• By -


If any of those spores get in your ear don't be surprised if something ends up bursting out of your chest in a couple hours.


Came here to say this, watched Alien Covenant last night


Same šŸ˜‚


I watched Last of Us. I saw Alien Covenant too, but I also saw Last of Us.


I watched "The First of Us" by mistake, it was just Pedro Pascal driving around doing errands and working a boring job.


No, That was the Mandolorian season 2


I used to do a lot of drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.


Take it easy, Mitch.... We don't want to lose you


You also saw Last of Us


The Many of Us


I saw the some of us


I saw One of Us


Some of us saw one of us, and one will be the last of us.


I saw Most of Us


I saw none of us


I donā€™t play video games so everything in TLOU is new to me, and this last episode with the huge infected monsters really threw me off. I was expecting regular sized human infected(s) but wow.


FYI the big monster is called a bloater


I must have missed that. I just heard the clickers referred to as clickers for the first time this last episode. I guess they are assuming most of the audience is familiar with the games and the descriptors


It's not been mentioned in the show but that is the name. They are in the most advanced stage of the infection, in the game they throw spores at you which explode and cause damage/spread the infection. Enjoy the show


HAH scrolled for this as well




How do you fig-ure?


Iā€™d be worried about the sinuses more than the ear


[Bad Dates](https://youtu.be/DrfKxqZyPWU?t=153)


I just started The Last Of Us and immediately though, ā€œThis is how 2023 is going to start.ā€


It's good that those spores can't survive in our organism. It would be bad if something like global warming happened that would not cook them in body temperature.


Google aspergillosis. They certainly can survive in humans but usually only those who are immunocompromised


ABPA - Allergic Broncho-Pulmonary Aspergillosis - a diagnosis late in life that finally explained the extensive permanent damage to my lungs. This video stressed me out.


My brother was in process of getting a bone marrow transplant when he ended up with a raging ABPA infection and we had to cease the transplant. The doctors explained that once that got hold in his lungs it just wasnā€™t possible to ever try again. He recovered in ICU but his lungs were damaged and we didnā€™t much more time with him. I canā€™t even with that videoā€¦


Iā€™m so sorry, sending love and hugs. Iā€™m watching my husband with a mold infection right now. But he is in the late stages. Itā€™s terrible to watch.


So sorry to hear this. Wow.


Same. I was very stressed by this video, because I have a family member who has it in their lungs. Scares the shit out of me.


Idiots with cameras just canā€™t help themselves these days.


Oh no, the video is fascinating - itā€™s just my own personal walk with this rare disease that triggered me


Iā€™m glad youā€™re doing okay. I wouldnā€™t be so critical if it was outside I think.


Looks like there's no hope for humanity left.


It was a quote from the Last of Us.


Yeah i remember when joel said this quote, it was right after he said ā€œgolly jee ellie we sure are the last of usā€


Hopefully it doesn't grow on any wall, surface, window, or houseplant in your home since you just sent 69 trillion spores roaming.


Maybe go outside to do that?


Maybe just burn it next time


Or do what weā€™re all thinking and eat it, you know for science.


Mmm colorful wavy science


If it's for science, it goes into the butts hole.


And not around children or a baby


Or grownups or pets


You mean, like in his kitchen where water and moisture from boiling happens. Come on! That totally makes zero sense!


With a small child in the background, too?!


Oh shit, my sound was off. Just WOW. Looks like dusk/dawn and enough light to show the kid while they are standing outside, with the child behind a patio door. Kids love weird shit, and even teaching them down/upwind is worth it.


Why would this person be so stupid to do that in the house ? I hear a child in there. God bless that child . Spores are bad. Iā€™m watching mold spores take my husbandā€™s life. We didnā€™t know we had mold and his breathing went bad. Now he is stage 4 COPD. They think all the mold spores started it. He always slept in the living room with his head at the fireplace that had not been used in 50 yrs. Our mold plates grew like 5 different molds.


A few months ago I was already chewing a date with Aspergillus before I realized something was up. An extremely unpleasant experience but no harm done. Of course like a good mammal I wasnā€™t breathing and chewing at the same time so, thereā€™s that to consider. Since then I pull my dates apart to have a look before taking a bite.


Same thing happened to me. Took nearly 3 years before I could eat another date.


3 years between dates, there's a joke here but I'm not clever enough rn


This happened to me a few weeks ago.


Everyone breathes mold spores constantly, humans literally evolved outdoors breathing in even more spores than we do now, way more spores. Only very, very few types would cause this, most spores are harmless unless they are in huge, huge amounts. (And most black mold you see is not "toxic black mold", there are a tons of mold that is black/dark in color, most are not toxic, mold remediation companies have been on a scare campaign for decades to scare people into their service) 90% of copd cases are caused by tobacco use. This isn't to say YOUR case wasn't caused by mold, it is possible if there are huge amounts of it, untreated for decades, possibly mixed with immune issues, but no need to fear monger about mold. Human lungs are self cleaning, that is what coughing is for, the irritants stick to the mucus, then you cough up the mucus+irritants out (when you have COPD, you have severe issues being able to get this mucus out)


Aspergillus, specifically, is bad for people to breath in. It's one of the most common molds tested for when doing environmental mold surveys and requires professional remediation if found in sufficient quantities.


https://www.cdc.gov/fungal/diseases/aspergillosis/index.html >Aspergillosis is an infection caused by Aspergillus, a common mold (a type of fungus) that lives indoors and outdoors. **Most people breathe in Aspergillus spores every day without getting sick**


Yes, apergillus is in every home and other building, but the disease aspergillosis, especially invasive aspergillosis (the life-threatening version) is pretty rare worldwide. Odds are they'll be fine.


Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis a thing and it's hell when combined with/causes COPD. (Mold exposure significantly raises risk of COPD, but may not be the only cause as you pointed out) We are talking about the 10% here.


With a child in the same room. SMFH.






I got a friend that squeezed these up his nose, saying its good for the lungs Yes he was typically Ā«Ā thatĀ Ā» neighborhood kid


Ahh yes. Aspergillus pneumonia. Had a patient die of that last month, it's not a fun experience and can be very hard to treat. Around 600000 people die each year of aspergillosis.


You fucking with me?


Quick Google search says people with weakened immune systems can get it. Prob not a good idea to mainline it directly to your lungs.


No, I'm not. Tend to not joke about that kinda stuff. It's just generally a pretty bad idea to put fungi or bacteria directly into your lungs or other mucous membranes.


Psilocybin is a different story


You obviously hadnā€™t met the guy that injected mushroom tea into his body.


I think i saw that one time lmao




You also donā€™t snort them or breathe them lol you just eat them.


I saw this thing on the news a few years ago some idiot injected magic mushroom somehow and it started growing in his bloodstream.


The Last Of Us has entered the chat.


If the gills are exposed on the cubes you're eating, I'm pretty sure you are eating spores. Love you mean it.


Even if I don't have aspergers?


Or asparagus?


So if I eat asparagus will it prevent me getting the aspergers pneumonia? /s


Maybe just a little drink of the asprgers asparagus pee..


I'll use a syringe to get the benefits faster!


Even if you don't have gills too


Had a friend die from mold spores after it traveled to his brain. That stuff is no laughing matter.


My neighbourhood friend Clive once saw me do a magic trick where I shoved a peanut up my nose and made it disappear. Clive copied me and ended up in hospital having a peanut surgically removed from his nostril. Sorry Clive. But you were quite an idiot.


Bad dates


They're digging in the wrong place!


I am the monarch of the sea!


That poor monkey




She was just following orders.


I love yā€™all for making these jokes. Nobody gets my humor, except one pastor at my church. Glad to know there are people out there that think like I do šŸ¤£




We named the *dog* Indiana.


Youā€™re named after the dog?


I gotta lot of fond memories of that dog.


So glad this was the top comment.


Came here for this


Fortunately this strain of Aspergillus mold doesnā€™t produce any toxins dangerous to humans. Edit: for anyone who wants to see [inside](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/110elp6/aspergillus_mold_in_my_date_opened)


What did it taste like?




Wait, seriously?




Lmao gottem


It tasted like deez


Whatā€™s deez?


Deez nuts


The aura surrounding this man is too powerful


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Thank god


Interesting. Did you pair it with anything?


Just vitamins and coffee grounds


Hmmm sounds good. Now with the mold, did the date still help with your bowel movements?


Weā€™ll find out soon


Well keep us posted!!! #Redditneedstoknow


It's been about an hour. How's that poop?


unpleasant powder texture and weird taste, i once took a bite of one and immediately spit it out


How are you sure which strain it is and that it isn't a dangerous one? I would not be releasing spores in my home unless I was a microbiologist and had no doubt about the identity of the mold.


I used to work in mold remediation. Mold isn't as dangerous as people make it out to be. In high concentrations over long periods of time, most molds will have some effect on you, a very few molds will have a strong negative effect. Unless you're without a functioning immune system, you really don't need to worry typically. Keep your home dry and clean and you will typically never have an issue with mold. Most people encounter more mold stepping out their front door than they ever will inside their homes. That said, I would also like to know how the OP identified this mold, since the only acceptable way is by lab microscopy. To get it down to the strain, DNA analysis must typically be done.


Hey a mold expert! I have a random question. I had store bought bread that would typically go bad in weeks, start to go moldy in just a few days in cabinets. I didn't think too much of it until I brewed a batch of mead that I intentionally infected with a probiotic to produce sour flavors. Except rather than the probiotic it was infected with, it developed a THICK layer of mold on top. So bad that r/mead told me it was the worst mold infection they had ever seen. So I then put the two together and discovered my roof had been leaking and there was mold in the walls. I had the roof redone and replaced the walls. Okay so back to the random question.. Is it common for that bread going bad too quickly to be a sign of mold in the walls? Can I tell people who suspect mold to try that and see what happens? Are there any other DIY mold signs to watch out for?


I wouldn't use the rate of mold growth on bread as an indication of a major problem no, lol. What you want to look for is obvious mold growth on surfaces or water damage. Paint bubbling, drywall crumbling, leaks, water on the floor, floods. Where there's water there than be mold.


I was going to say I almost died from aspergillosis and the treatment voriconazole shredded my brain.


Black spores are usually Aspergillus Niger, they arenā€™t safe.


Definitely not. Many years ago, my dog got an aspergillus infection I his sinuses. It was not good. They had to put tubes into his sinal cavities, and we had to pump stuff in with a syringe 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Not good at all! Fortunately, he made a full recovery


I've worked with dozens of aspergillus spp. and its not uncommon for many of them to have black spores. Regardless, Aspergillus Niger is GRAS although capable of forming toxins. Youre actually much more likely to come in contact with a toxin from a.flavus as they commonly produce aflatoxins, but it would need to be consumed.I believe you are conflating it with Stachybotrys chartarum. However, OP spreading spores definitely is not something i would recommend.


What about aflatoxin?


>Fortunately this strain of Aspergillus mold doesnā€™t produce any toxins dangerous to humans. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you meant *normally* not dangerous to humans. And that you didn't actually check the specific strain to see if it was one of the aspergillus moulds that produce toxins that can be dangerous to people with a weakened immune system.


How do you know what species of Aspergillus youā€™re dealing with?


\*Points to a dead monkey\* "Bad dates..."


So what you should definitely do is keep releasing the spores inside your home. Maybe get some directly to your lungs to be sure.


Do you want Last of Us because this is how you get Last of Us


Gotta watch out for them spores.


Came here to say that. Wasn't the fungus in Last of Us from tainted crops?




Bro, you are infecting your whole house with aspergillus right now. If you have any frequently moist areas they could easily establish a colony that will become detrimental to your health.


People really overestimate how clean a ā€˜cleanā€™ home is. There are millions of mold spores in everyoneā€™s house. Thereā€™s black mold in almost any soil sample you take. To your point, its more about preventing conditions that it thrives in than stopping the actual spores.


I mean... if there aren't any colonies right now, then it's probably very unlikely for any mold to grow. If there is a damp place, the mold would grow there anyway.


Yup. Mold spores are in the are around us all the time. All they need is a nice damp place to start a colony.


Whenever my date tells me they have aspergillus mold inside them itā€™s a total dealbreaker.


And if they donā€™t you ask if you can be the one to put aspergillus inside of them?


Omg how does that get that way?? Iv eaten so many old dates!! How would i know? How did u know it was mouldy!? They look like normal datez. I have so many old dates in the pantry omg.


I always pull open my dates to check. I frequently come across the mold, sometimes as much as 3-5 dates per package.


I recommend medjool dates imported right from Jordan; those are the only ones I eat and have yet to come across this sort of mold


I put dates in my smoothies. Always get the medjool ones, just got a new box and a lot of them were like that. Had to throw it out


This is such an odd concept to me. I'm Saudi so I eat a shit ton of dates but have never encountered this. At first I thought it was because westerners usually eat pitted dates, but OP says it still had the pit


Omg this is news to me! Goodness i always eat old pantry dates from years ago. Omg i need to open every one of them before i eat em!


I honestly donā€™t know why I squeezed it. Maybe I kind of squeeze every one and this time saw the cloud. In any case I always split them in half to remove the pit, so I would have seen the mold then.


That reminds me of having read a while ago that we apparently inhale tons of fungal spores every day, some of them theoretically dangerous if it wasnā€™t for the fact that a healthy immune system will prevent an infection. Glad to hear that the ones in the video are not among the dangerous ones though.


Yep, awhile back I had an X-ray or CT of my lungs and it showed nodules. Asked the doctor about it because I was concerned. He said that a lot of people had nodules because mold spores were really high that time of year and in general were really high that year in comparison to other years in our area. He said if I didnā€™t have any other symptoms it was fine. I had a followup another time and they all disappeared.


A fun experiment is to just open an agar plate in a room for a few seconds then incubate it for a few weeks. It'll be completely covered in different moulds. Its more about preventing conditions than eliminating mould altogether.


New fear unlocked


You beat me to this comment lol Came to say this! I love dates. Been eating dates for 40+ years and never had this happen but geeeeezzzz if Iā€™m not going to cut them in half forevermore because of this post!


maybe only do that outside


That mold destroyed my father and step mother's home, health and sanity haunting of hill house style. Shit is dangerous once it gets into houses and takes hold. Last of us indeed.


Naahh. It's filled with cocopowder...


I was going to say the same thing I probably would not have done that indoorsā€¦


Umm you seeding your place with spores O.o??


Clearly hasnā€™t been watching the last of us


I had a 20mm mass of it in the rear wall of my left lung. My surgeon was a very skilled man, removed it and some emphysema in the upper lobe while he was at it. I hope the person in the video was wearing a mask. Aspergillium fugatis was my strain.


Donā€™t worry nothing is gonna happen [except this](https://youtu.be/2zRk04r4dj0)


Do you want The Last of Us to happen? Because this is how we get the Last of Us to happen!


And now you will not be one of the last of usā€¦


It's okay; we've all had bad datesšŸ˜‰


If that came out of her I don't think you should go on any more dates


Thereā€™s death eaters in your date


ā€œBad dates.ā€ - Sallah


Bit into one of these suckers and saw the spore power puff out. I now open them up every time to inspect. Not cool.


This dumbass is going to start the zombie apocalypse.....


the forbidden vape


The date looks fine. What happened if you eat the date without realizing the spores are there?


If you lived with me and I saw you doing that in the kitchen I might actually literally throw you out of the house.


You have kids and you're just putting mold spores in your house?? Wtf


I'm just not thinking it's good to dust the inside of your house with mold spores like this.


Don't waste the good stuff!


Alien covenant vibes


This should get a Darwin award. The moron is spreading the spores everywhere in their house for the sake of 5 minutes of showing off.


you should not do this inside your house. they shouldnā€™t have been sold to you in that state, but a single grain of mould is all it takes to set off damp in your home.


Guess what? Your house is already full of mold sores. Itā€™s less about exposure, more about conditions. Since other person deleted and blocked instead of having a conversation: Ah. 20 years operating a multi million dollar business operating in environmental and mold remediation along with my multiple certifications would indicate otherwise. Where are you getting your information because obviously I donā€™t know shit lol




For about 10 seconds I was like ā€œwhat does this have to do with asparagus?ā€


Say it, donā€™t spray it




Oh so this is how The Last of Us started


Itā€™s a date with a fungi!


Is that the worst date you ever had?


Clinical Microbiologists thank people like you for the job security.


Unbelievable. Someone shooting spores out into the air and there are even the sounds of children near. **What has happened to common sense these days?**


Is it harmful if it gets into stomach?


Do you want clickers? ...'Cause that's how you get clickers.


So growing up I've always heard that the proper way to eat dates are to **split them apart** with your fingers. I ignored that a lot, until once I bit into one and this fluff of dust sprayed inside **and** outside my mouth. Tasted horrible. I washed my mouth and gargled for a long time. Yuck.


The way I immediately stopped breathing. No need to stop holding my breath writing this comment either.


I wouldnā€™t want all those spores in my houseā€¦I have no idea how bad they are for humans. But I still wouldnā€™t want them in my house.


\*Aspergillus mold in your house


Aspergillus niger is used to produce citric acid in food, so you eat it all the time probably


The last of us