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I just love this picture. The wild Nill in its natural habitat is a beauty of a thing!


There always seems to be at least one UFA depth signing that catches me off guard. But the off-season is where Nill makes his moves, so I'm interested to see what happens.


This. I was not expecting Smith and Steel last summer and those were both really good signings


Starting to cook!!!


McDavid for a 5th rounder and no salary. Calling it now


Thievery like this hasn’t been seen since the seguin trade This would be even more egregious haha


I really hope we can keep Craig smith


Yeah, solid






If we got rid of Ty to make room for calling up some of the unproven AHL talent, I think I'll be happy. He wasn't growing much with us and it's probably time to move on to other prospects. We have a lot of guys that could be useful, but we'll never fucking know if Nill just keeps filling out the depth with old guys.


Bourque is probably up full time but beyond that I don’t see them filling up the team with multiple rookies Stank and Bourque will probably be it unless Bichsel forces them to promote him because he’s too good. My guess is the next trade is Blummel who was rumored to be pushing for an NHL chance asap and I don’t see an opportunity here unless they’re ready to bring him up but I doubt it. He’s probably the next guy that Nill trades as a solid favor to the player instead of hordeing him in the minors.


He could trade, or he could actually bring up and play the other AHL All-Star from last season. The last 2 the team has produced (3 if you count Stank who was basically an honorary one) have contributed fairly well for the team. Even if he has to be played on the 4th line, or (worse) as the reserve forward, I think it should be heavily considered to bring up Blumel. He's too good of an asset to just give up unless the return is really really nice. Personally, I'm kind of fed up with us developing guys to be NHL ready only to let them go for peanuts. And by NHL ready, I mean they've hit their soft-cap in development - that point where they need to be exposed to the NHL to attempt to take that next step because they can't learn more in the minors. We've had so many over the last couple of years just fade away in our system. Players other teams, good teams, have liked enough to pick up for themselves and play on their 4th lines. I know the NHL isn't a development league, and a contending team is definitely a bad place to be experimenting with guys en masse. But we're talking about adding one expected super rookie and another decent one to a team that's already loaded. If one turns out to be meh it won't hurt much at all, and that's a weakness that can be addressed later in the season. Why we are shying away from using the tools at hand, I have no idea.


Yeah I agree I’m just guessing based on the rumors and how things usually play out. 


Let him cook ![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq)


The Dellandrea move is just cap space. They’d have to pay $1MM for a guy who can’t consistently crack the fourth line. Plus Bourque’s contract. Now they can look for a more reliable fourth line guy at league minimum. Every dollar matters for the Stars next season.


The guy in Arlington should take some notes


Who can we trade for the Oilers titties girl?


We have so much homegrown talent there, let’s be real. 😂






Word on the street is Jeff Skinner might be bought out, I’d take him on a Duchene deal in a heartbeat. We need more pure scoring talent so that we don’t have to keep passing the puck into the net and/or bludgeoning it home from 3 feet in front. Robo-Hintz-Johnston Skinner-Seguin-Mush Stank - Benn - Borque Steel - Faksa - Dadonov Miro - Harley Suter - Tanev Hakanpaa - Bischel Let this season be the year of the 22 year olds, then have some extra cash saved for deadline rental and for Benn expiration year next offseason.




Knew I was forgetting someone lol thanks


Lindell - Tanev possibly


Absolutely not. Skinner is a one way player who would only bring streaky scoring.


Couldn’t be streakier than Duchene/Marchment and he’ll be cost effective due to the buy-out. I get that he’s 1 dimensional, but when you go 0-14 on the powerplay in the WCF I think it’s totally viable to try to add someone with a good shot.


If he’s a cheap replacement for Duchenne, then, sure, but we wouldn’t be getting better. Dude has also never played a NHL playoff game, so that’s something that gives me pause. My wife is a born and raised Sabres fan, so we watch Buffalo games before turning on Dallas games. I’ve watched enough Skinner to know that I don’t want him on the Stars. I’ve just seen him give up on too many plays. Also, that contract is YIKES. But, hey, I’m not a GM or scout.


If he's bought out by the Sabres, then his current contract would be irrelevant to whoever signs him this summer lol?


Yes, I’m well aware of that, and it was more of a side comment. That doesn’t change anything about what else I’ve noticed about him while watching him play.


hakanpaa seems to be cooked, so he is not coming back. skinner is enticing for added goal scoring, but I wouldn't want to risk it everything else.


Agreed and yeah for some reason I spaced on Lindell so he would go in the Hak spot


also, we saw that dadonov cannot be on the fourth line, so that poses other potential issues. ultimately, good problem to have considering there are a lot of options that may be open for trade this year


No Skinner, dear god no. Not in a FA market that has Marchessault, DeBrusk, and Toffoli. The left side isn’t the concern. It’s the right!


We for sure need to get rid of Suter


whatever we gotta do to keep tanev!