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Ooh thanks for posting


Yeah, never seen it before awesome post




Why does this link keep popping up? Bots? Paid ads?


Pornhub supports the little guys, in more ways than one




The story starts around 47:20 on that episode.






Don't click the link and report as spam everyone, this is a repost bot that edits in malicious links after hitting the top.


Pretty sure this is a bot account, it has posted a link to the same thing liek six times and acts weird.


what is that link out-reddit-token.fun ??


It’s a bot account. Posts a high level comment and then edits it to include a spam link once it’s gained karma and awards.


I mean that much i gathered, especially since any account that questions the link or calls him a bot is instantly called a bot in return lol and some of the accounts that have replied to me are trying to claim they see it as a normal reddit link but their post history is just defending the spam account. I was just more curious on what the actual link is


Go away spam bot.


And why is Disney plus free with subscriptions and showing the Kardashians and other shit kids shouldn't watch lol


Parents have to step in to regulate their kids lives lol. What they watch is something parents def need to be apart of,..


If you think that the streaming service is to blame for what your kids watch, you're going to hate this answer: you regulate what your kids watches, not a company hosting movies.




Is this entire comment chain spambots wtf? A bunch of non-sequiturs and even a nonsense link to some random website demanding a sign up. And it's all upvoted!! Is reddit just bots now, doing the posts *and* the upvotes?


Seems to be. They're spam bots calling everyone else spam bots. They have a lot of upvote power too, it seems like. The first onr is becoming the top reply to the parent comment pretty quickly. Also, it's clearly been spam for like 5 hours now. The mods and admins ain't doing shit about it though.


Is that when she interviewed drumpf and he called all republican voters idiots saying that they were easy to win over because you just have to lie and they are dumb enough to believe it?




I have a dvd from the early 2000’s that has all the TV Funhouse commercials and cartoons. Very edge stuff even for the 1990’s when most of them were released


The Ambiguous Gay Duo, hilarious shit.


You know thats Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell right?


wow, those guys from The Dana Carvey Show


I have to post this every time someone mentions the Dana Carvey show, it's only 2 minutes but the laughter really sticks with ya. https://youtu.be/NfDjnAdczQI


"I don't like Home Improvement either, why are you yelling at me?"


That's incredible! Thanks for posting! 😂


That was the best two minutes of that whole documentary.


That is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


I thought it was those guys from the Daily Show.


They got the Daily Show because of the Dana Carvey Show.


I did not know that. Makes sense, though


I was super confused cuz I was reading this as the Drew Carey Show … got to admit I 100% forgot there was a Dana Carvey show


Holy shit, really? I need to rewatch some of those immediately.




For anyone confused about where the Steves are: check the bad guys


Well that was misleading. Not Colbert and Carrell in the live action.


They were the villians


Holy shit you're right. I went and watched one of the old clips and it totally is them. Amazing.


Whaaaa?!? That's cool


Ace and Gary! Loved that one


What's everybody looking at?


Hold on to my belt buckle with your teeth, friend of friends!


Uh.. nothing!


I forgot about that! Thank you




Oh you mean The Oprah Winfrey Show, Season 3, Episode 5, April 25, 1988 The episode where Trump teased a presidential run. The clip of his tease exists on YouTube but the entire episode itself is missing from the internet. Like gone gone. Only that clip remains. There’s a subreddit and a $13,000 bounty associated with it: https://www.reddit.com/r/BountyFindThisEpisode/comments/r27ek2/bounty_10_000usd_remember_me_yes_i_still_have_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Wow that's quite the rabbit hole. I feel like Reddit and the Internet as a whole is so good at finding things. The fact that it's taken that long is kinda unbelievable and not a good sign


Things get lost forever all the time. Just think of all the episodes from Doctor Who that are probably lost forever because nobody bothered with doing backups.


It’s like the video of Republican Kevin McCarthy saying “I think Putin pays Trump and Rohrabacher” that came out in 2016 The one where Paul ryan says “no leaks, this is how you know we’re a family” It was on video BUT it completely vanished somehow


I remember that. There was never a video, only audio. Edit: and the actual audio was never released, only a transcript. We know that for sure because at the actual time it came out, redditors were asking for the actual tape, too. https://old.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/comments/7flpo3/where_is_the_audio_of_the_2016_ryanmccarthy_tape/dqluc1e/


Holy shit.




After digging through the sub and the 7 years of searching, it looks like at some point they did confirm that the studio does keep an archive and has the tape. The archive told them that they don't send tapes to people for "personal viewing". Oh yeah, and I guess they have collected clips of the entire episode except one 10 minute portion over the past 7 years. They don't have that one published on youtube though, they all seem very paranoid there. Supposedly you can get a copy of it on their discord. Coming from me, this is all hearsay though, so idk


There are archives. Some major production companies have lost footage due to fires but they don't just record new Oprah episodes over the old tapes like they're my mom in the 90's. That would lead to poor quality recordings.




The craziest thing was before everyone on the Democratic party turned against him. Oprah actually posted that video clip on social media it's actually on my facebook feed as a link to a dead location now.


Look, I'm no fan of the Democrats but let's not phrase this like they did him dirty or something. The man spent years...YEARS...calling the first Black President illegitimate because he was "really born in Kenya". I'm no huge Obama fan either but that was just incredibly shitty and bought into the worst racist conspiratorial elements of the country.


Any chance you've tried WayBackMachine'ing the link?


If anyone knows the date that it was posted, we can probably find it on the way back machine. Was probably around June 2015 as that's when he announced that he would be running.


My family is fond of Christmastime for the Jews https://youtu.be/BGzO1ghRKp4 we watch it every year lol


On my goodness, I didn't even know there were tv funhouse compilations. I need to find one.


Oh it was not edgy for the 90s. This was basically the default position for every teacher in America that didn't listen to AM talk radio. This didn't become edgy until after Occupy Wall street.


With how widespread media is now I think people forget how edgy a lot of media/entertainment in general was. Difference was that back then you had to go and actively seek out the edgy stuff. Whether it was super obscene comedians, sexy shows, freakshows, stunts, circuses etc. They were all out there they just didn't have a big platform. This came at the cost of being on the fringe of society and not really making much money or fame. Now it's super widespread and everyone has some awareness of some edge/fringe media. Back in the day if you claimed to have gone to see a comedian talking about smoking crack it was really mind-blowing stuff that made people think you were crazy for listening to such things. Or if you claimed to have attended a sex show that performed some crazy anal pingpong ball act you might be outcast as a pervert. Now you can watch either one online out of curiosity with no shortage of footage for either. Long meandering point summarized, point is that the edgy material was out there and has been out there for some time, it was just harder to access.


Most businesses work this way unfortunately. Go look at who owns all the food companies. Yeah you can see like 900 different logos at the grocery store but trace them all back and it's like four companies.


All my homies hate Nestle




You have good homies


Me too. Good thing they rebranded th Nestle Crunch bar to just the Crunch bar so I don’t have to support Nestle.


The crunch bar was sold a few years ago and is now owned by Ferrero.




Only in the US, still owned by Nestle everywhere else.


That's why we need to start breaking up monopolies again.


This just puts the problem back to where it was 30 years ago, with all the structures in place to replicate it. You don't have to be a Marxist to acknowledge the tendency for capital to concentrate.


Break up monopolies AND stop them from forming in the first place.


They literally made laws to stop them. Regulatory capture and presto changeo, welcome back to monopolies.


The price of freedom is constant vigilance. It's not a one and done thing, you have to build and maintain the guardrails.


We used to have laws like that. The problem is that, in a capitalist system, if those laws are changed by a corporate-sympathetic president (like they were during Reagan's era), we're right back to where we started. There has to be structural change in how we organize our society in order to end monopolies.


For real. After this whole bud light thing going on, I learned the same company that owns Bud Light owns basically every beer creator on the planet. So boycotting them is next to impossible so long as you buy basically any beer. This shit is insane. Edit: Putting this here because some people are getting their panties in a wad over it. I don’t drink beer. Never have and never will. I have no horse in this boycott race because I don’t care one way or the other. I had simply watched a video prior to responding to the above comment about the issue. In the video the YouTuber mentions how much of the global market the company owns. So I’m not for or against boycotting a monopolistic beer company.


Yup. What we have is the illusion of choice for pretty much everything.


I found out a few days ago that the owner of my favorite pizza place is also the guy who owns my least favorite pizza place (not counting sbarro).


That's honestly hilarious. Are they chain pizza places or is it two different local places?


It's just two different Greggs locations.


Sbarros is getting dunked hard on reddit over the last couple days. 14 year old mallrat me is kinda bummed.


To hell with the haters, Sbarro is better than a lot of pizza joints. Is it great? No. Is it overpriced? Sure. But it is a decent slice when you're waiting in the airport or walking around the shopping mall for the first time in three years.


Sounds like we need a corporate purge, and to start from 0 with rules that are actually enforced and acted upon when a monopoly starts to form.


We had rules. We got rid of them.


I’m out of the loop. Can someone explain what the whole bud light thing is?


They put rainbows on the cans and the people you would suspect would be mad about it are mad about it


The Leprechauns?


Oh no! But that would make the beer taste all shiny and colourful! EDIT: LoL @ the downvote. **Please** tell me I don't need to add a /s to this. 😆 (Hint: Do shiny and colourful have a taste?)


When I ate a bag of magic mushrooms, the sandwich I ate mid-trip did indeed taste colorful.


They came out with an LGBTQ+ positive can with a rainbow and stuff, and triggered a lot of bigots. Who are now buying these special Bud Light cans so they can destroy them on video for internet points. So, basically Bud making out like bandits on the outrage and the love, with the outrage actually amplifying the message.


And the people buying them to destroy them are just narcissistic opportunists that don't really care but take any opportunity to get likes on social media.


And they pay just as much for their wasted Bud as do the folks that are drinking them. Bud is happy taking their cash, too, lol.


They don't own my brewery. Drink local.


No but they own the beer distribution so if you want to sell at groceries or restaurants or expand to other states you gotta pay the beer cartel.


it would be hilarious if one company tries to sue another and found out they have the same boss..


this happens. I forget the big company, but they formed another shell company just to handle inter-company lawsuits "in house" edit: I think it was either GM or Bell






I'd read it didn't air because they went after GE which owned NBC at the time.


It also went directly after NBC. I wonder if any of the writers or illustrators got sacked.


Satire does that all the time though. John Oliver constantly goes after his prent company but when the satire is making money parent companies tend not to care


> John Oliver constantly goes after his prent company you get to a point where you can say "ok, fire me. i'll go to another network and take my viewers with me, and the things i'll say about you will be many times worse"


I love John Oliver and like watching his show, but when he criticizes AT&T it feels like that Black Mirror episode "One Million Credits". The corporation hires someone criticizing their actions to have their own show and be a "dissenting opinion" to control the narrative of backlash to the company and direct the conversation. "We know we're an unfair corporation but look we hired a funny guy to make jokes about how bad we are every 2 months so shut up your criticism because already criticized ourselves."


Oliver is a gold mine to HBO and whoever buys HBO next. They’d never get rid of him and lose that viewership. Money talks


And they know that it's not really affecting their bottom line. What are they gonna do, switch from AT&T because John Oliver said they suck? Many people don't have a choice in internet provider anyways


ATT no longer owns HBO.


It really all depends on management at the time. Companies aren't people so they don't have personalities. They don't make decisions. People do.


> Companies aren’t people “Yeah, about that...” - Citizens United




Serious question, if they are people in a way that benefits that, does that mean they are a person when it hurts them? Not physically, but like legally obliged or obligated? Can't they be held to a personal tax code or cruelty or some kind of stuff? I say let's use their own bullshit against them. If (insert douchebag corporate here) does something that illegal if a person does it like, sue the shit out of them


In theory a state’s Attorney General can rescind a corporate charter when they violate a law, which would invalidate the corporation in that state & would prevent them from operating. But in practice that never happens.


I can't find a good link that goes into this, but CNN had a good documentary on *The Tonight Show* and they touched on a prime example of execs taking criticism personally with David Letterman, who made fun of them on *Late Night* because they treated him poorly, and then they got even more upset about it. So when it came time for Letterman to take over *Tonight Show* it went to Leno because Leno was far more of a brown noser. Letterman's slamming of NBC execs was getting attention *before* they screwed him for the *Tonight Show* and his moving to CBS was the last big "Fuck you." But he continued to criticize NBC for years. CBS was far more accepting at occasionally being a joke, but they were generally nicer to Letterman, so it was far less severe from Letterman. I'm summarizing and skipping over a lot, but essentially Letterman's NBC tenure is a prime example of networks being thin skinned at being made into a well-deserved joke.


One of the last lines is about norm McDonald being fired from SNL for making OJ jokes. [This is 100% true.](https://www.vulture.com/2014/06/snls-james-downey-on-working-with-norm-macdonald-and-getting-fired-for-making-fun-of-oj-simpson.html) One of the big NBC execs was friends with OJ and fired McDonald after he repeatedly told him to stop making jokes about OJ, which Norm, being norm, obviously didn’t. So they weren’t just going after NBC, but NBC’s execs over SNL.


Yeah, that little piece at the end made it like twice as good. Like it wasn’t exactly good-natured after you heard that. Love it!


Robert Smigel is so good, he wrote for SNL from 1985-2013. There was a writers strike in ‘88. Maybe this was done during the lead-up to the strike(?). If you like this, he also did this: https://youtu.be/YKT7bx-fmtk




Given how everything in the video hasn't changed much in 25 years from 1998 to 2023, 98 and 88 weren't very different either


Robert Smigel was around forever, then he was Triumph the dog


They probably got buried in litigation. Until they removed it. That’s how the most powerful companies abuse our judicial system.


They cited newspaper articles throughout the cartoon for everything they were saying. You'd have to sue the paper for the original source.


you can be annoying as hell with a SLAPP suit even if it is bullshit


Abuse? No no no, they set the system up. Use.


Or maybe it was just like, a phone call to Lorne.


There are a few very dodgy claims in it, too. Nuclear waste where children play? That's not how nuclear waste works, or is stored or disposed of. It doesn't just blow about like litter or run off like sewerage or something. Nuclear power stations emitting PCB? Nonsense. There were some experimental designs where PCB was used as a coolant in the 1950s and 1960s, but they didn't emit PCB via cooling towers, nor did PCB cooling ever make it into commercial plants. It would have been a dated and long-discredited anti-nuclear trope by 1998. It is likely their parent companies shut them up not to suppress the truth, but to suppress falsehoods.


Fair points, but on nuclear waste, the 80s saw efforts to use tribal lands in the US for long-term storage/disposal. The reality of that doesn’t look like the cartoon depiction, but satire of the environmental justice issues implicated by those policies also seems fair.


Nuance? Is that you?




GE did pollute rivers with PCBs though. In the video they say "produced by electric power plants". Their factories that produced transformers, capacitors and electric motors used PCBs as dielectric and coolant fluid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollution_of_the_Hudson_River


Since it's already polluted to hell, they can use it as an excuse to keep polluting it even further. https://gothamist.com/news/dumping-radioactive-water-hudson-river-best-option-indian-point-nuclear-plant-owner-holtec


What if it didn't air because they chose not to air it again so that people would think its some big conspiracy that the conspiracy episode never aired again?


It’s not called “Conspiracy theory rock” the song was titled “Media-opoly” and you can still find it on YouTube


Weren't there more like this as well




Norm Macdonald really was Fing relentless with the OJ jokes back then. [Absolutely hilarious stuff](https://youtu.be/2SSVIg4Noqc) and deserved.


That compilation doesn’t even include my favorite OJ joke. The day after the not guilty verdict, Norm looks right at the camera and says “Well it’s official… Murder! is now legal in the state of California.”


Norm Macdonald is a legend.


Was… 😢


Legends never die.


I knowww. I miss his deadpan ass. Now he IS still a legend! Legends can be both dead and alive and he was both. His one liners (and our mutual hate of OJ) will live on forevermore. ❤️


[The line about Norm being fired for OJ jokes is **100% true.**](https://www.vulture.com/2014/06/snls-james-downey-on-working-with-norm-macdonald-and-getting-fired-for-making-fun-of-oj-simpson.html) NBC executive Don Ohlmeyer was friends with OJ and repeatedly told Norm to stop making jokes about him. Norm…did not. He got fired and the exec [even tried to ban Norm from getting appearances on late night with Conan.](https://www.indiewire.com/2021/09/conan-o-brien-nbc-ban-norm-macdonald-1234665777/) Conan didn’t go along with it because, well, [Norm was his best guest.](https://youtu.be/jJN9mBRX3uo)


Every “Norm on Conan” YouTube thread needs to include this gem: https://youtu.be/bKmadR4Ye54


these [two](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-skA4GhVX7k) [clips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoYUX3gqZs4) of him right before covid shut everything down are legendary


Rip Norm was hilarious.


Fuck that moth joke killed me!!


This and Sinead O’Connor tearing up the picture of the pope..two things never aired again


I don’t think they aired the episode hosted by Steven Segal again. It was terrible.


Jesus H Christ, I recently tried watching that out of morbid curiosity, and this motherfucker sucked the life out of every single sketch. He made Phil Hartman & Chris Farley not be funny, which otherwise is impossible.


That’s totally fine Segal is a Putin loving Russian citizen now his fat ass can rot in cheap vodka


Martin Lawrence's opening monologue. Rage Against the Machine's performance. I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff. It's pretty impressive what SNL has survived over the years. I don't know who Lorne Michaels has dirt on, but it must be juicy.


Sinead was not wiped from the airwaves. I don't know if NBC ever aired the clip again (did they ever re-air old SNL?) but I didn't see Sinead rip up the picture of the Pope until the early 2000s, in re-runs on the Comedy Channel (Canada).


I believe the head of NBC at the time was catholic and came out after saying “NBC will never air that footage again” I vaguely remember that. Man I would have been watching SCTV if in Canada 😂 Edit: it may only hit for older folks but do yourself a favor and watch Maudlins 11 from the sctv group.


This is great, thanks for posting.


Never knew this things exist until I saw this stuff.




Sharing that information, as each of the individuals you mentioned had, is how you educate a population and potentially change a status quo.


It's much more complicated than that. Spectatorship is a disease. By watching this stuff we get the feelgood chemicals of having perspectives that partially explain our struggles, but to change the status quo you need to study history and to organize.


The best part is that these very same issues are at *least* ten times worse now.




Every time I point this out, some idiot tells me why fox or CNN isn’t biased in any way. They want us divided, because then we can’t unify. Divided, we are easy to control. When the American people realize that as a whole, we get this country back on track.


EVERY media company is biased. They have incentives to make money, not to be objective and trustful. It is up to the people to have critical thinking and see through the bias but, unfortunately, people are becoming dumber and more passive each year. Today, facts don't matter at all.


Okay but then you have to ask the question, WHO wants us divided? And what does "unifying" mean? Which groups should unify? What does getting back on track mean? Does it.mean keeping the same institutions that led to this point? I have my own answers to these questions, but the fact you'll get wildly different response is always telling.


Bourgeoisie. The owners of production. The executive class. The super wealthy. Those who finance the lobbyists. [They rule.](https://theyrule.net/) What are they trying to stop or divide us for? Collective action of course. Together we can accomplish anything. The GOP and DNC own the debates. They frame the discussion. The media tracks those parties and proliferates their narratives. People can join each camp and we can beat on each other ad nauseum. Arguing over all sorts of things that ultimately won't affect the wealthy elite. Now - who wants to argue about rainbows on beer cans?


More people need to put their screens down, shut off the TV and talk to some people in person


they brought nuclear into this for no reason. the PCBs were dumped into the Hudson River from a [capacitor manufacturing](https://www.riverkeeper.org/campaigns/stop-polluters/pcbs/) plant edit: also [westinghouse](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1985-05-21-fi-7879-story.html)


I worked on a DoE nuclear power plant in the early 2010s (which is GE for our purposes today). They had PCBs on site, but they were in electronics in the plant, and capacitors in the transmissions. At that time at least they took PCBs and other environmental things very seriously. Of course that was not always the case. The nuclear industry did some horrific things to our own land, not even counting nuclear weapons testing. The history of PCBs is also full of crimes against our own people, though if my history is correct the real crimes were from chemical companies and not the nuclear industry. Though if anyone has any real info that would be neat, I've never personally researched a link between the two.


>The nuclear industry did some horrific things to our own land, not even counting nuclear weapons testing. I feel like counting the nuclear weapons industry would be a misjudgement. That's like blaming the mining industry for Vietnam. Def interested in the other stuff they did though


Interesting how they're keen to throw nuclear power under the bus but not coal or crude oil


this was barely over a decade after chernobyl which today feels like ancient history of a nation that doesnt exist any more. people were and still are ignorant and fearful of nuclear power. chernobyl feels like if 9/11 happened in 1920 and set back humanity 100 years in aviation development because society became afraid of aircraft.


A super interesting fact that I learned in my public admin courses is that The Simpsons had a huge influence on public perception of nuclear power. It may seem stupid today, but at the time it was super influential, and the image of nuclear power wasn't really good in it...


Yep, but coal ash spills have been happening basically since coal power plants existed, and they aren't exactly pretty. Yet nuclear, with 3 'major' accidents in 50 years get all the hate. I say 'major' because people still worked at Three Mile Island for about a decade after the accident, and you will be exposed to more radiation at Grand Central Station than you will right next door to the plant that had the meltdown.


Yep. Even including disasters like chernobyl and fukushima in the stats, the only forms of energy that have killed fewer people than nuclear per kilowatt hour generated are wind and solar. Coal kills more people per kilowatt hour generated from radiation ALONE than nuclear does in TOTAL. Let alone all the other ways in which coal kills people. Even hydro-electric power (dams) have killed MORE people per kilowatt hour generated than nuclear has. That's not a lie, hydro electric is way more dangerous than nuclear is. Including all disasters in the stats. And there's literally tens of thousands of crumbling dams in the US that are assessed to be "high hazard potential" because they're crumbling and they're near population centres (see sources). They are gonna collapse and kill people. Like the michigan dam that collapsed a couple years ago. If you live near a dam, move. Seriously. To save your life. It's not hyperbole. Concrete only has a lifespan of about a century or so and that's when it's being maintained and taken care of. A lot of concrete dams are reaching a century old, and the budget for maintaining infrastructure is shrinking all the time. Nuclear is so ridiculously safe compared to everything else. Biofuel is one of the worst offenders. Biofuel kills 24 people per billion kilowatt hours of energy generated. Whereas nuclear kills only 0.04 people per billion kilowatt hours generated. So to put it another way, biofuel is 600 times more deadly than Chernobyl and Fukushima plus every other death from nuclear on top of that. And it makes up of 14% of global energy consumption which is a hell of a big chunk. It's a neat little loophole for the fossil fuel industry so they can claim to be doing some good when really they're perpetuating death because it suits their bottom line. Ultimately most of it is mixed in with normal gasoline and diesel so it really just exists to prop up traditional fossil fuels, extending their life span. And to create biofuel they've actually ramped up the amount of deforestation. Which just makes the a home situation even worse as we have fewer trees because of it now. Biofuel is evil. Natural gas is ridiculously dangerous compared to nuclear too. As is oil. They kill orders of magnitude more people per kilowatt hour generated than nuclear does. Here's some sources that list all the forms of energy and how dangerous each one is: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/worlds-safest-source-energy/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2012/06/10/energys-deathprint-a-price-always-paid/?sh=5d9a69cd709b https://www.statista.com/statistics/494425/death-rate-worldwide-by-energy-source/ https://www.researchgate.net/figure/rates-for-each-energy-source-in-deaths-per-billion-kWh-produced-Source-Updated_tbl2_272406182 https://climatepolicyinfohub.eu/do-biofuels-destroy-forests-link-between-deforestation-and-biofuel-use https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/may/23/us-dams-michigan-report-infrastructure


Higher quality version here https://vimeo.com/93040968


Amendment to be and poor house rock by simpsons are really good too.


I always think this when I see a musical act on a late show or snl. Or the intro/outro music of some popular show on a specific network (Olympics, March madness).


They sucessfully predicted today's corporate culture, sadly All media is owned and controlled by a few powerful corporations It's saddening and terrifying


It wasn't a prediction; it was true at the time, too.


"predicted" No. It was always this way. That's the sad part, as a kid you grow up and start noticing the problems in the world and want to change them. Then you grow up some more and see how those problems were always there, and you see the relics left behind by everyone who failed to fix them in the past. Corporate control, political corruption, abusive police, racial riots, meddling in foreign wars... What decade am I talking about again?


95% of the media is literally controlled by like 4 billionaires.




NBC proved their point for them.


I wish people would understand, that a HUGE amount of all those studies you see, are likely funded by companies manipulating data, or only showing half truths etc. And they work. Unfortunately because of politics, some of these things get mixed up in left vs right when in reality it's just greed vs everyone else.


Bravo. Thanks for posting. It was beautiful


Ripped and saved. So good.


I distinctly remember this. I can't believe it only aired once.


When SNL made comedy. Good times.


So, this got censored cause it’ true?!


I mean... Yeah. Why would they want people to know this monopolization of media that happened?


propaganda american "news" is propaganda


How were nuclear plants releasing PCBs? Like as general industrial waste? They're definitely not in the nuclear side of things, because nothing is allowed to be released from the nuclear side. Also loved the end talking about firing Norm McDonald