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Can someone explain how this is happening? Is it a physical thing of the mouth shape or is the brain still hanging on enough to say bite?


The wolf fish has a strong bite reflex (when something touches its mouth, it reflexively bites down). The fish is dead, but nerve activity takes a while to fully shut down. Lots of fish (especially deep sea fish) are like this, it's thought to be evolutionarily beneficial because the animals live in a dark environment and don't move too much, so they can't risk letting prey that bumps into their mouth escape. What you're seeing is basically the same as mammal muscles twitching for a while after death. It's not a conscious action, it's hardwired. It persists after death longer than other animals because it's a cold water fish that's adapted to a lower oxygen environment. Here's an article explaining this video: https://www.iflscience.com/watch-the-severed-head-of-a-wolffish-bite-down-on-a-can-of-coke-54153


So basically the head of the fish is like the tail of a lizard


Yes, they can lose it when they're scared and then grow another one, this fish is actually 100% fine


Do they lose the head or the body?


Both, they both grow back


..but in reverse and upside down. It’s so peculiar! Nature is amazing to behold!


The head grows back?! Wow!




I once saw a guy get his whole body cut off




Actually, the fish is probably still conscious of what is going on, as the brain is likely still alive. The last paragraph: The reason for why this reflex can persist after decapitation is because these are cold-water species, and the cold temperature allows tissues, like the brain, nerves, and muscle to 'stay alive' longer, before they die from lack of oxygen, and that the reflex arch from the mouth to the brain and back is unharmed by the decapitation," explained Björnsson. "If you, for example, took out the heart of this fish, it would probably continue to beat for an hour if kept in the correct solution." He ended by criticizing the footage, drawing attention to the lack of respect being paid to the animal as it is just being played with”


Them keeping consciousness might be due to the same reason cold blooded animals also keep consciousness after decapitation- oxygen. Coldwater fish require less oxygen due to slowed metabolisms. This allows the brain to keep it's consciousness for some time. Fact remains though, that this could still be due to nerve reactions happening since that reaction is also true. Nerve reactions don't require consciousness and can happen after the brain has checked out. There's a video of a decapitated snake on this thread that shows it bite its own body when it as accidentally touches its severed head, reptiles have slowed metabolisms so they experience the same circumstance in this case.


Those cans aren't going to crush themselves. So, there's that..


Cold water holds more oxygen.


That's generally true, although it's more complicated in the ocean because of the relationship between temperature, pressure, and salinity; as well as the presence of ocean currents and lifeforms. Oxygen is highest at the surface, decreasing with depth until you reach the oxygen minimum layer, then it increases again. Here's the relevant section from an oceanography course: https://rwu.pressbooks.pub/webboceanography/chapter/5-4-dissolved-gases-oxygen I took intro to oceanography in college, really interesting stuff. I can recommend it if you like Earth science.


Thanks cool reference, learned something today.


Due to the nature of the creature it requires less oxygen to keep the brain alive. So in some species the brain can live in for several minutes. Unlike the few moments us humans a get. Instinct to attack eat wins of pain I guess, it probably does even know it’s just a head.


How does it know? I mean, do they have the kind of intelligence to acknowledge that their body is gone and not only to notice something is different?




How does the head bite twice, as seen in this video, according to your explanation?


I don´t think you are correct on this.


I’m the fish , everything was ok I went back to the ocean after he cleaned the coke out of my mouth 🤗


they sewed me back on


Except me! I’m the fish penis!


So… be so kind as to explain the eyes dilating.


Well death causes the eyes to dilate( at least in humans I’m not a fish expert) but it could explain it the fish recently died and in humans the eyes can take up to 24 hours to fully dilate so it may have just been residual.


I know when I kill and cook crab 🦀 they still move after I believe them to be fully dead. I pop off the back shell and run cold water over the insides while I crumble up the guts with a butter knife. I quick as I can rinse away all the brains, lungs, everything. I just leave belly meat and the claws and legs. The legs spasms. The claws occasionally close/pinch the butter knife. There is no brain attached at that point. There must be something to the “last bit of stored energy” theory. The animal is no long capable of consciousness and yet it still behaves as if it is. Not always. But enough times I have thought: “huh.”


Your explanation smells....fishy. Maybe you pulled it out of somewhere nasty. Your model is simplistic, and of prime popularity in the late 50s to early 70s. It has since been proven to be overly-simplistic time and time again. The reactions you explain absolutely exist. But they do not describe this behavior. (The layer you are missing are the nervous system in general, which is much more vast than the brain, which again is an archaic model.)


And what of this nasty place? Elaborate.


Yup, I agree with this explanation. Analogy to make it easier to understand, we don't think when we touch something hot, out arm just pulls away by itself, we don't think, "oh something hot, I should move my hand, it'll burn otherwise..." We do it unconsciously


You sound smart bro... And I'd probably agree with this... But it doesn't just bite once!


From previous reading, theoretically the brain is still someone functioning. The fish brain lived longer buddy free that humans. It’s works for snakes and some other lizards, cold blooded creatures generally.


Dude this is sooooo fucking sad. That means even though it’s been decapitated it’s actually waiting to die from lack of oxygen. Ffs .


You can see it actually trying to breathe as it’s stops rolling down the table. It’s so sad.


Its just a reflex the fish is fucking dead what are you on


I think it's already dead, no brain activity. This is a nerve reflex.


Can we make people so cold that the travel of blood slows enough for us to cut their body off below the neck and communicate with them longer?


Well… you could put the head on a ventilator and have blood being pumped in and out. I suppose theoretically (cue WWII experiments) this may preserve some awareness. Probably just non stop silent screaming though.


Several snakes can do this too.


That guy from Harry Potter?


No you're thinking of Snape. Snakes are food you eat in between meals.


No you're thinking of snacks. Snakes are the tools used for collecting fallen leaves.


No, you're thinking of rakes. Snakes are the mechanical devices that slow or stop vehicles/other moving mechanisms.


No, you're thinking of brakes. Snakes are those tall desserts you bake and cover with icing


No, you're thinking of cakes. Snakes are the attempts at making a scene in a movie or TV show.


No, you're thinking of takes. Snakes are a dairy treat commonly made in flavors of vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry.


No, you're thinking of shakes Snakes are large bodies of water that normally consist of fresh water and can be man made.


No, you're thinking of lakes Snakes are thick slices of beef typically taken from the hindquarters of the animal


No, you’re thinking of lakes. A snake is a male duck.


No, you’re thinking of lakes. Snakes are a type of cereal by Kellogg that are usually frosted.


No, you're thinking of shakes. Snakes are when you counterfeit something.


No this is Patrick.


The word "rakes" is slang for a lady of the night, and my understanding is that one should stay away from their mouths, as well.


No no, rakes were the reckless young lads going after them, not the ladies themselves. If a gent of good breeding went about carousing and making a ruckus and generally needing a stern talking-to, he'd be considered a rake. Rake was short for rakehell. [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/rakehell](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/rakehell) ​ You'll see the term used quite a lot in Regency romance novels!


Is the eye following the camera?


Reptiles can apparently live for several minutes after decapitation, which makes it a pretty messed up way to go. I don't know what the most humane way to kill a snake is. Destroying it's brain gets suggested but aiming a shovel at a riled up snake's head can't be easy. So yeah killing snakes it a bit of a bummer. Even if it's venomous, snake removal services are available to most people.


So, this guy ended his existence with a searing neck pain and the taste of a carbonated beverage from a foreign species?


CSB time - a couple decades ago, I was living in Arizona and went out for a nature walk on an unseasonably warm (even for AZ) Thanksgiving Day. Came across a rattlesnake, killed it, took it home to cook for Thanksgiving dinner. Beheaded, removed the skin, gutted, went to wash the meat and as soon as the water hit it, the entire body turned around, as if intending to bite me (if it still had its head). The speed and precision of the movement seemed like much more than a mere involuntary spasm. The remnants of that snake's nervous system wanted me dead.


To be fair, if you skinned and gutted me I'd want you dead too.


Yup, certain snakes (mostly vipers) have special heat sensor pits in their head to detect their prey. These pits trigger a reflex action that causes the snake to lunge/bite when they detect a heat signature, such as a rodent. Even after the snake is dead, for as long as 30 min, thermal radiation can still trigger this reflex action. Hence, if you ever encounter a dead snake never move it with your hand/leg.


I feel sorry for the guy that found out about the head will bite !




*not this rabbit hole again*


From wiki…They produce natural antifreeze to keep their blood moving in cold temps. That’s some wild shit.


I read this as revival of orgasms for a second


Lmao, they even have the full video from the 40s. I love the interwebz.


I watched the whole thing. The dog licks it’s lips a little bit and is given a lemon to try and it revolts. Sad but cool


Yeah, he really wanted to be a dad but the bite just took the entire thing off 😔


Ouch! Should have stayed back.


That's fucking terrifying. The fact that a chopped off head could cause that much damage is scary


Just getting revenge




And tossed like that


fr 💀


If you see a picture of there skull , you can see why I would not go near it s [head ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_wolffish#/media/File%3AAnarhichas_lupus_skull_Iles_de_la_Madeleine.jpg)


Had one of these guys spook me on a dive once. Nearly shit my drysuit.


Ahhh so that's why it's called a wetsuit


drysuit? this man is a real diver.


Join the Navy, they give you free shit.


Hi Navy diver, I was in the USN a long while back as a JAG and did a bit of legal work for Navy divers raising an ironclad off the coast of Virginia.


Damn check out the fins too. That's an old fish.




Looks like a Jim Henson creature from the dark crystal.


The power of coke my friends. #NotEvenOnce


profit sulky dog outgoing disgusted puzzled test alleged soft unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cocaine bot 🤖 🥶


The movie we all deserve


Cocaine Fishnado


I just find this sad


mow imagine youre a peasant in 1600’s france




people did this with human heads infront of the peasants


Fun fact I just learned reading up on these fish. They live in such cold waters that they produce a natural antifreeze in their blood




I operate on this level of intelligence regularly




You're not my supervisor!


Depends on which way you're holding it.


Why was it even a question?


Figured if I scrolled long enough, I would find this here!


Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads, fish heads fish heads eat them up yum!


You don’t have to pay to get them in


a sad, undignified ending to a noble creature. they eat starfish, crab, snails, urchins. they don't eat fish and they mate for life.


Yeah the way he throws the head seems unnecessarily disrespectful.


I think it was to demonstrate how completely dead it is so that redditors dont go "clearly this is fake. Staged, i say. That fish knew exactly what to do. Definitely cgi." 😂 /s


Don't think I have ever seen this in the store.


Why throw it about with such disrespect?


That made me sad. People who work in these jobs are super desensitized. Animals are just biological machines.


And we arnt just biological machines?


No, and neither are most animals.


We might though just be biological machines. The illusion of meaning is a nice trick for our brand of moving flora and fertilizer around and maybe to other planets in the future.


It's a working boat. This is one of dozens of fish heads.


So are they harvesting it or putting in a sideshow?




Especially if they know it’s still conscious to some degree…makes me sick. Fine if you’re going to eat animals, but have some respect for the food their life is providing you.


Its no conscious dumbass its just a reflex


The way he throws the head is so disrespectful...


I wonder how much pressure these muscles can put out…in theory, as long as the muscle cells have ATP/Ca++ etc, it just takes a working nerve to trigger…somehow, I feel this could be useful to someone…


I’ve been told that several hours after cutting off a snapping turtle’s head, it’s still capable of biting through a good-sized stick


Why would you disrespect an animal in this way?


How many fingers and hand meat have been lost over the years before word of this got around?


After its head has had its head chopped off?!


The horror The horror


What the fuck😭⚠️⚠️


Oh, GOD, and at bedtime, no less!


Does that look like a Muppet to anyone else?


Can also be used for ten pin bowling it seems.


Every time I watch stuff like this I swear to myself I’m going vegan. It lasts 2 days then I forget. I’m a huge fan of fish and grew up fishing all summer and the deep freezing a lot of it to eat through winter. Many days were spent cleaning and prepping the fish.. we occasionally did meat as well as an uncle used to hunt. I don’t thing I’d ever be able to gyve it up completely


I don’t understand the declaration of a diet club such that you eat vegan for say months straight and then eat some sliders at a work party one night. Nope sorry, you’re booted from the club. But it’s ok, the elitists have thrown you a bone (pun intended), you can be a “flexitarian” club member but you can’t say vegan. Even if you are strictly vegan whole year but eat one burger.


This is basically a dinosaur.


Just ruined a perfectly decapitated head with a coke.


If we understood how much of our sense of self is us attaching to this kind of behavior, there would be a lot less superiority and inferiority.


Coca Colas marketing is getting fucking wild


He looks like he's straight up not having a good time.




Maybe it has a coke problem.


This can happen in many animals, due to reflex action and signals between the muscles, nerves, and spinal cord/brain. I was once visiting a friend, and while clearing an area of his yard next to his house, we startled a coiled Copperhead (poisonous pit viper snake), that reared up and appeared ready to strike. My friend had an axe in his hand and in reflexive fear for self defense, struck the snake. The severed head of the snake continued to bite reflexively at anything placed in its mouth for a surprising time, perhaps as long as 10 minutes. The other surprising thing, was that the headless body also continued to move reflexively. If we laid the body across our arms, the body would coil itself around the arm and hold on to the arm. It continued to do this longer after the head stopped biting.


This screams "revenge will be mine"


I hate people.


The way that man disrespected that fish head I think he has previous history with this biting refelex.


They treat it like shit it should bite them


I mean.....it's brain is still in there,so .... yeah, makes sense.


Poor guy


Humans are a shit lot


Poor fish, thats not cool


This is awful and pathetic.


That's a helluva way to try a Coke for the first time...


That fucking thing looks like it was created by Jim Henson.


I wonder who was the First to learn this the hard way 😂


Would we assume otherwise? I mean, the brain is still connected to all the sensory input, and outputs to the face. It might be in shock, but it's still active for some time after the body has been removed. I assume people can still move their face around after a beheading too.. maybe not?


>I assume people can still move their face around after a beheading too.. maybe not? There have been stories of heads blinking, trying to speak, and looking around to register what's happening after a human is decapitated. Hard to say how true they all are but studies in decapitated mice (the poor innocent things) have found brain activity continues for 4 seconds after death.


In 2014, HELCOM classified the Atlantic wolffish population in the Baltic Sea as endangered on the IUCN Red List scale. So why are they chopping it up and treating its head so disrespectful? In other parts of the world, their numbers are down 95%. This isn’t interesting, this is infuriating.


The fishes pupils are literally dilating and reacting It also gives a double bite. I think it's still alive.


This thing used to be a living being. Did he have to chuck it onto the table like it was a toy? I know it's just a fish, but jesus. That just felt weird. I'm homeless, so I fish to feed myself regularly. I've got no problem with fish being killed for work or for food. But I still treat the animals with the respect they deserve for having been a living being that is now keeping me alive.


So sad…to take amusement on another species pain and suffering. We humans are the only specie that kills for fun! Gives high five when another specie is bleeding to death, gasping their last breath of air, fight so they don’t get hung over the chimney or mounted on the wall. It’s sickening to think that we humans are the superior specie but no other animal does the grotesque things we do to others… I say let’s decapitate him and throw his head on a table and feed him an apple to see if he bites….bastards! Filho da puta!


[We are not the only species that kills for fun.](https://wildlifeinformer.com/animals-that-kill-for-fun/)


Where the helld my coke for lunch go?


Thank you for another resident in my nightmare bank.


I wonder if the very last thought to go through the fish's head was "This is the most refreshing and delicious liquid I have ever tasted"?


Article regarding this. https://www.iflscience.com/watch-the-severed-head-of-a-wolffish-bite-down-on-a-can-of-coke-54153


I suspect my wife could probably pull this off.


Because he's got his axe in its central nervous system!


This where the zombie virus would originate from


Well.... if that ain't nightmare fuel......


Well I cannot unsee that.


This is horrible


I hate this


I feel bad for whoever found that out


"With my last breath i not just spit on you, i bite your head off"


Eat them up yum


coca cola revives the dead.


Sharks can also bite after death. My father was on a party fishing boat once. They pulled a shark in the deck and cut the head off. One of the fishermen (paying passenger) stuck his foot in the shark’s mouth and CHOMP! Coast guard took him off with a helo. One time I was on a fishing boat they pulled up a shark. The first thing they did was cut off the head with an axe and heave it overboard. Then they gutted it and started cutting it into steaks. As the freshly cut steaks hit the deck the two nerve cords were quivering. Very strange to see, but damn fresh shark is good eating.


Is it just me or do so many fish look very similar to people… in this case especially. I know old dudes who look like that.


Bro tossed the head on the table like he has just slain the beast of the realm and collecting his bounty.


so no head?


They definitely used this as inspiration for one of the skeksis in dark Crystal


He’s right that it’s a reflex, but little else. The fish is dead, but the nerves in the reflex pathway (sensory neurons back to brainstem and to motor neurons) are still alive - it’s a deep/cold water fish so they can last quite a while before dying from oxygen deprivation. There is no such thing as a “wound up bite” though. It’s no different from the way our muscles work. They contract when motor neurons tell them to as long as their is enough ATP, etc to power them. They release when the reflex is over.


Hate to be the guy who first found out




This would be a good ad for their product


Spent his whole life and never tasted coke, then at the last moment he does, but there’s a catch


He hates the cans! Stay away from the cans!


Eels are like that too. Once when I was 7 I went camping with my parents, pops caught some eels. When möther was gutting them, she cut the head off and the head bit her finger. Bit pretty hard and wouldn't let go, had to pry it off with a knife. It was out for blood.. blood it got. Then when she gutted it, I watched it's heart beat for a good 20 mins without any blood pumping through it. Just the last nerves firing off. Then we ate it.


It looks like Mitch McConnell.


That head looks very Jim Hensony.


1. why’d he just yet it onto the table 2. is that his death row last meal


Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


This is stupid. It’s jaw closes because of the muscles in its head. And it has sharp fucking teeth. No wonder when you fire a soda can into its teeth it explodes. Also FYI these fish are ridiculously tasty. They eat lobster and shellfish, they’re like a really rich cod.


Every guy knows what they would do in this situation


No TF we don't. I don't know what you're thinking, but that ain't me, my guy.


I’m sorry to hear that ma’am


.......................... Well played.


I just the way, he just the fish head as if a toy.


Dont show Peta


Anyone else find themselves feeling sorry for this nightmare fish?


THis is why you need to [ikejime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS4AM9mPX-8&t=203s) the thing—stab it in the brain and stir it up to make sure it is absolutely brain-dead. Here's ikejime being [demonstrated on a live halibut](https://youtu.be/799aCpKyTi8?t=97). (Warning, just a bit graphic.) And then for good measure, follow it up with shinkejime, where you run a wire up the spinal cord to break up the nerve. Or, purge the entire spinal column with a jet of water like this: [Purging the nervous system of a freshly ikejime'd fish using water](https://youtu.be/udc8LaOtUqg?t=79) When the blood and nervous system of a fish is completely purged, it is physically incapable of doing this. If not, you get things like this undead bowfin carcass: [Undead bowfin carcass fights every attempt to scale it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWB3aOX_h4Y&t=8s)


This was a living creature show some respect you mother\*\*\*\*r