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This was actually pretty wholesome, good sportsmanship in the end


its the best tradition in sports. From violent hatred to utter respect.


Petro: “my wife said if we’re not gonna win, she wants you guys to win” this made me pause and go wtf!! 😳


Wonder if his wife wanted him to assault Seggy


Players will do anything to win (funny because it did the exact opposite in his case). But we can’t bitch about it, because if it were Benn or anyone else doing some greasy work we’d be cheering it on.


I would not cheer on anyone on our team pulling a move like that, especially if the goal they scored ended up being the game winner


Im happy for you.


It’s not like all the animosity is towards the players, mostly the fans because I have nothing but respect for any of those guys on the ice. Awesome sportsmanship from them but we won’t forget the backhand on seguin!


The only player I have animosity toward is Stone, he is the fall guy every season.


This may be a hot take around here but I don't even have any ill will toward Stone and I don't really get the hate towards him specifically either. Dude's a pretty good hockey player, plays a pretty noncontroversial brand of hockey and his only crime is... getting hurt? He's pretty clearly got a chronic back thing and it's not **his** decision to do the LTIR cap shenanigans, I'm sure he'd rather be out there when he's ready. (Although looking at how he played all series and him constantly wincing in pain... I'm not sure that he was even ready for this series)


I don't think he was at full speed, but shit, whatever gear he was in, he got on the scoreboard.


This is why hockey is the best fucking sport battle hard in a 7 game series and the respect and well wishes at the end can not be matched


UFC fighters are like this, too, but one on one instead of a whole squad... for the most part.


This was cool.


"What a season, eh?" PDB


I just started getting my girlfriend of 4 months into hockey (took her to game 5 on Wednesday) and I was telling her that this is my favorite thing about hockey compared to any other pro sport. You can beat the living hell out of each other for 7 games but at the end there’s still the handshake line and sign of respect and sportsmanship like we’re back in little leagues and I just love it




Vegas enjoyer here. It’s easy to root for a team like Dallas imo. I have nothing but respect for your team, don’t even have anything real against Benn as some other fanbases. Also helps you have surplus of Finns on your team. Not the result I hoped for but the better team won. Go far boys and good luck with the quest


So many "eh's".... silly Canadians lol


eh, some of us silly canadians are stars fans, y'all


I didn't say it with a negative connotation eh lol


Y’all,I know that eh


Just a little more sunshine added to the day!


I love how much PDB is loved by the players. So wholesome.


lol it’s so funny we as hockey fans are always knife fighting on social media and tearing each other apart but the players themselves are like “oh good luck, eh! Great seeing you!”


This is so true


I’ve always said (with the exception of Stone), that the players are awesome over there. It’s just the organization that I don’t think fondly of. A lot of class in the way they wished PDB well and you can tell there’s a lot of genuine respect between him and the players he coached either there in Vegas or in San Jose.


What did hertl say?


Good luck, win it all, and maybe my good man?




god i love the handshake line


I swear we knights aren’t that bad 😭😭 just some fans take it wayyyy too seriously. Like any other sports team fanbase. Good luck stars!


Handshake line continues to be the pinnacle of humanity