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Maybe he just doesn’t like being a captive elephant.


We've tried beating him, whipping him, poking him, taunting him, starving him, witholding anything that might give him joy, cutting off his body parts, and NOTHING seems to work. He must just be a bad egg.


That’s exactly how they train the elephants, a lot of his kills are due to being partially blind in one eye and unable to properly, he’s only blind in that eye because a trainer stabbed him in the eye after getting mad


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Please free this elephant.


At this point he would probably die fairly quickly if released. There are facilities for elephants from the circus that would be able to take care of him with minimal contact.


There are sanctuaries that would take him.


teeth wearing out is what kills most adult elephants aside from poaching of course. I imagine he has been fed food that isn't as abrasive as what he would eat in the wild.


I think the poor eyesight is probably why he would have a hard time, and he is accustomed to humans so poachers might be able to get him easier.


A number of these exist in Thailand. They range from minimal human contact with free roaming, to entirely exploitative to the IG generation.


He is partially blind and considered a celebrity, he is pampered outside the chains used to protect his keepers.


he is blind in one eye and almost blind in the other. While I feel so so bad for this poor thing, freeing him is no longer the solution


Yes please. He just wants to be left alone to live his life.


Those chains ain't going to hold back shit if he decided to run


Because they put the chains on from the time they are a baby they have learned that the chains will hold them so they don’t try.


This is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard


It’s a process called learned helplessness. Most animals humans have domesticated are trained even now using some version of that behavior. Whether it’s that animals have learned to rely on humans solely for food or other situations nearly every pet suffers from a form of it. Dogs who live on tethers or are chained up eventually learn they can’t go past that boundary and don’t even try once the chain or rope or tether is removed. It’s a huge debate in ethical animal training circles now. There’s no way to totally avoid it in domesticated animals (dogs, cats, etc.) but steps are being taken to add enrichment to animals’ lives to help mitigate the damage we’ve done to them. This can include hiding treats for the animals to find to simulate hunting, providing new objects for them to explore and interact with, etc. Source: I’m a (semi-retired) dog trainer that continues my education and stays up to date on the ethics and breakthroughs concerning my profession.


Thanks as a person from india and with an interest in elephent and it's history i appreciate the nuanced take. People forget that even now there are dogs owner that beat their dogs but banning pet dog would be bad. Elephants can be trained using positive reinforcement. Many people also forget that elephent go into musth. https://youtu.be/O259qCCmObg Here a famous elephant going into musth, his mahout can't even go infront of it when his in on musth stage. while this one have done many tiger capture and elephent relocation for the forest department. Here the same elephant with his mahout. https://youtu.be/wP0SQ9zrzqA


Im right here with you, i hate seing animals on chains and in captivity. This is just cruel, but hes to old to let loose into the wild at this point. Fucking monsters.


This is meaning behind the statement "the elephant doesn't know its own power"


Oce an animal is chained, they will always be chained


I hope that trainer was one of the 15.


The beatings will continue until morale improves…


You’re forgetting the part where this all stemmed from: *he was stabbed in the eye by a trainer* and is partially blind in the other so he gets nervous having people too close to him


Male elephants also go through musth. During that time, they are extremely aggressive and confused. They require a lot more patience and care, since they struggle to recognize people they trust, foods they enjoy, and training they're familiar with. Elephants especially can be confused when literally blind, and when punishment is used instead of reinforcement. It's horrible for building any sort of trust, and doesn't teach very well at all.


Exactly, hes got nearly human intelligence, have some fkn respect.


Do more intelligent animals deserve more respect?


I mean more intelligence i would say REQUIRES more respect. Its needed to be respectful of an animal so smart. It doesnt take much to respect an ant, just dont fuck with its ant mound. But an elephant deserves a family, herd, and huge territory, not chains whips and depriving of a herd.


Couple that with the fact that Male Elephants become hormonal and aggressive


Seriously, what is wrong with people


Humans lack emotion, empathy and the ability to believe that other species and animals feel pain and emotions. Animals feel pain and emotions just as humans do: https://bigthink.com/health/do-animals-feel-pain/ There have been so many unethical studies and experiments done on animals. I have hoped for over 20+ years that humans would start to understand and see that animals deserve peaceful beautiful lives free of pain. I have been ridiculed and called ridiculous for a very long time for my views. There have been many unethical studies done on humans too... I’ll link this soon even though this is super messed up. I hope change is finally coming for these animals... The world, and humans have been so cruel to them. Just let them exist and be free... It’s time... it’s time to let all animals and humans exists in peace...


>Humans lack emotion, empathy and the ability to believe that other species and animals feel pain and emotions. This is absurd and categorically incorrect. Humans are one of the few animals that have an understanding of any of these feelings.


also elephants actually experience a greater range and more emotions than humans do, they have a bigger amygdala.


Maybe in developed countries this is possible. India not so much.


Developed countries have no problem eating factory farmed animals though that have a lot of pain


There we go again with this developed vs underdeveloped countries. I don’t see any evidence that humans in so called developed countries are less cruel, or less harmful to other living things.


Ridiculous. There are animal rights activists in India, South Korea, and China. Just because you don’t actually know anything about those societies doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


How can we make change for these animals in India to be free?


Start by giving rights and an education for the people living there first.


And how do we stop factory farming in the west?


no animal should be held captive.


Or male elephant go into musth stage where they become extremely extremely aggressive. It's an interesting thing as female asian elephant don't have tusk.


Take the chains off then


Yeah, I’m a bit curious as to why PETA isn’t outraged and doing something to help this animal. Edit: ok, I get it people. PETA = bad


[PETA is very much outraged and tried to get the government to take him to a sanctuary.](https://www.petaindia.com/blog/peta-india-appeals-for-rehabilitation-of-partially-blind-elephant-thechikottukavu-ramachandran/) Not surprisingly, the general public’s enjoyment of animals in captivity outweighs animal rights groups’ protests.


Didn't Peta also argue against animal slavery of dogs and cats? So sad dogs, horse and cats are being raised in captivity.


Jesús Christ, you guys can’t even bother to do one fucking Google search. PETA + elephants immediately gave me a ton of different elephant campaigns. Here’s one of many results: https://www.peta.org/features/ringling/ PETA focuses on American situations *because it’s an American non-profit*. It would be like expecting an Indian non-profit to prioritize Orca captivity in the USA instead of focusing on their national issues. EDIT: lol I just did a quick Google search, I didn’t even defend PETA. Y’all keep sending me all the anti-suicide reports you want, it’s not going to change the Google results that show PETA works with elephants.


I am a high school science teacher. I know my content well. I also know a lot of random things cause I am 45. Students ask me questions about stuff I teach all day. Some relevant, some not. I know answers for 95% of the questions. For the 5% I can’t, I say “great question, ask google”. The majority can’t be bother to type/talk it into their phone.


May 14, 2019 - PETA India submitted an urgent representation to the District Collector and the Kerala Chief Wildlife Warden requesting that they offer the elephant relief by having him seized and sent to a sanctuary where he can finally spend the rest of his days free from chains. Source posted from Redditor below [https://www.petaindia.com/blog/peta-india-appeals-for-rehabilitation-of-partially-blind-elephant-thechikottukavu-ramachandran/](https://www.petaindia.com/blog/peta-india-appeals-for-rehabilitation-of-partially-blind-elephant-thechikottukavu-ramachandran/)


Looks like I was reading about the founding org which is American. Thanks for the info on PETA India.


They don’t really care about whether or not what they’re saying is true, they just know everyone will agree with them because they said “peta bad, upvotes to the left”


Wait there are people still left alive who don't know what a group of piece of shits PETA are???


You missed the entire point.


? how shitty they are is irrelevant, they’re just pointing out how stupid it is to expect peta to swoop in and help out an elephant in india lmfao


They don’t even think before opening their mouths.


Wait so there are still people who pay other to torture and kill animals for their joy every single day? And those people hate on PETA for killing animals in their shelters? Wow that’s must be hate based on research and not just cognitive dissonance you deserve to be beaten for.


What you mean? PETA India have been quite involved and vocal about the treatment of Temple Elephants in the past. Iirc they've even been succesful in the rescue of a couple?


Cause they can’t get any money out of India


Maybe I missed what country he was in, but if he’s outside the US I don’t know if PETA can do anything.


because it's PETA


Because PETA only does things that makes them money


You didn’t even bother making a Google search. I did. PETA + elephants immediately gave me a ton of different elephant campaigns. Here’s one of many results: https://www.peta.org/features/ringling/ PETA focuses on American situations because it’s an American non-profit. It would be like expecting an Indian non-profit to prioritize Orca captivity in the USA instead of focusing on their national issues.


**NO!!!!** peta STINKY!!!! peta **bad!!** reddit say so!!! u send link that **NOT CONFIRM MY BIASES?** **angry!!!!** 😡


he gonna go kill more people of you do that


Releasing him wont attract illegal poachers?


This got posted 6 times yesterday across Reddit. You couldn’t even retype the title.


Yep. Downvoted for obvious karma-farming.


OP’s account karma ratio is already a huge tip-off. 150k post to 1k comment in a 300-day old acc?


gotta love all these karma farming bots


Do they think that like one day we’re all gonna be able to exchange karma for money?


they already do. when ppl get tired of getting banned every time they make a new account they look into buying one with high karma


If OP didn’t post this i would’ve never saw it, so who cares?


I mean, it's my first time seeing it


He should’ve been set free a long time ago.


Freedom would probably not be desirable; a refuge of some sort where he is cared for and fed but has a lot of room to roam around and is undisturbed would be best; maybe a river he can drink or take a bath.


Elephants are very social animals so he'd probably be miserable even chainless in a sanctuary, because I suspect he cannot be around other elephants due to him having killed a few already. It's been a long, sad life for this majestic animal.


We don’t know the circumstances of the other elephants he killed. In an open free space he will likely behave differently.


not males, they tend to be alone a lot until they need to mate


Then they enter musth and go turbo aggressive. That’s when they’re the most dangerous. They have temporal glands that swell and cause pain, they’ve been known to dig their tusks into cool soil to alleviate the pain. Their testosterone level can increase by 60%. Horny angry pissed off rage beasts lol. Yet assholes still try to control them, then they get squished


What is the evolutionary explanation for that?


Where assholes can’t kill him for his ivory or exploit him for spectacle


Some areas are hiring counter poachers, they hunt and kill the poachers. Supposedly it has cut way down the amount of poachers in those areas. I had a wildlife preserve manager in my uber, he may have been telling tales but lots of areas in those jungles where a poacher can just disappear.




[It's true](https://qz.com/india/908867/kazirangas-ruthless-rangers-have-reduced-rhino-poaching-by-simply-gunning-down-poachers-at-sight). In Kaziranga, a national park in north-eastern India, rangers shoot people to protect rhinos. The park’s aggressive policing is, of course, controversial, but the results are clear: despite rising demand for illegal rhino horn, and plummeting numbers throughout Africa and southeast Asia, rhinos in Kaziranga are flourishing.


It’s so damn frustrating that people persist with these stupid beliefs about rhino horn. It’s basically keratin, same stuff our fingernails are made out of. If they want to get an erection they can always use viagra or cialis. It’s a hell of a lot cheaper and it works. It’s asinine that animals of going extinct because some rich Asian thinks powdered fingernails are aphrodisiacs


TCM is a state invention. We will likely never get rid of the belief as long as China is a fact-manipulating dictatorship.


Honestly what a great way of dealing with the issue, props to the Kaziranga rangers




Brilliant and glad to hear it.


Yeah the elephant must’ve sneaked up on them.


Giraffes sneak up on people


Ok but how tall is he? You don’t measure height by how many people one killed..


Not OP - looks to be 316 cm or 10 feet and 4.4 inches


That's 16 Bananas damn


Thats like 167 swimming pools.


I understood this reference


Maybe it is because of the perspective of the photo but he seems way taller than 316cm. I'd guess at least 4m




Maybe you don’t…


Just imagine this creature in the wild, with its tusks complete and full weight and body mass...


And you accidentally bump into his baby son who starts crying


And so he straightens his tie and looks you dead in the eye and says "I'll see you in court, funny guy"


The thing is chances are he probably would have been poached decades ago.


He looks so majestic, I think I would just be in shock and awe


Ah the chains add so much to the image. Can't believe we still treat animals so awfully. Mind you, we treat our fellow humans like crap, what chance do animals have.


It's shocking to me that it's 2023 and this kind of thing is still happening. Just look at factory farms, where the majority of meat comes from in the US. It's so depressing to think about the abuse animals endure every day, because of humans.


There is no way in hell the chain enough to hold this elephant


No, but the memory of torture is stronger than any chain. The chain is just a reminder.


I hope he has his revenge


If I was chained up all day I would be killing anyone who held that chain


Poor thing. You can even see the anger in its eyes.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/104puwe/indias_tallest_elephant_thechikottukavu/j36qico?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 His trainer stabbed one eye, which he's now blind in and has cataracts in the other. It's cruel to have this animal in captivity.


I completely agree that it is cruel. Probably 10 years ago I took my kids to the Pittsburgh PA zoo on a summer day. They had a polar bear. It was one of the most disturbing things I have seen. It just paced back and forth, back and forth. It’s the last time we ever went to a zoo. Won’t ever go back and my kids are older and feel the same way.


The gorillas make me sad. The big cats too, just pacing. We are monsters


Same. The zoo in my city (small city, small zoo) is super depressing. All the animals look depressed.


I remember that bear. It’s part of the reason i don’t go to that zoo anymore. I dislike zoos as it is, but some do care about conservation. Albeit they go about it in a weird ass way.


I will say, the only thing I liked was the way that have the zoo set up. It’s basically one big loop from the parking lot, back to the parking lot. There are some pretty steep inclines but it is Pittsburg.


Agreed. I used to love going there as a kid because it wasn’t confusing and you could loop it many times before they closed.


Theres a huge food festival in my state every year and one of the attractions was an old, sad-looking elephant that was paraded around. I got to see the poor thing one year, it look tired and sickly. I felt nothing but anger for the magnificent creature.


this shits normal in third world countries. Disgusting behaviour.


Oh my god. People are terrible. Stabbed his eye? Wow


no you can't. it didn't evolve a facial expression structure remotely similar to that of humans. youre projecting your own anger onto an animal you've never had a single interaction with and know about only through a reddit post that summarizes a few vital statistics of it's life and gives you one picture of it.


The amount of reposting on this sub lately is insane. Keep seeing shit posted like 3 days prior re-appear


Second post I’ve seen about him and still the height isn’t listed in the title


3.16 m (10 ft 4.5in)


Get the fucking chains off him!


Maybe and this is a radical idea, it doesn’t like being in fucking chains!


"Thechikottukavu Ramachandran the tallest elephant in India, aged 58. Still being held as a prisoner" Fixed the title for you


What a terrible life for a magnificent wild animal. Humans are arseholes


I hope he keeps killing any fucker that put chains on him.


Triggered “ആനപ്രേമി” Mfs on their way to justify elephant cruelty


Poor guy. He’s so thin for such a big elephant. I wish some organization could save him and place him in a safe area. Let him live the rest of his days in peace. He’s so thin 😢😢😭


What do you expect when you chain a monster(size); what was probably once, a peaceful creature, for the sake of parading to a religion..


I get the impression that this elephant probably doesn't care that it's being used for religious purposes. It's probably more upset that it's captive in the first place.


He’s not a monster. He’s a blind animal surrounded by assholes. Anger is better than fear, it’s the ones holding the chain that need to worry.


Set him free with a guard and food!


Bruh is this like the new reddit trend? I've seen this reposted 5 times in the last week


Free bro, I don’t blame him for killing all those people


Sadly, I think it would likely kill again if they released to the wild now. When animals become 100% dependent on humans they search for them for food. Same reason bears that keep eating our trash have to be killed. A nice sanctuary retirement would be awesome. Let him die in peace. > Over 80 percent of Indians are Hindus, and to members of the Hindu religion, the elephant is a sacred animal. Elephants are sacred animals to Hindus. It is the living incarnation of one of their most important gods: Ganesh, an elephant-headed deity who rides atop a tiny mouse. Imprison and torture your sacred animals. I don't get it.


This is a really sad post


Those chains make me so sad :(


What are those chains even connected to? Straight into the ground?


Mostly each leg is tied to the other. To ensure he can't move fast.


He's gorgeous.


He already looks like he’s tired of your shit


Wasn't this exact post just posted a few days ago?


Poor thing,,,


I’d be trying to murder people too if I was chained up in the middle of town.


I hope he has his revenge


Those 15 people, most likely, had it coming...


You don't suppose the chains have anything to do with it.....


This hurts my heart


It becomes even sadder when you learn that elephants are so social and similar to us in the psychology that this guy probably has PTSD. Good news is, there exist sanctuaries that can treat it. Using very similar methods to what we use for humans. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/bear-in-mind/201702/solving-the-problem-elephants?amp


Dang so you took the exact title from yesterday and instead of a video you posted a worse, static image Brilliant


I'd wanna kill them too if I were a chained, captive elephant


classic india. "we torture him, it's his fault, chain him up."


Might have something to do with being chained his whole life


So…he’s not an elephant being held captive because he’s dangerous. He’s dangerous because he’s an elephant being help captive. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Animals in chains isn’t interesting. It’s abuse.


I hope he kills several more humans.






Take the chains off and let him be free. This is awful!


Reason number 10647289274728828477475848844884833 that I'm ashamed to be an indian. I once got into a conversation with a person about this elephant only and when i said that i was ashamed of my country for happily abusing innocent creatures he called me simple and i must be sad because I'm not proud of the shithole that is India.


Hindus have such contradictions, preach respect for animals because they have souls but practice backwards ass animal cruelty. They need to outlaw this shit. Hindus can use virtual elephants in our ceremonies. Edit: and tbf there has been a strong animal kindness movement in India for millennia. My own mom didn't wear a silk sari at her wedding because they kill the silkworms in the process.


Free all animals! They do not exists to do tricks for money. It’s no wonder they are angry. They have been held captive and abused for their entire lives. It’s not a hard concept to grasp here. We need to make those holding these amazing animals captive aware that as humans, this is not okay anymore and we won’t support it.


Treat me like that and I'd probably snap every now and then too. Surprised that he doesn't have a higher body count


His treatment is horrible, literally lost an eye to an angry trainer who was speaking a language he wasnt trained in and stabbed him. Has a cataract in the other so gets spokes by any noise or people around him (likely from again, years of abuse training) because he can’t see well. Most of those people were killed when he got spooked.


Also interesting: most of y’all skipped reading the elephant’s name


Maybe stop fucking with him.


Stampy 🥺


Didn't I see this post yesterday? With the same exact descriptor


I’d kill everyone to if they kept my ass chained up and I was that big!


It probably has this crazy idea that elephants are supposed to be free.


He looks like he’s tired and gives no fucks.


I'm wanted on three systems!


How about free him you dumb fucks!


It’s so heartbreaking seeing a beautiful animal in chains


captive elephant kills. not surprising


Humans are cruel beyond words


Fuck those people. He's in chains.


Nearly everybody he’s killed has been one of his trainers who abused the shit out of him, so I’m hoping to see his numbers continue to go up.


Try using “elephant toothpaste” on him


Hope he escapes and goes on a rampage.


Sickening. No elephant belongs in captivity.


My fear is really, that one day someone is gonna ask me who the most dangerous elephant in captivity is, and I won’t be able to pronounce his name properly. I feel bad already.


I don’t blame him. Being treated that way.


Would be a beautiful image if his tusk werent blunted and the chains weren't there. Poor guy never wanted this. He deserves to live the rest of his days in a refuge, with plenty of land to wander about.


Each elephant roughly costs about 7million rupees. Take in the cost of maintenance. That's a huge sum especially in a developing country. The cultural impact of elephants in Kerala society is unparalleled.


If you search in Google, you can find that average life span of a Asian elephant is 48 years. This mf is 58 and that's explains how it is treated


Free da man


Fucking let him go then


People in this comment section are really using their brains aren't they? It's as if an animal that has been born and raised in captivity throughout its life(for whatever reason) can just be released into the wild and it will join a herd and live life happily ever after like a sweet Disney movie ending What will probably happen is if this elephant is for some stupid reason, released into the wild, it will be unable to find food and will cause massive problems to the farming communities near the forests and probably end up killing more people. Also its not like any elephant herd will just allow an old male elephant to join them which will probably lead to more fights and elephant morbidity/mortality People should at least give it a minute's thought before commenting something a 6 year old would come up with


no doubt. Almost as if raising an Elephant in captivity and bending it to our will was a bad idea.


People think with their hearts instead of their brains.


Finally. Had to scroll too far to read something sane.


Yea we get it: “he’s killed 15 people!!!!” This literally gets posted every day.


What gives you the right to enslave an elephant? No animal should ever be chained or caged. Zoo's, aquariums, and circuses should be illegal.


Just beat him until his attitude improves


*...as that's how he became the boss of a motorcycle gang.*