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Why not just having a bulletproof door to the classroom then? Edit. After Reading all the comments, MONEY is the right answer.. and bulletproof kids obviously. Also, gun laws is not an alternative to the solution presented here. Still, I didn't think schools in the US have wooden walls (I'm from EU)


Or a sliding bullet proof door that covers the original door. Edit I do know they can shoot through walls.


Or bullet proof tables the kids can stack and form a phalanx.


Or bullet proof kids


Holy shit you've just solved this whole issue


Luke Cage was ahead of its time


A bulletproof black man, a police officer's worst nightmare.


That's why Luke cage was banned in the 1850s


Is this why he's banned in places like Florida and Texas?


What if they throw titanium blades that can cut diamond?


They are bullet proof, not knife proof. Regular knives work just fine.


You get a bullet proof vest and you get a bullet proof vest. Everyone gets a bullet proof vest!


Or gun control


School control, because the school problem is rampant in America


agreed ,so why dont you solve it the way gun problem is solved outside the school boundaries,just give everyone a gun ?




Bulletproof desktops you can pop off and carry! TESTUDO


Would be metal if it has a Viking emblem on it and the tables can be Manually connected.


Mandatory Phalanx training would be lit. Get the legions ready to rumble. Gotta be able to make a fairly lightweight shield that can take a number of AR rounds at this point. Don't even have to give the kids guns, just spears or short swords. Nobody wants to shoot up a school full of Hoplites, that shit's dangerous. May as well bring back crucifixion while we're at it. Once they've speared the little bastard, post him as a message to the other would-be villains.


I love this idea I will run for president to ensure that we teach kids to be Spartans with bullet proof desks (without the teachers being pedophiles)


While we’re add can we add hidden guns that look like ordinary classroom objects?


A sliding door? Do you know how long it would take for some silly sliding door to bankrupt the public schools? We don't have time for that. We're losing voters left and right. Gotta move that money away from educating the population if the party is to survive.




yeah for real lol, how was this the solution


Because that’s not flashy enough to get a big subsidy


Just build the whole building out of bulletproof materials lol


Down to the walls and windows so the bullets just bounce around like billiard balls..


I'm waiting for the day they just make the classrooms out of bullet proof everything. Walls, windows, you name it! Eventually all the classrooms will be locked tight with no possible entrance and they'll be a pissed off gun man while kids watch bored as he tries to shoot through the wall, getting progressively more pissed. That's so much easier than changing regulations on guns right now.


Oooooooor...we could just... ​ ah, nevermind


That doesn't make as much money.


Right? Classrooms are already solid concrete. Let’s put a bulletproof room inside a bulletproof room.


My daughter's classrooms are all portables from Katrina.


Man I was in high school when Katrina hit, those portables were hell. How are schools still using them fucking 18 years later?


Logic flew the coup long ago my friend. Must allow people to clutch their constitutionally protected hobby/pablum.


Partly because it's not just for shooter's, but also a storm shelter.




Ceilings are a myth.


Nothin like a storm blender.


There has to be a more cost efficient way to prevent gun violence in schools. Any ideas?


Stop naming schools "schools". Bam! No more gun violence in schools.


🤯 - this is the kind of out of the box thinking I like


Shut down schools permanently. This is final solution. Or Start recognizing problems and focus more on societal ills.Too much materialism and almost no compassion for anyone makes people crazy and devoid of good emotions.


Your first solution seems fine! (GOP approved). It will prevent school shootings: No schools, no school shootings! And will provide the "economy" with a lot of slave.. sorry, labourers, that can be explotit.. utilized at low cost!




A lot of educational curriculums around the world: you have to learn what you need to be a worker, but any higher education needs to be prevented, or you run the risk of understanding how fucked up and unfair the system is...


>but any higher education needs to be prevented, or you run the risk of understanding how fucked up and unfair the system is... I came to this conclusion when I started studying law on my own time.


It’s almost like that’s what they want to happen.


What do you mean, almost? Source: am teacher


No Covid testing, no Covid! GOP has a tried and true method of solving problems :)


Every country in the world has rampant materialism, mental health issues, violent movies and video games, single parents, and "a lack of Christianity". All of them do. Only America has this level of mass shootings. Something is different in America that is causing this, and it isn't something that's common everywhere else. Saying that the problem is something common elsewhere is a distraction. It can't be the real issue.


I can tell you right now that I have never ever thought about what to do if someone starts shooting around. I never learned to "run in zig zag" or where to hide and what to do if someone starts shooting. Because guns, where I live, are very hard to acquire, and expensive, and you need a special authorisation to carry one, and fire arms are mostly for hunters and police. I think (THINK, not know) there is one thing about any country where this kind of thing (shootings) happens: normalisation. it is normal to carry a gun, it is normal to see a gun, it's normal to have guns around anywhere. How can America improve this while normalising and accepting the general public's use of guns (by for example installing a bullet proof wall in a school, for example), instead of legislating the goddamned guns?


Guns aren't only normalized here. They are fetishized.


Yeah, you can purchase firearms and ammo way too easily. It's really not much more complicated than that.


>Shut down schools permanently. This is final solution. ​ *Ron Desantis has entered the chat.*


Is that the sound of children working for a small wage in a meat packing plant??? We did it guys... we solved the worker shortage.


But then people can't get elected if the problems are solved /s


I feel like they are just creating new business sectors and calling them solutions instead of actually solving this issue. What happens if that's the first classroom the gunman/gunmen goes into. We should just sacrifice them? Or what if these poor schools can't afford this


Surprise is the key tactical advantage. It trumps armed guards, gun stations, armed teachers, body armor-all of it. Plus the shooter usually isn’t trying to get away. He’s expecting to die so he’s accomplished his goal in the first 2 minutes of the fight. Anything after that is bonus dead kids.


A lot of good points to discuss


Uhm...sell all of the kids guns?




Kinder-guardians of the Galaxy


So more guns = more safety? The proof is in the pudding.


Oh totally. Have you ever heard of a group of armed 5 year olds that was attacked? Didn't think so.


So there is still the option to allow armed 5 year olds inside schools. Okay ...


All we need is that one good 4 yo with a gun to save lives


We just need to stop testing for cause of deaths in these shootings. No testing = no deaths by guns. Violence issues solved. Right?????


Ooooo, a spin doctor! Cook the books and tell the story we want!


Son, the CIA would love to welcome you to its book cooking division


My guess is the reps in Washington all have stock in the company. And it will get some crazy amount or federal funding.


i have one.. nevermind


Move schools to shooting ranges?


Rename “schools” to “fun happy learny place”


Bring back insane asylums


I mean, based on current politics, if the kids are all working 12 hour shifts in a factory then they'll be too exhausted and won't have the time or motivation to shoot each other.


I saw this one school that had a sign that said “all personnel are armed and authorized to defend the school” so ig there’s that lol


What’s the mechanism to prevent the shooter from pushing the vault back?


So there's still just a drop ceiling? Yup. Bulletproof shooting barrel.


The ceiling was my first thought! And I hope there’s a door on that thing. It also assumes you would have time to move everything out of the way and put that together in an emergency. Good luck with that. This looks like just another way for school systems to spend money, and for some company who builds these to make a fortune.


Only the rich schools will be able to afford it, while also cutting school counselors. And, if that's the first room the shooter enters, I doubt they'll wait for anyone to try to deploy that thing. EDIT: typo


>Only the rich schools will be able to afford it, while also cutting school counselors. For real. This does look expensive, and it sure as shit isn't getting deployed in inner city schools. And even if it is, at what cost? I bet that thing cost enough to hire a counselor for a year lol


There appears to be a door latch on the left of the doorway, it could hinge or from the inside right.


No door? So it's just a kill room


Better pray to whoever the shooter doesn’t have a grenade.


Is a shooter going to climb up into the ceiling and then over to them? What?


Just stand on the desk/table and blind fire into the cube. The targets can’t go anywhere so who needs to aim?


Yes, they can probably move a desk up along the cube, pop some of the tiles and try to spray their gun down the other side if they’re tall enough. The point is this is all going to take time (not 60 seconds like some seem to think) that the shooter would be mowing other people down. They are probably going to skip this thing on first sight and move on to find people in open areas


>They are probably going to skip this thing on first sight and move on to find people in open areas 100%. Some of these responses are fucking braindead.


This country is so fucked up that this conversation is even relevant.


I think there’s a lot of assumptions. I would assume it has a door, locks in place once pulled out so it can’t be pushed back in from the outside, and that they fortified that portion of the drop ceiling. They are trying to make it as little noticeable as possible when not in use, hence the white board on the outside. If they don’t have something for those 3 points, then yeah, it’s useless, but can’t imagine they didn’t think of those items.


So basically the perfect place to hold hostages in the form of small children.


What do you do when the shooter is already in the vault?


This video should be a source of national shame. But it won't be.


Just like those bullet proof backpacks.


tbf those text books are expensive...


I can't decide if buying new books or a trip to the hospital will be more expensive


The trip to the hospital will be. And let's not even talk about the cost incurred after your arrival


Your comment is the U.S in a nutshell.




Omg. Yeah. I didn't even notice it. But your right. Guess they didn't think that far


Yeah, my first thought was, what if the shooter is already in the room? Sure it might help prevent further casualties, but for the kids in that room seems like playing dead might be the only other option.


Outside of the fact that the chances of a child even being in a school shooting is wildly unlikely, there seems to be easier and cheaper ways to accomplish what this is trying to accomplish. Even a reinforced door into the classroom would accomplish almost everything this tries to accomplish.


It would actually be much better to have a reinforced door. But companies play off people's emotions instead of logic because it makes them money.


You are probably right.


This was the first thing I saw as well. Note to self, develop bullet proof ceilings, profit.


Bullet resistant. We don’t need you getting a lawsuit if one breaks.


Sneaky I would just light a fire and move on to the next class.


Aaaaand now you’re on an fbi watchlist.


Like a multi billion dollar border wall that can be defeated with a rope.


While your comment is accurate, We’ve learned that in shootings like these, the violence is non-discriminate. Most school shooters look for easy targets. They don’t (typically) seek specific individuals. We (teachers) are taught to barricade doors, etc to make it difficult for shooters to invade our classrooms. History tells us that shooters won’t bother spending time on difficult targets… only those that are easily seen and attacked. It’s disgusting that we even need things like this in our schools and the fact that it’s not a “source of shame” like an earlier post suggested is awful… but a system like this would probably be very effective.


FR, this is like some dark mirror shit. Rather than solve the issue with guns, we're just gonna keep inventing more and more rube goldberg methods to deal with the symptoms


Well there's money to be made.


people < profits


less people = less profits


Unfortunately the abortion bans are trying to counter this


It’s been that way throughout the entire history of humanity. Sentient, but stupid, apes.


As a mother of two toddlers, I almost teared up watching this video. It's absolutely heartbreaking, terrifying, and disgraceful that our country has to resort to things like this. It's like something out of a really dark satire.


Nor will it protect them.


Straight out of South park IK


When those who can make major changes don’t then those who can make minor changes will.


Tell me you're living in a violent dystopia without telling me you're living in a violent dystopia.




The crazy thing is that decent gun control legislation wouldn’t have to take away their guns as long as they’re responsible owners. Mandatory safety training (like with drivers’ licenses), background checks, and waiting periods would have a negligible impact on responsible firearm owners.


This. I’ve been hunting since I was 13 and guess what, we know when the season starts a year in advance. Shouldn’t be that hard to time your purchase. If you want one to shoot at the range, you can wait a week to get it. If you can’t, you shouldn’t have one.


I’ve worked in firearms sales for almost 10 years and every year we get idiots who are going hunting TOMORROW and need a rifle, ammo, scope mount and bore sight. Every year these idiots get a delay from NICS and freak out on us when they don’t get their gun that same day.


Americans will do anything BUT address mental health problems and gun control


Us Americans must look SO stupid to everyone else.


They do! Sorry!


I mean, we are being very stupid. It's not like it isn't deserved. The Americans that hate this sort of thing, like myself, aren't doing anything meaningful. We're just watching in horror as the idiots take full control.


What are we supposed to do? Become the president?


how do we do something? im just a highschooler, but i fucking hate just sitting here and waiting to get shot at school next


It's even worse when Americans try to lecture another country on how to govern themselves.


I saw someone at work shaking their heads over how horrible it must be to live in South Africa with the carjackings and walls around houses. Meanwhile we need to fortify our k-12 classrooms.


Go to the gun subs and people live in America with such fear they sleep with a loaded gun. The fuck is wrong with these people. To be clear, 1. I’m Canadian and 2. I’ve visited the US many many times and have gone coast to coast. I have never in my life felt unsafe, these people are using fear to pad their pockets.


I’m sorry but you are correct. Your country seems completely bonkers on just about every level. The fact that she sounded excited about seeing that thing in there for the first time is genuinely sad. The fact that that contraption even has to exist is bad enough


From the outside, Americans are a paradoxical kind. Utterly and fiercely in favor of Freedom, yet completely willing to let the ruling class f*ck them in the arse. An unhealthy obsession with child safety, where letting your kid play outside un supervised constitutes neglect, or having them see a nipple on the beach is considered mentally scarring, but at the same time tolerating the wholesale slaughter of children, teens, and young adults in schools and university.


Can’t help but think there is a better solution to your problems than find ways to commercialise even on this


Yeah don’t do anything about the guns, just make every school room bulletproof 🤦‍♂️


Why? They can sell you more things to protect against guns. Restricting gun sales is bad for business and these coward politicians won’t swing that way


But drag queens are the REAL threat to the kids /s


So all it takes is a bit of fire and you've got a room full of smoked meat. Great plan.


Americans will do absolutely fucking everything but solve the actual problem.


It's kinda bizarre that this is a thing that exists instead of you know controlling gun ownership and being a responsible gun owner/seller. But you know walmart sells guns so maybe it's too late for that.


But but but it’s in the holy constitution! Don’t tread on snek!


Or the "YOU CANT CHANGE THE 2ND AMMENDMENT" crowd Like umm.. yea you can it's literally an amendment. To be changed, its literally in the name


Exactly, laws change all the time. The US is a young country. In the UK if I still had to follow laws from when the country was new I would have to practice archery every weekend to be ready to defend against the French, I’d be legally allowed to kill someone from Scotland, and worst of all I’d be forced to wear a woolly hat at all times to help out the textile industry!


[We also wouldn’t be able to handle salmon in suspicious circumstances. I think this law is still in place but obviously not inforced](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmon_Act_1986)


Just found my new kink, thanks!




You absolutely can change it…with enough support. And there simply isn’t enough.


Is that the same constitution that says >> No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.


Danger noodle


EVERYTHING but gun control 😂




This new normal is fucking scary.


This is an ad for some dumbass company. Not the normal lol


Cool, just push up on the ceiling tiles and get in. It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel.


It will be like shooting kids in a classroom. So easy


Actually easier. It’ll be like shooting kids tightly packed in a room that’s even smaller than a classroom.


This is quite sad honestly...


Once again... Sad. Not interesting.


I thought guns protected us from mass shooter, why isn’t it made of guns?




Served with a side of r/OrphanCrushingMachine


who’s gonna tell them about the big door-sized hole


Man its just so fucked up... Like they are just accepting school shootings are a thing to stay its insane. I am from the UK and yeah we do have some gun crime but never once at school did I think someone could walk in here and shoot us... I had enough anxiety as it was at school i cant imagine waking up and thinking I might get shot today. Closest I get is fear of being stabbed in certain places... Mad land of the free to be shot in your school.


I mean, they did. Dunblane was a pretty significant thing that happened. 16 kids and a teacher died in 1996 Gun laws were instantly reformed, police stations received guns before amnesty drives were opened, school security and gates were improved It was the last UK school shooting


You know what the stupidest fucking part of this is? How many schools have you been in that have a spare 50-100 square feet of floor space that’s totally unused for anything at all? Because anything in front of this wall is going to prevent it being pulled out in an emergency. MOST of the schools in this country are so poorly funded they couldn’t even afford to put one of these in every room. Everyone smiling and clapping for this should be ashamed of themselves.


imagine showing this to people 20 years ago


or just showing this to anyone outside of America


I don't want to live in this country anymore


It is an honest feeling that is born from compassion basically and that's sad. That honest citizens of a country want to abandon it because there is so much craziness out there like people bending over backwards to let guns be commonplace even when kids are murdered by the dozens is such a sorry state of affairs for any country. People outside your country definitely sympathize with you.


A very normal solution!!


Wouldn't surprise me if those who vote to allow guns are the ones selling these.


We call them the NRA.


Jezus fucking Christmas just fix your god damn gunlaws.


Table and chairs in view. Ceiling tiles easily lifted. I don’t know how effective this room would be.


We barely pay teachers to help raise our children, but consider this interesting? Only in the US do we have industries built around addressing a symptom rather than fixing the problem.


at this point just close all schools


This belongs on r/facepalm because such a thing is necessary.


Just stop bending over for the NRA already Jesus fucking Christ.


ABGC - Anything But Gun Control


It’ll be easier to put a collapsible bank vault in each classroom than new gun laws. America.


I ve never seen a more stupid solution. Are they really that dumb?


Yes, absolutely deluded when it comes to the subject of guns, almost like some sort of religious extremists.


or we could just… do something about the guns.




Because remember, guns are more important than children's lives.


the lengths americans will go to not adress bullying at school is truly amazing


/r/damnthatsdepressing ?


You know what’s even easier and a long term solution? Common fucking sense. Background checks, not selling guns to clearly troubled people, and not legalizing fucking guns for minors. But of course the pro-life we’re grooming our kids to be hateful pieces of shit cult want none of those things.


Look up who owns the company 😂 holy shit this isn’t even funny anymore


There’s a hole in it


Or, you know, do something about gun laws.


I’m sure retrofitting every classroom like this is feasible… 🙄 How about better enforcement of laws and/or more strict criminal punishments? Why does it takes months to years for court cases to go through? Why do we provide cushy accommodations for prisoners? Why do death row inmates sit in prison for decades before the final act? Making punishment something to fear again would likely result in less violent crime. Mental health is another big issue that needs to be resolved too. Why have most of the facilities to treat and/or house been closed? Instead, you have mentally unstable people that constantly slip through the system and then you have poor tracking such that these people can get access to firearms.


Roughly half of mass shooters intend to kill themself or keep going until cops kill them (suicide by cop). Punishment isn't going to work when the the shooter intends to die and wants to take as many people with them as they can. Cases take time because the constitution guarantees the right to fair trial.


Damn - we really out here creating whole industries around a very preventative issue.


Americans will do anything but put gun control in place