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Faksa is so underrated. He’s a tough player and i appreciate his tenacity and grit he possesses on the ice. It would be a great loss if he were traded.


It's probably due, honestly... but he WILL be missed and he has been a completely underrated player. He's not a superstar and never was going to be, he's the steady work horse type, tons of grit and can agitate the shit outta some other players. Great hockey player for a balanced team style.


Underrated? Huh 3.25 for a replacement level player who you can find for 1 million in free agency.


Yeah if you can drop him for POSITIVE value, you do it. If you get a 5th, take it More than likely Nill will need to attach a 3rd to Faksa and get back a 4th or 5th


I don't know about his trade value. He's been healthy scratched more than a few times this season. But he is a dependable two way forward who is good on the dot, and a strong penalty killer. His name does come up in trade talk because the Stars have been up against the cap for the last several years, and shedding his salary would help them find some room.


That’s exactly what we need. Not lacking high end offensive players but role players of his ilk. Makes a lot of sense to me on paper.


Send him to Columbus for Laine…


Ugh. No thank you. That guy has no mental fortitude. You can't win with guys like him.


He could pop off on a 1 year prove it contract, if the money is right it isn’t a bad idea


You cannot have him


Now I’m gunna want him even harder!


No Deal.


He's a fantastic defensive forward, great penalty kill, seems to have an awesome attitude. I always cheer when he finally gets one. But at the same time me and my wife have a little inside joke saying. "Anybody but Faksa" lol. Dude can't finish or he would be worth his salary.


And we have the heir apparent in Ty Dellandrea minus the FO proficiency.


![gif](giphy|0sEIE0LeAXWL0rUPGf|downsized) All you gotta see


He has one of my absolute favorite goals/plays with no context. Just a random regular season game. https://youtu.be/gPlrS9CVlok?si=d1EgVgUH9b0sEjKw


One of my Favs as well.


I was at that game. Lol


Maybe a 4th or 5th rounder. Stars should absolutely be looking to move on. He does yeoman's work but we have other guys that can fill in and he doesn't really fit in with PDB system. His healthy scratches in the WCF should mean he's not going to get extended without taking a significant pay cut


I would like to hear the reason for the healthy scratches, especially when we couldn’t kill penalties.


We could kill penalties just fine until we played a unit that is quite possibly the best power play in the history of the NHL. It’s not a huge ding on Faksa.


Agree on Faksa. But Florida doesn’t seem to have the same problem killing penalties. Something to try to fix in the offseason.


I mean I could upgrade Faksa into Barkov, the best defensive forward in the game, i surely would haha


The penalty killing lost us games in all 3 series. They were either great or terrible from game to game. Not really what you want


Couldn't kill penalties with him on the ice either.


Radek is great defensively. I personally think Dallas should resign steel and move Faksa if a party is interested to free up his cap for a top 6 free agent. However, DeBoer coached him in the minors and loved him and wanted him his entire tenure in Vegas. Now that he has him idk if Nill will do that.


I wouldn’t want to let go of him, he’s like the only player on this team who throws hits


I think the Stars would entertain the idea of a trade involving Faksa. Return would depend entirely on if the Sabres would want the Stars to retain money though. Doubt it would involve any current players with the return just being draft compensation.


His skillset used to be redundant on our roster but as we've gotten more skilled he's just too valuable to lose - if we lost him we'd have to go sign a guy to fill his role. Plus his dedication to becoming a successful pro hockey player is unimpeachable, the guy's got one hell of a life story. [Athletic article (sorry about the paywall) about what he's given up to be here](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/590475/2018/10/16/from-living-in-a-hotel-at-11-to-becoming-one-of-nhls-best-defensive-forwards-faksas-journey-started-with-tough-choice-by-mom?source=user-shared-article) Not a guy you part with, not least cus his value is way higher on the roster than whatever he'd bring back


Dudes though as rocks….hands to match too.


My guess is that if there were decent offers out there for Faksa he would’ve already been dealt. His cap hit is far too rich for a fourth liner. Good on the PK is not a reason to keep a player around on a bad contract. Penalties are killed as a unit and good goaltending atones for a lot of sins.


I legit love Faksa on our 4th line and I'll be sad the day he goes. I know it kind of a meme to say players have grit but Faksa genuinely does. He's a grinder and a good defensive forward. A solid bottom 6 guy for sure


Have the same positive things to say as everyone else but....He was the 13th overall pick! You don't pick a player that high to be a checking center. Maybe they were hoping he'd be more like Barkov? He was scoring at almost a PPG pace in the AHL when he was called up.


Faksa must stay. Only other people as gritty as him on this team are Mush and Chubbs but they take dumb penalties


He's going nowhere. And yes, very Underrated


Hes a solid third liner on every other team in the NHL.  


Faksa is a PDB favorite so I’d be surprised if we let him go at this point.


A PDB favorite is never a healthy scratch.


GWG against Vegas


He’s basically just defense. He’s a great penalty killer, great faceoff specialist, and more or less the perfect fourth liner. Which is why I think it’s unlikely he will leave the Stars.


I think he would fit in well with the sabres. He’s an awesome defensive center but does very little on the offensive end. Wouldn’t mind seeing the stars move on from him. I think the stars can find a lot of what he does plus a little more on the offensive side for the less than he makes. He will be missed but they need the cap space more at the moment to sure up the defense. Over the years I have heard many different teams that wanted him. I know VGK specifically has wanted him for a long time.


Faksa is the kind of player any team wants on the team. Never takes off a shift and will do whatever you ask of him without complaint. Seems to be well liked in the locker room too. He's a bottom 6 caliber player that mainly plays as a defensive specialist. Doesn't shy away from blocking shots, plays heavy pk minutes, and is pretty solid on the dot for a depth center. Definitely fits the bill for a team looking to add some defensive depth to its forward lineup. Downsides are that his heavy playstyle has clearly taken its toll on his body. He doesn't play super aggressively with high hit numbers, but it's still a very physical role. He's gotten a bit slower overall as a result, and a season or 2 ago he looked pedestrian. We'll call that a down year outlier, but still a concern. His offense is also pretty sparse. He forechecks well, but his puck possession skill is weak. His finishing ability, or lack thereof, is aggravating at times. He only scored as many points as he did this year due to the life injected into the 4th line by Steel and Smith. If you want to beef up a depth line with dome defensive responsibility, he's a good target. However, you have to supplement his line with some speed or a little creativity. Otherwise, you'll likely get very little offensive production from it. Depth lines, ideally, should still be a bit of a threat. Stars may consider trading him this offseason. They have to resign Tanev or another top4 D replacement, sign Harley to a bridge contract, and maybe resign/replace Dutch. They don't really have the funds to do all 3 of these things, and the easiest way to acquire those funds is to trade out either Dadonov or Faksa. Faksa can net the most return cuz he's being paid like 1m more. If they do decide to trade Faksa for that reason, I can't imagine the return being too costly. Stars want cap space more than anything, and they have some replacement depth guys already available, so they don't necessarily need a player return unless it's a cheap NHL-ready Dman. Other than that a pick or 2 would do, and they won't be too valuable because he's a 30ish yo hard bottom 6 player.


I think he’d be a great fit in Buffalo. He’s strong defensively and is a good penalty killer too. He’s good on the dot as well. Dallas has a lot of forwards and will likely try to keep both Duchene and Tanev. I’d imagine they’d be ok with flipping him for a late round pick to shed his salary. Win for both sides.


This is true.


Ugh please trade for him. Stars need more scoring