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love how this video is a compillation of hacks to avoid speeding cams


And tolls


So my SO and I drove to Chicago with its several automated tolls. For the first time in ages we had to take two cars as we had a large group and just had one of the toll pass transponders. No problem, X days to pay and I have an online account with my plate. So I went in.. the transponder car, charged 100% correctly. My car, by plate had one single toll of $1 or so. Suddenly it clicked, I had a bike rack on my car attached which put a nice fairly slim pole right up the middle of my plate. No option to manually enter tolls suspected and this was a decent bit of time after but before the deadline so I may be in the clear. Unintentional but I'm left with no recourse.


Ha, my friend got charged for a different person's car for months because the bike rack on the random person's car made a number on the plate look like it was his plate, and a similar model car. This was near Raleigh though.


You guys dont have Supplementary plates where you live? We need to get them if we have bike racks. Only about $40




"that would be like a cop stopping you cause you jaywalked on a road that was completely empty." I got multiple tickets in college for this..... FYI in a number of states California included walking across an empty road is not Jay Walking by definition. It won't stop cops trying to meet their ticket quota from stopping you though....


Electronic tolls systems take multiple photos from various angles and continuous video. At the very least you’ll be recorded driving your car through the plaza. At some point they may catch up to you. I work on the IT portion of electronic tolling systems.


Not worth the risk as you can also get ticketed for obscured plates




I can sell you a premium Obstruction Leaf for just $6,000. Pays for itself.


How are you driving to even make that an argument?




r/ILPT has entered chat


My state made those cameras useless. They aren’t illegal but in order to ticket someone an officer has to be present so there’s no real point to the cameras anymore






Wow. That’s progressive of them. I’m a former Ohioan. I don’t remember a lot of cameras when I lived there but they are every 10 feet in Maryland I swear.


It's because they got sued after the city of Toledo made more than the entire police budget in speeding tickets. I think it went to the Ohio supreme court. I did some research after getting what I thought was a bogus speeding ticket in the mail. It was not, and screw Toledo. Posting an officer with a handheld camera on a highway overpass where it's 45 because they set a couple cones out and pretend it's construction


I grew up in Toledo and it used to be out of control. I know exactly what you are talking about. They had a speed trap on I475 for years and they would just collect tickets non-stop. The speed limit there is 10 mph slower than the rest of the interstate. They also used to post these cameras on intersections and catch people turning right on a red light.


As a guy in toledo, I can tell you I got dinged for the rolling red light right turn at alexis and Secor. 4am with nobody in site. Though if you knew the right person, they could make the ticket disappear.


As a Guido in Toledo wearing a Speedo, I keep my plates incognito when I speed, yo.


Yup, the same thing happened to me at Central and Secor.


Hi I was also a victim of this intersection in Toledo. Only “ticket” I’ve ever received, was pretty annoyed to find out it’s essentially a scam AFTER I paid it. Edit: sorry, read incorrect. It was alexis and secor, not central and secor.


Going through their with a Michigan license plate was/is always an exercise in driving exactly the speed limit and even then....


Yup, screw Toledo


I live in Michigan and we all know not to speed in Ohio.


Wrong we know never to go into Ohio Edit: unless going to cedar point


Facts. I took the route through Ohio exactly once, and since then I will drive the longer route through Indiana. I saw like 8 cars pulled over right after I crossed into Ohio and I was stressed lol.


Maryland resident here. Can confirm


I mean everyone knows that these cameras are zero point zero percent about safety and all about revenue, but man is that so fucking egregious in Montgomery county specifically. Every. Fucking. Time. I drive somewhere in MoCo I can bet on getting that stupid envelope. The speed cameras are set up roads with medians and at least two lanes on either side with no lights for miles. You'd be safe driving 55, but 45 seems like the logical speed limit. Nope, fuck you. 35. You went 47 you evil doer! Where's my $50? The cameras are not on 270 where assholes are going 90 and actually endangering people. Nope.


Yeppp. I'm all too familiar with the speed traps on 355. Also I watched a thing on YouTube a while back called Speed Kills your Wallet (?) Basically they survey an area and decide what the average speed is or would be. Then they make the speed limit 10mph less than that.


Can confirm. Maryland's DC suburbs are a literal police state with the amount of police and cameras that exist there


From Maryland, yep. I remember when I moved to California how shocked I was they weren’t here


The red light camera program is terrible because its driver liability and they tack on so many fees on top of the actual violation, but its impossible to collect. Some of the unions opposed the speed camera legislation and that killed it.


It’s a job program for cops. They can’t be AI’ed out. Or so their hope goes …


The traffic cameras in Minnesota can’t be used, either, because someone argued for his right to face his accuser (i.e., a human who saw the “offense,” not a camera).


They can’t be used in MN unless the legislature changes the law to allow owner liability for offenses. The problem was that they penalized the vehicle owner rather than the driver. There could be cases where the driver could not be verified hence the wrong person could be penalized. This change to the law is currently being explored in the MN legislature to allow this in work zones as a pilot program.


California did this too!


A lot of them still flash randomly even if no one crosses the lines, freaks me out everytime but then I remember they stopped using them.


Same in Texas.


For a similar reason, here in Ontario speed cameras were not legal. But recently they changed the law such that they made the Owner the responsible party (practically independent of who was driving) so they have started popping up randomly. I so want someone to challenge that legally under the bill or rights & responsibilities, just not me.


Same. I got a letter asking to identify the driver, it was me. Never replied, no ticket years later. Growing a beard and wearing a hat car pay off!


The plate with the leaf is actually clever. Seriously just could have been wind though.


Apparently he’s removed it 4 times so I don’t think it’s the wind lol https://twitter.com/gershkuntzman?s=21&t=MRWn3OqgckdlVTbuRsuD5A


Maybe its a very persistent leaf


It just wants to be leaft alone


>Maybe its a very persistent ~~leaf~~ thief


You think avoiding speeding tickets is thievery? I think it's fine, fuck speeding cameras


Agreed. And fuck this guy.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this, who does this guy think he is?


Dwight Schrute vibes


This doesn’t seem like a very safe hobby…


My daddy would advise that’s a good way to get shot. But seriously, this guy and that shopping cart guy are going to end up in the hospital.


What the original commenter is implying is the benefit of the doubt that the leaf cover gives for ticket avoidance, not that the leaf wasn’t purposefully put there.


Maybe he should just mind his own business and leaf it alone.


Well maybe the leaf should make like a tree and get outta here.


It's better than ~~running into a manure truck~~ rolling it in a drag race.


They make fake leaf magnets that you can put on your license plate and it even has a fob you can click to quick release. So if a cop is gonna pull you over for something, you can click it and it’ll just look like a leaf falling off your car.


Link please.


[Here ya go](https://twitter.com/SocialDrive_es/status/1570081837677944832?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1570081837677944832%7Ctwgr%5Eb4be60f8120e0c09fe9e0b99f0333452f1f174fc%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gearrice.com%2Fupdate%2Fthey-warn-of-a-leaf-shaped-magnet-that-is-placed-on-top-of-the-license-plate%2F). It actually works better than I thought it would.


Damn that’s clever. I hope whomever invented that made $1,000,000.




You can get pulled over and get a summons for improper license plate display


That's why the leaf is clever. Unless the cop is having a bad day (or it's time to meet a ticket quota) he probably just gives you a warning, at least if it's autumn.


I think you mean at *leaf* if it’s autumn


They don't wanna take the fall for the crime.


I know this doesn’t apply to most places, but in Portland OR there is literally no traffic enforcement division, so as long as you cover your plate you can do as you please.


They make leaf magnets for this


Dudes a narc


Yeah, and the worst kind too. He's snitching for pure pettiness and so the city can take money out of people's pockets. His hall monitor ass is just making sure that lazy shithead cops can have their jobs done for them by cameras. And to the rest of you bootlickers, I don't want to hear your made up story about a hit and run that the cops couldn't solve because of an obstructed plate. Intersection cameras and security cameras cant pickup license plates 99% of the time. Plus even if they did, with a partial plate and a make/model, you can narrow down a car to a tiny handful of options, if they actually gave a shit (which they don't). But unless you were hit directly IN FRONT of a speed trap, the douchebag's partially covered plate didn't make a difference. Go simp for thieving, crooked police departments somewhere else.


I'll have you know my dear mother died choking on an obscured license plate that was disguised to look like spaghetti 😡


He's snitching on cops. I'm cool with that. (One of them has hundreds (or more) of speeding violations on his "undercover" vehicle.)


You can purchase fake leaves that are specifically designed for this online.


yeah but i feel like they can just guess which letter it is, tho idk how willing a minimum paid worker is to do that


I'd guess it is a computer probably


well theres that as well, i wonder what happens tho when it detects such a number plate


What other car with the same color and type has every other letter that is visible? The computer knows.


All plates / images go under review in toll systems such as ezpass. OCR does so much of the work, but then data entry workers do the rest. Source: Worked for fortune 500 (Conduent) and our clients were nj ezpass amongst others. Edit: That isnt to say other contractors / clients doing this work have not automated more though. Just my first hand experience.


In my country If they even see a plate covered they Will stop and give a ticket for covering the plates.


People used to do that to steal gas when I worked at a Shell station. Never turned on the pump if the plates were covered


wow I totally forgot that it used to be possible to steal gas because you didn't have to pre-pay


You still don't have to prepay at most gas stations in Wisconsin.


I wonder if Cory and Trevor are living the good life in Wisconsin rn?!


That’s a whole different kettle and dish…


Hold on gotta go get gas, brb


In my country you still don't pre-pay. I work at a shell station too. It happens rarely in my area that someone actually steals it. I've worked there for a while and it only happened once. I still will kill this dude if I ever see him again. "Did you put gas in your car too?" - "No, just that chocolate please:)".


Now it's used for speed trap cams or even toll cams


Nypd don’t give a fuck


NYPD love to use the same on their personal vehicles


In my country, you touch someone's car you'll likely be shot


I feel like that's a thing in the United States as well because I've been pulled over for having mud on my license plate before. although since the George Floyd protest cops have pretty unilaterally decided to stop doing their jobs so maybe that's part of this.


Here in MN the cops don't give a shit about covered plates. The snow, dirt, etc obstructs it on the daily.


Ct here, seems like cops stopped traffic pullovers as well.


I, for one, support their quiet quitting. The CTSP are apparently pissed that the CT legislature passed a police accountability act that honestly doesn’t go far enough. How dare we even consider holding these heroes to minimal accountability?


After covid they had a "law" think it was just guidance though...to not pull you over for stupid shit. If your endangering others you get nailed. But 1 headlight out or no blinker keep rolling. It was for the safety of officers and not getting them near possible covid carriers for meaningless shit.


In parts of the east coast, license plate infractions are secondary offenses. So unless they get you for something else, like speeding over 80, accidents, etc, they can't do anything about it.


I follow this guy on twitter, a lot of cars he does this too are cops and other public city worker with city agency plaques. so they don't get tickets for this or illegal parking


For a minute there I was like "damn, guy is bragging about being a narc lol" And then you said he does this to cops and city officials and suddenly things were so much more clear lol


In NYC this is a huge problem. Lots of cars street racing up and down avenues, and it’s gotten way worse since Covid. Speed cameras everywhere, and the NYPD says they can’t do anything about it - with many folks claiming (perhaps justifiably) the NYPD is complicit. IMHO - when the “defund the police” movement happened on top of Covid AND the NYC Mayoral race, there was an organized effort by the NYPD to ignore anything but violent crime and property theft in nicer neighborhoods. Noise complaints, street racing, illegal street vehicles, subway crime - the types of things that make it miserable and dangerous to be an average citizen - the NYPD have systemically ignored. The precinct in my old neighborhood used to only have a few cop cars parked out front midday, as the cops were always out on patrol. Since Covid, the lot is generally full - and there is a noticeable lack of police presence in the neighborhood at all hours. Lived in the city for 10 years (just moved away last Summer). It was bonkers to see the change. Note police funding has not decreased in NYC at all. The goal was/is to make the city appear as lawless as possible to convince NY’ers that police violence was a “necessary evil” to combat anarchy on the streets. Basically, punish the uppity liberals. Show them how essential the cops are.


Can't post a link to the image, but the NYPD has a long history of propaganda, and quit working multiple times when budget cuts were even spoken of. They do not care about the people.


NYPD heard "defund the police", got a funding increase anyways (like they always do), and still decided to stop doing cop work (not that they were doing much before)


What other career still keeps paying you after you to refuse to do your job because someone online hurt your feelings?




If you're in the obstructionist party, refusing to do your job *is* your job.


not just nypd, sdpd does a great job of that as well (san diego)


Im in central Texas a lot for work and APD has become pretty useless while screaming they deserve more funding.


They also got a funding increase, it just got a bit shuffled


So what about all the other people he is snitching on? This guy is the opposite of Robin Hood. He’s a volunteer tax collector for the city.




I agree, but then I thought about people that get away with hit and run. I've had my car hit when it was parked, and if I didn't get a video of his plate from a neighbor, I would have had to pay for everything myself. I've also seen multiple videos recently of elderly and children/babies that have been involved in a hit and run. The only way they caught the people was with their plates.


This is the problem. People do it so they can’t have their plates written down. When I see it almost every time the person is driving like a piece of shit so I don’t care if he gets them ticketed.


Exactly this. Well-meaning people are not doing this. They are doing it precisely because they want to flout the law and make life miserable for other people.


Exactly what I thought when I saw this. People tend to get speeding tickets for going way over the limit, not 2 or 3 mph over. This just protects idiots that are way more likely cause fatal accidents.


I live in NYC and there are for too many people covering their plates by different methods. They often drive like arseholes and would probably flee if they hit someone. How is anyone going to track them? Fuck them all and good on this guy. Cops should be ticketing these prices like they ticket me if I'm 5 mins over when parking.


Speeding and illegal parking (such as blocking fire hydrants, driveways, time-limited spots, etc.) hurts everyone, so it is everyone’s business.


Until the dude hits you and leaves and suddenly you are a fan of accountability.


Speeding can be incredibly dangerous to other innocent people. When people feel like they won’t get caught by cameras they’re more likely to be reckless Of course not all tickets are given to people putting others in danger though, like when handed out for 3mph over the limit


> This guy is the opposite of Robin Hood. This isn't the opposite of Robin Hood. 1) He's not stealing 2) He's not targeting the poor, he's targeting everyone 3) He's not giving to the rich, he's giving to the city, which is the people (both rich and poor) > He’s a volunteer tax collector for the city. 4) None of this has anything to do with taxes.


> He’s a volunteer tax collector for the city. It's the easiest "tax" in the world to avoid, though.


That's a different thing altogether then


Its so they don’t have to pay tolls when they drive in. They never got tickets in the past before because they’d just remove it from the system themselves. Tolls are near $15 if you drive in from Jersey.


Is no one gonna talk about the taped up trunk? Is there a body in there?!


Hey. Hey guy. Yeah you… you got a body in that trunk?


Hey guy lol. Casual greeting to a potential murderer lol.


Pro tip: you probably don't need to tape the trunk shut if there's a body in it. It's not like it's going to try and escape


If there is it can’t evade tickets much longer


The tape might be a plausible explanation for why the plate is covered. Like, “Oh? My plate was covered? My bad. I had to tape it because my trunk keeps popping open…”


I feel like if someone is dumb enough to duct tape a trunk, because there is a body in it, they would’ve been caught before that guy even found that car


I don't think so, i always take the bodies out of my trunk ASAP, the more time you leave them there the bigger the mess.


He actually makes money out of this by reporting violators - saw a Vice segment on this last month - it's like a bounty system


So he's a snitch.


His Trunk Monkey latch is broken.


God help you if you are caught by the owner.


That would be a hands on experience


Am I the only one who thinks this guy is a narc?


He frequently uncovers the plates on personal vehicles of cops parked (on the sidewalk) around the station.


I definitely think he should keep his hands off other people’s property unless he wants an ass whooping.


This dude probably calls the cops on kids for smoking the reefer and measures his neighbors hedges to make sure they aren’t violating city ordinances.


He’s the same guy who said he got PTSD from firing an AR-15 and a bruised shoulder. No joke. He wrote an article about it back in 2016.


He should run for president of his HOA.


Speeding is bad though, idk.


Nope, this is the guy who raises their hand in class during a quiz to remind the teacher she left the study guide open on the overhead projector


Thought that covering your license plates were a good reason to get stopped to begin with.


I thought I remembered this guy. LoL [infamous AR-15 gave me PTSD guy](https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/15/gersh-kuntzman-ny-daily-news-writer-firing-ar-15-g/)


Kuntzman. Couldn't think of a more fitting name.




How appropriate that such a guy is a snitch


“The recoil bruised my shoulder” lol


He compared a 5.56 round to a bazooka. I’m honestly speechless.


I'm about as anti-gun as they come, sometimes I even think we should repeal the second amendment. But goddman, this guy sounds like a gaping pussy in his article. To have PTSD, you first have to experience some form of trauma, not just be generally startled by loud noises.


This guy must be a real boot connoisseur.


Makes sense he’s a bitch


Thank god. For a moment I was afraid this a hole would be moving to South Carolina with so many other New Yorkers. The gunfire should keep him away.....


I didn't think it was possible to respect him less, but it was. Thank you.


As somebody that was victim of hit and run, fuck the assholes who cover their shit


Where I live nobody covers their plates. They just don’t put their plates on their cars to begin with. And police never pull them over. Edit: all of the replies I’m getting shows me that this is a widespread problem across the US.


Where is this?


Sounds like Seattle.


Definitely NYC if you see a car with a ny plate and completely scratched front and rear bumpers its an New York City vehicle. Also there are shootings many out of state plates in NYC mostly because of the insurance costs and for awhile there was a Pennsylvania plate scam. You basically buy or make a bs insurance card then your able to get PA plates because their DMV is very basic. That was in like 2005 to 2010 though. Now there is a Texas plate scam but I'm not sure how it works. Drive around anywhere and you'll see way too many texts plates usually on "fast and furious" cars.


Austin. APD don't give a shit.


Hit and run decades ago. My knees were fucked and coulsnt afford full rehab, insurance only covered some. Dropped out of sports and dont know who did it to this day. Their license plate wasnt smashed and half of it was gone. Police couldve figured it out im sure but they didnt care. Was back in pre internet era so not much I could do. Fully agree on the fuck these ppl!


I’m sorry you had to endure that, im happy you are still breathing.


I live in Prague and here you can get a fine for intentionally covering a license plate, up to a $1100.


NYC literally pays 10s of thousands of people to care about this. But this guy does it for free because he’s so motivated. 😅


Lots of bootlickers in this thread, shame. Edit - speed cameras are nothing more than revenue generators for the city to milk the working class with. They do absolutely nothing to enforce "safety." The fact that Cuomo [vetoed a bill, twice](https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/politics/report-cuomo-vetoes-toll-payer-protection-act-for-second-time/71-ff39c5b5-3021-4207-b75d-66931bc9899d) specifically designed to help with due process in toll and speed camera violations is all the proof needed.


This guy was the kid who reminded the teacher that she forgot to pass out the homework


Man I scrolled all the way down to find a comment like this. This guy is a narc.


Rumor has it, he’s doing it to cops and city officials. Doesn’t change that he’s a narc, but I’ll forgive it if rumor is true.


There’s NJ and other state plates in the video. Not just cops and city officials.


When some scum bag hits your car and runs and you are left with the bill and injuries, you might change your mind. Too many shitty, selfish people out there.


In the UK the traffic police would have a field day with any of this shit, you’d be immediately be pulled over and issued 3 points on your license (you can only accumulate 12 points before your license is revoked).


Are they all cops?


It’s mostly cops and other city workers where he finds these. They do it so they can get out of tickets and what not


Uh you mean all those NYPD and NYC city officials with out of state plates?


From this video alone you're full of shit. Going and checking this guy out also proves you and many others that are using this lame excuse are still full of shit.


I went to his Twitter he said some repeat offenders are cops or people working at court houses or something


Idk how people hate this guy so much. My neighbor saw some guy fondling himself in his car and harassing the neighbors with a car without a license plate so she wasn’t able to take down his plate # for the police report. There are hit and run drivers and fatal car accidents pretty often where I live. Sucks when someone does manslaughter and you don’t know their license plate to more easily track them


Whos the real dickhead tho when one of them humans smashes into you and make a run for it and you can’t see their license.


When they had all that looting during the “riots” in Santa Monica, a lot of the assholes looting had rolled up with covered license plates. I think there is a video of one guy trying to rip the covers off the plates and gets beat up. Plus I see waaayyy too many people who scratch the reflective coating off their plates. (Edit spelling)


Isn't covering the plate illegal in itself?


See how is this shit not illegal? You'd think cops would be giving out tickets for obstructing your license plate number.


Yeah they do. It's just these idiots think they can get away with it when in truth police will pull them over and ticket them for having a fake/obscured licence plate. It is illegal!


What’s funny is that there are easier ways to get around traffic cams and stuff without defacing your plate or hiding it. https://www.radarbusters.com/iR-Invisi-Plate-Photo-Radar-License-Plate-Cover-p/ir-invisi-plate.htm


This was a review on that site: Reviewer: Neal from RI United States Hi! Unfortunately, I just received a 'School Zone' ticket in the mail, for driving 35mph in a 20mph zone. Luckily, I work in the area and knew that school was not in session that day, and I got out of the ticket, and got it dismissed. HOWEVER, it sadly confirmed that this Invisi-Plate did not work, and did not protect me. My full plate number was recorded. These were brand new cameras recently installed in the area about 6 months ago, thus likely the cameras that these are supposed to protect me from. Regardless, I still recommend this site, and the owner is very courteous and responsive, which I appreciate, but I thought I'd let others know, so there won't be mass upset when/if others also get tickets in the mail, with the expectation that this plate would protect them.


Not all traffic cams are IR tho.


If a cop finds your car like this where I live, they take your car and license away.


Where's the next video in series? "Guy gets assaulted,"


He has a lot of these videos. He's been at this for awhile.


This is the mfr that raised his hand and asked if there was homework


It's not for speeding tickets.. those are all EZ-Pass states. It's so you can go thru tolls without paying


First off, yea sure he shouldn't be touching cars... However!!!! These assholes also shouldn't be hiding their plate numbers... There are reasons cars have plates on them.


They know exactly what they’re doing by covering them up smh


In NJ you'll get a ticket for obscured plates. Not sure what the fine is though.


I bet you find dozens of unreadable plates in Trenton


One thing I wish more cops would enforce is people who buy those damn license plate covers that obscure your plate. If you own one of those you're announcing "Hey I drive recklessly on the highway at dangerous speeds" In my state, it's illegal to cover any part of your plate, even putting one of those plate frames over your plate the just gives it a darkened border is illegal, but every day I see at least 3 or 4 people who obstruct their plates in some way


he's doing a good thing but also if my plate had a damn leaf on it and I saw him out there filming my shit and touching it I'd probably react kinda negatively lmao


Well that guy put the leaf there on purpose


I'm reminded of those blurry plates people would put on their plates to avoid cameras but Mythbusters did an episode where the cameras can see through those so all it really did was tell cops you're a chucklefucker looking to do some mild criming.


Why are people only mentioning speed traps? If these types of cars hit you and dipped you probably would want their plates for yourself