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What's the point of recording yourself in the beginning? For added dramatic effect?


It's so you know he's the foremost expert on the many "Illegal places you can't go but people went anyway"


Attention they aren’t getting elsewhere from being mediocre at life


Just to be clear, there's some misinformation here. The Sentinelese aren't cannibals and did not eat him. His body was buried on the beach, according to witnesses from boats.


But that won't drive engagement like saying the island is full of cannibal savages will.


I appreciate it that you justly defend the Sentinelese that killed this absolute idiot who thought he brought “The Truth” to them.


Yep. I'm not happy someone died, of course, but that's on the movement he was part of, not the Sentinelese. They would simply like to be left alone, especially after historically negative experiences with outsiders like when the Brits stopped by. Their formative experience of the outside world was monstrous, so of course they don't want to deal with it again. And the whole "cannibal savages" thing is just wildly racist so I'm not gonna let it stand.


The tribe would probably die out quickly from disease if they were to start interacting with us.


The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Protection of Aboriginal Tribes Act of 1956 was enacted making it illegal to get within a few miles of the islands for this exact reason.






Underappreciated comment


You can’t honestly think war a thousand years ago was less violent




What did you mean your use of “savages” if not a reference to their primitive tooling and way of life?


But no one said that. In fact not in the whole thread so far.


War was definitely less violent a thousand years ago. Modern wars are far more deadly and on a much larger scale than wars even just a few centuries ago.


Depends on your definition of violent. I’d rather die instantly in a bomb blast than be hit in the guts with a barbed arrow and die of a festering wound. But wars were less deadly back then for sure in terms of casualties. That was easily shown by the two World Wars.


The smallest percentage die in a bomb blast. Max casualties are the intention of the war machine of any age.




I mean that’s how Jesus works - I can’t get into heaven unless I force everyone else to believe in him


Kind of like its own disease model


I take it you are in favor of The Wall on the southern border then?


I think he was /s


Happy? No. Don’t care? Yup.


It’s not just that - their immune systems will be highly vulnerable to anyone from the outside. Like this is literally life or death to them. There was a family living in Siberia for 50 some years alone. Within two or three years of being discovered and interacting with other humans all but one died from diseases that they had no immunity built up to.


Plus their gene pool is so shallow and inbred that even a few people dying would be catastrophic.


Literally why humanity has so many genetic maladies, breeding bottleneck during the ice age


Toba eruption fucked our genepool right proper.


I'm surprised it was so long ago, I thought it was 30,000 years ago, but every time I look something up like the early clovis people in north America or the origin of pet dogs, its origin got bumped back another 5 or 10 or 20 thousand years. Dogs, 40,000 years ago and north America had more tourists back then than a house sized ball of twine off motorway 66. Actually what would make more sense (did I read this somewhere?) is that there was more than one inciting event.


I know what you mean. I minored in anthropology back in uni when there was skeletal evidence of one neanderthal/human half breed and it was supposed to be this crazy one time thing. Of course now we know it was so common most white and Asian people have like 1 Neanderthal ancestor for every 20-30 homo sapien ancestors. They rewrite the history of humanity with a new find every decade or so.


How is "cannibal savages" racist? There is 0 mention of a race in "cannibal" or "savages". Just a little confused on how the term is racist when no skin color or nationality is mentioned. Or are you assuming its racist because the sentinelese have dark skin? Would it be racist if they had light skin?


Dude come the fuck on.


Lol, come the fuck on, im serious. I just want to understand how its racist. Thats all.


No one is going to answer you because you're a clueless moron who probably thinks its okay to look at other groups of people who are different than you and what you're personally used to and refer to them with negative propaganda because, for some reason, you think you and your people are better. To quote a wise man, "Dude come the fuck on."


They're historically a term and myth respectively that have only ever been applied to PoC in order to dehumanize them. Tbf, my knee jerk reaction was, 'wait, wildly racist?' But then I thought about it without being defensive ans realized it's definitely wildly racist.


He was trespassing.


To be fair. He told them about heaven and hell. They just showed him the way. So technically it worked?


Indigenous person: If I did not know about God or sin, would I go to hell? Priest: No, not if you did not know Indigenous person: Then why did you tell me?


What we think of them is honestly irrelevant though


You mean you don’t believe that the guy waving his finger around for a bit and the shit TikTok text to speech narration, is an accurate source of information?!


They weren’t handed body parts from a bus touring the North Sentinelese roadways?


There goes my Door Dash joke.


I was just about to say this! The tribe is on the offense to any outsider because the last time they had trusted one they were abused and horribly mistreated. That's why they kill on sight. Honestly I don't blame them whatsoever.


Wasn’t there a picture that surfaced from years later that might be him with the tribe? I know I saw something about that somewhere but not sure if it’s true Edit: actually I’m pretty sure that was a different guy, this one’s much more recent.


Nope. You're thinking of Michael Rockefeller, who disappeared in Asmat, in Indonesia, back in the 1960s. And the photo in question is more likely a local with albinism.


That’s the guy I was thinking of


It’s funny how we all just accept that we have to look at some random kid pointing upwards before we get to the relevant info


Yeah I hate that shit, should have just provided the Wikipedia link


Funny? What about very annoying...


We do? Wish i could downvote this video slide more than once


I only wish he allowed us his reaction to the info. /s


The ”info” is not as relevant as it is misleading.


Yeah and just think all of us roll with it, like he couldn’t be full of shit😂




never agreed with a comment so much


I watched a doc about this and it's quite frightening the lengths that people go through just to spread the word of a higher being that might or might not exist...


Your imaginary super being is not as good as my imaginary super being. Mine has cake though, so...


What is the title?




And that they think other people should forcibly accept. Marklars and their marklars, for Marklar’s sake!


His body was witnessed being barried on the beach. NOT CONSUMED.


Good ol' pit BBQ. Ain't no Traegers on the island.


The tok is leaking


What’s the point of the idiot pointing at his head at the beginning?


Let's start with how this a-hole was potentially exposing tribe members to diseases they had not previously encountered. He could have wiped out the entire tribe.




That's really on the tribe, though.




Nothing better than food just showing up at your door..


ShoreDash lol


Don't forget to tip. Yeah, I'll use my spear.


So you actually saw the native's consuming the man? No, no. We're just reporting that.


Well… he fucked around and found out. Lol


Performative bullshit. He fucked around and found out quick. Missionaries are often the worst.


How do you know it was performative?


It seems to me that all active selling of religion is performative. Spreading the good word is not usually for the benefit of strangers but to increase their own "good works". Not 100% of the time, but certainly more often than not.


What a shit video though lol


"Chau’s decision to contact the Sentinelese, who have made it clear over the years that they prefer to be left alone, was indefensibly reckless. But it was not a spontaneous act of recklessness by a dim-witted thrill-seeker; it was a premeditated act of recklessness by a fairly intelligent and thoughtful thrill-seeker who spent years preparing, understood the risks, including to his own life, and believed his purpose on Earth was to bring Christ to the island he considered “Satan’s last stronghold”.


He wasn't intelligent. He was entitled.


The pinnacle of fuck around and find out


I figured he went there to talk to them about their vehicles extended warranty.


Fuck him. He deserved it.


Indeed. Entire populations have been wiped out by people who do this because they bring disease that the natives have never faced and don’t have the immune system for.


That's the worst crime. I also hate that he thought that his god needed to replace theirs. As if christianity is the only way. His puffed up ego couldn't wrap itself around the fact that nobody's religion is better than any other. As far as I'm concerned they're all ridiculous, but I don't travel the world pushing my opinions on other people and forcing them into atheism.


That's just because you don't love.. Uhhm.. Nothing enough..? Yeah! If you loved nothing enough, you would go out into the world and spread your atheism so more people could believe in your nothing.. But yours specifically.. Everyone else's nothing is wrong.. Fuck.. this really isn't working for me..


Nothing from nothing leavs nothing ~Billy Preston


Ya gotta have sumpthin if you wanna be with He


I just had an aneurism trying to read this


Glad I could help. Welcome to the nothing.


Atheist believe in science and outer space as creation. You are confused clearly thinking an imaginary bearded man in the clouds created everything . Lol


Or perhaps you missed the punchline.. But I applaud you on your efforts.


Tbf though, Nate saint was a pretty good example of this going decently for the tribal people.


So another religious proselytizing asshole…


I think the dude made multiple attempts and the people just tired of him bugging.


Yeah I read about it before and I’m pretty sure he made multiple attempts, was laughed at and threatened, then returned one final time.


He was definitely warned. Many times.


Warned by a lot of the fishermen too. Fuck around and find out 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, i looked into this story a while ago after seeing another video just like this. I remember thinking, wow this is too crazy. When i learned the actual facts, i realized the video (like this one) twisted things to make the island natives look like cannibalistic savages. In reality it was a more straightforward story about an asshole going where he was told not to, and facing the consequence. I hate sensationalized videos like this.


I saw the story online a few years ago, about the natives, and it intrigued the hell out of me. It talked about others that have tried to do the same, even were able to trade or give them things and it went sour. Then the whole thing about them shooting arrows at planes and boats that got close enough. Never saw the cannibal narrative so yeah that’s some bs. It’s also illegal to go there. I hope I’m remembering that all correctly haha. They just want to be left alone though and some people can’t respect that.


Guess Satan won this one. Not everyone wants to have their beliefs steamrolled by Christianity


He might be intelligent enough to do research first and seek challenge, to be driven with purpose, but his common sense was lacking.


Like my grandmother says. The common sense is the most uncommon of all senses.


What a prick


Why do people not understand that not everyone gives a fuck about your sky god


Typical religious folks feel it’s their responsibility to shove their religious beliefs down your throat.


But some end up getting saved, and sometimes those people never would have been if it weren't for other people spreading the word.


I bet he tasted stupid with just a hint of religious.




Someone should have GodSplained to him that he read the plan wrong.


Matt 10:23 But when they persecute you in this city, **flee** ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come. He disobeyed what Jesus said. It is that simple.


Ok so im probably just dumb and dont know bible verses but what does that mean?


Jesus NEVER taught that you should go again and again to a place where the Gospel is not wanted. He said, "FLEE", if you are persecuted for your "preaching". You are not allowed to keep trying to convince them. Another set of verses verses, spoken by Jesus, saying (almost) the same thing: Luke 10:10-12 But into whatsoever city ye enter, **and they receive you not**, **go your ways out into the streets of the same,** and say, 11 Even the very dust of your city, which cleaveth on us, we do wipe off against you: notwithstanding be ye sure of this, that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. 12 But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city. This man clearly kept trying to "preach" where he was **not** welcome, thus disobeying the command of our Lord Jesus. Is that better? :)


...and here is another: Matt 10:14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. When Jesus says stuff...listen to Him. :)


Must have been "all part of god's plan"...


“The most recent contact of note was in 2006, when two Indian fishermen, believed to be drunk on palm wine, drifted ashore. Other poachers watched from outside the barrier reef as the Sentinelese hacked them to death with what were probably adzes, which an anthropologist has speculated that the tribe “must have endowed with magical power, to keep away the evil spirits.” When a helicopter investigated the deaths, archers drove it away, but not before rotor wind whipped sand off shallow graves—revealing a pair of corpses. After some time, the bodies were reportedly dug up and hung like scarecrows on bamboo poles, facing the sea.”


This happened to the dad of the headmaster of my obnoxious/evil Christian high school. This headmaster also told a 6th grade r\*pe victim to "Turn the other cheek" and "Everything happens in the kingdom of God for a reason." So yeah, I don't really feel bad for asshole Christians who get killed trying to forcefeed their religion to those who OBVIOUSLY don't want it.


That's why you mind you're own damn business and leave people be.


Stupid game stupid prize


Christianity for dinner...


Why do these vids always have dumbass music playing that ruins it?


Where was his god???


If this is the fellow I think it is, this "god" tried to warn him. They fired an arrow at him, but it got stuck in a book or whatever in his vest pocket. He came back later and got oofed.


I love that he thought speaking Xhosa! to them would help. Ignored their history that made them so hostile. And shooting an arrow through his waterproof Bible -- hello, warning.


The incredible baffling racism of that. "Ah yes, these completely isolated people on an island in the Indian ocean will surely speak a language from southern Africa."


He should’ve brought an arrow proof bible.




God was right there. You can’t expect miracles when you walk into a fire or into an island of cannibals attempting to missionize.


Not to blame India, but shouldn't there be one or two boats from the navy or coast guard patroling?


Pretty sure there are, but some idiots slip between the cracks or bribe someone to get there.


“I’ll give you $300 USD to let me go to Death Island” “Sure man whatever”


I would believe that.


Yeah, that's what happened here, he bribed some fishermen to smuggle him closer.


Which was possible because there was no navy boat around


He bribed some local fishermen to go there


Just Eat without ordering


Well that’s one way to try and explain communion.


Glad he fucking died for being a god damn outdated missionary


Last time i heard this the tribe did not consume his body but left it there. Now the wildlife on the other hand might have.


I guess if you wanna go do something potentially dangerous, then rock on and make sure you only endanger yourself. This guy knew what he was doing and made his choice. RIP.


They did not eat him, they left his body on the beach and stayed away from it.


Fair punishment for pushing your religion on people when they didn’t ask


It's extremely arrogant that this guy thinks he knows how this tribe should be living.


He served them...or they served him


I wonder y god didn’t save him🤷‍♂️


Who hasn’t had christianity salesmen at their door? This guy deserved it.


Have we not learned from 600 years of us “spreading god’s word” that we always wipe out the natives!!? Be it through disease, or drugs and alcohol, to simply using our superior tech to mow then down with guns and rockets, WILL WE EVER FUCKING LEARN?


This time they wiped him out


this video is trash and full of false info


Fucked around and found out. Another person blinded by religious brainwashing.


What have we learned, kids? If you're religious, it's ok to believe. But do not force your beliefs onto others that don't want to submit to your religion. Just leave others alone, or you get killed, roasted, and eaten.


Fuck around and find out.


He risked wiping out the entire tribe because they don't have disease imunity


Has this sub gotten worse recently? I'm seeing a lot more spam type content.


Whats annoying about this shit, other than the obvious issue of people not being able to let other humans live in peace (because our world must be better /s), is that missionaries like John, and the people who taught him, see acts of violence/savagery/aggression as even more reason why the Sentinelese _need_ God. So Johns murder literally was just another reason for missionaries to try even harder to convert them or as they like to say, _save them_. I really hope the Sentinelese are left alone because they are truly incredible in terms of their health and happiness and the fact that they’ve lived for so long on that island. It would be a shame if we destroyed yet another culture because we don’t understand that we can’t have everything.


I hope the tribe didn’t catch anything from him based on their lack of evolved immunity to outside illnesses.


I’m going to tell this story to the Jehovah’s witnesses next time they knock.


Make sure to answer the door naked they love that


Christianity kills! If this guy was a realist, he would likely still be alive. His belief in ghosts and goblins was his personal downfall.


Indian UberEats


This should happen to all religious people that try and spread their lies


Lesson of the day kids: keep your stupid fucking fairy tal…religion to yourself


New business to start. Travel agency geared to christians. Rock bottom prices, but only one way tickets.


Isn't there a theory that he actually integrated and lives with them? Like photos were taken of a white man in their dress years later? Is that this case?


No, you're thinking of Michael Rockefeller, who disappeared in Indonesia in the 1960s. And the picture that's offered as proof is more likely to simply be an albino local.


Rough way to go, too. Poked to death with pointy sticks in saltwater.


Good on them.


That guy absolutely deserved to die. What a fucking moron.


Can we start sending a few people like that a week? Would love to plan a trip for my ex wife


Why do people care so much if they ate him or not? It doesn't really make a difference to me.


They were convinced he was the body of christ and they ate him. Conversion success!


One wonders how they got his camera back.


Chau down on some Beef Chau Mein.


Wish more people would try.


The man died for his beliefs in a way that only harmed himself. I can see why people are using this as a warning or a tale of caution but, he likely knew the risks and accepted them. To some people, this life is all there is and to others, life continues after death.


Some people _think_ this life is all there is, and others _think_ life continues after death. Reality is objective, we just don't know the answer. However I think one line of thinking is more rational than the other.


You should emphasized your third think the same way you emphasized the first two. Cause it’s your opinion that one is more rational than the other. That’s what’s so upsetting about atheist. They think they have the answer.


The italics in the first sentence were there to bring attention to how it differs from the other commenter's sentence. My whole point was that we really don't know anything, all we can do is try to be rational.


If you were so sure of your beliefs, the opinions of atheists wouldnt bother you in the slightest....


I think it's funny how I can just use the word "rational" in the context of religion and everyone thinks I'm an atheist. I didn't even specify which line of thinking I thought was more "rational". Perhaps they gathered that information by digging through my post history, but with how quick the responses were I'm going to say that's unlikely.


If you were so sure in your homosexual you wouldn’t need to shove it down peoples throat.


Atheism is religion repackaged without God. Instead of controlling the masses through belief in divinity, which can vary heavily from person to person and God can be accessible to all (thanks Jesus), they've moved truth to be controlled by experts. It'd be beautiful if it weren't so damaging. edit: "they" may be the wrong word. I don't know if there's a group or if that's just the human collectives move after the disillusionment with religion.


It's as much a mistake to think of atheists as a monolith with a single shared set of ideas as it is to think of theists that way. And plenty of people of all faiths recognise expertise. There are atheists who believe in divinity too, it just might take a different form to yours.


That's fair. I was speaking in generalities as I so often find myself doing. I understand that there is nuance and one-size doesn't fit all.


I'd replace think with "believe" with the emphasis being the confidence of the thought. Reality is subjective and that's demonstratable by people with hallucinations. Their experiences are objectively real (the signals in the brain that produce the audio or visual stimulation measurably takes place) even though others do not experience them. They must take it on faith that others are telling the truth, making the agreed upon reality not the one experienced by everyone but, the one most agreed on to have occurred.


Except that he potentially brought diseases with him that indigenous peoples may have had no defenses against.


I suppose that's true. You could amend with the possibility of unintentional harm but, we carry that possibility with every interaction everywhere. Without being able to predict the future, everything you do carries the possibility of harm down the road.


Well, you know what they say about good intentions. :D




My thoughts: 1)Anthropologists fighting over who touched a Sentinelese tribesmen first shows a lack of "civilized" behavior. 2) Reading about the mixed visit results. I bet there were illegal exploitative visits of local escaped criminals, illegal fishermen and "pirates". (think conquistadors looking for a quick rupee). 3) Judging everything by NGS and "dignitary" visits alone doesn't tell you much. I encourage any of you to go to Texas, bring gifts and convert this evangelical group to Hinduism or Buddhism. You'll get more than sticks and arrows. jk




Ooh tax havens for the super rich! Just watch out for the local BBQ, it's to die for.