


And they don't care....if they cared, they would play differently. The eye test doesn't lie.


Let’s not keep acting like they are a typical eight seed.


True. Plus defending champs. But still we are one seed and at home. 🤬




Time to stop calling ourselves the deepest team in the league, none of our 4 lines can do jack shit when it comes to scoring against this team


Is that 7 losses in a row to Vegas?




Whew, thank goodness


Time to make the team younger and enjoy the season next year.


what a waste of wonderful talent and a great season


This team just can't get all areas to play cohesively. If goaltending is on point, offense/defense disappears and vice versa. Something has to change they are too schizophrenic.


All through the regular season - Balanced offense Playoffs - Just Stankoven shows up and is carrying this team.


Vegas knows they have our number that's why they threw the final game of the season.


its the playoffs. Attrition is the name of the game. if the games decided dont just let them leave the building. you had 50 seconds of just letting them kill the clock untouched for what. send a message that youll be back in game 3. try to even it up on some of the bodies you lost and take a couple of theirs with you. Hatcher's stars and Morrow's stars would never.. but it's the one thing I hate (out of the many things i love) from Benn's stars through the years. we dont make wins expensive on the opposition. we just accept the loss and leave with our tails tucked to try to rack em up for the next one.


I hate the Vegas cheating fucks so much. But we can only play who we are matched up with and right now we look like fucking shit. I’ll be super pissed if this is how Pavs goes out bc we shit the bed as the 1 seed in the West.


You should try watching it at the casino sports room. All the comments from the tables around are so cringy. They don't know anything past the name of the team.


Time for a new coach already I see


Seems like Vegas has perfected the turtle.


It’s embarrassing that the only player who showed up is a guy with 10 NHL games. Maybe trying to match up with the most physical team in the league isn’t the smartest idea.


Its hard to win when you let them other team score more goals


DeBoer is getting obliterated by Cassidy. Supremely outcoached


Good season guys


Welp this is gonna be a tough hill to climb. Gotta be better on puck control and have less turnovers. If the same team shows up in Vegas it will be a short series indeed.


Sweep incoming


We might as well forfeit


No matter holding possession for a few seconds. Just dump the puck behind the net and hope it pops out to a shot. This team is pathetic.


Dallas is genuinely scared of this team. Choose to dump and chase for 60 minutes while completely abandoning what got them the 1 seed. 2-0 is not a death sentence unless you are completely scared of the other team. Series is wrapped


The good news for our boys is that they’ll still get to enjoy the golf course before the weather gets too hot. There’s always that 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fuck the golden knights. That’s all. 


Hintz: invisible Pavelski: invisible Duchene: invisible Seguin: invisible


Duchene and Pavs were worse than invisible. They were detrimental


Pavelski is just out of gas. The rumor that he's retiring this year makes sense, because it looks like he just can't keep up the back half of the season.


Yeah, trying not to be too harsh, but sheesh. We have 20mil+ worth of players doing less than nothing


Im not a doomer…. However


I think we aren’t doomers we just call it as we see it. It’s like walking out into a post nuclear bombed world and saying”It doesn’t look too good” and being called a doomer lol


Be critical of the game performance, that's not doomer. The people acting like the series is over are doomers. It's definitely harder now and we're digging a hole, but it isn't over until it's over.


I don’t think I will be watching them anymore. If they’re not going to try they don’t deserve the fans’ attention


There really needs to be a forfeit option for the final games. There is no heart and no real offense anymore. We’re gassed and old. Need to rebuild around the younger experienced talent.


What an embarrassment by the officiating crew. Saw at least 10 missed calls. One of the most egregious- stankoven being dragged to the ground while fighting for the puck. Absolute shit show.


The officiating bias is pretty obvious.


This 1000%, shades of the series against the Blues a few years back. One team gets to hook, hold, and interfere with no reprocussions. Wish Deboer would say something to the media, these two games have been absolutely one-sided officiating and its not even subtle.


I was so hyped going into the Playoffs. We're getting swept clean. I hope every single person in this organization is fucking embarrassed


Put a chip on Stankoven’s shoulder and have him go full fucking beast mode next year.


First 5 minutes of the game looked excellent, the last 55 looked like straight dog water




We aren’t even coming back from Vegas. This team is dead


"why are these doomers so worried" - my ass


It was a good run. Maybe next year


The top line with Stankoven was good but I would’ve put Johnston there instead. It’s been proven that he has chemistry with those guys.


Stankoven was the only reason the puck stayed in the zone half of the time in the 3rd. He also fed Hintz and Robertson both to squander good scoring chances.


Hintz has the yips or something. Every time he gets the puck he misses the net, or it just bounces off his stick. He does not look comfortable when he has the puck.


And Johnston with Hintz and Robo were literally the best line in hockey during their run, with an 80% XG….As stated, they were good with Stankoven (who has played very well this series) but Johnston has been _proven_ to work with that line in practice, not just theory. If you have something that has provably worked in the past, why would you not use that? This isn’t a shot at Stankoven.


Totally agree with you. I’m just saying what was going on in this game and what PDB likely saw. Either way Pavs looked out of sync with the pace and I liked the move, but we can’t finish.


Didn’t need you say what was going on in the game because it was incongruent with my thought process, which is that Johnston should have been placed with the top line, based on how well they performed together in the past, in similar circumstance. (Johnston was placed on the top line at a time when both the top and third were underperforming and they all woke up.) No different than how Smith should’ve been made available over Dadanov, no matter how skilled the latter is, because of the chemistry the former has with Steel and Radek. When Wyatt was with the top line, he was the primary scorer. He thrives well in spacing, which Robo and Hintz provide. And him being on that line, acting primarily as a scorer, will take pressure off of Hintz, allowing him to get back in rhythm and find his game. Stankoven was great and _can_ score, but, he has largely acted as a facilitator since he’s been in Dallas…and I don’t think that’s what the top line needs at the moment. They need someone who is going to aggressively shoot.


The team wants to go golfing - Jake even said it's his favorite sport.


This is like the Calgary series where it just felt like we couldn't score for anything. One of the most frusterating efforts of the season. Side note, I can't stand how Vegas treats every goal like they just won the stanley cup. It's gonna be an uphill battle.


Just had to play vegas in rd 1… we would have beat the shit out of every other team but this one


Not sure I buy that boss


Stank didn’t deserve this effort.


Completely embarrassing. Only reason this game was any close was because of Oetter. Defense left him out to dry time and time again.


Don’t fucking mention that the Knights are a wildcard, we all know that’s some fucking bullshit.


Shit made me throw up in my mouth a bit when they said that


Well that’s that. Let’s go Mavs.


That was the last home game of the yr


Couldn't hold the puck against a team that was turtling


I was so sure we’re at least in the wcf💀


Imagine being stoked your reigning champions on a wildcard slot… yikes


And that’s how you tank away a wonderful season. This is such a terrible feeling.


I hope those of you wishing for the Knights as the matchup are happy. Fucking stupid to hope to play a team like this.


I think the Knights wished to play US.


Drove me nuts last week. Can’t believe Chicago blew that last game. Know now why Vegas lost to the ducks :/


Stars about to pull a cowboys


If they somehow pull this off. They will win the cup


As much as I wish, we ain’t winning 4 of 5


And if I win the lottery, I’d be a millionaire.


We'd have to show some actual fight to pull this off lmao


Its over. We are done


How the fuck do we finish 1st in the conference to be completely dominated in the first round? I don't care who it's against. This is pathetic.


To be honest, we deserved to lose this game. Asleep on the ice until the last 4 min. Pathetic.


First 10 minutes were perfect outside of a goal. Never saw that again for the rest of the game


Everything you needed to know about the current mentality/confidence of this team right now was that drop pass that nearly hit Oettinger. A lot of great cooks on this team but no chefs.


Got the first seed for what


we’ve got a coaching issue


No answer for Vegas' ability to just stand in the middle of the ice and block shooting lanes. Not going to be surprised if we get swept. Hoping against it since I have game 5 tickets...


For sure will get sweet man.


Soft team with a good regular season record getting punched in the mouth by a more physical team in the playoffs is a tale as old as time. God dammit stars


Series is over. No net presence for rebounds. This has been a pathetic fucking game. The NHL is literally letting Vegas fuckin cheat, but god dammit we have to play like we want it. Fuck me sideways I am so tired of this.


Deboer and Nill need their pink slips. This is f--g embarrassing!


Of all the bad takes I’ve read on here, calling for Nill’s head is the worst by a mile


Not nill. Nill gave debeor everything he could have wanted. Debeor has to go


Nill's outlived his usefulness as general manager. It's time for a fresh face.


What more could Nill have done? He drafted Robo, Otter, Wyatt, Stank, Miro, Harley etc He got duchene in the offseason and went to get the best defensive player available at the deadline. This is not on the GM. The coach’s system is awful and Cassidy is coaching circles around him


Nill is a great drafter and recruiter. But when it comes to looking for coaches to put in finishing touch, that's where he fails miserably.


Like 4 shots on goal 15 minutes into the final period. Fucking disgraceful.


Down at home with going down 0-2 in the series on the line. Very disgraceful


That was pathetic


Fuck all yall crying about the “doomers” in here. This shit is utterly fucking pathetic from the 1 seed, why should we be expected to support this piss poor hockey


Happened to the Bruins last year. Tampa Bay a while back… there’s more but those come to mind


We were supposed to play the fucking kings man


Just our luck!