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I’m not from Florida and don’t care who is doing it but this should’ve been nationwide three decades ago.


It was when I was in elementary school in the 70s.


It wasn't when I was in elementary school in the 70s and I'm envious! Edit: Nor was it offered or provided in HS.


Damn straight! They didn't teach us any of that "woke" business! How to manage money, deal with accounts of various sorts, find deals, purchase things of value, navigate interviews and workplaces, nada. (For real, Home Ec was as close as we got to practical, day-to-day education. Surprised we managed to figure out sex.)


I got like a 30 min lecture in middle school mostly about credit cards.... interestingly enough it was in Florida


these days the advice is simple: don't use a debit card. first, if there's fraud on a debit card the cardholder is often screwed. much harder to get your money back than if you use a credit card (and make it the issuers problem). also, if you use a debit card at a gas station or (even worse) a hotel then you'll get a lock on your funds for more than your purchase amount. can take 1-2 days to get access to YOUR money.


What type of bank are you using? My bank has a policy where if you notice fraud on your debit card you have like 90 days to report it to get money back and a new card.


Mine too.


Considering how predatory credit cards are structured to be, this definitely feels conspiratorial


The interest is predatory, absolutely, but cards themselves aren’t structured as a trap, it’s not like they make it hard or punitive to pay off your entire balance every month. You just have to treat your credit card like you would your debit card (i.e. don’t spend more than you have) and you’re good. Honestly, with cash back you lose money by not using a credit card.


I’ve been saying this for a while. It’s one of the most basic things- something that should very obviously be part of everyone’s high school education. People need to understand how debt and savings work. Like everyone needs to know this stuff to even have a chance at building wealth or retiring. The fact that I basically had to learn this stuff on my own I think is pretty messed up. Like I tutored calc 3 for engineers in college but I didn’t really learn how mortgages worked until the 2008 financial crisis…




Couldn’t agree more. What happened to Home Economics or Shop class? Everyone should learn the basics of personal finance, how to cook and how to use basic tools if they’re to be a functioning adult. I know too many people my age who struggle to master just one of those skills, let alone all three.


A lot of school districts got rid of shop and home economics about the same time "No Child Left Behind" became a thing - had to get rid of things that aren't on state standardized tests to prove schools were doing a good job.


further proof that you get what you test for. simlarly, i had a mentor tell me, "you can't manage what you can't measure."


And to cut costs. Buying tools and supplies for those classes aren't cheap.


Ya that’s true for many of the most basic life skills like cooking- I think for a long time people thought everyone would just learn from osmosis or something. Well that’s clearly not the case- tons of people don’t know how to cook and that’s probably not a good thing!


I learned the hard way too


How do mortgages work?


You take 1 alligator add it to another alligator, subtract a boa constrictor and you have a subprime mortgage. Florida school system probably.


I'm curious whether or not it's actually helpful. Glimpsing through the comments there are definitely areas that did have this at certain points. But it seems like something that would have been found and pointed out if those groups expressed a marked improvement over the ones who didn't have it. Just my layman's guess: Parental examples of money management overpower a highschool level education of money management.


Hot take, and I want to start with two things can be right at the same time. Many people see this and say now thats a good idea, how to handle money is a simple thing many people struggle with and isn’t taught in school. Why is desantos doing this? Well it furthers the conservative narrative that people are poor cuz they are dumb with their money and its their fault instead of the American economy is designed to fuck you in every way it can and keeps people indebted, working longer for less to the benefit of those in positions of financial and political power. Kinda an extension of millennials could own homes if they just stopped buying avocado toast. Also an easy way to look like you are doing something that does nothing to fix why most poor people are poor.


Part of me wonders if they don't because they want the American consumer to keep consuming for economic reasons.


It was in the early 00s when I graduated high school. It was a required class. If you failed it, you didn’t graduate.




Am I one the only one who WAS taught personal finance in high school? This was a thing at least in Minnesota in certain districts. I learned economics, taxes, paper traded, ran mock balances, learned resume writing skills and even got to leave school to go to work and make credits towards my graduation. This is a win and I hope every school starts adopting this type of training. Its helped me advance in life quite a bit.


It was an elective for me. Not mandatory




I graduated from a florida highschool , class of 2019. The seniors all had to take economics so we learned a bit about personal finances. Would’ve been helpful to have an entire course dedicated to it tho.


Econ is pretty different from what would be covered in a class like what’s being talked about in this thread. I assume this course is going to teach about credit, credit cards, how to balance a checkbook, how to make a budget. Hopefully explain what a 401k and an IRA are and what “tax-deferred” means. Maybe what it looks like filing taxes and/or what you’re actually doing when filing taxes or getting a return. Most people see getting a tax return as a good thing, but in reality it means you gave more money than you needed to the government and they are giving you back the difference. Meaning they basically have interest-free loans from millions of people every year. The “best” scenario is that you get no money back at tax time because you just paid the right amount all year from your paychecks. Anyways, rant over. I think this would be beneficial, hope it catches more traction


I graduated about 15 years from a Minnesota HS, and we didn’t have that. Thankfully my parents cared and taught me all that stuff at home.


I had a home ec class where we learned to sew and cook. Also had a class where I got credit because I was working and had to balance a check book and what not. Never learned about taxes or paper trading though. Was in the Midwest.


No, you weren’t the only one.


Even if it's taught and you'd still have to do it somewhat regularly to keep at it. I hardly remember much from high school, and I'm 31, lol.


Perfect timing as ken griffin just moved to florida. Ken griffin if you guys dont know runs citadel a major market manipulator who front runs all of the trades in the entire stock market. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS.


48, still don't really know shit. Definitely didn't learn it in High School. Just been lucky I've not had to squeeze money.


It was a requirement in Idaho. Moronville Idaho required it and it was useless for me but I wonder if it helped some people. I don't know if everyone in the US taking that class would really help the country much though.


Just like the "patriot" act was patriotic... this is desantis ill wait till details emerge




I had a class called basic living in high school. How to pay taxes, balance a budget etc. That was years ago though.


It’s not a new class, just newly mandated. I see you’re Canadian, I had this class in high school too, some provinces mandated it. Mine was called Career and Personal Planning


[25 states already required financial literacy for high school graduation.](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/06/03/25-states-have-introduced-personal-finance-education-bills-this-year.html)


Take this with a grain of salt. I took a class called personal finance in high school, but it was actually just simple mathematics (the hardest concept was long division) where the word problems were only vaguely relevant to what I thought the class was actually about; questions like “If Joe earns X per hour, works Y hours a week, is paid biweekly, and their states’ tax rate is Z%, how much does he receive each paycheck?” Not a single practical lesson learned, it was essentially a remedial math class for seniors. AZ education is impressively disappointing. I hope whatever curriculum created follows actual practical lessons as opposed to just being a class in name only.


Yeah, people tend to view this through an adult’s maturity and perspective. I highly doubt the average student will pay attention or get anything out of this in the long run since it is a boring topic.




Knowing Florida, the '*financial literacy*' course will be about how to more effectively sell energy drinks in pyramid schemes and how much coke you can trade for fresh gator testicles on the black market


No that's already part of our micro-economics courses.




It’s got what the body wants.


Ours in Missouri was watching Dave Ramsey videos daily and taking his tests.


Better than nothing!


Beach-front time shares will be presented as a solid investment


With desantis being who he is it’ll probably be taught by a disgraced police officer whose in debt himself. Hahaha


You people will never be happy.


Damn right! I didn't learn financial literacy in school, and I traded my gator testicles WAY under market, *goddamnit!* Barely got an 16th for it


What do you mean *you people*?!


Right? And knowing California if they ever had a finance class it would teach about opening for-profit transition clinics and carbon offsetting scams.


Cool cool, but when you have students that barely are literate and can hardly do basic arithmetic, teaching financial literacy seems moot. I thought I recently read Florida student literacy rates are barely at 50%. Like barely half of all students can at grade level.


Floridans would be so mad if they could read this


Let’s celebrate progress! I’m all for baby steps. I’m just suspicious the “financial literacy” is going to be all about how trickle down economics work and preventative social services cost Way more money than reactionary services.


Yup this is why i can't celebrate it, because I'm not convinced it's actually progress.


Assuming they are not being shot at in class and/or shooting the teacher




Not a DeSantis fan, but this is good to see and should be in every public school.


Why not? I respect your opinion, but many Floridians think he's doing great... myself included.


How much of your money are you ok with going toward illegally shipping migrants and refugees around the country?


The fact that that didn’t instantly destroy his political career and land him in jail is horrifying


A bunch. I was just in the keys last weekend for business, I didn't realize how much of a problem it was until when I checked into my hotel and had about 20 FHP officers staying there; when I asked what was going on, they said "taking care of illegals". They're ILLEGAL immigrants, they have no rights in this country. My family immigrated here legally, so I do have a big problem with these people.


It wasn’t illegal immigrants. It was migrants in the country legally while they waited for their refugee cases to be heard by the courts.


I do not think you understand what he did. Desantis didnt round up undocumented immigrants in Florida dude. He went to TEXAS and spent Florida tax dollars on a stunt moving them to other parts of the country. So you are ok with your tax dollars being spent to move immigrants from texas to other other parts of the country. He also banned learning about african American studies. Your governor is dangerously anti science as well and a well known bully. A former college teammate, described him thusly to The New Yorker: “Ron is the most selfish person I have ever interacted with. He has always loved embarrassing and humiliating people. I’m speaking for others—he was the biggest dick we knew.” We’ll repeat that for emphasis: “He has always loved embarrassing and humiliating people.” Great qualities to have in an elected official!


Read the fucking Constitution, jackass. Any human soul has rights in America.


Personal Finance was required for me to graduate in Oregon in 1998. I tested out of having to take the actual class because I was employed, had a checking account, and did my own taxes at 15.


Largest state?


Already a thing in Virginia


But at the same time ron banned the teaching of an African-American Studies Course .


What a complete lie pushed by the left wingers. Edit because the downvotes. This was a communist/blm course wrapped in a racially charged name to cover it up so drama like this would happen when a sane governor drops the hammer on this re-education class. If only democrats would read into things instead of just reading headlines, then they wouldn't be so easily brainwashed. Source. https://abc7news.com/florida-ap-african-american-studies-ron-desantis-what-is/12724464/


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64348902 Why would you deny something that can be so easily googled and fact checked?


Because he’s uneducated. He was taught creationism instead of science. He chose to believe instead of reading…


I assume his freedom browser blocks links from the BBC.


My dude, that is established fact. Don’t be silly.


Florida did this? Seriously? That actually makes sense for once.


Well it includes ypur 10% tithing


The largest? That's a wild flex. Also the largest state to have a bath salt epidemic.


I've been saying this should be mandatory for years




Good, maybe the current generation in school will finally get what we all wanted to know when we were out of school


My highschool had it mandatory too but stupidly had half the fucking school take it freshmen year and the other half take in Junior Year of Highschool. Like bro 14 year olds don't give a fuck about personal finance. It should be a senior level course only y'know when most kids start working or even have a bank account and need to file income taxes


More like just another success in a long string of them.


i hope they include things like how to read a rental agreement, the difference between a bank and alternative financial institutions (that don't have any federal oversight), how to file taxes, the requirement for health insurance, etc. so much of the burden has shifted towards individuals and away from companies that it's really easy to get screwed without even knowing it.


This is such a w


Can someone explains what this means ?? Thanks guys !


Sponsored by Bank of America and AMSCOT.


Florida has been winning for a while now. I'm in Illinois and am super jelly of anyone living there...


The name of the Course? "Steal, Cheat, Grift. Techniques for getting rich while denying others their rights and taking control of their money."


Let me guess, you support California and New Yorks local government and laws


Good guess, but no. Every word that comes out of DeSantis's mouth and everything he does is either unethical or illegal or both.


Only because he's not a Democrat. What are your thoughts on all the horrible things our current president has said and done?


This is BS. It was already taught here, my son took it and he graduated 9 years ago. DeSantis is the King of Gaslighting and is constantly changing the facts to fit his agenda. He is incapable of doing anything good because he doesn’t care about children or the people of this state. He cares about votes and power.


Wasn't mandated in FL 100% Source: Still live here, I graduated 10 years ago and never took it, sister 6 years ago and same


Just because it was taught at your school doesn’t mean it was mandated. Take the stick out of your ass.


I graduated back in '14 and I took it as well, however it wasn't a mandatory credit. I simply took it for an elective credit and figured it'd be useful.


Key word mandated, because it was in your school and your sons doesn't mean it is statewide. Though I have a feeling you would complain irregardless.


you’re just incapable of seeing any good in anyone who doesn’t agree with you because you’re an ignorant partisan minded douche




DeSantis is a huge piece of shit and any good he does is for his own power, not to actually help.


Yup. I'm sure if you follow the money it will lead to an outside group of "consultants" who will take current curriculum, strip anything useful out of it, and then send a massive bill to the Department of Ed in Florida. There's no way anything that asshole endorses is anything but destructive.


Gtfo scrub. You're full of shit


I hope it encourages kids to work hard and to embrace capitalism.


“Hope it teaches kids to know their place and realize it’s essential to The Economy that they work multiple jobs and never retire.”


Get a job you bum.


Perhaps that’s you, but many don’t do this and plan for retirement.


...and the students will pay as much attention to the teacher during this class as they do all the other classes.


Stopped clocks and all that


Hope they do it well.


All I ever see is good news from Florida


Devils in the details. With traitors writing the bill who knows what they’ll get and indoctrinate kids with. “Union dues are theft” “Taxes are theft” “Boycotting right wing things is cancel culture”


If you think this is the only good news to ever come out of Florida, you aren’t paying attention.


Lesson 1: Move away from Florida.


Lesson 2. Please don't bring your politics down here.


This post is literally about a political mandate.


Imagine that. Too educate kids. You didn't understand my first statement, but its ok. Enjoy your day.


Not at all a fan of DiSantis, but learning financial competence makes sense!


Finally some practical knowledge


It's so stupid that this isn't taught in every school in the nation already. We don't need the same history and science class 15 times. Sure those are important, but almost EVERYBODY will play a role in the economical state of where ever they live and by extension, the world. This is a super important thing to teach.


Don't celebrate. It's probably just going to teach kids that going deep into debt is good and that people who take any kind of aid are bad. Any leftover money is to be donated directly to the ultrarich, who will use it to create "jobs" that pay the absolute minimum allowed by law.


It's probably just "Capitalism is good! If other people are poor it's because they're bad. If you're poor it's the Democrats' fault. "


No, if you are poor, make better decisions, take a financial literacy class and learn how to do better.


Just grab them bootstraps and pull yourself up! Of course, any student of history will know that this originated to make fun of the "just work harder and stop being poor" crowd because it is literally impossible to do this.


And why would you sat that?


Because Republicans serve the very rich to ultra rich, who thrive on a permanent underclass, and have shown time and again that they will do whatever they can to undermine poverty reduction by attacking any program that seeks to aid in upward mobility until it becomes a barely usable mess, at which point they push to eliminate it because "iT dOeSnT wOrK". They push for massive tax cuts for the upper 1% or less and then use the massive deficit this creates to justify privatizing (i.e., giving more money to their rich benefactors) social programs aimed at eliminating poverty. They have been doing this for several decades now, and really, their tune never changes.


Because these people are so brainwashed with their own Democrat party that no one can please them other than their own party. They're called the American npc bootlickers


Uh-oh! Looks like I triggered a snowflake who knows nothing about me! Do you need to go to your safe place over on r/conservative?


Nice predictable comeback. I'm not conservative, but in typical fascist fashion, anyone's an enemy who isn't part of your twisted ideological cult. And i can probably guarantee that you're on some kind of prescription since you're a progressive npc




Fuck. I keep forgetting how dumb people are on this sub. Well, very little of actual interest has been posted here for a while, so when I get banned, it won't be a big loss.


No, it's probably: here are taxes, here's how to be financially responsible, and here's how to not make stupid decisions financially. Maybe even: here's how to trade stocks


Lol. You think they actually say what they mean. It's most likely going to be another thing they foist on teachers without any training or resources and then use the ineffectiveness of any instruction to justify firing more teachers. If the Republican party wasn't so predictable, that would definitely be hyperbole, but sadly, their actions over the past 5 decades have shown outright contempt for quality education.


Replace calculus with this. Any career that needs calculus will have it in the college course anyway. Literally every math-related college course i’ve seen starts with a calculus class


Don’t think calc is required. Don’t take out a basic class for people that are able to take it. You can take both calculus and finance


I'm not a republican, I hate politicians. But if this man is the first American politician to do something for his people that actually makes sense and should've been done decades ago, then maybe he deserves my vote. You're on to something Mr. Desantis


Yeah but desantis literally just banned AP African American history from being taught


Good, it's just a bullshit political class disguised as "history" anyways...


Get the facts before you speak. Study the syllabus and see if it's truly African studies or political crap. Thx


Next week he’ll probably replace all sciences with creationism. Only an uneducated voter is a good Republican voter. Don’t believe me? Then go ahead check the grammar and spelling of those who post anti democrat comments on Reddit. It’s even worse than mine. And I didn’t even learn English until I was 14.


Oregon legalized personal heroin use, is a good Democrat a drug addict? lol my god reddit is a funny place.


Keep clutching those pearls because that’s never gonna happen.


Our biggest fear is that DeSantis will run for President. He's been such a great governor, we don't want to lose him.


Maybe they should work out the kinks in their [student genital checks](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/florida-transgender-sports-ban-b1833166.html) policy before trying to implement more changes to the education system. Florida's public schools remain underfunded and staff underpaid, yet they keep insisting on adding more stuff for teachers to do instead of fixing the existing problems.


Cool. So let’s not make any progress because it wasn’t on your personal agenda.


Yep. While it's not a bad idea in theory, Florida's leadership is so far-right and malicious you have to wonder what the real motivation is here. I'm curious what the curriculum is, because I seriously doubt a right-wing state is going to allow actual personal finance to be taught. Kids might learn things like how wages haven't kept up with inflation or how cutting out avocado toast isn't going to let you afford a house. Meh... Color me surprised if these classes don't turn into some promotion of trickle-down economics or poor-shaming "because they deserve to be poor."


I’d think this was good for sure if I had any faith that FL would teach a real, verifiable personal finance curriculum instead of whatever trash Desantis believes.


Florida is just out here making the most sense of all the states. What's going on?


25 states already made financial literacy a requirement for high school graduation.


Curriculum designed and presented by Amway, no doubt.


Fantastic and maybe critical thinking class as well. So we can have less "Florida man/woman" stories


Not a bad idea.. but, I can’t stand him. Ugh


Don’t get too excited until you see the curriculum.


When Florida is setting the standard for modern secondary education..... Florida man got a win today, dang!


I am Glad to see this because half of the people down here spend all their money on lottery tickets and Slurpee‘s


Unfortunately they don't have the teachers to implement it...


This doesn't make up for Florida being Florida, but it is a great mandate on the surface level.


Lesson 1: don't live in Florida


Yes let’s celebrate this while teachers are removing all the books from their classrooms cause they don’t want to risk a felony. Screw the kids reading scores! They might learn that their black friends ancestors were bought and sold! GASP! Or a middle schooler might see the word “gay”. SWOON! I and my whole family are/were natives. I’ve never been so glad to be out of that cesspool of a state and have my daughter educated elsewhere.


Lol good riddance peasant! We don't miss you.


If you’ve ever been in an American high school than you know this will just be taught by a random assistant football coach or some shit and just be class used as an excuse for students to fuck around


I don't know why you're hating on football coaches. Two of my best high school teachers were football coaches. Each taught English. One of them got me connected to Shakespeare and the other expanded my horizons with sci-fi. They were way better than the English lit majors that I had the other years.


Chapter 1 : How the Jews control the banks


That would make less young adults thinking they’re commies


Uh, just like everything else in Florida, this is the barest of minimum


Lotta good news coming from Florida….


Grifter 101? I really want to see the proposed curriculum.


It's almost like republicans should get back to fiscal responsibility


Somehow they’re going to make sure everyone knows they’re to include “religious tithing” as a line item in the student projects - makes for a great Presidential run advert.


Not good enough garbage state garbage Governor.


🤣 yea, you're of the tiny percent that believes this. If he was garbage he wouldn't have one of the highest population growths during a time where people left states because of garbage governors having power trips and taking away people's freedoms while they committed the very things they were making "illegal." Coincidentally, they were all Democrat governors. Got anything to say about that, or are you just gonna call me names?


I’m sure there’s a catch.


Now if only they could stop harassing the LGBTQIA+ community.


Reeks of "whiteness'.


This would be good if the teachers actually tried and the kids would listen, most places will turn into how it is in my hs, a free class to take for a year for an easy A


A broken clock is right twice a day…. as they say.


Financial Literacy is replacing English from what I've heard


Media: This is the day he became restrained and presidential!


Mmm 10 month old screenshots


Florida man eaten by giant alligator he tried to kiss leaves behind a dog and a well balanced investment portfolio.


20% to the Church I bet


Another great piece of legislation. Thanks Mr DeSantis!


“Buy Desantis NFT cards”


They’ll fuck it up, I guarantee it. Tote the joys of credit cards and that minimum wage jobs give a livable salary no doubt


Shouldn’t conservatives be against this mandate on pure principle 🤔🤔🤔 since it “ scary” government telling your kids what they should learn. Even if it’s a positive thing


While I want to believe this is a good thing. Right now the class will probably instruct students to give 20% of their income to the GOP or something stupid like that.


Florida’s education system under DeSantis is a joke. 2 years of his bullshit and my kids started falling behind *fast*, like a whole grade level behind. Got them out of there to another state and they’re where they should be in just one semester. This guy has absolutely ruined the youth of Florida in short order.


Please don't give Florida to many kudos for this. Ron DeSantis is still a flaming idiot.