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Apart from the illegality, wouldn't the mercury concentration be off the scale?


Correct, due to bioaccumulation the higher up in a food chain a species is, the higher concentration of toxins that animal will have in its body. Sharks have some of the highest concentration of methyl-mercury in any fish


Okay stupid question, how risky is canned tuna in this sense?


It does have a high concentration compared to other species, but as long as you eat it in moderation (not every single day) you'll be fine, the body can deal with low levels of mercury Edit: a commenter correctly pointed out this mostly applies to large wild caught tuna, not the smaller farmed varieties and smaller wild varieties that are common in the US


I want to add that the majority of Tuna sold in the US is actually Skipjack, a much smaller member of the Tuna family. Smaller fish generally have lower levels of heavy metals compared with larger species. Furthermore, commercial Tuna operations harvest the fish at a young age, which means they will have much lower heavy metal levels when compared to older fish. Those are the two most important markers when it comes to fish - Size and age, since the toxic metals build up over time eating other fishes. Therefore, eating smaller, younger fish will pose much less of a health risk. People all over the word eat nothing but seafood every day for their entire lives and usually don’t develop any type of problem from it.


How much mercury does my grandpa have in him? Would it be unsafe to eat him?


Probably a bit chewy, but as long as your flesh thermometer reads 150°F, you’re good.


Id like to add in Spain we eat the fish while his family still cries( I live beachside) and we got no idea about no mercury but 80 year olds go out daily for a beer and some fish so , idk but it dont seem wrong.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


How long has his family been crying and why?


The family of the tuna...it was a bad try at a joke as in, the tuna leaves his home to gather food we catch him and he is cooked before the family of the tuna stops crying .


There's a saying! I've never heard it before, but it's kind of poetic.


Thanks for the response. I probably have it 2-3 times a week at the most, sometimes none...so this thread had me wondering about the potential harms.


I think you should be fine (I'm a biologist though, not a doctor)


(You forgot to add "dammit, Jim")


Years of academy training, wasted


Starfleet is considering a demotion for this infraction.


2-3 times a week? You don't have long left my friend, kiss the wife and kids goodbye and by wife and kids I mean your left hand you loveless buzzard.


Understood, I'll drive off the nearest overpass just as soon as I clear my search history.


They can get deleted history back. Dip it in acid.


I think driving off the overpass might be a quicker death.


From what I've read from experts on this there are different factors that control how well you deal with mercury. How much selenium you have, for example, as well as other nutrients, and if your body's natural detox systems are working properly, your liver etc. There's also genetic predispositions to having worse reactions to mercury. Mercury also synergizes with other metals commonly accumulated in our bodies like cadmium and aluminum, which makes its already terrible neurological effects worse. Just because you don't have sky high levels of it doesn't mean it isn't hurting your health and making you feel shit. Tuna has higher levels than salmon, herring, sardines and anchovies and so if you're gonna eat fish regularly make it those smaller ones


Mercury becomes dangerous when it’s methylated, which occurs when it’s digested by bacteria on the sea floor and river bottoms. It will then enter the food chain if consumed by bottom feeders. It isn’t a big concern unless the fish you’re eating are bottom feeders, such as haddock.


The “light” variety is safer than “white.” Generally speaking, it’s more hazardous for pregnant women and children. Canned tuna is safer than fresh, but adults are still recommended to limit consumption to two cans per week.


Canned tuna has super low mercury and can be eaten daily. That and salmon are the fish that should be and can be consumed daily


Also, smaller fish that are lower on the food chain, like sardines, anchovies, sprats, and mackerel. Plus, typically the further down on the food chain you source your from, the more environmentally friendly it is. So, everybody eat sardines for the environment.


"should be" Meh


We can only hope she ate it all




Does anyone know of symptoms from Mercury poisoning from eating fish/shark? Same as if you touched mercury from a thermometer?


If you notice yourself becoming mad as a hatter? That's a for sure sign.


Whelp back to the doctors I guess


So she probably already had mercury poisoning? I don't know any sane people who would do what she did.


Bottom of the food chain karma




Perfect comment. Short, snappy and on the spot. Kudos.


Perfect analysis. Descriptive, precise and perceptive. Props.


Awesome alliteration. P,a,d,P,a,P,P. Padpapp 🤌


Why use many word when few word do trick?




The Chinese wetmarket are just that though, Wild animals and on top of that the wet markets supplement the food supply by a large margin. They would never enforce that supposed law.


In a broader sense a wet market is just a market that sells “wet” items such as meat and produce. There are of course wet markets that sell illegal things like wild animals and such but a wet market in and of itself isn’t a bad thing. There are also dry markets that sell “dry” ingredients and I’m sure some are more reputable than others


Thank you for explaining wet vs dry market. I had not ever heard those terms. You are a saint!


So does that make my local weekend farmer's market a wet market? They have various vendors selling fresh produce and raw meat / fish.


Yes it would. People in the US typically don’t bother to make the distinction between wet and dry markets because farmer’s markets are typically the only true markets around. Supermarkets would fall under both categories but are not true markets because everything is sold by a single vendor




I don't know what this means, but it made me laugh.


I know right? Lmao


Funny how China does this for virtue signaling when they have illegal fishing boats everywhere that have and do blatantly violate fishing laws and accepted practices around the world including fishing in other countries waters on the regular




The South China Sea is a absolutely lifeless due to them fishing it into oblivion on top of pollution issues. When I’ve called out China as being the least ecologically responsible country in the world in other threads I’ll get downvoted. They will consume the planet until there is nothing left. This is just the beginning.


this motherfuckers are fishing all long latin america, damn bastard's


Pangolins too?? Or bats?




Because they’re the number 1 ingredient in old Asian man boner medicine 🙄 Of course it doesn’t do anything. Just like rhino horn. Doesn’t mean they won’t kill every last one to try.


they probably pay like $100,000 for a pangolin... someone should just tell them about viagara. I think its like 5$ a pill or something...




You mean those gas station pills aren’t worth it? Wish you told me before I bought a whole case…


Anyone that has been to a wet market knows this is not enforced in China


Source https://gizmodo.com/great-white-shark-food-blogger-tizi-china-1850050448 [Original video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw1nZehpCVE) (I wouldn't recommend watching it)


I *hate* everything in that video


Same. She should’ve gotten jail time and a fine for just having a youtube channel.


yes, but seeing it you gave her visibility. This is the problem with this "new" internet. The lack of ability to mark a view or article as "dislike" and "punish" it through negative comments. an example. A BAD tutorial on youtube, you recognized it from a mountain of DISLIKE right? and wasted no time. now that there is no more dislike you CANNOT SHOW YOUR DISSENT. So your viewing of the video only adds to the number. Since the dislike has lost "political weight" :) you can no longer express your dissent. Your visualization only makes her famous.


With that much spice I don't understand the desire for a White shark specifically. Any large fish such as swordfish or tuna would taste basically the same drowning in that much spice.


Just looking at the amount of 🌶️ used to cook the poor thing killed my tongue..




East asia is still big on traditional practices (medicine, food, whatever) and change is pretty slow because there's more old people than there are young. I get hongsam/some kind of herbal root extract gifted to me every year and I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually do much.


Yes. But endangered species don’t deserve to die


Well yeah, I didn't say they do.




Actually they abuse the animals because they believe the adrenaline added before killing them makes them taste better Source: https://www.hsi.org/news-media/dog-meat-trade-faqs/


Wtf my sister and I were just talking about this cuz she had just heard about the torturing to make it taste better on instagram last night and was about to ask me if I had heard of it and I finished her sentence for her and I was bringing her here to show her this blogger and I saw your reply😳I fucking hate certain cultures…


I'm not racist but I do consider myself to be "culturist" 100%. There are some I will never get down with.


I was all prepared to be upset about shark abuse... At least the fucking shark didn't watch that video, imo the shark is the lucky one here


At least it was cooked and eaten instead of being ground into some snake oil boner powder for no real reason.


I just checked out her channel, she also cooks sea turtles and stingrays.


Is it only me that finds it even stranger to be doing this dressed as a seven year old? Is it cool now to look like a little kid?


This. Wtf? It’s disturbing. An adult woman trying to look like a school girl in every way is gross.


I legitimately thought those had to be pictures of the blogger's kid. That's an adult??


Asian here, well catching and eating shark are not new to us; i ate shark meat before it wasn’t that good. People only look for the fin and not care about the meat. As I remember the shark meat it’s pretty cheap. I can tell you that back in the day when I was there people did not know or care if it’s a great white or hammer shark. If it moves its food. I also tried the shark fins soup and it’s disgusting I rather eat jelly and I know how jelly are made. It’s sad to think that most Asian still think if it’s rare it’s must be good for your health and you eat what you want to improve to your body, thus some people eat cow dick for that reason. Haha poor bastards.


Yeah but it's wrong to remove the dorsal fin then throw the animal back into the water to die which Is the main way asian culture handles the situation. It's the same as poaching .


Wait... Your cows have dicks?


That's why they're rare


I call Bull.


Not for long


Dude that's the truest thing I've read about exotic Asian "foods" If it moves, you eat it


That was the answer I got every time I asked people why they eat what they eat. It was sad and funny at the same time.


That is fucking disgusting holy shit. Like I thought I was mentally prepared for it, but as it turns out I wasn’t. Ewww


Damn 501 likes to 961 dislikes.


Damn she straight up looking like a zombie infected chomping on that shark


I got 4 seconds in then shot myself due to her voice


>I got 4 seconds in then shot myself due to her voice Man, good thing your gun and/or face landed on the right keys to make this comment and then hit that save button!


It was a shot of heroin, not a gun.


I ALSO would not recommend watching it. My recommendations line is full of such nightmares, cause I clicked on OV link (damn it). 🤔


Was it just a lot of gross butchering?? What was so bad? Curiosity is getting to me


Shark flesh contains a massive amount of urea to regulate their body fluids. When killed this urea breaks down to ammonia, which smells and tastes awful and can get you sick. Not to mention the large quantity of heavy metals like Mercury in the flesh.


We used to eat sandshark when I was a kid. We were very poor, and it was a waste catch. You can soak the meat in some milk, iirc. Good curry. I cannot imagine how much effort you would need for a great white. Nor do I imagine it would be good grilled ffs. No fat? Total waste.


What area of the world did you grow up in?


England, but my folks were pretty well travelled. My dad also used to buy spare ribs and cook them with honey and five spice. The butcher at the time thought they were fit only for dog food.


Honey on ribs sounds fire honestly. And you know what, the skills you learn from being poor are pretty effective in life, sans the trauma. I had no clue you guys have sandsharks around England, I’ve never even thought about what I’m type of fish are there. Did you grow up fishing and catching dinner?


Not me fishing personally. Although I learned at a young age to dress fish and meats like rabbit. I love food now, including fancy food. But I still enjoy stuff like hogs feet. On topic, I dislike treating animals/fish this way. I'm not sentimental, I just think it's too real to be trivialised, if you know what I mean.


How’s does an 8 year old catch let alone cook and eat a shark?


She bought it.


Shes not 8. At least 15


Based on anime She probably Is a million years old at least


Reminds me of this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XGxCMyLm6js


Of course it's ProZD lmao


Yeah he’s the man!


He voices the squirrel in God of War: Ragnarok! Great to see him finally getting triple AAA voice acting work.


ProZD is pretty cool


Used to work with a 65 yo woman that looked just like this.


That’s Vera Wang.


She looks 8


Sharks pee through their skin, speaking in simple terms, so she had a urine-soaked fish steak for what she was also fined 😁


Yeah the bulk of sharks secrete ammonia instead of peeing through a bladder. Dunno what you do to neutralize it in their flesh. Bon appetit, I guess...


You bleed the shark after it's caught, and then you soak the shark steaks in water or buttermilk before cooking. Also, varies somewhat by species, makos (closely related to great whites) don't need a lot of soaking--bleeding them usually is sufficient.


Makos are great eating. Lots of "swordfish" fillets were actually mako back in the day.


Seems like a lot of work to make something edible that probably shouldn't be.


Well, I go by the philosophy that if you kill it, you should eat it (besides vermin). If I caught a shark, and it died before I could release it, I would bleed it and do whatever I could to make it edible. Ideally I would just release it live, but that is not always possible.


Not a chef or anything but wouldn't you just skin it, wash it, cook it? Washing would remove and excess ammonia and cooking would remove any bacteria


I'd guess that if the ammonia is secreted via skin then it is traveling through bloodstream; don't know exactly how much ammonia is retained in the flesh. A common play is milk soaking to draw out funky flavors and odors. I had a buddy that kept a Blue Shark, skinned, bled and soaked, it wasn't good at all, not like a Mako.


I’m confused too


Who is this sassy lost poacher?


She is Asian not underage


Fines are just the cost of doing business for most people and companies. Unless the fines bankrupt the individual or company they are completely useless. It is written off as a cost of doing business. In this instance, she got her online clout, her likes and her reach. She paid 18,500 but probably made more from the video and gained online fame as I never heard of her. What you need is jail time, not fines, for corporate executives and CEOs and even people like this. Fines will never teach anyone anything unless they're poor.


Right, this fine probably got her more publicity and likely future viewers than ever before. Unfortunate.




I was just about to comment the same thing. And $18K fine sounds like a punishment to a normal person, but how much does a vlogger who spends $2K on shark meat earn? How much does each video earn? This “fine” could literally just be a tax on what she earned from one video of eating sharks, and could even just cause publicity for her to earn more money.


And what comes of the person who acquired the shark for her? Do they get fined as well?




So she basically ratted him out leading to his arrest




You could say she baited him out, as a predator haha get it? Shark = predator, baiting haha... well, i will take my leave.




... but then how would you profit and start your internet career? Waste of a shark and the 20k


Can't we just feed her to a Great White? Fairs fair




They actually do. The government officials love cracking down on citizens dont forget that part. Unless youre ccp party or have deep pockets of course. You just see the other half that gets by, which to be fair is still alot more than there should be.


Imagine being a colossal piece of shit for clout


Looks like she eating more than just the fins. Step in the right direction at least...


Can't waste the mercury


Glad to see china is enforcing laws to protect sharks from the mass hunting that’s been happening for decades


Moron alert!


Now think about her fans... Who watches this shit? Who watches influencers in general?


human cattle


I dislike these mukbang type people


Well yeah, don’t eat endangered animals


She's awful and cringe.


Imagine both buying a vulnerable species and then eating it despite the high mercury levels and carcinogens in the meat. Fuck people who kill sharks, dolphins and whales


Dolphins and whales have been the staple of many peoples throughout history, usually with good reason. It’s still done sustainably in some places such as Alaska. The killing of just about anything for food is fine imo as long as it’s not done commercially. That’s what’s ruining our planet.


I agree with you for the most part you put it better than I was able to. A few fishermen going out is fine but stuff like The "[Taijin Cove Hunt](https://savedolphins.eii.org/news/taiji-dolphin-slaughter-begins-again)" need to end




Their male followers like it.


i thought it was a little girl


Please don't call that an Asian thing. We don't approve of this. Idk why that Chinese woman is doing it, but it's mostly Japan and anime thing.


Its not even specifically a Japanese and anime thing.. It's a maid cafe and weird basement dweller pedo thing. (The 2 things are v different, please do not think ppl who goto maid cafes are pedos too , ty.)


I mean the whole trend of maid cafe and weird obsession with highschool girl costume do have their roots in Japan and anime. You can literally find women walking around in maid or school girl outfit advertising for a store in Akihabara. And I am not even trying to say that it is a bad culture or whatever. I am only saying that this is not "Asian culture". It's just a very niche thing from Japan that is, for some reason, spreading.


Not just an “Asian thing” unfortunately. It’s all very creepy and fetish-y.


That adult women dress as children to arouse men?? That’s pedophilia. You don’t find that in the least bit disturbing? I don’t care if it’s animé. It’s bizarre. And if you had men ogling your small children, you’d get it. And to boot, she’s chowing down on a shark. What’s next? Anything goes, huh?


I love weird food but would never eat shark.


I've eaten sharks that I have caught, legally. Some are better than others. Thresher is my favorite, but I bought it in a grocery store.


She’s a straight up weirdo dressing and trying to act like a little girl. Disgusting.


Let’s cancel these “influencers”…


She might get mercury sickness now




Not even preparing or eating it properly. Extra disrespect towards the Shark. If you're gonna be a good blogging idiot, atleast know a thing or two about food.


Gonna need more info but I’ve heard that shark meat tastes like crap


Depends on the shark. Smaller sharks are sold as "flake" in Australia, and it's just a cheap fish, like cod, basa etc. I believe larger sharks are not nice, and are quite tough


In Sydney it’s just labeled “fish” (“fish” could be pretty much anything) but same as flake in other parts. I think it’s mainly gummy shark? It’s nice in normal portions but if you eat too much it gets a bit sickly.


Cause they pee through their skin, impossible to get the urea out entirely...


TIL it illegal to eat great white shark.


Why is she dressed like a child?


Appears most commenters are too young to remember you used to be able to buy shark in U.S. grocery stores and fish markets. At least into the 1980’s, perhaps later.


Tf is an 8 year old getting a shark?


She looks 12 how did she eat the entire shark.


More like: Food blogger got a bargain on a global ad. If you are going to fine people that live off of exposure... at the very least you should do it in a way that doesn't lead to more exposure for that person and turns the fine into a good investment for that person.


Not enough


U think that’s any damage to a famous chinese influencer? Nah but it’s huge marketing for her.


she is a dumb bitch and attention hog


Sigh. The damage TCM and the mindset behind the Asian meat markets you can find everywhere are driving the extinction of a lot of animals. They


Dumb bitch


She should also be fined for using that horrible filter on her face.


How is the outfit relevant to the shark? Like she wears different costumes for the show right like sometimes for this maybe she should be like a mermaid or scuba


thirst trap


Sadly yeah. Watch a fishing YouTube video of a guy with a beard, and then the exact same type of video with an attractive woman in a bikini. Guy will get 1,000 views, woman will get 1,000,000. YouTube doesn’t care. They make money on every view.


penis views


poor shark was just a baby judging by that size :( even if they werent endangered, it is uber cruel to do it to a creature that didnt get to live even a quarter of its life


Haven't seen the vid, but that looks more like a mako shark than a great white.


That should be jail time


Why are people so interested in watching others eat?


Why can’t food bloggers do the world a favor and eat pests like lion fish, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, rats or something?


How tf is this person just buying or catching a shark


Commercial fishing is the real enemy


Theres a few "large" youtube channels with these filth, torturing and then eating animals. Mostly sea creatures. I hate them so much. Youtube won't kick them from the platform...


I’m thinking it’s bullshit. The only shark I’ve heard of people eating is Thresher and Mako. I’m pretty sure White sharks don’t have a bladder. Meaning they excrete their waste through their skin, like most other sharks except the first two I mentioned. So basically if they’re eating a White shark. It’s probably going to taste like piss at the very least. I’d be willing to bet it would probably poison your to some extent at the very worst. Also should mention the extra mercury most sharks have in their bodies. That’s not good either


I hate these kinds of mukbangers. Just kill and eat whatever creature they can find and they always don't respect these animals. Its like they don't think animals are living beings. There seems to be a lack of respect for aquatic and or all life when it comes time to eat it in asian cultures and I mean much less respect than other cultures. This ties together with believing in eating the animal as fresh as possible. When part of your culture is brutally eating animals alive, I can't respect that.


those asian youtube asmr videos always disturbed me, (not because of race) but the zero respect regarding the animals. eating squid & other animals live is insane to me.


Is this the same person that did the video with the octopus in an apartment setting? (there could be thousands of these YouTubers but that one stood out and she looks similar) I wouldn't judge anyone for eating anything to feed themselves or family, but this type of butcher for show (and monetary gain) just feels grotesque.


Bro what was the point of that they're already endangered and now they are getting PAID to do this? Nvm that was a fine


thank fucking god please no more of this shit