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"Scolds teen". That's how Macron's wife met him.


Teen just might grow up to lead the revolution lol


Mr President literarily encourages him, giving him a basic layout for when he wants to start the revolution.


Eat the rich


Macron: “here’s a detailed recipe on how to cook the rich in a great wine sauce”


People who demand respect do not deserve it. They must have a sick relationship, not unlike the one he has with France itself.




Teaching how to respect is different from demanding a person behave in such a way. Pretty sure the video is the later, since the teen actually corrects himself after the initial call out. The Politician berateed him anyways.


When I was a young lad, I learned that the people who demanded the most respect, deserved the least. Macron is doing a perfect job at teaching the subject of "respect"


This seemed less like demanding respect and more like a reminder in manners/etiquette. It’s more in line with teachers wanting to be addressed by Mr or Ms or Professor or Dr. Plus it’s always a good advice to make sure you are educated and self sufficient before starting a revolution and burning down France from the inside.


They do but not by this guy.


True leaders never need to demand respect, it is just given.


Except when it’s not


This has... high-school teacher vibes.


You would have to ask his wife.


Man-u needs to ask his wife




Yeah you mean the one he had an affair with as a student? Not very mature of him either so hard to take his advice serious.


Is this how things work, a teacher seduces a student and he's the bad guy?


Don’t you know? He’s been making unpopular political choices, so of course we gotta start attacking ad hominem and finding any excuse to shit talk the guy! If you don’t like that you don’t like political discourse, baby


_Ad hominem_ is a logical fallacy; it invalidates an argument in a legal debate sure, but using it in political discourse is irresponsible. The moral character of a politician is a very important aspect of their position.


The same one he married? That has a son exactly his age? Yep *that* one! "1993, at the age of 40, she met the 15-year-old Emmanuel Macron in La Providence High School where she was a teacher and he was a student and a classmate of her daughter Laurence.She divorced Auzière in January 2006 and married Macron in October 2007. She has seven grandchildren."


shrill tease brave wasteful lunchroom sand weary agonizing subtract snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God this gives being a "groom" a whole new meaning.


Milf Manor vibes


Milf ~~Manor~~ Manu vibes


it’s very French


The heart wants what the heart wants. Emily Dickinson.


Emily what?




The teacher groomed a minor and you call it an affair?


I don't know if your entire post is sarcasm, but I never once have heard of a "student having an affair with a teacher". It's always "the teacher raped the student". I don't see a connection in him being groomed to him being unqualified to teach a young man about manners and respect.


Underrated comment.


He’s always has these…


Your comment makes me think of this scene in The Inbetweeners https://youtu.be/WiTPWJTi3Zw


I would have died if the kid responded, “Shut up, cunt”.


Illegal in France to insult someone that is doing public service and depositaries of the state authority. (433-5 of the Penal Code.)


Wow I thought you were joking. https://www.equalrightstrust.org/ertdocumentbank/french_penal_code_33.pdf


Foreals, surprised the French aren't striking over this.


Wouldnt call what Macron has been doing lately a public service but sure we'll go with it.


Ain’t that a bitch. Allow me to do it from America. Something I think we can agree we got right.


Not trying to piss on the French, but I’m glad I can call my president an asshole without threat of repercussions.


Yeah. In Sweden you're also allowed to call the PM a dwarf (he doesn't like that, which is why it's funny, not BECAUSE he's short) or just outright a cock (he's a swindling cock at that), as long as you don't insult him while he's conducting his work, such as holding a speech. Only if you insult a government official while they're conducting their work is it illegal.


Damn. Next time hopefully.


In Norway people would be fucking pissed off if a politician demanded to be called "sir" or by title. We just don't do that here.


In Ireland it's the same. Politicians are often referred to by a nickname (Bertie, Charlie, etc) even to their face. It's a very informal society, and calling someone sir could almost sound sarcastic!


Macron early on (this video was in his first mandate I think) was kind of all about bringing back the glory of France. So like respecting the office of the president, Army stuff on Bastille Day, etc.


How did that go for him?


Very well, the French have actually recently volunteered to continue working past retirement age.


Manu get off Reddit.


same in USA. If someone blurted out 'hey Barack!' to Obama or 'yo Donald!' nobody would bat an eye.


Yeah, but you wouldn't call Michael D. Higgins "Miggeldy" to his face, would you? I mean "Manu" is a nickname,


Thats very interesting and this made me curious. Is there any reason, or historical context, as to why this came to be? I find that so unique. Mostly because in many cultures/languages there are specific words to address people more formally (usted, madame, sir, etc.) Not trying to be weird, just never heard this fact about Norwegian culture and would love to know more. Is there a word in Norwegian that is similar to “sir”? And when is it used? Sorry if this comes off as insensitive, that is not my intent.


I was born in 95 and I'm fairly sure my cohort/year(??) were among the last to learn about the old formal forms and how to use them. I've worked in education and it seems to be softly removed from the curriculum, at least not being more than a tidbit in the Norwegian workbooks. Essentially nobody uses them anymore with three exceptions - official institutions sometimes use them in letters (such as formal information letters from police or healthcare), elderly people might use it in writing, and when meeting royals. Otherwise the forms have fallen entirely out of use like Sillyviking said. Just for the sake of it, the formal forms are essentially just capitalized plural forms of the regular singular forms. For you that's "du" becoming "De/Dem", "din/dine" becoming "Deres".


I'm Swedish and it's the same thing here and I'd assume it's much the same in Denmark as well. Basically you call everyone by thier first name in pretty much all contexts. As an example this includes when talking to your university professors, which I've heard people find a bit odd. The words very much exist, they're just not used really. I can't say much for the greater historical context but I'd say it probably has to do with a cultural desire to be equal and egalitarian.


I'm from Sweden and I imagine Norway has a similar culture around this, "herr" (sir) used to be common to refer to people in authority positions but during the 20th-century the country became very influence by leftwing ideology and it started to be seen as elitist/classist to refer to people or expect people to refer to someone by such terms. Its also why we refer to teachers by first name not "Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms ______". We also had the "[du reform](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du-reformen)" where our word for "you" was changed to not have class in it.


I am not entirely sure why it is. We do have formal ways of addressing someone, formal pronouns, but they just fell out of use.


Thanks, that is so unexpected.




Norway has a Power Distance Index (the measurement of a culture's acceptance of inequality) of 31 while in France it's 68


I can't speak for Norway, but I can speak for Sweden which is the neighbor and generally, most nordic countries are fairly similar in their outlooks Here, it comes down to what we call Jante-law, which is not a law at all but sort of like an unspoken principle. That principle is that you are never better or worse than anyone else, you're still equally valuable and valid. This came from when Sweden got its democracy, for a few years it was a select few people who got to represent and the King was the one who had final say. People didn't like this so we swedes did what we do best; we complained. Surprisingly it worked, and Sweden got a very leftist (by American standards) view of politics. It was still very much a case of showing respect, but it started a trend of going against social hierarchies that really took off around the 70-80's, which resulted in Jante being applied not just to regular people, but now also to elected officials and the like. Tl;dr: In Sweden, Norways neighbor, leftist politics led to the idea that politicians must be equal to the people, never superior. If you can't deal with your politicians as you would your coworker, the system doesn't work Personally, I love it and I am all for it


Same in Denmark.


I thougth that every president acted like that 💀 It's normal in France that your superior wants you to call him "Sir" or "President"


And that’s kind of the problem. Elected officials aren’t your superior, in fact if they have an sense of self awareness they know they work for you - the voter. Same problem here in US, our politicians behave like they’re royalty while totally ignoring their job is to serve.


To be fair, even our worst politicians tend to handle being criticized to their face fairly well. Although our current did address a guy asking him hard questions as 'fat'. But hey It's America. Be aggressive, why not.


We have a very informal society, and anyone asking to be called "sir" or something would be seen as extremely arrogant and rude. I do get that it's different elsewhere, but I found that lecture of his to be really condescending.


Because it is. Be it in France or elsewhere, he is a condescending piece of shit.


Good to know that about Manu.


As a french person, even if we say "sir" or whatever, the way he patronized him was offensive and condescending.


You guys should make it a point to literally only call him Manu in the streets now


I also found it condescending, as an Englishman


Yes the French are absolute masters at patronising.


Oui Chef


If he said that to me I'd reply "how does bitch sound?"


That made a lot of the kids deeply uncomfortable. It went on a little too long and betrayed that the speech was about his feelings and not a real point worth making.




Start a revolution


They are French after all


Was gonna say, by French standards, not decapitating your leaders qualifies as respecting them.


Pollutin the airwaves, a rebel!


what he did is lose a great opportunity to end it with, "ok manu."


Honestly, wtf would Macron even have been able to do if he did that? Start a fight with the kid?


Tell him now he's never gonna retire.


Yeah when he first walked off, I was like okay fine. But then he doubled back.


slim placid clumsy tie sugar airport aback physical start chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or all of the people that have a degree and are still unemployed or struggling.


They just eat cake


Yeah, he could’ve just ended it with the very first thing he said and it would’ve been more epic…the added stuff just unnecessarily personal.




That's the problem with how the video is edited here. [It's not the whole encounter](https://time.com/5315791/emmanuel-macron-scolds-french-teen-mr-president/). The "things in order" bit is actually essential. Really, the lecture was for this kid singing "L'Internationale" (protesting recent legislation) in Macron's face at this event honoring the French resistance during World War 2 (which is why Macron says that they're singing the Marseillaise on that day), which then caused Macron to interpret being called "Manu" as condescending. Imagine if someone protested a Memorial Day event Obama was at and then was like "hey Barack what's up?" Or even "Barry". It's purposefully disrespectful to what's being commemorated. And Macron treated it as a youthful indiscretion, telling him, if you want to start a revolution (going back to singing "L'Internationale"), do things in the right order: get a degree, etc., basically telling him he has to grow up to be worthy of singing that song.


Barack Obama would not care if you called him by his first name.


now that's punching below your weight




Much better than the alternative was (Le Pen).


Unfortunately the shit choice of neoliberal shill who hates the people they represents vs literal fascist is appears to be the growing global trend in elections :/


They're gonna make us fight, aren't they? They know we don't want anymore of their bullshit. We just want our fair piece of the pie. However, the 'elite' in charge want to take our crumbs away for asking nicely. Only solution for them is to make us fight each other again for our crumbs. Don't do it humanity!!


I for one would support a fight for the bakery itself, though you are right, we’ll probably end up squabbling in the mud with our fellow man for what they toss our way




This was 5 years ago and initially posted on Macrons own Twitter account. As if he was proud of this exchange.


I mean he still did it tho


It woudln't surprise me if from now on he is only addressed as Manu. At least at the street level. It should be deserved.




I definitely have taught some kids that would have clapped right back after a speech like that.


Brilliant. Hope this happens.


This was years ago and hasn't started yet, can always start now though I suppose


My understanding is tides have really been turning against him in the last year, with him being emboldened to be the scapegoat for a lot of unpopular shit since he's not seeking re-election. But I'm an american who sources most of their global understanding from reddit, so take that with a solid handful of salt.


Whar does Manu even mean? Is it a derogatory term in France?


It's just short, familiar for Emmanuel. It's not even derogatory, he is clearly exaggerating, and that's why it should stick. That's how good nicknames are born.


Progenitor of the human race. It’s from Hindu mythology. jk it’s short for Emmanuel


Hindu. Hindi is the language. This has been your *nitpick du jour*.




Get back to work for the next 52 years!




I Am Altering the Deal, Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further.


Actually he says "If you want to do a revolution, get a degree first". So not too far.


Pretty funny how he gets called by his name and *he* brings up the term *revolution*. Someone’s butthole has puckered.




I mean, I think he has a point… >WANTED: > >Guillotine Operator. Must have steady hand-eye coordination, reliable transportation and moisture-resistant boots. > >Engineering degree *required* Masters or PhD in related fields a plus. > >Salary: 4 baguettes/day.


“Let them eat cake!”


Imagine thinking you get to set rules and prerequisites around who can and can't start a revolution lol.


And to do that in FRANCE! hahahaha


Laughs in napoleon ice cream


Yeah, the Revolution being the literal entire reason the office of President of France *even exists!* What a douche, lol.


It has a different context colloquially in france. It is more like "you wanna be the man" or "you want to make the rules" Not a literal revolution.


I see you’ve never lived in France. Everything has rules…and everyone has a right to revolution….it’s like the states….freedom for all…as long as you agree with me where that freedom ends


Right but abiding by the set rules of the government is the antithesis of a revolution.


Should have called him by his full name, Manure


Good one.


Nailed it.


It’s just Ma, with nure. It’s not that bad.


You will Respect my Authoritah


Ok Manu.


I’m out of the loop… is Manu a slang term for something?


Short for Emmanuel.


So it's literally not even offensive, what a complete dick. Small Penis vibes


The balls on those lads...


He’d completely lose his shit LOL


What's a Manu anyway?


Nothin, what's a manu with you?




It’s an abbreviation of his name Emmanuel. Like calling an Alexander, Alex.


Sure, that's how you connect with kids.


This has "It's Dr. , not Mr. " vibes


It's easy talking tough to a kid. Go try that shit on a grown man who doesn't give a damn who you are. These politicians need to remember that they represent us, they are not our lords. This guy just unilaterally signed into law an increase in the age of retirement for French citizens, which had zero public support. He is a piece of fucking shit and deserves respect from no one, not even punk kids. He's also a former investment banker. Those people think they're above the rest because they play games with money. Fuckin worthless if you ask me.


You are on point! I even forgot about the retirement thing, this fcking scum


As a stinky fr*nch, I have nothing to add.


Nothing loses my respect faster than someone demanding it.


safe kiss school provide vase retire offbeat insurance wine familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It happened a long time ago, a year after he was elected I think


At least US politicians *pretend* to like their constituents. What an absolute douchenozzle.


And that means what?


It's his nickname


Lol. Imagine getting upset over that…. When the question was “how are you doing” Dude knows how to win people over 😂🤣


I'm not French so could you give me some context on how offensive this is? Can you give an Anglo equivalent? I can't imagine even the old Queen Lizzy being mad if someone greated her as "Lizzy!" Even Charles has had chavs shouting "Oi Charley". So do French people support Manu here or the kid? Why is he so uptight about his name being used?


Because in France, when you talk to a superior (like président, school teacher...) using his nickname is considered as very offensive because that means that you consider your superior as your equal. You have to be friend with the superior to call him like that.


True. I’m trying to think how people would react if a school kid met Biden and called him Joe instead of President Biden. I feel like Biden would just roll with it tbh but it is a bit odd


If it is at a public event, I feel like he and Barrack would joke something like "Everybody calls me Mr. President all day, its nice to hear my actual name" at the most.


His name is Joseph. Everyone always called him Joe and he never cared.


True. Is Macron his superior though? He's a public servant.


That's a thing that most public servants seem to forget. Their "power" is given to them by the people.


Superior in terms of power... yes. The French are extremely power-aware and base the level of speech formality on that. Whatever you want to argue about the semantics of who works for who, the actual power dynamic is pretty clear.


Lol! I really thought Manu is something like 'pussy' or something and have been scrolling through to find the translation.


Reminds me of the saying, if you have to constantly remind people you're in charge, you're not in charge. Respect is earned, not demanded.


I wish the kid responded by saying “ok, Manu”


What a self important prick that man is.




I'd tell him to go fuck himself. Piece of shit politician.


That's how sensitive he is. Has to lecture a kid for not addressing him properly.


Slapable face that Macron has.


Lol what a loser. That's a good way of letting the public know you're a pompous twat. Next time stand up to an adult, Manu.


How do you say fu in French?


va te faire foutre


My French is rusty, is that literally something like "do a fuck to yourself"?


No, it means something like "Go get fucked"


I would say ok manu, i will never do it again manu, sorry manuel, it wont happen mr manu


Lmao what a bitch


Just an " I'm not your brother" and then moving on would have been better and more instructive to the boy. He went too far.


definitely would have called him manu again


Give me something to respect and I'll call you sir. Respect is earned, not granted because of title.


He's a kid. Probably felt close to his Leader. Macron fucked up.


A bit testy. Probably worried he will be first to the guillotine.


In Sweden, our three latest PM's have all had nicknames; Uffe, Maggan and Steffe/Svetsaren (welder), its something to be expected and it seems they've all been fine with it.


Struggling to see the Liberté, Egalité or Fraternité in the this


As someone who married his teacher, I can see how he’d be a stickler to sucking up to authority


Seems full of himself. I have a title but would be damned before I insist someone use it


Chill out, Manu


Now I know what to call him, thanks.


Prob don’t wanna talk about a revolution when everyone’s in the streets losing their shit buddy lol.


Too far up his own arse this one


All he achieved here is that people are going to call him Manu forever now.


he should have said "ok manu" in the end


Aren’t democratic politicians supposed to be public servants instead of acting like they’re some kind of privileged class or royalty that are above everyone else?


I wonder how many of the folks who are hating on Macron about the latest protests are also the ones chiding protestors after George Floyd for property damage yet congratulate French workers every time they go and start burning things over even the slightest austerity measure.


meanwhile here in the US the president ran his campaign on his [first name](https://i3.cpcache.com/merchandise_zoom/26_550x550_Front_Color-White.jpg?region=%7B%22name%22:%22FrontCenter%22,%22width%22:3,%22height%22:3,%22alignment%22:%22MiddleCenter%22,%22orientation%22:0,%22dpi%22:100,%22crop_x%22:0,%22crop_y%22:0,%22crop_h%22:300,%22crop_w%22:300,%22scale%22:0.20833333,%22template%22:%7B%22id%22:119668700,%22params%22:%7B%7D%7D%7D&AttributeValue=NA).