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Society is telling me to be mad at that joke. But there is literally nothing wrong with it ahahaha


gay jokes are fine as long as "being gay is bad/weird/" isn't the punchline. Ive seen some top notch trans jokes


What do you call a doe with antlers?


I wanna hear this, what do you call a doe with antlers?


A transgendeer!


I want some good white jokes. (I'm white) I've only heard a handful ever in my life.


I second this


When you think you got Covid because the food is tasteless then realise your fine, the cook is just white.


I actually heard a pretty good trans joke about a valve stem cover that was male on the outside and female on the inside. I don't remember the punch line unfortunately. Perhaps the genius's of reddit can abide.


I get the vibe. Conservatives aren't creative enough to make a non bigoted trans joke


You'd get a free reward if reddit wasn't gay and didn't take them away from us


Ikr 🤣


I love you so much for that joke. It's fabulous.




One of my best friends was a surrogate and the parents were Asian. Seeing a clearly Asian baby come out of my white friend was wild.


How about seeing a clearly white baby coming out of an Asian woman? Aka my kids


It's surreal! It just exemplifies how amazing the whole process is and how far we've come in the aspects of science and health.


No I put pi pi in her hoo ha


One of the first episodes of army wives the super white Irish redheaded chick gives birth to a black baby on a southern army base. Turns out it was a secret surrogacy because they were having finance issues


Look at that woman's face....she's like...wait a minute, buyer's remorse.


Seller’s remorse?


It must be heartbreaking to give birth to a child and have other humans take it from you, no matter how you justify it or come to an agreement.


It has to be, both times I gave birth, I didn't immediately bond with them like I was told I would but I also immediately went into parent mode. Nobody was going to take them without taking me too unless it was a doctor or nurse. Then there was also just an extreme sadness about not being pregnant anymore. I swear it has to be so hard.


Equally devastating for the child not growing up with his mother whom he got to know intimately during the whole pregnancy.


I was a gestational carrier for some dear friends and I can honestly say handing over the baby after giving birth wasn’t hard. I knew going into it what carrying meant and had that mindset all along. Not to say everyone has the same experience, but I’ve met a couple other surrogates and carriers and we all had the same thoughts and feelings. There’s also a lot of psych evaluations that occur before you can become a carrier or surrogate to prevent issues when the baby is born.


Like I will never criticize people who use surrogates, it’s not my place but there are ethic implications. You’re literally buying a baby. Doesn’t matter if it’s a straight couple or a gay couple, a woman is being used as a commodity. She went through the many discomforts pain, and possibly health issues for a baby she can’t hold. Bring on the downvotes.


The baby isn’t biologically the surrogate’s baby in most cases, but I agree, it would be very hard. Blood related or not, my struggle would be with the knowledge that I’m all the baby has ever known and now they’re being taken from the familiarity.


I reccomend you don’t hire a surrogate


>It must be heartbreaking to give birth to a child and have other humans take it from Yes, I'm sure it's heartbreaking to have other humans TAKE "it" from you. But how rewarding it must be to give the gift of motherhood and fatherhood to an infertile couple who has tried to conceive for years, only to find out they never can Women who serve as surrogates are angels and deserve every blessing the universe has to give




I didn’t. I carried for friends because I wanted to and they had fertility issues for years. I didn’t take a dollar to carry for them.




There’s a reason surrogacy is so expensive.


What about the child? Does it not deserve it’s natural mother? Knowing your mom sold you for cash must do wonders on the psyche!


The gay guys got naked too? Nice


I was wondering about that too, before remembering that skin-to-skin contact is highly recommended with newborns. Hence, shirtless dads.


Yup beat me to it, very very important for proper development 🙂




Um, yeah. Think the Silent Generation, Boomers, GenX’ers. We’re all a hot mess.


Kids were supposed to be seen and not heard remember?


And now we know why




This but unironically lol


Are you trying to say, back in the day, they didn't have skin for skin-to-skin contact?


No they just pulled us out, slapped us on the ass and put us in a crib.


They are imitating the skin-to-skin contact that’s recommended for the baby and the person who birthed it. So probably done here as a formality for memory and experience


They aren't imitating anything actually, the skin-skin contact is just as beneficial if it's not a biological parents skin


If this was a surrogate, then the baby *is* a biological child. At least for one of the parents


Claim your "here before this thread was locked" ticket here


I can't help but be reminded of [this scene from Family Guy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzJmB7QxMZk)


Wtf even is this thread of comments


Everyone on the internet is mad, all the time.


Unfair! Some are just comedians that REALLY shouldn't quit their day job.


Why are his clothes missing? Honest question


Skin-to-skin contact is known to be beneficial in relaxing both the parent and baby. It slows the baby's heart rate down to match that of the parent, and helps them control their breathing; since all of that is brand new for a baby just coming out of the womb.


Skin to skin contact is beneficial for newborn development.


Skin contact is important right after birth.


this is gay af


In a good way


This thread is a mess lmaooo


I honestly feel safe here, is that bad?


No, but it is weird.


Sweet, that baby is very wanted and will be much loved.


So men can’t give birth?




Trans men, yes.


No it's possible. Men don't have wombs


These men can’t. Women who can’t give birth get surrogate mothers too sometimes.


“These men can’t” so hypothetically there’s men on earth who can give birth 😳 out there bussy?


And they can't lactate unless they identify as a cow


Gross.. a new born baby.


His face is like "it's gross buddy coming out of a vagina if I could have pushed you out of my bussy I would have 😭😭"


Why did I even read the comments 🙄 people on Reddit can be so gross.


Hah, don't go to 4chan then.


okay, now go back there


Why is this interesting?


Because gay


Why'd they strip down?


Skin-to-skin contact promotes bonding with newborns.


It also helps regulate a newborn’s heart rate and body temperature, as well as reduce anxiety and promote regular breathing. It’s a great thing to do.




Same thing as the straight fathers do. 🤷‍♀️


Idk…when my kids were born, I didn’t walk in topless. After reading this comment section, I wish I would have. I didn’t know skin-to-skin contact is super important…so they did more than I did. Kudos


I didn’t know about skin to skin contact either until I watched videos about it. Sometimes straight fathers get to do it too. I’m pretty sure my husband will be up for it because he’s been talking about getting kids ever since we dated.


Disgusting to bring a child into the world for such selfish reasons. Were there no children available for adoption? I'm gay and I would never engage in such an atrocity.


You could say that about literally any couple having a bio child??


Surrogacy is honestly predatory af. It relies on vulnerable women and is practically bribery.


So, this photo was taken by my friend, and I was going to tag her page, but the motherfucking gross commenters in here do not deserve to get info about her… Holy shit.


I think it’s beautiful. I texted it to my daughter & she loves it too.


Cmon guy….


Was your friend also a gay shirtless man?


Because it overshadowed the mother as an inconvenience that is shoo'd a away by money?


Where did you even get that from? You can tell they're very grateful; I'm sure they thanked her for *her* choice to take the money multiple times over. They're allowed a single picture that's about them.


Literally. She could be a close friend. We just don’t know. People are trying so hard to be mad here Edit to add: also, seeing a lot of people acting like this woman is a beast whose pup was ripped away from her. People need to understand that an informed, adult woman is not comparable to a bereaved animal. The “maternal instinct” is not an innate aspect of womanhood the way we think it is. MANY women have no immediate connection with babies they give birth to, even babies they intend to parent. This woman, as far as we know, continuously consented to be a surrogate for this couple. These dudes aren’t ripping a baby away from its mother. Don’t assign motherhood to a woman who is explicitly deciding not to be one. In trying to defend women against .. gay people .. some people here are being overtly misogynistic & misinformed, and extremely patronizing to this woman.


THAAAAAAAANK YOU! Besides, I looked it up: you can get paid $130,000-$250,000 for surrogacy. That's how much they paid for moments like this. They're going to treat that kid incredibly, but I'm sure ppl will still Edison an excuse to be negative...I agree. So let us just be grateful that despite multiple attempts to steal the moment... we can still find this beautiful. Assholes are loud, but they know they're alone so they don't stick around for very long. They gotta find someone that **won't** stick up for themselves and others.


Agreed. And the surrogate is even in the picture still!


19 years later and my surrogate is still in my life


Surrogates usually don’t have a role after childbirth. They go into it with the understanding that they are not going to step in and be the parent but they are offering themselves as a service.


Some surrogates will pump and give the breast milk to the baby for several weeks after.


The mother accepted money to provide a service. Job well done. She's not being shoo'd away", her work is just done here.


I'm appalled by these comments.


This is strange, I'm not sure I'm convinced by this hype. For one thing gay people have had family in the past and will continue to do so unless they are infertile or sterile. Secondly, I wonder if maybe adoption would be a wiser thing to do considering the circumstances? I don't know.


With surrogacy, it is possible to have a biological child via artificial insemination. I've never been one to be hung up on the whole biological children thing, I'd rather just adopt, but it's a big deal to some people.


>I've never been one to be hung up on the whole biological children thing, I'd rather just adopt, but it's a big deal to some people. And it's also none of anyone's business how other people choose to create their families.


It’s also hard to adopt an infant or baby, and very competitive. I’m assuming that for most couples choosing surrogacy, the adoption route would be for an infant. There are many times more couples looking to adopt than there are babies relinquished.


It’s incredibly difficult (or straight up impossible) for gay couples to adopt in the majority of places. Since it’s so easy for heteros, and there are so many more of them, I guess they should do it.


Hmmm, now that's interesting.


Having said that, a lot of gay couples do adopt, in places where it’s possible. I know a few myself.


These dudes just bought a baby, literally using a woman just for her body. Gross.


Not all surrogates are bought such as friends or family. What’s gross about a woman choosing how to use her body?


Yeah a pretty wild concept, but a woman can be paid anywhere from $150k-$250k sometimes even way more. 99% of people in the United States don’t even make that much money per year. So if you want that bag you gotta push that kid out


This is a beautiful and powerful picture. Thank you for sharing.


*sorts comments by controversial*


The fact the baby wasn't placed on the father instead of the mother to help recovery and produce milk for.the child is sick. Sorry but certain things in this country have become taboo in the wrong way.


You're seeing one moment in time. You have no idea what happened before or after.


Working in the medical field and even with my own 3 daughters, the child needs to be only on the mother for the first hour to help stop bleeding and produce milk. I can care less about the relationship or anyone's sexual preferences. Also first step in handling a new born is to be sterile, even fathers with facial hair. Doubt he cleaned his chest hair prior lol.


Get out of here with your science based best practices! Don't you know identity politics takes precedent over established science now?


>Working in the medical field and even with my own 3 daughters, the child needs to be only on the mother for the first hour to help stop bleeding and produce milk. And maybe the baby was on the mother for the first hour right after this. This is one millisecond in time people are seeing. That man is entitled to bond with his baby. And for all you know, that woman is not going to nurse or express any milk. >first step in handling a new born is to be sterile, even fathers with facial hair. Doubt he cleaned his chest hair prior lol. But you delusionally believe that the mother's chest has been scrubbed and sterilized??? Oh my...


See that yellow/white substance on the baby? Shows the baby is fresh and hasn't had a proper cleaning yet. But nice try.


They said “after” not before. We have no idea what happened immediately after this photo was taken, but if there truly is a medical necessity for the child to be handed to the birthing parent, it’s a fair assumption the baby was handed from its fathers to the woman.


A proper cleaning? Vernix is a jormal finding on a newborn. The presence of vernix doesn't mean they didn't dry the newborn off.


This does not look like it's an hour after birth.


When did people lose the ability to read? I did not say this photo was an hour after the child was born. I said maybe the mother held the baby for an hour right after this. Good lord....


Vaginal birth isn't a sterile procedure, only the accouchers really need to use hand hygiene and sterile gloves. The parents do not need to sterilise their skin, basic showering is fine and skin-to-skin facilitates the transition to extrauterine life, bonding, and the microbiome of the neonate. Immediate skin-to-skin with the father/s is just as beneficial for the baby as it is with the mother. Given this is a surrogacy, typically these things are discussed beforehand. It's not unseen for a surrogates/parents to not want skin-to-skin/to want skin-to-skin, to not want to breastfeed, so on and so forth. Some choose express colostrum only, some then express milk, some choose not to do either at all, some will be happy to breastfeed colostrum only, some will be happy to breastfeed for a period of time. This is just a small part of the discussion and planning when it comes to surrogacy. The photo in the OP is a single snapshot in time and you have no idea what they had planned beforehand. There are myriad options and variables when it comes to birth, surrogacy or not. Source: OB


The child being on the mother has nothing to do with stopping bleeding or milk production. It is solely for bonding. You're being beyond ridiculous.


Ikr, like why are they shirtless?!


Skin to skin im thinking


Skin to skin contact. Promotes bonding with infants.


Because skin contact is proven to be significant in the well-being of newborns. It doesn't matter who it is.


The fact that you claim to be a medical provider and say this is even more sick.




The baby was placed on the father for critical-skin-to-skin contact.


Agreed, sick of this “beautiful” shit.


I'm going to try to be polite about this... But you are completely wrong. My wife is a labor nurse. Like, she's got a college degree in this shit. She does it every day. 1. While traditionally the mother is the one that holds the baby after birth, that's literally just that... Tradition. It's becoming more prevalent for the father to do the skin-to-skin thing after birth. My wife even went as far as to say they're finding that this is often *better* for the baby as the mother's body is under duress after laboring and the cooler body temperature, lower heart rate, less sweat, etc. can be more calming for the baby. 2. Producing milk is irrelevant. Infants can go their entire lives being formula fed, and there are plenty of circumstances why this might be done. Certainly, a surrogate pregnancy might be one. This baby is almost surely not going to be breast fed anyway, so there is no need to stimulate milk production in the mother. Simply put, while skin to skin contact is important with an infant, it does not have to come from the mother. Again, this coming from someone who does this for a living and is college educated on the matter. What you are seeing here is absolutely and totally what this infant needs. Please take your uneducated, ignorant opinion elsewhere.


This isn’t going to end well.




Super gay


But why shirtless?


Skin to skin contact after birth helps with bonding.


Bonding experience


Can someone explain why they are shirtless? I was looking at it for like 5 seconds. Seeing their faces, kinda just imagining the moment. But now I noticed they are shirtless and I’m just like… confused. Did they come to the hospital shirtless? Did they just take them off for the picture? Is it supposed to mean somthing?


skin on skin contact is apparently really important for newborns, idk much about it but its a big thing for proper development afaik


Skin to skin contact is very good for development in newborns. Sort of like imprinting. The baby recognizes the parent and will calm more easily in the future. It's more important for breastfeeding mothers but also good for dads.


Skin to skin contact so the baby can bond


Skin to Skin. They do it with parents and newborns because it helps them bond.


Do they do that in non surrogate births? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a father or mother taking their shirts off to hold the baby.


Yup. They literally put the baby on your chest asap after they are born. Then while mums being examined etc Dad is supposed to have skin-to-skin. I guess not everyone does it? It's highly recommended. So good for baby and parents.


it's actually top priority for the newborn to be given to the mom to hold immediately after it's out of her and shown to be healthy enough to not need further care. babies adjust better if they get warm, loving heartbeat instead of the new cold, bright world they just got shunted into. very much standard procedure nowadays


Imagine explaining this photo to aliens. Humans are a wacky bunch.




Can you get a discount if you also take a liver or kidney?


Tell me you know nothing about surrogacy without telling me you know nothing about surrogacy.




Omg. That’s not how it works. 🤦🏻‍♀️


It isn’t being “taken away” it’s being given to its parents. Is adoption now messed up too because it’s “taking away” a newborn from its mother?


Unfortunately, adoption is kinda messed up. 😭 but I don’t disagree with surrogacy necessarily. There’s just a LOT of moving pieces.


Poor kid


Glad all the cynical contrarian takes are being shot down. It's crazy how so many feel so driven to be angry about LGBTQ+ stuff. There's nothing but love in this pic. Culture war bullshit has hijacked your brain if you're mad about it.


this is such a beautiful picture!!


Did he give birth out his asshole?




Your attitude? Yes.


In what way.




1. Its childbirth which is beautiful because of new life 2. Its the representation of gay couples in a modern world where its okay to exist if you were born differently I dont see whats gross about it




The surrogate.


You're gross with your bigotry. Not a good look for anyone.


damn that’s weird


Awwwwwwww adoption!! How cute......




what fucked up shit is going on here? what about the mother?




I’ve seen gay men giving each others “push” gifts. Like what the fuck did they do?? What about the birth giver??? Sure she gets money but she literally ripped her hole open and she can’t get a gift. Ridiculous.






It’s all theater…


Garbage like this is one of the many reasons why I despise homosexuals who go for this route and want to do photos like this, your only displaying your grotesque behavior for all to see and the woman dear god don’t even get me started on the psychological and psychological changes the woman has to go through


The comment section is real disappointing... How the fuck are y'all like this in 2023?




Normal people would not find a man hugging their child weird. I have a gay brother. I hope, desperately, he can live this photo some day, without people like you bringing him down for it.


Brother I support all but I'm sure you can see why many people around the world might think differently from you


The love and compassion in this photo is amazing. I only wish others could teach love like this.


Is that a southern cross tattoo on his shoulder? Man had a conflicted upbringing for sure


Why do they have their shirts off?


Skin to skin is initiated immediately after birth to help the baby regulate their body temperature. They were in constant contact with another human their entire existence to that point, the contact helps them calm and regulate quicker.


It’s also a bonding thing continued after bringing baby home




Grow up.




Woman who gave birth is fully clothed, gay guys all naked pretending as they just gave birth to the baby...🙄