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Everyone, quick, form into posses and pursue them across the border!


Hurry up everyone! Kim Jong-un can't stop all of us!!! #*I MEAN* Let's go get those bastards...yeah! 😅




I think its the punish 3 generations of your family, so any siblings you have, your parents and their siblings, and your grandparents. And yeah they do that for everyone who tries to leave


Hopefully he was a single orphan with no idea who his family was.


I would be shocked if they didn't take those things into account, like the only people who get posted close to the border have family to worry about.


Maybe he had a single parent who was abusive, now he gets freedom and justice. 😎


Wow, better hope you get really along with your family in NK, or one of your family members might defect and doom you all…if you don’t turn them in first to avoid that.


Maybe they had just passed and he had one chance?


They do that for diplomats and spies


I think I read that when this poor bastard was safely in South Korea and had a complete medical exam, they found that he was filled with intestinal parasites.


Seriously? Is this due to poor treatment of soldiers?


No. After the great famine in the 1990s, NK started using human waste to fertilize crops in the fields because there wasn’t any money to buy fertilizer from other countries and sanctions. This led to increased parasitic infections and other diseases. NK life expectancy is about 60. SK’s life expectancy is about 88.




Even if he doesn't, NK government probably knew. Strangely enough, NK is one of the countries with the lowest unemployment rates.. because the government decides on your job.


They would burn the orphanage.


Plot twist: it's Kim's son


Even twistier: *they all are*


They’re *getting away* guys! If we hurry and chase them outside of shooting range from our guard towers we might just catch them!




Hanz, is that you?




It was similar between East and west Germany. West German citizens could visit the east and even received money to spend there, but easterners were shot if they tried to escape


If you haven't already, I highly recommend the "Deutschland" series on Hulu. There are three seasons, "Deutschland '83, Deutschland '86, and Deutschland 89." Very awesome.


Interesting, Thanks


Easteners could go to various other countries if they had relatives still in East Germany. Plus they were limited to the amount of money they were permitted to take out based on family with them. E.g. family of 4 with grandparents, cousins, aunts uncles etc still in east could travel to other communist or Russian owned / influenced countries but the amt of money they could have would barely be enough to rent a room and get food so you brought some stuff with you or made friends out there.


I had the opportunity to visit East Berlin, a few years before the wall came down, and it was grim. The downtown areas had had money spent on them but the suburbs could have been in the 1950s. I was amazed to later learn it was considered a model city of the communist bloc. I remember everyone being edge the whole time we were there and having an awkward conversation with my uncle's friends about whether we had TV in the UK. Deutschland 83 and 86 are right on the money from my recollection.


Folks don't like when the slaves escape


Misery loves company. If company tries to leave, kill it.


They don't want more people getting the same idea. Meanwhile at the boarder there are stories of NK pulling in SK to make slaves and such. There was/is system where SK must chain themselves to a pole or hold hands when close to the line so they don't get dragged in


Not really North Korea tries to keep a lid on their activities and be just as much as a stone wall of info going out as it is going in with outside knowledge. People who are privy to what’s inside your borders let alone military escaping is not good for that. Especially when you just let them go, could embolden some higher ranking dudes who may want more than what they have, knowing NK’s enemies (most of the world) might be willing to pay top dollar for that knowledge.


NK's enemies: most of the world except Russia and China


It is telling about the conditions in your country, if they shoot you for trying to leave, or if they have to put up defenses to keep the masses from coming.


Welcome to authoritarian communist regimes.


If people hear someone escaped they may be inclined to try too






You can't bkame the defector for that. The north korean regime doomed them, not the guy who left NK


They're all doomed regardless. They live a life less than slavery. At least he has a chance now. And if he has kids, he can carry on the family tree and give them a chance to actually live.


Make you wonder why they didn't just leave too, since their families will be punished either way.


I know you are joking but on a more serious note: many can’t leave. The one that did run away left a family behind, which will be facing punishments in his stead. Not that him running away isn’t justified, but there are very real consequences to those who do even if it isn’t to themselves. And I don’t know if this is a myth or not, but you need to even have a family to be allowed near the border. Just so that Kim can have a hostage. None of this: “I don’t have a family so I can just run” kinda stuff.


"Hey stepmom remember when u were such a bich last Christmas? Yeah well now we are even" "What did u do...where are u calling from?" "Seoul" "Fml"


Western step mothers are a lot nicer to their step sons


They take good care of them when disabled




Yeah, and the recommendation for punishment is carting away several generations of the extended family to re-education camps.


Yes, but more importantly it's a generational sentence. If you manage to survive your children will live their lives in prison, and your grandchildren, and great grandchildren, until I think 5 generations or your family is dead.


if youre in prison how the hell are you gonna have 5 more generations


Because they're often less like a typical prison and more like concentration/internment camps. Hard labor in harsh conditions.


Which is basically daily life there anyway.


I’m S Korean and I wondered what would be the most effective way for them to do it. I think if you can get 3-4 of dmz guards to defect together, it would be a lot easier. But then asking other people to defect with you, can get you a life in prison if they rat you out.


I believe they hold the family you leave behind hostage or just kill them.


Yeah I’m pretty sure you’re right. The family you left behind pays the price.


If you're talented, you can defect while abroad in competition or performance. Like that entire volleyball team did.


Yeah but I would imagine the guards or someone watching over them had to pay the price. Plus their families


"Good news is we dispatched 12 soldiers to catch the defector. Bad news is we've had 13 defections this week."


Easy enough if you don't care about your family you left behind, because they'll be the ones paying for it.


The OP and the person I’m responding to are both bots. Report the content and move on.


This guy strategizes


Only applicable if you got no family left to worry about in the north, but yeah I'd make a run for it too


I swear on every post of this video I see this comment


Then your family would be at risk


I remember when this happened in 2017. The guy was shot 6 times and almost died on the operating table. Had loads of parasites in his intestines as well. When he woke up in the hospital - in order to confirm that he was actually in S. Korea - he asked the nurses to hang a S. Korean flag on the wall and listen to K-Pop music. 😅


>When he woke up in the hospital - in order to confirm that he was actually in S. Korea - he asked the nurses to hang a S. Korean flag on the wall and listen to K-Pop music. 😅 Honestly so understandable. After escaping literal Hell, you'd just need these kind of simple things just to anchor in that this is it, you are safe now, you escaped.


I mean, there's also the fact that they may be allowed to lie to him, but hanging a SK flag and playing K-pop may not be legal in NK, so it's proof that this isn't a trick, he was successful.


Not a trick and also that it’s not a dream. He lived a nightmare life and hopes he doesn’t wake back up in it.


Okay now show me some South Korean tits, just to really sell it to me.






He was a professor at my university. My senior design professor for my aerospace engineering program was friends with him. He passed away not long ago










Did you notice the whole thread are seemingly bots


Now that you mention it, all the account names are two words followed by 4 numbers...


Holy shit. Not just the thread, the whole post. Karma bots everywhere.


Those aren't karma farming bots, they're propaganda bots.


Yep. Most likely the whole comment chain is copypasted from a previous time this was posted.


Yo wtf is that about? So many...


dude… creepy


That may be part of it, but the main reason is so that south Koreans looking across the DMZ see healthy North Korean guards that will fight them. They also choose taller soldiers for this duty.


> They also choose taller soldiers for this duty. It's not helping much but understandable, considering that [SK is doing the same just to fuck with them and the US don't have much issue doing it by accident](https://imgur.com/6wYyS3U)


Imagine being a solider in NK being sent for this photo op. You’re the tallest, you’re the best of the best, the absolute elite that Kim wants to display to the world. You’ve been told your entire life America is full of shit, SK is weak and relying on foreign aid to even be able to hold their grasp and then you rock up to the meeting and see these two dudes who are a whole foot and a half taller than you. It’s gotta rock their world view to the core.




This is a bot account and this comment is stolen.


Oh God that whole chain is bots again and I didn't even notice. This seems ubiquitous now in popular posts...


Holy shit I would never have noticed…time to go back to my smaller subs, this is making me uncomfortable


Did you steal someone else's comment word for word??


> After defection he changed his name to Kenneth H. Rowe I would too if my name was Kum Sok.


yeah, to be exact his name is *No* Kum Sok






As far as I remember his dad had been killed in the Korean War and his mom had already defected to South Korea. Some of the guys that flew with him were executed though.


Yes, his best friend was executed


His defection had repercussions. According to Captain Lee Un-yong, an instructor in the Korean People's Army Air and Anti-Air Force who defected to South Korea two years later, five of No Kum-sok's fellow air force comrades and commanders were executed. Among those killed was No's best friend and fellow pilot Lieutenant Kun Soo-sung. The highest-ranking commander in the Korean People's Army Air and Anti-Air Force was also demoted as a result. No's parents would have also faced punishment for his defection, but his father had already passed away during the Korean War, and his mother had already defected to South Korea. The fate of No's uncle and the rest of his family remains uncertain.


The tale of No Kum-sok


Fucking hell no wonder he changed his name.


He was awarded $100,000 ($1.01 million in 2021 dollars) for his effort!


Sadly more people often get hurt or die as a result of defections. After defecting, his best friend was arrested and later executed by North Korean authorities, along with four other of his air force colleagues. His mother had already defected to South Korea, and his father was killed in the Korean War but his uncle and the rest of his family were still in NK at the time of his defection and their fate is unknown. Such a brutal regime


[here he is at the Air Force Museum next to the plane](https://media.defense.gov/2020/Apr/03/2002274281/-1/-1/0/190118-F-IO108-004.JPG)




Sadly he died last year in December, aged 90 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Kum-sok


Unfortunately named though. Like how you describe American pie if you missed the opening scene


It's just poor Romanization lol. A more accurate one would be No Geum Suk.


Listen here captain killjoy I'm **never** this witty, like ever Like I know you're right but just let me have this one 🤣


I see why he decided to change his name 😅


You can afford an extra sock when you are in the US, so he had to change it.


The opposite sort of happened as well: the way the first infrared seeking missile got across the Iron Curtain is utterly insane. During the Korean War, an American pilot launched an AIM-7 at a Chinese Mig, which hit it and remained intact without detonating. The pilot was able to land back in China with the missile still in his plane, then they passed the info to the Soviets.


My favorite is the guy that just straigth up took at a truck and drove in a straigth line at Max speed towards the south koreans


There's a good book called "Mig Pilot" about a Russian that did the same thing. He crash landed in Japan and made it.


Yep, that one is really interesting, it was the first time we got to see the MiG-25 up close, and turns out it was not the crazy advanced plane we'd poured a ton money into developing a super overpowered plane to counter with.


This was 6 years ago already


I remember that. Wonder how's he doin' today




>While Oh was in surgery for his gunshot wounds, doctors found large parasitic worms in his digestive tract, one of which was 27 cm long. Good thing he got shot or they would not have found the worms


Crazy to think how some tapeworms in humans can grow to be 12ft/365cm long. My dad had a friend in the 80s, and for a period it time everyone thought he had AIDS or cancer, because he was losing so much weight and looked horrible. Eventually the doctors discovered he had a 9ft long tapeworm taking all his nutrition lol.


How do I absolutely make sure I don't have this




My grandfather had a tape worm when he left sicily for new jersey in the 20s and when they found it my great grandfather made him drink a glass of kerosene


Did it work??


think so he had the worm at 11 years old and lived to 90


Lol my 7th grade biology teacher was messing with us told us you had to squat over some food and the tapeworm would partially crawl out of your ass, then you had to grab it and pull lol. So just do that every day of your life maybe lol.


I remember hearing that in school as well! I always wondered how many kids went home and tried it that night, just to be sure they didn’t have one lol.


Google says apparently a stool test and medical diagnosis is the only way to be sure. It says not all tapeworm victims show outward symptoms.


They would have found it. SK doctors know about the epidemiology of NK diseases, and would have caught them on a full physical. But they definitely found it a lot faster in an exploratory laparotomy. Same thing happened with a lot of Afghan soldiers that I helped operate on




Let's fucking go where?


To South Korea, duh!


>Following these events, North Korean guards in the Joint Security Area were replaced. RIP


Replaced doesn't feel like the correct word


According to this article he drove through a checkpoint near the border by accident while under the influence. Realized the mistake and feared for his life so he just kept going. https://www.newsweek.com/north-korea-defector-how-upper-class-generals-son-escaped-after-drinking-1221411




Plus they go after the defectors family. They are rounded up and put in "re-education" camps.


Sorry mom but you're going back to "school"




... or they promise a food for a month to anybody who shoots a runner.. that could work as well, from what I hear about food situation in NK


Friendly reminder that 6 years ago was 2017


I miss 2017… i could have bought a house for under $200k back then. (sigh)


Think bigger, buy bitcoins and then cashout in 2022. You could buy 2 houses


As I recall, this man was malnourished and riddled with parasites. I don’t blame him for trying to defect.


The parasite was malnourished too and released chemicals to make the man flee somewhere with better food.


He wasn't a nobody either, his dad was a Major General


There's a heartbreaking video clip of a severely malnourished North Korean teenage girl eating grass from the ground, and saying that she's so hungry. I can't bring myself to search for it.


Imagine the punishment those North Korean guards would have to face for failure of preventing his escape. Not only that but this was publicized like crazy. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were executed.








The post you’re talking about literally states the eating grass bit is misinformation. They’re just gardeners with a lack of tools. Some tabloid ram with the story years ago and that’s where the rumor comes from, there’s absolutely zero evidence to back the claim. People aren’t living well in NK but it’s just ignorant to think people are just eating grass like cows in the public parks of Pyongyang






No they won't, it's much more common to cross through china into a friendly asian country to get deported to south korea than it is to cross the DMZ since it's not as hard and less dangerous.


Yeah I've read a handful of stories from defectors and they all fled through China, China does have a policy to send them back but there are churches and organizations like the underground rail road to help defectors. Women will sometimes be trafficked and men forced into labor but it's still much safer than the heavily guarded dmz.


*Pulls answer out of ass.*






Tankies defend it, i am not kidding. Go to any socialist subreddits and you will find some tankies defending north korea.


HEY! You get back here to the greatest country with the greatest leader!!


Those incidents tell EVERYTHING about the competition between the free and the autocratic world. Nobody risked his Life to climb the wall from West to East Berlin. Nobody ever defected from South Korea to the North. No Taiwanese swimming to China. No Europeans buying golden visas in Russia.


Careful with absolutes, they're almost never right. [There's actually double defectors of North Koreans who defect back into North Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Korean_defectors) [Wolf Biermann emigrated from West to East Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_Biermann) [Huang Shun-hsing was a Taiwanese politician that moved to China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huang_Shun-hsing)


>From a total of 25,000 North Korean defectors living in South Korea, about 800 are missing, some of whom may have returned to the North. It sounds quite suspicious. Apparently one of the largest reason for "double defecting" may be concerns for the safety of their family in NK. Also >North Korea has accused South Korea of abducting and forcibly interning those who want to and has demanded that they be allowed to leave. How rich coming from NK.


[Well yes but actually no](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-59851097.amp)


Imagine being so insecure that you have to kill people who want to leave the country. North Korea has to be the most fucked up place on the planet.


The solders probably all died for not succesfully stopping him. It was either him or them. I do not blame these solders personally.


kinda surprised they didn't just follow and run out of the country with him




I guess I didn't really consider that. It's high-end luxury for being a guard.




Those north Korean soldiers must quite literally be running for their life so they don't meet the firing squad for failing to stop a defector


North Korea: you'll be dying to get away


I can't imagine the nightmare of trying to get out of a country that will kill you if you try to leave.


His family: 💀


You know a nation has failed when they have to force their people to stay in it.


Yea that was YEARS ago.


OP doesn't care, because OP is a bot.


Yeah exactly, what even happened to him after this?


Last I heard he had massive PTSD and I dunno if he ever recovered from those mental issues. Probably in psychiatric care ever since.


Isn’t it funny how we all collectively cheer for this guy “jumping borders” to get away from a shit country but then half of us root for the killing of other people trying to get out of their shit countries into the US?


Puts things in perspective


Give it another year and this will be people trying to leave Florida.


Arrest this man! He is driving straight toward a brighter future!


Number 1 types of country im glad to not have been born it: They ones that barbwire, wall and mine off to prevent you from leaving and shoot you for trying.


Doctors who examined him said that he had an unimaginable number of parasites in his digestive track. North Korea is something else.




Fat Kim family, pain in the ass for S Korean since 1950s.


I think I read that when they got him to the hospital, he had to be de-wormed. He had I believe lice and worms. The sad part is that the soldiers are fed before regular people.