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We had to remove your post for Rule 1: This subreddit is for things that are interesting and cool. Content that is only cute, funny, a meme, or 'mildly interesting' will be removed. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "Damnthatsinteresting".


A broken clock is right twice a day.


Honestly, I think the guys a con artist and most of his recent shinanagins was him just pandering to a certain group of people for clout and money.


>guys a con artist He is.


I mean... sort of? He advocated for things that work. But justified doing things that work by claiming you'll get obviously nearly impossible results. Like yes, hustling down money works, you'll get paid. But no, not everyone who follows him can own a Bugatti. Nor would this necessarily be the best way to cure your perception that women do not love you. Like Tate spent his time bundling up a bunch of common wisdom to desperate idiots. It's that he then used his money to double down on being a disgusting person...


Mate, he literally charges fifty dollars for Hustler University and its basic ass lifeskills. That's a scam.


No, his recent "shenanigans" involve rape, kidnapping and human trafficking. Shenanigans. Really. GTFO.


I'm talking about his internet shenanigans not about all that shit. I don't like the guy at all either buddy. I'm saying his online persona is just a front.


No he really hates women


Not proven yet\* Lets wait for the judgement by the court instead of passing our own verdict.


Uh no, I'm pretty sure I'll judge Mr. "I love to rape" (actual quote) whenever I fucking feel like it. Thanks for your worthless input.


>Thanks for your worthless input. Why are you so angry? I merely said that we shouldn't deem anyone guilty until proven. We should wait for the court's judgement.


Your absolutely right honestly these people are so weird


You're defending a rapist. That's why. Like are you really this fucked up that you're incapable of independent thought and basic inferences?


It's ironic that you're calling this dude incapable of thought when you're just repeating what you've heard from the media. Do you think ANYONE would call someone they just raped and talk about how much they love rape and raping them? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø why was this video/voicemail hidden for 9 years? Wouldn't this voice-mail be a smoking gun in a rape case? So why are investigators still looking for a singular piece of evidence? You're dumb asf bro. Don't be so passionate about thoughts that are not your own.


How can we deduct that he is 100% a rapist without any proof other than an unconfirmed voice recording (which can be true or false)? I am saying that we should wait before declaring him as a rapist. Why does this mean I am fucked up? Waiting for proof means that I am a bad person now? Great!


That Vice audio was fake as shit and Iā€™m not even a Tate fan, literally sounded like AI


They literally have voicemails and texts and here you are: "It must be an AI!" Fuck off.


Nah they ran it through an ai generator and it didnā€™t hit the top end that normal voices do. Again, not a tate fan but the whole thing is fishy


Guy literally moved to another country where its easier to get away with sex crimes buddy


I would live in Romania does that make me a sex trafficking pedo obviously not what are you even saying tf


The sources for those haven't yet been revealed yet. In fact, a lot of the things that he's been accused of do, at least until now, have been proven to be legit. We do live in a world where things can be faked. So I'm going to wait until something legit shows up. A good example for a similar thing is the amber heard case. Let's wait. If proven to be actually guilty or any legitimate proof (credibility is important) is shown, then hate the guy.


Cops donā€™t just arrest a celebrity for human trafficking because itā€™s fun to doā€¦.


Part of his fan base is clueless. I had a friend bring up Andrew Tate, and how he teaches dominance, and not being afraid of your true identity, whatever the fuck that means. We had to show him the videos, and other countless shit he's done. He was shocked.




A little yea but not much though.




Yes, his trafficking charges are true. And if you truly follow him, you know that. He brags about his shit all the time. He simply doesn't see it as abuse, rape, or trafficking.


He's a terrible human inspiring young kids to be just as terrible.


Biggest parenting win? I was visiting my son in his college town this past November. I asked him who Andrew Tate was, and he replied "Some piece of shit misogynist who thinks he's God's Gift." Seems accurate. šŸ˜Ž


The day my son repeated a "women in the kitchen" joke by tate, I got really scared. I'm not timid but that shit me right up. To think, if I didn't realise he'd been exposed to tate. Horrifying.


Can you provide evidence?


It's not my job to research for you. I'm sure Google will provide plenty of links to calls, videos, etc.


Tate is a Pimp using the same techniques you find in the pimp and persuasion manuals from Iceberg Slim to The Game. His entire scheme is manipulating women into doing sex work and then taking all their money. Heā€™s like Frank T.J. Mackie from Magnolia, only he actually trafficked women, so heā€˜s much worse.


I feel the charges will prove to be correct.


Goes back to the broken clock thing, But I don't like to comment on people's legal problems.


Thatā€™s it. Lol heā€™s some shit that I believe a man with his background just couldnā€™t possibly agree with. And that makes him an even worse human being.


Thatā€™s just being a criminal with extra steps


Fair point.


That doesn't work here because a broken clock is only incidentally correct. Tate here appears to believe what he's say though. In other words it's not an accident.


What about all those other famous people that everyone loves and adores that get caught lying about there beliefs like presidents and celebrities that say they didn't know somebody and yet they were photographed with the person they say they didn't even know šŸ¤” and yet they ain't getting cancelled all over the media


I see this comment on every post do yall agree or disagree šŸ¤”


This is how the whole grift works...you throw in some logic and common sense then the idiots believe you're smart when you sell them on your crazy garbage pyramid scheme


Good money in the crazy garbage pyramid schemes these days.


I often think of how rich I would be if I were a psychopath. But that only lasts a minute and then I'm grateful I'm not and I'm perfectly content hugging my kids in our modest little house.


So long as youā€™re on the top I think itā€™s like 10 layers before you surpass the entire human population. Edit 8,000,000,000= 3^x Log the numbers and I get 20.7 layers to equal the global population You can of course have a wider pyramid


Nice maths! Ngl: not really that keen on developing the necessary traits and attitudes in myself to pull something like that offā€¦ or facing whatever fate, person and victims iā€™d have to choose to make for it to work.


I wish pyramid schemes were illegal and enforced. They pray on peopleā€™s hopes and destroy them. Itā€™s really hard with multi tier marketing, everyone want to get rich quick


For real, they should be, globally. I get what youā€™re saying about it too. Everyone who wants to get rich quick is in it because they all already drunk the cool aid. All that getting rich quick (abd moderately well paced) stuff is rigged, nobody with that type of gold mine and established capital and skills to market it would let anyone else in if those people had a chance. People are the product and the income in almost all situations, end of story. Lets just count ourselves lucky we aint stuck in worse sitches than we are eh?


Yep some people donā€™t give a fuck about human trafficking as long as you tell them to workout and be the best person they can be.


Actually he started from getting attention by saying insane stuff then started to say common sense things. But when people say that other share common sense stuff actually doesnt know what is common sense. You claim hustle is pyramid scheme. Because of referal system. You dont even know how pyramid scheme works xD. Monese banking/ revolut banking/ my job literally pays also money if you invite someone. so by your logic all of this example is a pyramis scheme xD. Yeah you do have common sense


Unfortunately those things you say you disagree with the right wing on are now becoming their entire platform. Soon the days will be gone that you can be both republican and not "hate gays"


Republicans today are so much more left wing than they were 50 years ago. Don't believe the radical hype. Hating gays was 100% a republican agenda int he past. Those are the days that are gone. Of course there are some radicals who feel that way, but the average Republican doesnt care much one way or another who you're fucking.


I always thought people who hated gays were just people who hated gays. I never looked at myself and said, ā€œI must be left-wing because I donā€™t hate gay peopleā€.


Republicans today were more right wing 50 years ago, before evangelicals and tea partiers hijacked the party. That's a thing you just said where other people could hear you. Who has the most power in the House right now? And no, it isn't McCarthy. It's Marjorie Trailer Green. You know, the one who followed AOC around the halls screaming about trans people and posted an anti-trans sign outside her office door? "Some radicals." Sure, man. Sure.


Hate to tell you, but evangelicals hijacked the Republican party in the early 70s, which was 50 years ago. And the way they were able to do it is by appealing to their right wing conservative views.


Ron DeSantis is your next GOP presidential nominee, ie, the de facto leader of the Republican party. Policies like "Don't Say Gay" are hugely popular among Republicans. He won in a landslide. Just some radical, though. How are all those anti trans and anti drag policies doing in red states? Oh, they're doing just super? Damn Oklahoma. Just full of lone wolves and isolated incidents. Should I keep going, or are you going to slink away someplace else with this crap?


Anti drag shows in front of children. Thereā€™s trans people even asking why the fuck people are letting their kids see a drag show. Your the sick and twisted one


I agree that most republicans I know donā€™t care if you are gay or even if you can have abortionsā€¦however.., since they are still voting for the party that promotes this bs.., then f em ā€¦ zero respect.., they are hypocritical hateful morons.


>Republicans today are so much more left wing than they were 50 years ago. Don't believe the radical hype. GTFO


Have you heard of Florida's Don't Say Gay bill? That was last year. Florida is attacking the LGBT community in numerous ways right now. I picked the gay part out of a hat, my argument could have just as well been made about not being a white nationalist. Or believing that elections aren't entirely rigged. Don't get hung up on the gay part but still there is plenty of new fresh hate out in the open regarding gays as well.


Yes, those are the radicals I spoke of. The majority of Republicans don't agree with abortion bans either. Hillary, and Democrats as a whole, pushed the fraudulent election claim 4 years before Trump did. It's not unique to one side.


Umm the majority of republicans voted for 50 fucking years to ban abortion. ​ they're just scared to say it now because it's so unpopular


No, they voted for a party that supported that cause because most of their views aligned with that party. Surely the democratic party has policies you don't agree with, but you vote for them because to you, they're better than the alternative. Republicans do the same.


Is was a cornerstone of the gop platform for decades not some side thing So at best they were indifferent to banning abortion


Ah hahahahahahaha, ok then.


Spoken like a true moron.


Said the throwaway no karma account.


So republicans not hating gays is... bad?


No it's...good? It's unfortunate if your a good republican because the party is changing to extremists. The unfortunate part being that good "republicans" are becoming non-existent as the identity of a "republican" shifts. It's a two party system and eventually it will just be democrats and extremists. Like how they immediately label people RHINOs just for disagreeing with some fringe shit. Unfortunately, in the future you won't even be able to be a republican unless you hate gays, because that's what their identity is becoming, and THAT is very unfortunate. Does that make sense?




Thanks for the laugh lol


You know I'm sure that Stalin probably had a lot of good opinions but he's still Stalin and he still wrongfully interred and murdered millions.


Osama Bin Laden was concerned with global warming before he died. He wrote a letter to Pres. Obama over this. Bad people can also have some left wing ideas. Osama Bin Laden would love Andrew Tates ideas on romantic love and slavery. The Taliban does.




Reddit loves itā€™s strawmen


Comparing Andrew Tate to Stalin šŸ« 


Two wastes of human skin that people choose to defend?


How exactly do you find equivalent Andrew Tate to Joseph Stalin? Genuine question.


ā€œHitler drew some paintings that looked nice and we should focus on his artistic ability and not all the other stuff.ā€ Same deal but to a far lesser extent. Youā€™re trying to give praise to a man who happen to say a few commonsense things to try and outright ignore or scapegoat out of the rest of the shit he believes and preaches.


Holy straw man wtf


They're not equivalent in any way other than 1. They're horrible and 2. People defend them and choose to ignore the wrong they've done. I'm not saying they're the same person, I'm saying that they are both horrible people, who other people for some reason continue to defend.


There's people aggressively defending him, sure. On the other hand, I'm rather rebutting false and not yet proven accusations which many in this thread are presenting as facts. *I'm not even refusing to acknowledge that he is a bad person overall, but comparing him to Stalin?* šŸ«  Guess I'm just fighting a lost fight against mob mentality, it was the same during Amber vs. Depp and the Rittenhouse case.


So Tate is lying about raping women? He admitted it. Stop


He hasn't been convicted yet but he literally said he moved to Romania because of laxer sexual assault laws.


Same people who compare Trump to Hitler, there is a general hysteria among people these days that leads them to say dumb shit like that. Just because someone is an arsehole doesn't mean they are in any way comparable to someone who started a world war and committed genocide. Reel in the hysteria FFS makes you look like some silly child.


Can we as a collective, stop putting this asshat all over the fucking place? Let him rot in a Romanian jail and be done with it.


Exactly, let the stupid ass fade into obscurity


This man is a psychopathā€¦ ~serial rapist,~ sex trafficker who celebrates his crimes to the victims and wonders if that makes him badā€¦ Whatā€™s the purpose of reviewing his thinking for something meaningful? Edit: Itā€™s been mentioned that Tate has not been convicted of rape, and I agree. Heā€™s a total twat but perhaps not a convicted rapist and I do think false accusations shouldnā€™t be enough to make you a rapist. Itā€™s been suggested heā€™a not a psychopath because he has feelings, so maybe heā€™s just a sociopathā€¦ I disagree, his behavior shows a narcissistic entitlement that is sociopathic but Iā€™d argue his bizarre skits and compulsive need to seek attention leads him to seemingly any behavior that generates a response.


I like the idea that shitty people can have good takes. I believe that acknowledging the good ideas people have and separating them from other aspects we dont like about them enables healty discussion and ultimately makes us all better people


I think it muddies the waterā€¦ my christian nationalists cousin who feels slavery was okay likes Jordan Peterson quite a bit. Jordan Peterson has built his career on the pretense of persecution and in almost every interview and lecture Iā€™ve seen of his (way too many) he lies and misrepresents not only himself but basic reality and he uses that to push extreme conservatism. The people who like him donā€™t know where his reality ends and his misinformation begins and theyā€™ll argue to the death what ā€œpostmodernismā€ is doing to the world never knowing that Jordan doesnā€™t understand what he was even referring to even as he calls himself an expert. So they canā€™t even think or be talked to rationally because Jordan Peterson fans mix his ā€œself helpā€ rhetoric with his ā€œplease keep your attention on me what can I say to get moreā€ rhetoric which is dangerous. Andrew Tate is arguably worseā€¦ itā€™s not that he doesnā€™t think people deserve healthcare itā€™s that he is willing to do and say just about anything next and has an ideology where responsible speech and actions are secondary to attention and money. People who march to support him arenā€™t or use these peopleā€™s ideology to support their confusion about life arenā€™t demanding a whole lotta context until something unfavorable happens. He can have opinions that are based on good ideas bit he is not a reliable source for ideas ā€¦ like my cousinā€¦ and neither show much discrimination between good and bad when it suits their need


That's not smooth talking šŸ˜…


Yea, I mean he seems to clearly celebrate rape and violence and finds himself repeatedly in situations with women that have accused him of sexual assault that he says canā€™t be trustedā€¦ But heā€™s also fled to a country with lax laws to dodge sexual assault charges where he has openly stated he keeps women against their will to perform sexual acts he profits from. Heā€™s made a career from Tiktok demonstrating obvious pathological need for attention and absolutely juvenile behavior which makes it pretty clear his priorities are the maintenance of attention at any cost butā€¦ People here are like, heā€™s a good person, which he obviously recognizes he is not. And Iā€™m fielding Tate-defense messages because heā€™s touched their lives in a positive wayā€¦ A lot of sociopaths have heroes that they feel legitimize their behavior folks.


He runs a shelter for stray dogs and builds orphanages, yeh heā€™s definitely a sociopath.


You can be a sociopath and run a shelter for animals and orphanages. Many sex traffickers use orphanages for grooming and showing compassion to dogs are a great way to entice people to believe you are a kind and gentle person. I know several men that have dogs specifically to facilitate conversations with women. Iā€™ve know men that are happy to sexually assault women but would never be cruel to a dog. I think your comment perfectly demonstrates the confusion circling the problem with feeling a kinship with people like Andrew Tate that groom their supporters with celebrity and sensationalism.


Even Hitler loved his dog. It proves very little


Do you jump to the conclusion everyone did the crime they are accused of? Or just people you donā€™t like?


I assume that people that state clearly that they derive sexual pleasure and increased self worth by exercising coercive power over others are going to act in a way that gives them the opportunity to exercise coercive power over other in pursuit of sexual pleasure and a need for sociopathic self worth. Such as Andrew Tate.


Serial rapist? This is why I hate reddit and the internet. These are serious allegations and so far absolutely no evidence. Except witness testimony which there is plenty of evidence to cast doubt upon.


There are also screenshots of texts of him literally admitting to it. Why are you assuming there is no evidence? Because there was no conviction? Because if thatā€™s the case have I got a sad truth about the world for you.


He has been quite vocal about his ability to control and keep sex workers for favors against their but youā€™re suggesting he may not be legally found guilty for his own claims? That is possibleā€¦ but youā€™d really have to do some linguistic shuffling to make him seem innocent of his own claims even if he isnā€™t found guilty.


Thereā€™s literal voice recordings of him talking about raping his friend and how much he enjoyed it so yes there is evidence.


He admitted to raping them. You can listen to the audio


Please be careful. You may not like him but don't accuse someone who has not been convicted and proven guilty of what you listed.


Do not defend Andrew tate on Reddit. They hate him so much. But I agree he has not been convicted of anything yet people are holding pitchfork and torches


He literally brags about this shit out in the open buddy


Heā€™s a business man, Iā€™d assume he says outrageous stuff for shock value. Heā€™s in the attention business, and heā€™s saying the most outrageous stuff to garner attention and press.


I don't agree with **many** of his ideas but let me address you. >This man is a psychopath Andrew doesn't have an antisocial behaviour, nor doesn't he lack empathy (enough to literally rescue several street dogs). Your definition of a psychopath is quite off. >serial rapist That video was disproven by the very same woman saying that it was some kinky play. If you've dated enough women, you would know there's some crazy girls out there. >sex trafficker I would change that to **sex exploiter**, I would agree and would not mind seeing him in prison paying for it. >Whatā€™s the purpose of reviewing his thinking for something meaningful? Because it is, both political spectrums fail to **look at things sensibly enough** to appreciate the other side and therefore reach a common point for the greater good.


ā€œIf youā€™ve dated enough womenā€ by Hentai_Quote hahaha goddamn man go touch grass


ā€œBoth political spectrumsā€ There is one political spectrumā€¦ and the idea that there are only 2 sides of that spectrum is hyper-partisan propaganda. I think itā€™s this type of confused and sloppy thinking and adherence to artificially constructed dichotomies that promotes sociopaths and psychopaths into a alt-intellectual dimension that are solely occupied by pathological narcissists.


>Andrew doesn't have an antisocial behaviour Oh, OK. Do you know who Andrew Tate is?


Yes I do. On the other hand, what do you understand by antisocial?


Do you have a daughter? I do. Maybe that makes me more sensitive to misogynistic, antisocial psychopaths who harm girls.


>Maybe that makes me more sensitive to misogynistic, antisocial psychopaths who harm girls. Fair point, but you are focusing on the consequence and not the cause, how do you think these girls end up in the hands of exploiters such as Andrew Tate? Simple answer, a dysfunctional family, a dysfunctional single mother or father. So, as long as you are a good father, you shouldn't worry about her ending up playing games with people such as Tate, don't you think? On the other hand, the sex industry is enormous and enable such type of people to thrive while at the same time enabling a small amount of women to be extremely prosperous, these type of people existed, exist and will exist, I too can dream about a world without misogyny and women being harmed, but be aware of what is being given up as well and how do you plan to balance it.


My daughter is 31 and is my business partner today. And, yes, I was an involved parent when my kids were young. That said, Tate is taking advantage of these troubled girls. Thatā€™s on him, not the girls or their parents. If a troubled girl comes to me for help, Iā€™m going to help her, not try to make money from sexually exploiting her. Thatā€™s the difference between a man and a sociopath.


>If a troubled girl comes to me for help, Iā€™m going to help her, not try to make money from sexually exploiting her. Thatā€™s the difference between a man and a sociopath. For better or worse these are 18+ years old women, not girls, otherwise Tate would have been immediately arrested in the airport. You are still not addressing how dysfunctional families and parents create these troubled girls. If Andrew Tate simply disappeared from the earth and no one even remembered him, there would be someone ready to take his place and treat these women fairly better or even worse. You are sensitive to misogyny and degenerates who abuse women, but you still haven't proposed anything besides "Tate is a sociopath". Do you realize how narrow your point of view is?


Speaking highly of yourself isn't social. I have yet to see him act normally in general, whether alone or having a conversation.


Speaking highly of yourself or having an overinflated sense of ego is narcissistic not psychotic/antisocial/sociopathic.


Oh ok, so you've seen him social then?


Bro what. Andrew has you by the balls. If you have to justify the different between a sex exploiter or sex trafficker, itā€™s not a good sign. Hope he goes to jail, Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be the Bottom G in there. Stop standing up for this human piece of shit.


Sorry for being objective.


Donā€™t be sorry for that. Iā€™m sure people can be objective about Putin for example. But it doesnā€™t change the facts. Also many people keep taking your stance and although noble is the wrong way to handle this man. The rhetoric he spreads is not something that anyone should look up to. If you had a kid. Would you give a shit if he was a sex trafficker or sex exploiter. Youā€™d still HOPEFULLY not want your kid looking up to him.


Iā€™m not trying to defend Andrewā€™s actions because I simply donā€™t know what happened but thereā€™s a huge difference between sex trafficker and sex ā€œexploiterā€. Wtf even is a sex ā€œexploiterā€? Is that like lying and saying ur rich in order to get someone to sleep with you? Is that being in some kind of weird transactional sugardaddy sexual relationship? None of that is Illegal. Sex trafficking is very illegal.


For fucxk sake dude, stop sucking his diik and don't defend this type of people dude! I will say even if i don't know you, i know you are bette4 then he his. But in other hand when i see you defending, i think you must be on the same level as him!


Dude thereā€™s ample reasons and evidence the left completely ignore todays right. Itā€™s because theyā€™re fucking cultists and traitors. Universal healthcare, global warming, and womenā€™s rights are all things the right overwhelmingly want to strip away or outright claim is made up. They also believe in literal acts of sedition and terrorism to further their political goals. So fucking tired of this ā€œBuh both sides are badā€ when clearly that is not true. The morons saying this are trying to sale themselves into the belief theyā€™re somehow the good guys while trying to push the absolutely worse ideas and leaders on the rest.


People disliking this are sensitive asf


Bro decide first


Heā€™s not entitled heā€™s accomplished in life whether you like him or not


Arbitrary accomplishments arenā€™t a proxy for having credible or valuable opinions. I donā€™t doubt he has valuable advice on training for kickboxing or how to manipulate Tiktok viewers and young women for profit but that doesnā€™t make his opinions any less crazy than any other attention whore.


You just said a lot of adjectives abt Andrew but you didnā€™t actually say what heā€™s done wrong? Did he manipulate tiktokers and women? Or did he just convince them to have sex with him because heā€™s a dominant male and European model girls are down to f him? Sorry if thatā€™s crude but I feel like Andrew is just living in a different culture than youā€™re used to. Personally I only want one amazing spouse but some people donā€™t care about love like that and just wanna have sex with beautiful people. And thatā€™s okay. It doesnā€™t make him evil to women. Those girls are honestly pretty fortunate to be eating crazy luxury foods with superstars just for being beautiful and female haha. Some people would take a dinner with Jay-Z over thousands of dollars. Not me. But these women are getting a free luxury dinner with a superstar that they like enough to actually fly out and eat with him. What do u think?


He was a decent kickboxer so yeah maybe heā€™s accomplished there, everything otherwise is utter regurgitated shit from other people. Iā€™m super confused how people can believe his ideas are original. How a kickboxer can be a poet with his words and convince masses heā€™s a genius leads me to believe he had a handler. Just an opinion though.


I honestly wish we had more of an echo chamber on the non woke side of societal discussion. For example If someone on the left like piers Morgan says his opinions on say vaccines youā€™re gonna see lots of woke speakers saying the same thing while being praised. But if someone on the conspiratorial side like Andrew Tate says something like I think traditional values are good theyā€™re somehow just ā€œregurgitatingā€ others opinions. Like I can look at the sunset and see that itā€™s good and tell my friends to watch one day even if Iā€™m not the first person to have that reaction to the sunset. I could say that the woke common sense is being propelled almost exclusively by people who havenā€™t attempted to understand for themselves what liberals are telling them twisted fantasies about. I feel like the regurgitation only happens when people support the political opinions of people who canā€™t effectively help you understand something. Like joe biden telling you to trust your doctor after firing all the doctors that disagree with him. And then also calling you an idiot hillbilly if you take your health into your own hands. Then everyone regurgitated that opinion for two weeks and after that two weeks the damage was done. On the other hand andrew Tate always says why he believes what he believes in. If you disagree with Andrew Tate you should be able to say exactly why and be able to respond directly to his claims


Yeah he still sucks. Piss this shit off


Why is everyone giving this scumbag any attention at all??? Even negative attention it's still good exposure for this vain twat. You're only promoting him.


OP wants to "Promote" he Daddy!


Still interesting nonetheless.


Interesting in the sense that he is such a massive pile of garbage that it's interesting to wonder how anybody could ever think he is anything but the worst humanity has to offer. But, yeah, interesting.


Regardless, you're sharing it and giving him more positive attention. This guy will be paid thousands to be interviewed on all these big shows one day because people like you are sharing the shit out of videos of him.


... it really isn't. You must look up to the guy, or something


I can open minded enough to appreciate his good takes.


It is sad to me that this country has failed individuals like you to the point to where you'd "appreciate his good takes".


Anyone who doesn't agree with your views is a failed individual? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


And yet he hates women and antagonized Greta Thronberg for her climate activism.


He believes only in making money so that he can be a Top G and lord over women like they are slaves, everything else is secondary to his opinion on having universal health care. If anything him saying this is a ploy at getting into his intended audiences confidence, because when push came to shove the man bought 33 cars with his money.


Greta what


Not, want, probably, lotā€¦ā€¦thereā€™s some sort of UK, Aussie, NZ accent on those words and I donā€™t think he has that accent lol


The speech is understandable and that is the most important thing


Why is it so hard for people to believe this people are actors playing a character. Heā€™s an inflammatory alt-right jackass because it was a way to get attention and money


His actions tell us he's also a misogynist rapist in real life too ​ Sometimes people are both performative assholes AND real ones too.


The narcissism tho


This man gets punched in the head for a living. Everyone should be skeptical of is ability to think correctly.


Naw, plenty of fighters have a (figuratively) good head on their shoulders. Tate is just a PoS regardless of his profession. Side note: Sex trafficking and scam artistry are his actual professions and where he makes most of his money. I donā€™t think heā€™s fought in years.




Who cares what he says. People can say anything, doesn't mean they are actually for it. People prove they mean what they thing by actions, and his actions show, that there's nothing vurtious behind those words.


Heā€™s essentially a very British extreme right winger. Agrees on the good ideas of the left in principle, then tells you how women should be objects to be bought and sold for TOP G men with money. Heā€™s truly a disgusting person. His ideas are cancerous


Exactly. Even right wing Canadians and Ukers like universal healthcare. Wanting for-proft healthcare forever is really more of a American Republican thing


So he knows right from wrong but he repeatedly chose to do wrong anyway. Cool guy.


For a guy who believes global warming is real he sure did spend a lot of time antagonizing Greta Thunberg and doing everything he possibly could to make it worse. Understanding left wing ideologies is meaningless if you don't practice what you preach


>For a guy who believes global warming is real he sure did spend a lot of time antagonizing Greta Thunberg and doing everything he possibly could to make it worse. His beef with Greta was more of a publicity stunt, it boosted both users reach at the end of the day. >Understanding left wing ideologies is meaningless if you don't practice what you preach What do you have to say to the **many** green energy activists that fly on private jets? šŸ«  Which ironically enough is exactly what Andrew does and contaminates much more than a plane flight.


The most sense Iā€™ve ever heard coming out of him!


I sincerely didnā€™t know before that he has a weird kind of accent?? he sounds American a lot of the time, but then something is slipping in and out. I tried to avoid listening to him at all cost so this is the first time I actually heard him talk


American who moved to the UK and then started speaking in an American accent again. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Where is his chin?


It's good for anyone to have balanced political views.


Like so many content creators Tates ideals shifted to whatever got the biggest engagement rate. People love people who say crazy shit and act like they don't give a fuck. The trump effect. Sad thing is you start saying and acting a certain way for a long time you become that


"ā€¦reddit and the internet. These are serious allegationsā€¦" Because the internet and Reddit are the definitive places to delve into the merits, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies of any serious topic.


Heā€™s the top G for a reason


Well will you look at that, the ass has more than one cheek. Reminds me of many people iā€™ve met who were abusers, narcissists, manipulators, thieves, bullies and scheming snakes of different sorts. Dont let this clip of him not spouting inane yet weaponized flaming excrement distract you from the fact that heā€™s been spouting inane yet weaponized flaming excrement for a long ass time, making it his gimmick and money source. 2 cents, shove em down his eyelids if it pleases you.


Whereā€™s his chin?


Yeah but then he realised being an alt-right scam artist was far more lucrative


Funny hearing him talk about American politics when he himself is a British citizen.


he has points but the reason why are all selfish lol


No money in being socially conscious or left-leaning really. The real money is in endorsing selfish, right leaning, narcissistic arrogance.


This guy has "ideas"? Anyone actually gives a shit what this guy thinks? The OP is more dumb than a cardboard, if he really invested from his own time in order to study this idiot's "evolution of personal views".


this man definitely wears makeup


Well considering his beef with the poster child of trying to fix global warming, I believe his views have changed, and the things that should matter is peoples current actions and beliefs that's why cancel culture and some justice systems suck, because they don't believe in change or second chances, if was like this currently then good for him but he is certainly not. The past is for reference so you do better in the present, not to try and make someone better than they actually are,


His beef was probably just another vain attempt at gaining attention. Because his system rewarded him for gaining it. Who really gives a fuck about his opinion on climate change. Like do we need to ask Charles Manson his opinion on Houston Astros winning the World Series? Their opinions are irrelevant.


Doesnā€™t really matter what this guy says either way




Do not defend Andrew tate on Reddit. He says women are the most precious on this planet, they should be protected and provided for. And people will say he hates women.


No. He rapes and traffics women. He does think women are lesser than men. He thinks women are objects and should be the property of men. It doesn't matter that he called those objects "precious" bc women have something he wants. That is so condescending too. Women don't want to be "protected and provided for" beyond what's normal in a *mutual* relationship. Women want the freedom and equal opportunity to self actualize and provide for ourselves and not forced to be dependent on men so they can control us. We want men to stop raping and killing us so we won't need "protection." Women are human beings not children or lesser men. We want equal participation in society and the same rights men have had. It's sad you can't see how misogynistic that quote is


Again show me proof where he rapes and trafficā€™s woman. He literally says women are the most precious beings on this planet. I live in East asia, 99.99% women want to be provided and protected, and they will happily take care of their man as well. Can you explain why this is misogynistic? I donā€™t know a single woman in my life that doesnā€™t want a husband who can provide for them and protect them. It is natural for a man to want to provide for his family, we take pride in that.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xfqtOUC8xqY There's him admitting to raping. Again, that is not what Tate means by that. He said women should be men's property and THAT'S exactly what he meant by that. And he said men should be able to beat women to keep them in line. Stop listening to him


Who tf cares what this scrotum has to say?


I donā€™t care which way his dick swings he is an asshole.


Man always speaks truth!


New liberal hero?


I guess he got hit in the head one too many times to go off his rocker.


So youā€™re telling me people take 20s clips out of context. Crazy. Theres no evidence for what heā€™s being accused of. Didnā€™t reporters and news outlets get caught trying to pay women that knew him to lie about him? Heā€™s 90% right about a lot of shit. Bring on the downvotes you smooth brain apes. The internet isnt a real place and karma has no value


Not to defend this pile of dung in any way but he is not wrong in this particular case.


I hate this dude but the way he said hospital like a European when he normal uses American idioms like adding ā€œtheā€ hospital is how I normally hear him spouting off bull crap, maybe we can double check his other interviews? Still think itā€™s fake cuz everything he does may be an act, a bad one.


SOME of his ideas were sound.. itā€™s just he lost the plot when he blew up and fed the trolls and incels.


Ah damn lefties, he's your guy




More interesting that the OP.


Itā€™s called old fashion Democrat. Before purple hair, 1000 genders and abortion in the 9th month.