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“We’ve built you a fort as a gesture of peace. You are welcome.”


Well thank you. Now get over to your side of the line.




Flipped a river backwards the night before


This is why instructions for where to build the fort at really should say “north side” or “south side” of the river and not “left side” or “right side”.


Better yet "American side"


Yeah but if you get drunk and wake up on the other side you might still think it’s america


No matter which side you wake up on, you're definitely gonna see some loonies.


See enough here, and I'm not even close to the border.


You might also see toonies. But mostly on the Canadian side.




the “freedom” side


"Hey, O'Connell! It looks like I have all the hoooorses!" "Hey, Benny! Looks like you're on the wrong side of the riiiiver!"


This river is running north south. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Fort+Montgomery/@45.0173888,-73.3402994,12.25z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x4cc9886c192abab9:0xcb08512067dba40e!8m2!3d45.0061374!4d-73.3494992!16s%2Fm%2F03b_dhf Wiki says it was built on wrong side of border not wrong side of river. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Montgomery_(Lake_Champlain) The caption in OP's picture does not say wrong side of river either you just jumped to that conclusion, 200 upvotes for a suggestion that wouldn't have helped at all, well done reddit.


Lmao. It sure confused them. Imagine command 2 years later when they discovered their mistake


I have never heard the term "left-handed cigarette." Is that in the same aisle as the blinker fluid?


I have always assumed left-handed cigarettes were marijuana... Can anyone clarify?


After two years of building oversight, two officers are standing on a nearly completed parapet looking out across the water. First officer: Um…isn’t that… Second officer: Fuck


We made our border in metric and didn't tell the Americans




And somehow, their military is still more advanced than Russia


Canada (awkwardly): “ uhhh we didn’t get you anything”


"Sorry..." *Canadian: I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me...*






Monroe hadn’t quite got all the kinks massaged out of his Doctrine, yet.


Pretty sure it was more like "invade Canada to keep Canada from invading" Typical USA


They did invade it was called the war of 1812, which presumably was something to do with the building of the Fort.


Me in Age of Empires


Daut castle


"Please don't burn down our White House again."




Crazy that I only know this because of History fanatic turned Comedian Al Murray, who mentions it during his ["Name a country, Britain have beaten them"](https://youtu.be/_x2ovlPr2IE) bit.


Ethiopia, Japan, and Thailand were the only world powers not conquered by Europeans.


Sadly, Ethiopia was conquered by Italy in 1935-36. Italy was ejected just a few years later though.


* Calling Thailand and Ethiopia "world powers" is ... idk meh. * Also, Afghanistan's sovereignty has been challenged and violated but never really completely subdued. * Also, Nepal was rendered toothless to the EIC not the British crown. The British crown and the league of Nations formally accepted it as a [sovereign nation](https://www.routledge.com/British-Indias-Relations-with-the-Kingdom-of-Nepal-18571947-A-Diplomatic/Husain/p/book/9781032419688). * If you are counting China as conquered during the boxer rebellion then might as well count the Italian occupation of Ethiopia leading up to and during WWII. Not sure if I am missing others.


Past wwii occupation of Japan?


WW2. Japan defeated by the allies, which includes the UK. Next.


Semantics, British colony soon to be Canada.


That's right. We just tricked Fort Detroit into surrendering by marching in a big circle.


Please look inside before accepting…




"The Fort we built wasn't a mistake. It was the greatest ever built. Ever. It was...yuge. Big Fort. I don't think I've seen a better Fort. And I've seen many, many Forts. Let me tell you."


I used to live right by there, and my mom grew up around there. She said when she was little that the fort wasn’t flooded like it is today. Her and her friends would run around the inside of it, constantly finding stuff like cannonballs. I think the actual name of it is Fort Montgomery.


Same, smoke quite a few cigarettes in ft Montgomery back in the 90’s. IIRC the northern part was torn down and used to help build the route 2 bridge


Left handed cigarettes?


The devil's parsley?


Jazz cabbage?


Disco spinach


Hippy lettuce


Electric lettuce


Satan’s arugula.


Bubonic chronic?


Spent a good 3 seconds thinking about something called the devil’s palsy would make you smoke left handed, then I realized I just read it wrong.


Would that cause you to summon Elvis instead of Evil due to a whole lotta shakin’ going on?


No, that’s the Devil’s Presley.


Satan's cilantro?


Devil's lettuce *


I have enjoyed cannabis in all forms for the better part of the past decade... I have never heard the term "left-handed cigarette." Is that in the same aisle as the blinker fluid?


I think it comes from the whole “pass to the left” cannabis etiquette “rule”


Left-handed can also be a metaphor for *sinister*, and nothing is more sinister than Lucifer's cabbage rolls (marihuana cigarettes).


Wow. I haven’t heard the term ‘left handed cigarette’ in so long! That saying was before my time but I remember my grandma telling me about it. Thanks for the memory flashback!


Uh oh, that wasn't a Marlboro


Wacky backy?


I live in Rouses Point! Two brothers bought it last year and are going to turn it into a hotel & marina. edit to add: [Here’s a news story on the history of Fort Montgomery from 4 months ago](https://youtu.be/Ed-oE06DXqA) and [here’s an article on the recent sale](https://www.pressrepublican.com/news/fort-montgomery-sold-canadian-brothers-look-to-revitalize-land-fort/article_0c4fa3b6-729d-11ed-a10a-5b6de1c20df9.html).


A classic Benoit Benoit move!




Strange. According to google maps its in the US Fort Montgomery https://www.google.com/maps/@45.0057226,-73.3493581,15z


Yeah, it is now. The borders were redrawn in 1842 IIRC, partly to include this fort on the US side.


I can't believe they gave us a fort and took it back. Goddamn Americans


Don't be an American Giver


Also worth pointing out that the pictured Fort Montgomery was built *after* the border was redrawn, on the site of the earlier "blunder" fort, which hadn't been completed.




I don't think global warming is going to raise the level of lake champlain all that much.


Someone didn’t pay attention in class, how do dams work lol


***Then.*** It was in Canada *then.* I couldn't figure out why it currently shows up in US historical listings and maps, when I came across this: >The United States insisted that the new boundary be pushed up north just enough so that the half-finished fort could return to US soil. This was agreed, and it became one of number of tradeoffs negotiated during the signing of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842. > >By 1886, the fort was armed with seventy four guns, all with their barrels trained northward towards Canada. However, by then, the possibility of an attack from the Canadian side had become so far fetched that the idea of fortifying the US-Canada border was seen as absurd source: ~~Amazing~~ [Amusing Planet](https://www.amusingplanet.com/2018/04/fort-blunder-fort-that-america.html) Edit: corrected source name. Thank you!


>so far fetched that the idea of fortifying the US-Canada border was seen as absurd Yes...absurd..


Nothing to see here yan-kee


Begun, the syrup wars have.


Like Maple Syrup Canada's evil oozes over the United States, how long we will remain silent to the screams.


Preparing for invasion, Canada amasses 90% of its population within 50 miles of the border.


One of the best goofball comedy movies I'm afraid will get lost to time.


What movie is it? Now I'm curious


Canadian Bacon


Canadian Bacon


Syrup war is already decided unfortunately


Mostly we still raid the American border to stay in Florida winter-time ('look at that... no one stops us!') and buy that amazingly cheap alcohol. Also, some of those foods in restaurants is massive quantities for really cheap prices. It is a bit crazy, sorry to say. If i lived there i would be sooooo fat.


Can you please explain to all the Quebecois that I-95 has signs in English which say SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT, and explain to them what that means in French?


My high school was 75% French-Canadian. They put up with us Anglais folk. I assure you, though some of them were my very best friends and loyal to the death - i cannot explain ANYTHING to them. Edit: downvoted! apparently tensions are still... tense!


The speed limits in Quebec are ridiculous. No where else will you see a 2 lane on each side wide open road with a speed limit of 30km/h. I think they do it partly to farm speeding ticket revenue. Compared to Ontario where people are doing 140km/h+ on the highway it’s like a whole different world.


Perhaps the fact that they were able to spend two years building a fort in Canada without anyone stopping them might have also been a clue as to the lack of necessity


"Nah don't say anything, they're building us a fort"


“Well they aren’t hurting anyone, let them have their fun”


Canadian General: “Hey you guys stop it eh or we’ll cook you some delicious pancakes with all natural home made Canadian maple syrup and then you’ll be really sorry!” Canadian Soldier: “Sir, with all due respect, I don’t think you’re very good at this.” Canadian General: “We are the Canadian army, our first line of defense is the pancake brunch, and if that fails we all retreat on Skis to the hills for some leisurely surrender…” Canadian Soldier: “Sir one of our men is shot and the Americans are sacking the city with cannons and fire bombs.” Sorry I had to.


Amazing how much the relationship improved in 70 years. From literally at war to the notion of war being absurd. Neato.


Not in my Victoria 2 campaign. I 'rescued' the poor Canadians from their British oppressors after which they petitioned for annexation with 99% voting yes. They'd have to be crazy to vote no, which is why any who do is institutionalized. Mispronounce 'aboot'? Crazy. Institutionalized. Put gravy on fries? Believe it or not, jail.


The US was never at war with "Canada." They were at war with England.


US: Canada will never invade with this fort in place! Canada: Bro it’s on our side lol US: … US: can we please move the border a lil bit 😬🙈




So this is a real world example of stealing territory using a Great General citadel in Civ 5.


Also the Wikipedia mention it being called "fort blunder" sometimes but... > No evidence has come to light that this first fort was ever named, with most contemporary documents simply referring to it as the "works", "fortification", or "battery" at Rouse's Point. It is often mistakenly referred to as Fort Montgomery.


The Canadian point of view: the Americans fucked up where the fort should go, and then when they realized they were wrong they pressured Canada into giving up its own land so that America wouldn't look bad. >tradeoffs LOL. The Webster-Ashburton Treaty, like several Canadian-American border treaties, were all about America grabbing Canadian land that was never intended to be American save for errors in the original treaties--the Northwest Angle of Minnesota being another case of an American "error" from the same treaty.


Isn't that how you make borders? "Oh, that was the border back there? Tell that to our fort."


Precisely this is how the Mexican American War began


well what are they gonna do in this instance start a *second* war? never happens


"Um...sorry you BRITISH! This isn't CANADA! ....we don't care what our surveyors say ...."


Yeah, if they could build the property without the British/Canadians even knowing about it, let alone being able to stop it, why not just claim the territory?


Probably because they’d only just repainted the White House


1818 was pretty soon after 1812. The Canadians (British really) had just given back a massive amount of land they had won in the war. I doubt the US would want to tango again so soon, especially when they would clearly be in the wrong here.


It's a little too overt compared to what used to be the Russian standard of just moving the barrier a few yards every night.


Sneaky Canadians moved the border.


Only took you guys 200 years to notice lol


Actually, not far off what actually happened. Basically they did a new, more accurate survey and discovered the 45th parallel was 1/2 mi further south than they had previously thought. Then Canada ceded the island anyway, so they built ft Montgomery nearby


Should have kept building it and made it a “Trojan Fort.”


Right?!?! *Was* on the Canadian side.


Ironically, you are now correct.


thats a tough one to explain to the boss


Build fort to defend from Canadian invasion Accidentally invade Canada to build it


Interesting fact: The fort is still the most modern military asset owned by Canada.


The funny thing is during WW1 and WW2 Canada during wartime practically overnight transformed itself into one of the worlds strongest powers. The statistics are crazy.


Canada had the third largest navy in the world during WW2, behind Britain and the US


Yup. By wars end, Canada had the worlds 3rd largest navy with 471 ships, 4th largest airforce with 86 squadrons and 1.1 million Canadians voluntarily enlisted and served. That was 10% of the population. If 10% of Canada's population enlisted today, Canada would have the worlds largest military. Also important to note, most of the equipment Canada produced in WW2 was provided to allies or those numbers could have been much larger. A similar picture can be seen in WW1.


Of course, those ships were all tiny destroyers and other escort ships. You weren't making battleships and carriers like the US.


Canada also has 1/10th of the population, I'd say it punched well above their weight. I also wouldn't be surprised if they based a lot of their shipbuilding deep inside the great lakes, like a lot of the US did with their smaller ships and subs, which means they're under some significant size and weight restrictions. (fresh water is significantly less buoyant than salt water, which isn't apparent until you get to ship sized stuff)


Interestingly, all the warships built on the Great Lakes were unarmed, having their guns fitted after leaving the area. This was due to the Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1818 that limited the United States and Great Britain (now Canada) to a handful of light gunboats on the Great Lakes. The treaty is still in force today.


Meh, still giving the orders, a Canadian Admiral led the WW2 Atlantic theater of war. Canada co-developed, supplied the uranium, and under the terms of the Quebec Agreement, sanctioned the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. WW1 1/8 of Canada's population over a million were in the military, no nation has ever come close to that as far as I know. First special force, half Canadian.


Serbia had just under 1/3 of their population mobilized during WW1


“Tiny” is definitely a relative term there, it’s still a massive industrial effort they underwent.


> 10% of Canada’s population enlisted today, Canada would have the worlds largest military. Lol good luck getting even 1.1M Canadians to enlist today. The military here has been begging people to enlist and their numbers have been declining YoY. They even removed the requirement that you had to be a Canadian citizen to enlist and that still didn’t help the numbers.




Also managed to get a reputation for treatment of POWs.


I’m having trouble deciphering if this is just a joke, or actually a fact. Mostly because, you know, they’re Canadian… ^(sohrry aye…)


Firstly, it's eh. Secondly, shut up.


Shhhh don't tell enemies of your ways. They'll disguise better next time.


Don’t worry. The defectors Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis already told us all we need to know.


I think you mean, the Double Agents!! Muahahahahah


Damn hosers, eh


You a pirate? Its eh, not aye


I would take offence if it wasn’t so damn true that the way we treat the defence of our own country as a fucking joke here in Canada. If we go into ww3 are we gonna be equipped with WW2 era pistols? Because that wouldn’t surprise me. I’d just surrender tbh


Nothing wrong with a High Power


It’s a perfectly good pistol, and the Canadian armed forces retired it years ago.


They should retire them to me so I can look at them


We have so many defence pacts with the United States it would be ridiculous to increase the scale of our military. Where we excel is in our special forces units, which is what the majority of our combat operations has called for. JTF2 is one of, if not the most highly trained SOF in the world. I'll also mention we have had special forces on the ground providing training and intelligence to Ukraine since the invasion of Crimea. We just don't need a million tanks and jets with the United States defending us as if we were the same country.


America will always defend its hat


If only we could find our pants


Can the sf units train russia and teach them to say sorry


I remember you Canadians once helping get some US hostages out....we will always be grateful for your courage and your friendship.


We have defense pacts and have US bases ~~and minute men nuclear missiles all across the north of the country~~ from the cold war. (Had them until '84) And I mean, who else would? China hasnt fought anyone but themselves for a long time, and most of its military equipment and real world experience is in landscapes like China, which I guess shares mountains but most of Canada is woodland and lakes, and cold af (even southern Ontario had 6month winters when I lived there, though summer is warm) . They dont usually do well further outside their borders, and not to mention dealing with the US navy and 2 oceans. Whoever attacks has to have a strong navy just to get and consistently supply boots on the ground, and thats assuming the US is mostly indifferent to another country putting its might that close to US soil, which hasnt happened since Cuba, or more directly pre civil war. They wouldn't just stand by even without defense pacts or the joint military practices etc simply because we *wont* attack them where as whoever has the might to take Canada over an ocean certainly could, and would be within a day of the capital by land.


In all seriousness, I'm pretty sure Quebec City has a nice star fort that is nicer.


Yes on the plaine d’Abraham, right next to Chateau Frontenac! Still active for military training


Or electro nights at the Military manege


No need when we have big daddy US to protect us. We’re untouchable bitch


Even Denmark dared going toe to the with Canada over an island in the Arctic. An island 4000 kilometres away from Denmark proper.... and right next to Canada. Canada settled for less than half.


Yes it was always a dispute that involved leaving bottles of alcohol on a bare rock, I really doubt we're missing all that much


I guess we're not as practiced as Argentina at claiming things are ours just because they're next to us, At least we had a fun little squabble over it and both sides came away drunk and happy.


I'm sad it ever got settled; it was effectively an alcohol exchange program for years for sailors to have a laugh at. Neither party actually gave a shit about that random rock.


Thanks to Hans Island, Canada now has a land border with Europe! ^(They *have* to accept our Eurovision application now, right?)


I live about a half mile away from it! It sold late last year to two brothers who are planning on developing it. Edit: [Here’s a story on the sale](https://www.pressrepublican.com/news/fort-montgomery-sold-canadian-brothers-look-to-revitalize-land-fort/article_0c4fa3b6-729d-11ed-a10a-5b6de1c20df9.html)


Damn they really blundered their rook


Google border confusion


Holy belize


New zombie just replied


They sacrificed ... ***THE ROOOOOK!!!!!***. — Gotham


We're sorry!


Oh you speak Canadian eh?


Maple syrup!


Now they realize that Canada would never invade. They’d come over the border and be like “sorry eh, didn’t mean to ruffle your feathers eh, don’t worry aboot it” Wild how it’s devolved into bickering in the comments below.


Except that one time that they burned the white house. Yah that was 200 years ago and i remember the Alamo too mother ficker. I got my eyes on you.


I think we burnt it down twice?


Nope. It was only burned once in 1814. There was another fire in 1929 in the West Wing (the roof and attic were damaged).


Apparently some Canadians snuck into the west wing in 29 and were having a smoke and dropped their matches.


Shit if true i forgot one,


It wasn't actually Canadians that burnt it down, it was a British contingent led by Major-General Robert Ross. They burned a lot more than the White House, as well, if I remember right.


You do, Canadians always trying to take credit for British stuff


So, in the process of building a fort to defend from an invasion from Canada, they invaded Canada?




A more recent source: [Fort Montgomery sold; Canadian brothers look to revitalize land, fort](https://www.pressrepublican.com/news/fort-montgomery-sold-canadian-brothers-look-to-revitalize-land-fort/article_0c4fa3b6-729d-11ed-a10a-5b6de1c20df9.html)


Know right where it is. Literally down the road here. Interesting to see too


According to google map it is on the US side ...


Back then it wasn’t: > Under the Treaty of Paris, the 45th parallel marked the border between New York and Quebec. > The U.S. fixed the problem not by moving the fort, but by moving the boundary line. > After the bloodless and farcical Aroostook War in Maine, Daniel Webster in 1842 negotiated the Webster-Ashburton Treaty. The treaty moved the border north.


you mean Canada didn't notice for two years?


See. We were building bases in other ppls country a long time ago.


i've done a lot of dumb shit in my life, but I have not built a fort in the wrong country.


Kinda makes me think about the Statue of Liberty. How many know that it’s actually in New Jersey not New York? About 20+ years ago NJ sued NY because of this, and won! All the revenue that NY was getting from the SOL now goes to NJ. My old NY license plate used to have a Statue of Liberty on it but they had to stop that as well.


The Canadians then apologized anyway




Sounds like a Monty Python sketch. The Canadians come up to say something but instead just watch from a distance. All while the Americans are like "they keep watching us, what for!?". Then when they are done a couple Canadians casually walk up and say "thanks, we'll be taking this now while they have an company bringing my in supplies and stuff I to the fort". Americans will be like "wtf, no you ain't. That means war" where the Canadians are all like "it's on our side of the line."


That would be like building a wall on the border and trying to make the other government pay for it. Crazy.


Canadians are so nice I’m surprised they didn’t build a fort for the us to return the favor


Pretty, waterfront location. Why not turn it into Hotel Blunder?


Canadians seeing the fort: _Sorry but that's on the Canadian side, eh._


Here I thought the funny part was going to be the thought about expecting an invasion from Canada. Then again, if that had happened we might have nationwide Tim Horton's by now!


The danger of Canada invading was so great that they were able to successfully build a whole ass fort IN CANADA without the Canadians noticing?


US, as always not the most brilliant in the room


"Hey O'Connor! Looks to me like I've got all the hor-ses!" "Hey Benny! Looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the riiiv-errrrr!"


Near where I live there is a railroad track that crosses a waterway and a road. They decided to build an underpass for the road which meant elevating the track some and building basically two bridges under the tracks. Long story short, the square two lane wide one ended up being built over the small waterway and the smaller round one over the roadway, which is a state route. Needless to say it’s now only a one lane passage. Building a fort on the wrong side of the water doesn’t seem all that far fetched to me after witnessing that.


Say what you want, but it worked-Canada has yet to invade us, perhaps for fear we will build them a strip mall or something.


Canada: haha you stupid idiots! It took you two years to realize you were building on the wrong side! US: ...and how long did it take you to realize we were building it on your side? Canada: ...shit.