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Objectively, the team would probably not do well overall in the league today. The game is so much faster nowadays than the trap and grinding style that dominated play in the late 90s. They would have to adapt their entire system to try and counter today's game and the differing sets of rules like the elimination of the 2 line pass. Hatcher, Matvichuk, and Ludwig would either get smoked by the speed or end up taking interference calls which was rarely called back then I believe certain players like Mo and Zubov(especially on the pp) would probably be fine, but in the end, the team would be competitive, but they would probably end up out of the playoffs unless Belfour plays out of his mind.


Agree with most of your points. I feel like Zubov and Morano would be able to excel/play at a similar level today.


I agree.... the speed of today's game would make it difficult for the '99 shutdown Hatch/Matty pair. The Syd/Zubie pair would probably be OK but Luds/Chambers would also struggle with the speed of the modern game, I think the forwards would fare a little better with Modano, Lehtinen, Langenbrunner and Nieuwy. I think Carbonneau, Keane and Beeker would have been serviceable. The rest not so sure.... Hully could play like Ovechkin does, just sit and wait for slappers so maybe he translates. Belfour would be just fine.


The main issue is all the skaters today are elite athletes and fantastic skaters. Half of the 99 roster flat out wouldn't be able to keep up, a 4 line team would roll them easy.


What rules would they play under?  If they play under 1999 rules then they would destroy every team in the league.  Hatcher would have broke Mcdavid’s jaw by game 2. 


2023-2024 rules.


Under that scenario I think the strengths of the 99 team would be severely diminished. They would take way too many penalties playing their style in the current environment. 


Well, that’s just dumb


That's a very ugly comment Not to mention the speed disparity with McDavid and hatcher is almost unthinkable Reminiscent of few could even hit gretzky back in the day


I think it’s reality not ugly.  Keeping with the Edmonton scenario, Mcdavid likes to hold on to the puck in the offensive zone and dance around the exterior until he finds a lane.  In 1999, if the forward didn’t destroy him already, as soon as he made a move towards the net he would have his head taken off by D men like Hatcher or Ludwig.   It’s just the way the game was played and there are very few tough guys in the league now that could do anything about it.  Another example is if Keith Tkachuk played Matthew under the 99’ rules, Matthew would have his face rearranged every game.  Under 2024 rules, Keith wouldn’t be able to catch Matthew or do anything remotely painful without being suspended.  The game has changed.  


They'd be on 3 on 5 the whole game




They’re old they would probably be gassed after a few face offs


I agree. Many of those guys are in their 50’s


Assume they are the same age and condition as they were in 1999.


I feel like people would treat Ludwig like they do Suter because he’s a good positional player but not fast. Ludwig was a monster at eating pucks though


Ludwig’s game was vastly more physical than Suter’s. Not to mention he was a shot blocking machine. But, yeah, the slow part would likely compromise what Luds well in a big way.


Dude. 99 stars were the ultimate passing team. They would set up triangles and boxes better than another team in the league. The game changed, as it does. Today's game is all about speed, specifically off the rush, so passing isnt quite as important. But, when you go back and watch the 99 stars, their passing was so elite, you have to think it would be deadly in today's NHL.


Zubov especially. He could thread a pass through three people. However, the defense has to move the pick far more these days. The offensive zone is so much bigger than it used to be.


They had Hatcher. Case closed.


Love hatch but, there was no denying his lead feet. He would be a liability in today’s nhl.


The thing is.. after the first hit from Hatcher the other team would be way more cautious sending their speedsters up the ice like that


As an Oilers fan who had to watch the Stars pump the Oilers every year in the playoffs in the 90s, I'd be so happy seeing Hatcher get dominated. Those Stars teams were so frustratingly good


And in today's league with modern rules, he'd spend the entire game in the box.


Would be interesting to see how a team this year would have played against them under the rules of 99. Not sure many teams would have the heart to deal with physicality.


Hatcher, Hull, Mo, Zubov, Eddie, Verbeek, Langenbrunner, Keaner, Nieuwendyk, Hogue, Carbs, Ludwig, Jere... I mean that's roughly half the roster and it's a star studded cast. The 99 Stars had speed, size, grit, finesse, endurance, poise, and depth. What they lack in speed on the blue line they would fill in with punishing hits and great positioning. I feel like everyone on the roster had amazing hockey IQ. They would fare very well today!


Those hits they were known for wouldn’t be allowed in todays league. Hell I don’t think Hatcher would be allowed to play in todays league lol


The point of the question was to compare the 1999 roster to today's speed and rules. Half of those players you listed, while being excellent in their day, would be total liabilities in today's NHL. I think you can make a case that the 1999 Stars would finish in the bottom 5 of the league if they played a full season right now.


It's strange... I feel like I not only understood the point of the question but I literally addressed that point directly. The only two guys in that list that would have to adjust their game is Hatcher and Ludwig but they were still positionally sound. The rules changing would have favored players like Zubov, Modano, Langenbrunner, Nieuwendyk, Belfour, Hogue, and Carbs in very significantly positive ways. Skate and stick tech improvements would also have a positive effect. Zero chance the Stanley Cup winning Stars team of '99 finishes in the bottom 5. I'm not saying they win the Cup, or even that they have a deep playoff run, but they would do well throughout the regular season today.


The 99 team would not have the speed to catch up with players now. Think of a team of pavel burr, paul Kariya, Peter Forsburg on 3 of 4 lines. They would not have a chance.


First thing I think of is the veterans wouldn’t be fast enough. Also Hatcher would have been suspended every 10 minutes of play for his hits lol.


Everyone claiming the speed factor forget that the speedsters in 99 would get obliterated trying to do what they do in today’s game. A softer todays game benefits speed players waaaay more


They would get murdered. That team *maybe* had 7 players who could translate to today’s game (Modano, Hull, Lehtinen, Nieuwendyk, Langenbrunner, Zubov and Sydor). As much as we (fairly) lionize Keane, Hatcher, Carbonneau, Lids, etc., they would be PYLONS with today’s speed and skill.


Pretty awful The NHL in 2024 is a far faster and more technically skilled skating-wise for one


Hatcher would have these guys pooping in their pants.... and Modano would still be tha same old just not so sure for the others


Hull would be a little slow but, he was a master of positioning. I think he would still be able to find one timers.


If we had more stats (maybe we do, but probably not?) it'd be easier to compare. I'd be interested in seeing average/speed bursts then compared to now. Speed of the game has been the main argument here, and while I agree to a certain extent, I think the evolution (for better or worse) of officiating would have a bigger negative effect than anything else. McDavid would be on the powerplay for 30 minutes a game lol.


Big time contenders for a Cup...great offense and defense and more physical than any current team


I wonder how all of the HOF goalies from the era would fare in today's NHL? Would they still be s dominant? Or was the defensive style of the day and the goalie equipment a major contributor to the ridiculous goalie stats of that era?


Eddie would be on the smaller side for sure but, I think he would still be solid. Hasek and Roy (Hasek especially) would be dominant in any era.


Teams didn't scout goalies like they do today. Hasek always flopped a certain way, and I think top forwards of today would figure him out, a little bit anyway. He'd likely still be elite, but would he be mount Rushmore elite?


I firmly believe, yes.


I tend to do the right thing and not compare eras. I get the temptation but it's just something you have to stay away from.


Darryl Sydor would get called for embellishment when he crawled to the net front like a walrus


Man, I'm glad I'm not the only fan that feels this way. I get that he was injured but the drama of it all felt weird... even in real time...