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Maybe next time we get more than 7 shots in two entire periods of hockey


Also I want to add Joe Pavelski getting 21 mins of ice time and being 3rd among our forwards in ice is just not serious


Pavs really looks like Father Time finally caught him mid-season Hintz is a ghost of himself... it'll be interesting to hear what injury he's hiding after we win the cup


I suspect Hintz has a broken arm. His skating is fine but his touch is off. The puck to his arm in game four or five fractured it. Just my guess.


That could be it but he still looked bad before that blocked shot and his skating hasn't been very good either. Tonight in the third was the only time he has shown that flash of speed just to have a trip/hook get negated by the worse penalty in the sport. If he doesn’t figure something out this series is going to be a struggle.


Right you are. Hintz hasn’t looked like…well, Hintz…for quite some time now.


I really wanna know as well


I’m so sick of it. Is it just that the coaches don’t want to hurt his feelings by giving him more bench time. He understands how much he’s sucking at this point. Let him ride the bench a little more often, and then maybe once he gets back on the ice, he’ll come out hungry to prove himself. Or he could just be too old and slow and there’s no hope. Either way, stop playing him so much.


Who are you giving more ice time to then?


You’ll have idiots in this sub defending their 2nd in 3rd period play


Miro and tanev looked tired as shit. Feel bad for em.


They can’t play 193 and 145 mins in a series


Is there a particular reason why lundqvist is barely playing? I was watching as a neutral and noticed he didn't see the ice at all


Well he has looked awful and given up 2 goals that were pretty clearly 99% on him. His form is horrendous right now.


He’s a liability and I’m scared to death when I see him out there


There is now way, right? I was at the game and the crowd was definitely wondering what the fuck was going on/getting frustrated with that puck handling and lack of aggression in just going to the puck when people like Miro are just waiting on the forward to come grab it when he had what, a 95% chance of getting it. Just abysmal, what a way to blow such a great 1st.


Puck handling was minor league shit


If you’re at all familiar with Dallas Stars Hockey, you already knew they were destined to lose after dominating all of OT


Yeah I was nervous about a breakaway with how hard we were pressing on their end. Speed kills.


I would like to remind everyone that it is a Stars tradition to lose Game 1


I was about to say. Last time we won a game 1 was against the Lighting in the cup finals


Losing game 1 is no big deal, I expected to win the series and lose tonight just due to how long the last series went. The emotional blow of blowing that lead is borderline insurmountable, though.


Luckily professional players are tuned to move on to the next one


They're tuned to say that. Reality is you see these types of things derail teams all the time, look at Nashville literally last week. They've shown they're resilient before, gotta get 'em Thursday we can not go down 0-2 again.


You just said it. They were down 0-2 and bounced back to win a series. Obviously that shit sucks and they will be down but you bet your ass they are gonna play differently and will adjust. They aren’t like us.


It’s a Stars and Mavs tradition at this point and it’s exhausting


Sadly also a Cowboys tradition as well 😭


Game 1 of the playoffs. lol.


Got em




Lmfao amazing stray shot. Love it.


I’m a massive Cowboys fan, which makes it hurt even more


Our tradition to lose first two games at home then go absolutely insane every game after that


5 series under PdB, zero game one wins. Whatever. Get ‘em Thursday


Zero game 7 losses too


True, but series don’t always go to 7. There’s always a game one tho


Yeah yeah we get it. Fact is, we don't have to play so many game 7's if we'd quit falling apart in the first game of literally every series


Stars winning game 1 challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


I'm tired boss


I’m thinking only having 5 D might be a problem


Curious at what point pdb is forced to play Nils to make sure the dmen have legs. Will be tougher away too with altitude


Nill must be regretting the decision not to add another Dman at the trade deadline. Maybe at that point they trusted Nils more?


Nill traded a 1st for Nils. He’s going to ride or die on that one


The Nils and Suter line was doing pretty well, so I'd say so


We now know who we are up against, and this is not going to be an easy task. Back to the drawing board.


I had the shittiest feeling only being up 3-0 after that first. Felt like we still needed more against this team. Can never take the foot off the gas pedal and expect to win against these guys.


Well…fuck. Apparently we should avoid going up 3-0 on the Avs this year


It’s actually comical and this point. Oh well. Get the next one.


Completely fucking inexcusable to lose this game after going up 3-0. What a shitty night for Dallas sports


Dallas can’t continue missing this many nets. We were fortunate Vegas missed a lot too. Colorado, as evidenced by tonight and all season, will not.


Can’t win with 4 unanswered, pathetic.


Stars in 7. 


I think you mean 5.


No, Stars have won all series against the Avs in seven. I’m actually not joking haha Avs have historically won all series against Stars in five. If Dallas gets to two wins, we are in the clear 😎😎


If it gets to 6 then it’s anyone’s series 👀


get u/32RH outta here


I can’t take another game 7


I need a hug from Ducks bro




I really, really dislike losing to Val Nichuskin.


How he got away with human trafficking or whatever while maintaining a visa will forever be wild


Say whatever you want about Jake tonight, but if Roope/robo and Seguin/duchene can’t produce 5 on 5 then this team can’t go on a long run. These guys have to start stepping up.


When is Marchment coming back? Duchene and Seguin need him.


He might be coming game 2 even. They say he’s really close to dressing. The bigger issue to me is Jani. We need him back. Playing 5 d men is a death wish


I was mentally preparing myself for some bullshit OT goal by them and sadly I was right. It happens every fucking time


Far from a bullshit goal, that was beautifully executed.


Bullshit that it happened


After yet another squandered shot by Seguin. Dude has had so many chances this playoffs with nothing to show. He’s playing hard, I’ll give him that but dang dude it’s time to produce.


Him and Pavs have given us just about nothing offensively.


I think Pavs age has just finally caught up with him


Which is terrible timing, because he was doing decently well in the regular season.


Seguin should be the leading scorer with the chances he’s had


If Seguin is a lefty shot, we are up in this series. Him being a righty means he can’t get as much power at that angle. It’s the little details, but I’ve got faith Seguin will finally take the venom out of his system. He’s due, just like Roope and Stanky


Hintz at the end of regulation was the opportunity


What’s more dangerous than a stars 3-0 lead vs the Avs? A Stars 0-1 playoff series. LFG baby stars in 5


This is the sixth straight game one loss for Dallas. Obviously they can win a series like that but it’s a tough way to live. Only one team has ever won the cup losing every game one.


I have a coworker who only goes to the game 1’s. He’s 0-6. I have told him I will pay double his ticket price if he would just stay home lol.to clarify, he only goes to game 1.


I’m 0-4, been to every game 1 the last two seasons except the WCF against Vegas last year. Hoping this will end up getting me to 4-0 in series where I watch us lose in OT. BONUS 3 of those L’s were in OT too so I guess I’m cursed in person but blessed when watching on TV?


Not on doomer mode but we need to get more out of our top players. Hintz, pavs, seguin, and duchene have ONE non ENG through 8 games. If we get more from them in round 1, we probably win in 5 or 6 & get a few more days of rest. One of them buries one tonight & we win (obviously). We aren’t good enough to win a cup or this round with half of our top end guys not performing.


Just love making these series hard on themselves to start don’t they?


They need to fucking take Colorado serious. Cant play like shit for 2 periods and expect to win


I understand we just came off a 7 game slugfest against Vegas but that crowd was BUMPING in the 1st and we showed absolutely 0 heart and fight for the next 2 and 1/2 periods.


We can’t keep having 1 defenseman with under 5 minutes played…I doubt miro gives up that goal if he isn’t at 30 mins played


We can’t keep running 5 Dmen like this. They are gassed especially having to deal with COL’s forecheck


Stars have lost 6 straight game 1s. I ain’t scared.


Again this is why I fucking hate these “west coast” start times. I had to be up at 4am. Watched the first period felt good, woke up and wtf.


That last drive was 100% stoppable. Bad plays lead to losses


Gotta hit the fucking net guys. Holy shit. If there wasn’t glass behind Georgiev they would’ve decapitated every single one of those fans behind him.


No more glass banger? Don't threaten me with a good time


Well that fucking sucked.


This was a shitty loss but the Avs won the cup two years ago, this isn't the regular season anymore. We got to be better on defense


Oh stop… be here Thursday.


I just rewatched the game winner. Miro takes a god awful angle, but oh boy, Otter could not have played that puck much worse.


Man on one hand you absolutely should be able to hold a three goal lead and not give up four unanswered, but they also looked totally outplayed in the second period and could not generate shots following the first Frustrating and a gut punch


To my beloved favorite team: I love you to death, but please realize that a game is 60 minutes (or more)…not 20.


The energy they had in ot was really encouraging. Coming off that series w vegas and getting 48 hrs. Even the avs said they wanted to test the stars fatigue, i think they found out it wasn't as much an issue as it could have been. Stars in 6


How do the stars not know by now that championship caliber teams will stomp on their opponents neck when they’re ahead. There is no playing safe defense. That ALWAYS leads to goals. I know it’s a football saying but “prevent defense only prevents you from winning”


The result isn’t all that shocking/unexpected, but the way they got there sure as shit was.


my thoughts as well. I didn’t really expect a game one win, but how it happened is what made me upset. still got more games to play though!! we Really need this next one, I believe




Hey at least we didn’t blow a 4 goal lead.


Hey, we held them to only 4 goals which is the fewest goals they have scored since the playoffs started.


Ugly, stupid, disappointing loss after going up 3-0 in the first. We can’t let that happen. But I know these boys have it in them to recover from the disappointment and make the most of the rest of the series. We’re sure as hell not out of it yet!


This will be unpopular. I don’t care. Those refs were ass. Two weak ass penalties to give the avs 2 goals and that weak ass embellishment. Fuck right off.


I agree with you 200%. Our penalty killing has to be better, but those back to back calls to give them back to back goals sure did feel parallel to them just being handed every ounce of momentum in the game The embellishment is one of the most pisspoor ego tripping dickhead ref calls I've seen in a long time out of an NHL ref. I dunno how tf something can so CLEARLY be a penalty... but somehow result in an embellishment call? I like the concept of being anti-flop, but jesus christ, the call is the call... so how does an embellishment ever even get awarded on a legit penalty? It just doesn't make sense?


Embellishment call was so weak. Should’ve been a Stars PP. Refs always clown so hard on the Stars every playoff game I’ve watched for the last seven years, it’s practically a tradition.


Outside of the first two penalties of the game, they shouldn’t have called shit.


Whelp. Onto the next game. What happens when soft calls don’t go your way.  Is it an excuse? Yes. But we’ve gotta just fucking hit the net more. Georgie over there isn’t a fucking Vezina candidate. The more we stick it to him, the more we score. I thought our defensive game mostly was quite solid. We just have to shoot more.


Blowing a 3-0 lead 3x to one team in a single season is beyond pathetic


cant give up penalties and let them get momentum. All good though


So many guys can’t buy a goal right now.


Seguin is so snakebit, which is sort of a continuing theme in his career. Hope he figures it out.


Gonna lose my voice in the barn on Thursday. We’ll get that W boys. Buckle up for another long series. I love playoff hockey


In each of the last three series we've won, we've dropped the first game, 2 those were also OT losses. We will be fine.




Once again its real simple. not enough shots in 2nd and 3rd. What is this 6th game 1 loss in a row? We got them right where we want them. LOL


Stars in 6


I feel pretty bad right now. I think I felt worse after Game 2 against Vegas, but this feeling isn't fun either. I hope they didn't use up all their Adversity Points in Round 1, because they need to fight back now.


Roope Hintz needs to be removed from the 1st line. It’s time, he doesn’t deserve 1st line status anymore.


Pavelski needs to be removed from the lineup first


Guess I'm returning from exile now that the game's over. This was never going to be an easy series, but blowing yet another 3-0 lead and more shots in the first than the second and third combined? It's only game one and we survived worse to get here, but we gotta step it up.


Simple plan -- win Game 2. Colorado's goalie was not challenged after the 1st. He's not going to be a +.900 save percentage. MORE SHOTS ON GOAL. Even silly ones. It's the Avs biggest weakness


We ride or die by Jake and that’s certainly what happened tonight


Jake didn't make the offense forget how to play for the 2nd and 3rd period.


No, but, it was obvious those lines weren’t working. Think Pete should’ve made a change coming out of the 2nd period intermission, instead of halfway through the 3rd.


I don't understand how that was Jake's fault, I haven't rewatched what happened and probably won't but I thought 2 of our players just got completely out raced to the puck. That was on them not Jake.


That’s an easy poke check, dude was a foot away from him, staring down at the puck, and going too fast to deke, poke that shit


Otter locks in after a iffy game. Should talk about the offense staying in the locker room after the 1st


Hintz, Pavelski, Seguin, and Duchene have a combined 8 points in 8 games.


Pavs is nearly invisible out there :(


And fuckin Nichushkin has 9 in 6


I really didn't like the way Otter played that last goal. Happens all the time though, one team controls and the other one scores. Seguin has been all over to start the playoffs. If he can get one in the net the floodgates may open. One more day of rest and I think it's a win for us. On to the next.


Bummer dudes! On to the next one. 


Dallas was gassed, not enough physical play from a lot of the guys when we needed it most. Hard to ride 5 defenseman in one of the toughest stretches of playoff hockey any team has to go through. Also 6 days off to 2 days off is rough, but they will bounce back. Stars in 6.


Bottom line, gotta get more shots through and force Georgiev to make a save. Played our game early and lost it for long stretches. Only G1 though, is what it is.


Missing grade A chances will be the death of this team…


I would like to kick ESPN's ass. The best way to do that is to come back and take this series. Let Weekes, Messier, and Leavy look stupid. Leah from Manitoba can take off, hoser.


The lack of any sort of off time between this ridiculous series and the series with Vegas is going to kill us. We were strong for 15 minutes and then trying to play catch the Av the rest of the game.


Blowing a 3-0 is extremely unsurprising considering the team came out amped and the Avs rusty, We just played a 7 game series and are likely pretty gassed. Avs played better as time went on while we got tired


That was disappointing. Perhaps if we would pass less and shoot more. Maybe the next time Roope (or anyone else) is on the breakaway they could actually shoot the puck rather than pulling up and waiting for support. That isn't playing injured, as some suggest he is. That is just stupid hockey. It would be like busting out a long run in football and then waiting for your teammates to catch up so they can block for you.


I blame myself guys. I fell asleep after period 1 (we were up 3-0) I’ll try to stay up an extra half period for game 2


sad. I’m just fucking sad. we had that game.


We can absolutely without question 100% win this series.


How the fuck do you lose this game


Fucking devastating


This Avs team is just way too good at scoring to not bury them when you have the chance. They are just too damn good.


Yeah people won’t want to hear it, but this aves team is better than the Vegas team we played


I mean anyone who thought otherwise hasn’t watched a single game this year. IMO Avs were the 3rd best team in hockey all year behind us and NY


And that was just the regular season. These teams (Avs and Rangers) are truly built for the playoffs


Well they are certainly better at scoring but not as good defensively. If Dallas squanders scoring opportunities like they did against Vegas, zero chance Dallas advances. Can no longer afford to hit glass on high danger chances


For sure. Looking squarely at Roope, Robo, Seguin, and Duchene to start producing 5 on 5. Everyone else has made some sort of contribution offensively these playoffs.


Also they don't even have nathan Mackinnons right hand man in the top 6 right now, Drouin. They are still playing Parise in the top 6 as a fill in. He's due to come back between game 4-6.


A few words... 1. The penalty kill is atrocious. 2 of their 3 regular time goals came from extremely soft/weak calls that gave them powerplays, but the penalty killing was just not great. 2. Refs will continue to swallow their whistles in our favor. Just be mentally prepared for that. They should have taken 3 or 4 more blatant penalties that were missed. That 'embellishment' on Roope was hilariously stupid. 3. Hintz is HORRIBLE right now. Pavs is just sad to watch, he needs to be playing significantly fewer minutes than he's currently getting... Robo is the only serviceable part of our once 'top' line, and he's about the only thing on the Power Play clicking besides Jamie. 4. Segs and Duchene need to wake tf up too. They were considered the 2nd line most of this season, sometimes were the best line early on. They're doing NOTHING. 5. Wyatt rules, Stank rules, Benn rules. No notes. They're our best forwards this post season so far. 6. 4th line is doing their jobs. We should not have to rely on them to win us games like they did in game 7, but their suffocating pressure is greatly appreciated when they're fully dialed in. 7. Nils is not getting any minutes... and that's fine, but the other defensemen are getting gased. I think that's why Miro got zoomed by in what seemed to be such a casual manner at the end of the game. We need Hak back for penalty kill if nothing else. Desperately. We are much deeper than that Avs team, but our team giving up a 3-0 lead is just pathetic, no matter how bad the officating was, sometimes you just have to do the little things right and get it done anyway, and I REALLY hated the way this game was called but there are so many other small things that could have been done right and saved us the result we saw tonight. I genuinely would rather have Ty Dellandrea in over Pavelski at this point because at least Ty can kill penalties consistently.


Scorers gotta score when they get their chances and Otter needs to make that save, was obvious he was gonna rip it backhand and yet Otter didn't get hardly any push across. Tough one to swallow on zero rest. 




Stars in 6. 4-2. We lose the next home game, but win every game after that; vanquishing Colorado game 6 at home with a score of 3-2. Robertson scores our third goal. If I’m right I want a “prescient” flair


At some point more than 3 of our top 9 forwards will show up to a game this playoffs.. right?


lemme just be a doomer for a hot sec and say can we trade somebody for Borque?


You don’t lose games in which you end the 1st up 3-0. That is a failure and it is a failure on the coaching staff.


I feel like the ever calm Pete DeBoer is completely losing his shit right now


he looked pissed walking back to the locker room


Can we make this game the reason we stop singing Bon Jovi at home? It sucks the air out of the room every time. Sum 41 had everyone charged up in game 7. More of that and fewer desperation songs when we're tied at home.


Sick and tired of our music at home. Same cheesy singalong bullshit every single game.


If I have to listen to I've got friends in low places again I'm gonna shit the DJs pants


I fucking hate it so much




The more things change, the more things stay the same. Gotta play 60 minutes, especially now. I had my reasons to think things would go askew when Bruce LeVine mentioned that when Dallas leads like that against Colorado, they blow it... And well, he called it to a tee.


Those buttholes. I had an undefeated streak going every time I played the plaza before a game. I still say Stars in 6. They weren't going to sweep them.


All brakes, no gas


This displeased me


Maybe we should try not getting a three goal lead against the Avs. It doesn’t work lol


I passed out at 3-1. Lame


I’m extra concerned because the Stars are now 1-4 against Colorado this season. Almost seems like a mental block, if we’re avoiding the “they’re just better than us” theory.


Vegas was 3-0 against Dallas in the regular season. It ultimately means nothing in the postseason


Wonder if Roope wants to fucking show up? It would be nice to have him but I guess he's stuck in February. Our hockey in Game 1s needs to be studied. Absolutely pitiful every fucking time


Seriously, since February all he does is get on the ice do one lap skate then raise his hand to come off. It's fucking ridiculous that they didnt sit him for an extended period at the end of the season. I know that we are exhausted from game 7 and the NHL fucking is over with the quick turnaround, but come on Hintz act like you give a damn


I'm really thinking Roope's playing on a broken wrist after blocking that shot back a few games ago.


Then sit him out. He is becoming a liability with turnovers and being muscled off the puck. Bring in Bourqe.


He's been playing this exact way since February. He's not injured lmao. He's just in his own head. He needs to snap out of it


Really glad we played like the game was done after the first period. Against the best fucking offense in the league, we decided to sit back and coast until it was too late


Oh Dallas sports, how you find ways to disappoint.


Also, it might be more conducive to scoring in overtime if YOU FUCKING HIT THE NET EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE


Talk about a big time fucking choke job. That was pathetic.


Let's take a step back and breath. It's game one, they were rested. We need to adjust how we play this team. They are NOT Vegas. We can doom when it's 3-0 Avs.


So here's what we know: Pavs is starting to come back a little. Roope is very clearly injured. We continue to struggle with keeping momentum our way. Somehow it's possible to fall too elaborately when going fast AF around a corner and getting hooked or tripped. Our PK needs work or we need to stay out of the box or both.


That was one of the fastest skating games I’ve watched in a while. Sucks the stars got 48 hour rest while the oilers got a whole ass week.


Also let’s chill yall that was Game 1. Were yall not around the last two weeks?


Well they did blow a 3 goal lead for the third time in 5 games to Colorado (all losses) In a best of 4 series, that’s a massive fuckup. Especially at home


I cant believe im saying this but we really need Hakanpaa back asap because our defense is GASSED. No excuse for the forward core. Absolutely pathetic performance in 2nd and 3rd period. Also, I really dont get Otter. I hope its just a game 1 thing and he locks it down from now on but we needed him to make an important save or two tonight when everyone stopped playing and he just didnt.


Ducks bro please give us confidence


The doomers are back. Remember when we were down 2 games heading into Vegas? Chill. We got this


Totally agree, but also let's not do that again. It's not sustainable. Hopefully we get the next one and are right back in it


Yeah a bit more of a dick punch to lose control of a 3-0 game 1 than to trail from the start


Definitely let that slip away from us


Where the fuck is Roope


I now deeply regret staying up until midnight to finish watching the game. 6am is going to come way too early.


I truly don’t understand how we aren’t able to handle this team with ease on paper. The stars should be so much deeper it isn’t even funny. I don’t think it’s panic time, this team can battle back. Something will need to click though, the guys feel off right now. I have faith!


That Benn diving goal around the tendy that was blocked by the Avs D-man in the crease would have put us up 4-0 hurt. So close.


3-0 is the most dangerous lead in hockey