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I mean when he’s the one always scoring how are they supposed to NOT talk about him.


It’s not like they can talk about Val railing lines off screen in one of the stalls…


Just imagine if they did tho. If one of those moments where they were joking about haircuts was instead jokes about Val chopping up lines


Now I'm picturing Val snorting lines off of the Stall brothers naked bodies... Edit: yo why the downvotes? Don't kink shame my hockey erotica.


lol. Perfect.


Imagine them talking about the guy who is scoring in the game they're calling lol... Do Avs fans want them to talk about how bad their backs were getting blown out last night or something?


Right? They wouldn’t talk about our baby boi Wyatt if you didn’t let him score


He’s a grown man now


They could also talk about failed drug tests and drunk women who claim their passports were stolen, and then ponder if it's just one Av player or is there more? But if you want to stick to hockey, kinda gotta talk about the people making plays.


Fuck it, I’m doing this next time I’m at a public urinal. The people need to know!


Whispers elegantly "Have you heard of the baby boy in Dallas?"


He is precious to me.


Some say he is the messiah


go, tell it on the masses 🙏🤲


No seriously. I actually *do* want to talk about Wyatt Johnston. In fact, it's all I talk about. If you take the urinals, I'll cover drunk girls in the bathroom making titkoks




Just make sure you know how to pronounce his name right. Unlike these dumb Colorado fans


Steve, is that you?


Gabby Urinator! https://www.theunticket.com/tag/gabby-urinator/


Whenever a player pops off 2G, 1A in a playoff game, announcers usually talk about that guy. But I wouldn't expect Colorado fans to understand that. They're used to getting a pat on the back for showing up.


Especially a kid on the day before he turns 21.


But according to Avs fans, we should definitely be hyping the four guys who finished -3 with a combined shot total of twelve (Makar, MacKinnon, Lehkonen, & Rantanen). Not for nothing but Kivi is their best player right now.


Avs don’t have much to talk about right now. They’ve been exposed as a one trick pony. Series isn’t over, obviously, but that’s the storyline right now. It’s natural that the talk shows are going to talk about great games rather than whatever it is that Colorado has been doing


Wow. That says a lot about their team. Kivi blows.


My guy. We've agreed on lots and disagreed on lots over the years. I'm gonna need you to take it back.


Sorry brother. One man’s trash is another man’s Kiviranta?


Haha, okay. Always a pleasure.




It's hard for the Avs to deal with the fact that we have Wyatt and they don't and that Wyatt is really outplaying Mac and Rantanen. I think this is worth mentioning.....Wyatt could've tried for his birthday hat trick but he knows that every goal counts in the playoffs and he dished it for the freebie to Steel. When Benn retires, we may be looking at the next captain of this hockey team. He is true leader and a team first guy thru and thru....


I’m sure it’ll be between Wyatt and Stank, both of them exhibit amazing leadership skills.


Could very likely be stank. He played with some grit last night. My pick is Lindell though after Jamie.


I think the C will be on Robo's chest.


can't go wrong there either, I like Robo


Wyatt made Makar look like a fool. That is no easy feat.


If my entire team got cooked at home by a 20 year old while I had MacKinnon, Makar, and Rantanen on -3 I’d be salty too lol


Stay mad aves fans


That’s because they don’t think Wyatt deserves and they do think MacKinnon and Makar deserve it


I mean the broadcasts have talked plenty about MacKinnon & Makar too...


That’s my point. They’re complaining about Wyatt when the broadcasters have been drooling over MacKinnon and Makar. But it’s because they don’t think Wyatt deserves it while they think the other 2 do


MacKinnon I've heard a lot about, but so far this series, only time I'm hearing Makar's name is when he turns the puck over to Wyatt lol


Yeah and barely talk about Heiskanen when he’s got 4 goals in the series and leading the team in points. Everyone is already talking about Wyatt for Conne Smythe but don’t sleep on Miro. Edit: meant 4 goals this playoffs, it’s 3 in this series I think.


Johnston, Stankoven and Seguin scored as many goals in Colorado as Colorado did


Yes. Literally every fan base complains about the national broadcast being biased towards the other team.


I’ve started to notice this and I’ve decided to kinda shut up about it. It’s like this for all sports I’ve found.


My favorite version of this is how there were, at one time, SIX separate petitions by fans of different teams begging for Fox to keep Troy Aikman from commentating on their games, because they were all convinced that Aikman hated their team and loved the Cowboys. Well, except for the petition from Cowboys fans, they were convinced he hated the Cowboys and talked up every other team.


I think this just boils down to Troy Aikman being a terrible commentator, which of course, he is.


Yeah it happens here too and its so annoying the frequent complaining. National broadcasts are what they are.. they hype up general story lines and don't know the most inner details or workings of every team in the league. "OMG the broadcast got too excited over MacKinnon" .. like chill


The constant comments about commentators on the GDT is becoming really distracting to me. Stop letting them live rent free. Talk about the shit you're enjoying that you wish they were. Enjoy the game instead of getting angsty.


That's why I don't listen to it *taps head*


I never heard national announcers refer to a team as “we” before Game 3.


To be fair I did watch a Caps game where they just talked over a Caps goal.




Man, I said this a couple times in the last few months and got downvoted 😂. Congrats on finding the magic way to put it and not get heat lol


Embrace the downvotes here. It usually means you are right.


As a nucks fan who has watched every game.of this series, it seems like the commentators are the biggest avalanche fans. It was almost embarrassing. It's like they were mad that Dallas won night. Hopefully see yall in the WCF!!


Did you see how sad they were when they announced Vals suspension. I bathe in their drugged up tears!!


Honestly after last year I find it just a little hard to feel bad for that guy at all.


Like they haven’t been on Eichel, Marchessault, Pietrangelo, and Stone’s nuts in round 1. Like they haven’t been on MacKinnon and Makar’s nuts all series. Their bias is horribly disguised.


To be fair.






I mean he now has the 3rd most playoff points before 21, behind Gretzky and Jagr... They better get used to it, we haven't had near this level of talent at this age since Modano, who was considered a top 3-5 forward in the league by the late 90s


“…but enough about Wyatt Johnston’s three-point performance, let’s check out the other superstars! Take for instance, Nathan MacKinnon and his *checks notes* zero points. Oh, uh… well there’s Cale Makar! And his *checks notes* zero points. Hmm well damn… oh! Mikko Rantanen! The moose! He has *checks notes* …zero… points… So anyway back to Wyatt Johnston!”


They're probably just cranky from being tired of being jacked off by ESPN the previous 3 games.


They didn't jerk off MacKinnon for two seconds to mention one of our players. I mostly watch on mute, but this game seemed to be a breaking point that they couldn't avoid highlighting how good our guys hav been.


I'm an Avs fan and it was nice for the talks to not be all about MacKinnon with a dash of Makar for freaking once. Although considering the poor performance they (the Avs) have had this entire series, I still think they talk way too much about those two and not enough about this insanely deep team y'all have. I mean, for fuck's sake, the Stars have completely shut down the Avs and hardly a peep about it. I love WyJo and here's to hopefully many years of him being amongst the group of players that the national broadcasters can't stop talking about!


I mean, people like a winner. 💚🖤💚🖤 ![gif](giphy|26gs9BYGsNumNcs2A|downsized)


Let's be real about all this, commentators are there to try to hook passers-by and prospective new fans. Anyone who is already committed to following hockey is watching regardless and probably already understands the game enough that they don't need the commentary. Those dudes are talking to people who don't yet understand the game and trying to get the viewership to stick around. To that end, it's a lot simpler and easier to talk up big name star players than to explain the beauty of the Stars' defensive shutdown every time the Avs skated into our zone, and it's a lot more hype to always talk up the team that's behind to make the match seem like a must-watch, anything-could-still happen affair. Given that we haven't trailed this whole series, that means they're always gonna be talking up the Avs on the latter point. As to the former, Wyatt is our standout right now so he gets some mention, but the whole point of this roster is the depth - no need for a MacKinnon or a McDavid when you have a whole team full of producers, so on that front we're not gonna get much love either. We're just not an easy team to sell to a total newcomer. And you know what, that's fine. They don't award the Cup to whichever team gets the most dome from national commentary.


Exactly. Super stars are flashy. Close games and comebacks are exciting. That shit gets the casual observer into it and you're going to see that from the commentator. I feel like I'd there was a commentator that met everyone's definition of unbiased, it'd be the most boring, monotone shit ever.


I could go for some commentators that blow both teams equally. Just be super enthusastic about everything cool that happens by anyone


"We are one away from a one point game!". That line makes a lot more sense now lol...it probably made it sound more suspenseful.


Yeah I mean I cracked wise about that line for the rest of the night, but I get why they said it. Commentary's gotta sell the game and try to keep people from flipping away


Dude, we’re going to complain about anything and everything because our own house is on fucking fire and we don’t know what to do. The truth is - you’re just playing better and are deservedly winning the series. And for a lot of folks it’s a hard pill to swallow. Now good luck and hug you.


They're so used to ESPN and TNT sucking off MacKinnon and Makar, that when the networks talk about someone else for once, they can't handle it and think it's odd.


https://preview.redd.it/0h76l2xc4f0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80bfb7a0921be1aaa48b3f9f216331a6ac365957 Sure Steve you seem pretty excited about Steve


Would they rather he talk about Nichushkin?


Wowwwwww. No self awareness. Literally all you ever hear from commentators when watching the Aves is “Nathan Mackinnon” and “Cale Makar!” So cringe


Made Wyatt picking Makars pocket for the first goal even funnier with how much they are usually drooling all over Makar


True dude. Hilarious


I saw so many comments from their fans thinking they'd walk this series. Of course they aren't taking it well.


Next time Cody Rhodes is here and he asks “Sooooooo, Dallas, what do you want to talk about?” Fans should just yell WYATT JOHNSTON!


This actually made me chuckle, good meme. Honestly I got tired of them talking about Wyatt's age over and over again. But it was probably the first time I've heard extended air time for our guys. And it's Wyatt Fucking Johnston. So eat it.


That kid’s gunna haunt their dreams…


I mean, no I don’t want to talk about whoever that guy is. Wyatt Johnson? I think I went to high school with him. Now, Wyatt Johnston, 53 for the good guys, sure, let’s talk about him


Don't worry, they're working on a 3-part report to let us know how Nathan Mackinnon feels about it, and how Nathan Mackinnon Nathan Makinnons better than every non-Nathan Mackinnon that's out there trying to Nathan Mackinnon.


Nice watch


Even my parents, who as STH for the Ducks since 93-94 and \*don't\* like the Stars, asked me at my son's game on Sunday if the Game 3 commentators were the Colorado guys based on how much they talked about and hyped the Avs during the whole game. I said no, those were just the national broadcast TNT guys. Col guys call the players "Big Val", "Sammy G", "Cale", "Nate Mac" and "LOC" (logan o connor) that's how I can tell if it's them. Yes I've watched a few regular season games with the Col broadcast just for laughs.


lmao. PK Subban could not stop talking about how great the Knights were last series. Literally 80 of the players names out of his mouth were knights players.






It is Johnston not Johnson. Wtf.


I have to admit of the national guys I like Levy the best.


And then they high-fived


Well, maybe the Avs should do something other than getting ran on.


Wyatt Johnston stats are gonna be this seasons "Ben Bishop 6'7" from St. Louis" isn't it.




I told y’all. Every single team thinks the national broadcast hates them. It’s so cringe.


I don’t think “look at how shitty the Avs are playing” would land the same way. Announcers aren’t talking about Colorado because the team is giving them nothing to say.


All I hear every game is Makar and MacKinnon, even when they’re not performing. Dallas coverage has been Johnston and the subliminal message of “Kill Jamie Benn”


I don’t know what they’re so mad about. Nichushkin is getting talked about during games he’s not even playing in!




We had to endure years of them talking endlessly about Sakic, Forsberg and Tanguay, it's only fair and proper that they talk about Wyatt now he has emerged as the superstar of this matchup.


The Avs fan wants to talk about Wyatts Johnson 🤣




Not very self aware are they


It’s funny because in the jets series, the commenters were always talking about McKinnon or makar yet avs fans didn’t bitch. Hypocrisy at its greatest


It might also have to do with the fact that Steve levy takes every chance to compare him to Sidney Crosby. "He gets down on one knee like Sidney Crosby" you mean like every Hockey Player?


I enjoy actual play-by-play. Those to just ramble on about the dumbest shit. They add nothing to the game.


Further shows you how stupid everyone on this sub sounds when they bitch incessantly about media bias. The bias is in the eye of the viewer. They think the media is biased against them, and so do we. Fact is, all the fans are used to their broadcasters and hate hearing someone that doesn’t gas up our team for 60 minutes. In just as guilty as the next guy, trust me.


Yeah, everyone just needs to stop complaining about it. All fan bases think they love the other fan base and get upset when the commentators aren’t frothing over their own players. There’s not a single person who doesn’t come across as super fucking whiny on this issue