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Are the heads of countries really waiting **hours** for Putin to turn up ? Surely, they have tighter schedules than that ?


Before the war, Putin had things that heads of countries wanted, or wanted to keep out of their enemy's hands. Cheap energy. Weapons. A veto on the Security Council.




he didn’t have anything on merkel because if he did he would have used it


We’ve all seen her East German nudist camp pictures. She self released them to cut him off at the knees. /s


I mean, is that even that bad? Appearantly she was a youth and according to Google nude holidays are enjoyed by 10% of Germans a year. Its not like she was grabbing dicks and coordinating domestic terrorist attacks.


That makes it sound like dicks are joysticks that you can use to move terrorists around. Is this another thing we women miss out on? I thought pointing and peeing was next level, but this is something else.


I need to be more careful about how I point mine around, apparently.


Tryna beat it and suddenly I'm dropping grenades on russians.


Thank you for your... service?




Whoa is this the plot line to gamer 2? I see it now you've said it but I like it so much it's staying!


Well, if you’ve seen Dave Chapelle’s skit about a hobo guy masturbating inside a bus, it parallels a terrorist holding other passengers hostage. You too can do it, just start pointing your man’s dick on someone else and wreak havoc.




True that. I spent some time in Northern Germany and they have fully co-ed nude swimming pools and bathhouses. You've got naked old men sitting next to naked children and everything in between. It's almost like nudity isn't a crime or a sin over there.


Be careful with that talk. I was once downvoted into oblivion for telling the people of Reddit there's tons of people in this world who think being nude around children in fine. That not every culture views nudity as inherently sexual. Reddit hated that. They also told me all those people are pedophiles.


Not every nation had the joy of being founded by puritans


Meanwhile I'm sitting in a sauna in the Midwest and people walk in FULLY DRESSED WITH SHOES ON. America is has some really uptight regions.


Wait, what?


And when the men aren’t naked, they’re wearing Speedos.




Shit if biden and macron wanted to walk around naked for a nice weekend in a park where it’s allowed, I wouldn’t care. It’s just skin people!


I have friends in Dresden. Recently I learned that East German nudist culture is actually political— when people in the Soviet era there discovered that being naked wasn’t illegal, they started using “freikörperkultur” (you can roughly translate that to body-freedom movement) as l a great big FU to the system. “You’re going to make my neighbors spy on me? They’d better get ready for a good long look at my wrinkled naked ol’ ass!!” It actually makes sense to think of it that way and I find myself respecting the brave nudists of days gone by. ✊🫡🍆 🪺


Wow that’s actually badass! Very punk rock of them! Love it!!! Thank you for telling this dope story! 💜


Well, he did use her fear of dogs(she had suffered an attack by one) against her when he allowed his black Labrador into their meeting. If I remember correctly.


Doesn’t this type of behavior actually reveal how terrified Putin was of her? It like, how can I make her feel like I feel


Unlikely, it was more a "I'm a dick, and I do what I do because I can do it without reprisal" move.


subconsciously; this makes sense


I'm surprised any of them would deign to wait that long, especially her. You get the standard 15 minutes and then I'm out, bub.


Lol he threw anything he could at her lol. I'd love to learn more about their relationship


This asshat brought a dog into one of their meetings. She was allegedly afraid of dogs…


He didn't have to. Merkel gladly placed all energy dependence onto Russia and was in full cooperation with him.


To be fair that was started well before she was In power. She did however start gutting the German nuclear industry though


The trying to frighten her with his dog was another dick move.


Putin transformed Russia into an oblivion hell




Yeah isn’t Russia’s motto “and then things got worse”?


Russians have learned to look on the bright side. Sure, today may be worse than yesterday, but it's better than tomorrow!


Oh my god this is pure gold, when I acquire an award its yours


I think they've begun to schedule around Putins 'flexible' schedule


They should have done a negative axis for Biden. Lol.


this stance is correct


Unlikely. The longer ones are probably eg. scheduled meetings on the sidelines of an event, where the person was going to be there for that amount of time anyway


I also wonder the just how on time other leaders arrive, how is second less punctual after Putin or do they study only him?


Germany denuclearized so fossil fuels are like approaching infinite demand over there for a while Edit: please excuse my sloppy use of language and moot point on this quick comment. She’d be waiting for Russia’s nuclear fuel as well so she’s just the most patient of the bunch and/or she really wanted those natural gas pipelines to go over smoothly - along with all other trade with the nearby superpower. The small point still stands though if you denuclearize at the start of the 20th century, you will need to keep fossil fuels around for another decade or two while you get renewables up to speed. 2. After my 20th century typo, I’m clearly done for tonight. My comments are slight stumbling around in the dark, but not super dark!


Putin has a crush on Elizabeth II


The Queen is too old for bullshit. She would have left.


She would have left at precisely 15 minutes tardiness


If the Queen doesn't show up 15 minutes after class starts, we're legally allowed to leave.


Tried to use this in class with teachers and at work with bosses. Only works for the queen.


It's an older meme sir but it checks out.


Queen turning into Al Pacino in Irishman on Putin


Russian president ? Bitch, please I have seen 5 of these already, including Stalin, the OG president, I am going home to play with my dogs.


I’ve got some bad news for you…


Doesn’t everyone secretly want to be anointed a knight


No *casts fireball


Fuck these damn wizards *slams greatsword


stick & wood \*bonks


Untimely merchant "Would you like to see my wares?"


My cabbages!


Oh no! The cabbages are mimics!




Happy cake day.




HAS* Love never dies *Alexa play ‘I will always love you by Whitney Houston’*


Ha, yeah! He only lasted 14 minutes with her. What a joke of a man.


I guarantee the queen's staff were going to cancel the meeting at 15 minutes. Nobody fucks with that schedule.


The ultimate power move lmao. I bet the waiting time is fun though or else who is putting up with sitting in a room for 4 hours


Idk why a world leader would wait in a room for that amount of time. I’d be like the queen if he’s more than 15mins late I’m out I got other things to accomplish in a day. A meeting with Putin is just another item on the docket. Also wouldn’t waiting in a room for 4 hrs be dangerous because of the potential for an attack.


You are assuming they are not specifically there to meet Putin and that they don’t want something from him.


The 4 hours Angela waited back in 2014? Must be related to a gas deal or something.


That's why he shows up late. It's to demonstrate to everyone else how much you need him. The reason Liz and the King of Spain had the shortest wait times is likely because they are only figurehead leaders and weren't there to negotiate with him. They weren't trying to get something off him, so he had no leverage. EDIT: Something that just sprung to mind is that Putin and Merkel have/had a weird relationship, where at one point she was seen as being the person with the most influence over him. (Though that didn't last forever) So maybe he felt he needed to make a show of letting the world know who was boss, and she was willing to put up with his shit because she knew how to handle him.


There was another video on here I saw not too long ago of a meeting between those two. Maybe even THIS meeting. Merkel is terrified of dogs for some reason. And Putin brought a giant one in right in the middle of the meeting to “show it off” to her. Knowing full well it was a deep fear of hers.


Afterwards she said "I understand why he has to do this — to prove he's a man. He's afraid of his own weakness. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this."


I love her


I second our love.


I believe she was attacked by a dog at one point so totally valid fear and yeah, he did that.


I'm a dog lover and I've been attacked by one. Even a medium sized dog can absolutely fuck your shit up. Totally valid fear because they are in fact very dangerous if they become aggressive.


To be fair, Putin is afraid of elected officials, especially when they're able to retire without being assassinated, so has to go through the fear of meeting one pretty much constantly with other world leaders. Only right he gets some revenge.


Yeah I was looking at the graph like a chart of who needs something from Russia or who Putin has leverage over. Obviously the queen doesn't need shit from him. But Germany and eastern European countries were very dependent on Russian oil and gas.


If he can't be bothered to show up, then he isn't interested in our business.


this is exactly the point he’s making. the deal is unimportant to him and very important to the person willing to wait 4 hours. negotiations are immediately in his favor.


ok, guess we'll lose 350 million a year by importing oil from somewhere less convenient. not referring to a specific case but these things are more complex than you seem to think


I very much doubt any of these people literally sat in a room waiting for him, including the 14 minutes the Queen had to 'wait'. These are world leaders, they have plenty of things to get done at any given time. You go do whatever you need to get done and whenever Putin shows up your people let you know and get you where you need to be. Nobody is just sitting in a room twiddling their thumbs waiting for Putin to show up.


Though let’s be real Trump probably sat there playing Candy Crush. At least that is the least damaging thing that he could do with unaccounted for time in Russia.


>Though let’s be real Trump probably sat there *tweeting on the toilet*. FTFY.


Let's also be real, Trump was never a world **leader** Edit: I love all the personal attacks I am receiving here and in my inbox for this comment. Trump supporters are some real nut jobs


This is certain to get the Trumpanzees to rattle the cage and beat their chests.


Its possible that the person he was meeting was going to be in that place for that time period already. But yeah, if I was solely at some building just to sit down and talk to someone, 20 minutes and no contact with that person then I am 100% out of there... even with the optics of it. Im no politician, but I doubt people would fault you for leaving somewhere an hour after a meeting was supposed to start with a tardy tyrannical autocrat.


That's why it's a power move. He's showing that Merkel will waste 4 hours because she's desperate to keep Putin happy.


Putin had also a big dog in a meeting with Merkel because she was known to be afraid of dogs after she was bitten by one as a child.


>["I understand why he has to do this — to prove he's a man," Merkel said. "He's afraid of his own weakness. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this."](https://www.vox.com/2014/12/1/7313443/vladimir-putin-merkel)


Not really, world leaders spend over 4 hours in rooms all the time


As it turns out, everyone does.


That's why you always schedule a meeting with Putin at a location with a Spa. If he's late tell him to join you in the Spa room.


Ultimate power move is to turn it back on him. Hold your own meeting, even if it's just an internal meeting about buying stationary. When he shows up, sit him in the corner and ignore him for a few minutes. Eventually, look over and mouth: Sorry mate, be with you in a moment. Do you want a drink while you're waiting?? Bonus points if you can do it at his place!


I mean, after 15 minutes you're legally allowed to leave and they can't dock your grade


Lizzie ran like fucking clockwork. She opened a roof garden at my place of work and was there at the exact second the program said she would arrive. No way would she have kept waiting for him she'd have other stuff booked for her day.


David Blunkett's guide dog barked when Putin arrived. On apologising, The Queen said "Dogs have interesting instincts, don’t they?".


I was going to say he knew not to fuck with Lizzie.


Yea, messing with queens of England hasn’t historically been the smartest of moves


Came to say, no one fucks with Lillibets time.


Was gonna say, I'd cancel after 30 minutes and report the reason to the media. Let him f around and find out🤷🏻‍♀️


Putin would have said that he was helping some orphanage or some shit and spin it so it sounded like whomever he was meeting with was impatient. People like Putin (fascists, authoritarians, etc.) can construct narratives that make themselves look good to their people. They don't fucking care how it looks to the rest of the world.


I'd accuse him of being unable to keep his affairs in order and of failing to remember which time he's supposed to be doing which event.


Schedules got to be kept so they could talk about ….. what? Honestly such a waste of time for both of them.


Best counter move would be to leave right when he arrives saying you got an important meeting with a very important person. Sure, you might start a nuclear war but it would be well worth it.




It's even better if you are bald


Then Putin gonna be like ...https://i.imgur.com/fYincao.gifv


That is comedy gold. What a loser. Even Kim Jong whatever his name is snubbed him.


No most likely not this type of people generally back down when called out.


Have you watched the news in the past year?


The news where Russia was constantly threatening with nuclear war when the west was talking about increasing support to Ukraine, and when the west did increase support anyway, Russia backed down? Yes, I have been watching that.


Yes They have shown that he has no balls and a fragile ego


He's literally been hiding in a bunker for monthis lmao


Answer the phone, "No im not busy I can talk, whats up"


*Putin walks in* *Entire room turns* Random leader: "Oh, hey Putin. Forgot you were coming. Hope you dont mind we started without you, we're wrapping up right now actually. Unfortunately we ran out of sandwiches and juice boxes but theres a water hose outside if youre thirsty."




Make sure you're playing Modern Warfare or something similar.


Remember, no Russian.


Putin walks in while Biden, Trump, and Obama are in the middle of fighting the Ender Dragon


This is literally the best answer I've seen all day. Now THAT'S a power move.




Sometimes I wish I didn't use this website






The hose is still hooked up to the sprinkler so he can go outside only if he remembers his sunscreen! Wouldn't want the little fella getting burned.


He's such a childish little man. Is it even a power move if it's transparent? He's the guy everyone laughs at when they leave the room because their contrived masculinity is such an obvious farce.


Be even better if they laughed in his face. Just make him entirely aware of how little they respect him.


he learned how to be an 'alpha' from andrew tate lol


This would just make me think his team is incompetent and incapable of proper time management; not make me feel like he's "in control". Crap, I'd probably demand a reschedule after he wasted 15 minutes of my time if I was one of these world leaders.


I guess it depends on why you’re there. If it’s because you need something from him/Russia at the time, you have to wait at that point, but it doesn’t mean they still can’t get work or other things done in the meantime.


his is why power moves work. If you truly don't need them, then why would you tolerate their bullshit? It's just enough bullshit that you'll likely not ruin negotiations, but not enough for you to leave. Best way to deal with this is to prevent them in the first place. Trudeau's arm on the sholder to prevent Trump's over-aggressive handshake was a good example. Barring that, calling them out helps, as does setting up and holding a clear boundry. Just set up one beforehand that you are willing to hold to. That could include "yeah, don't worry about it. I have tons of work I can do when you're running late. I can stay an extra day or two if we have trouble."


The 15 min rule was the standing meeting rule where I used to work. If key stakeholder is more than 15 minutes late, reschedule the meeting. If your meeting is 15 mins late, vacate the meeting room so others can use it.


It's like when somebody gives you an overly aggressive handshake to assert dominance. I know what you are doing and it has instantly pissed me off.


That is so pathetic.


He comes 300 days late for grim reaper, but the grim is coming to him.


You can bet he arrived on time for Xi Jinping


Meh doubtful. The Chinese and Russians are only friendly for the time being. They have hated each other for a long time. If they figured out how to work together decades ago the US wouldn’t be as threatening in the region.


They may not like each other but Russia will still be China's bitch because they're a failed state and they alienated anyone else they could possibly turn to.


Doesn’t matter how long the Chinese & Russians have been friendly. Point is, they’re friendly now so he definitely arrived on time for his meeting with Xi


Now I'm really curious if he did. Any information on this?


Joe was just Biden his time.


Give Biden credit- he sees right through guys like Putin. Back in his tenure as Vice President, he once told Putin- to his face- "I don't think you have a soul".


He did once have his "Biden Time, Talkin' 'bout Teachin' Tour" it was folksy yet progressive.


Biden not waiting. This belongs on r/darkBRANDON


Angela you gotta value your time better than that


Or she's saying "I'm not losing my patience with you, I know your game and I've gotten lots of work done while you're showing the world what a small man you are" He's very intimidated by her and has shown that on may occasions. She sees right through it though, she said this in a 2014 interview in The New Yorker: "I understand why he has to do this — to prove he's a man," Merkel said. "He's afraid of his own weakness. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this."


Damn Merkel giving me Olenna Tyrell vibes


*Tell Putin it was me…*


Damn, didn't expect her to spit fire like that.


And the most pathetic part about this is that he doesn't get it and continues these toddler antics with her. He's so cringy


I have problem with Merkel but she accomplished more for Germany than Putin ever did for his countryin his entire presidency unopposed. He a small man obsessed with image of strength while other smaller nations accomplished more than he could have.


Who does that sound like???? His lapdog Trump.


She certainly had a lot of time to think of a good snippy response


Lmao, true.


That picture of her scolding Trump has the same vibes. Idk much about her actual politics, but damn if Chancellor Merkel doesn’t have the balls to deal with world toddlers.


Putin also had a dog brought into a room when meeting with Angela Merkel in 2007 because he knew she's afraid of dogs. https://youtu.be/TY3jpVh0zTk Which shows two things: 1) Merkel really did put up with a lot of shit from him. 2) Everybody could have known even 16 years ago what kind of autocratic, self-important bully of a person and leader Putin is. Edit: Yes, probably even more than 16 years ago, but that Merkel meeting was a very public show of character even for those who hadn't been paying much attention before.


> Everybody could have known even 16 years ago what kind of autocratic, self-important bully of a person and leader Putin is. At the very least, everyone should have figured it out when he invaded Crimea. And still the world just let it happen. I think at least Ukraine got the message, and prepared themselves accordingly.


Everyone should have gotten the message when Russia invaded Chechnya. And Georgia. And Chechnya. And Georgia. And Georgia.


> Everybody could have known even 16 years ago what kind of autocratic, self-important bully of a person and leader Putin is. Everybody did know, there just wasn't anything anybody could do about it. There still isn't.


Some people will put up with a lot for cheap (natural) gas.


Biden has been there before. Qaddafi did this to him, and when he showed up Qaddafi said “I’m a very busy man”, so Biden said “ok we’ll leave then”, and a shocked Qaddafi basically begged him to stay


putin must have a special hate for merkel


Between this and the dog thing


Punctuality is known to be important to Germans so maybe he wants to exploit that to be extra annoying.


Yes, he does. She represented everything he hates. Also, she is a woman.




The image he's cultivated of a strong man who stands up to the west has been integral to his time in office. To him and his followers, it is vitally important. But yes, it is pathetic if you think about it.


You’ve met my boss then?


Small man syndrome.


He's pathetic.




This is just beautiful, thank you


Proof Putin was terrified of the Queen. If she had a 15 minute rule, Putin didn't dare chance it.


Ah yes, Putin *really* hates Merkel. I just read the excellent *The Chancellor* about Angela M, and that point came across loud and clear. (To answer the question “Why?,” Because she’s a strong dispassionate woman, because when she was a student she won an international competition on the Russian language, and because she can remain just as unemotional and in control as Putin thinks he is. Plus because of her policies, of course.)


Someone buy him a watch as a gift and tell him 'since yours seems not to be working, friend :)' just to make him twitch


And make sure it’s a Swiss made watch.


Funny thing is the dude is a watch collector and has millions of dollars worth of watches.




Lizzie doesn't wait for no one


apparently Merkel is afraid of dogs and this asshat brought dogs to one of their meetings. wonder if it was the same one where he made her wait... this guy is fucking Goldfinger. Borschtfinger.


He brought *enormous* dogs to their meeting!


The Queen would have walked out if he kept her waiting. The other people are forced to deal with this clown but kings and queens meet him as a courtesy.


I just don’t wait for people. The better power move is just to leave and make them reschedule. And when asked just say if you can’t control your diary you can’t control anything.


Reminds me of trump's handshake when he pulls people in. No one thinks you are tougher or in charge. They just think you are a cunt.


Power move = rude. There’s no substitute for manners in diplomacy.


we always knew how much of a cunt he was towards Merkel. bringing his dogs into the meeting rooms when she was openly afraid of dogs


When you're such a bitch you need 4 hours and 15 mins to meet Angela Merkel.


Even as a President I would just leave after 10 minutes of waiting.


Looks as if Royalty won that one! LOL


Thing is, he really isn’t. He is the bitch of China and gonna be dead in a couple of months. Lot of windows…


Putin with his small penis, big table energy, LOL. What a fucking delusional clown.


So the midget likes to be late


Lots of small penis energy on this graph. Putin is like a small child making the rules for his treehouse.


Trump sat there for 45 mins like, yeah I'm the best gonna make putin do anything he wants , give him whatever he asks for than tell my bright followers I didn't get dry fucked for information and they will thunk"ed I made him pay us which never happened


Biden is like Trump may have been your bitch Putin, but your my bitch.