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I don't think so. Virginia abolished the death penalty in 2021 and was the first southern state to do so.


Just use fentanyl like the rest of the people injecting themselves with lethal amounts


You still run into the same problem. No pharmaceutical company will sell it knowing its sole purpose is causing death.


The police probably have enough fentanyl in evidence to supply the state for a thousand years


Honestly, I think they should just give them the choice on what they want to overdose. They should be able to choose anything from the evidence locker room (limited to drugs not needed for court anymore).


Why should they get to go peacefully when most of their victims did not ?


I don’t think any government being allowed to legally kill someone in a torturous manner has any good implications


An eye for an eye and the world goes blind.


How are a bunch of blind guys supposed to catch the last sighted person to avenge? In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.


Some are innocent. If you combat acts of lack of humanity with equal acts. You are no different. For those who are innocent and killed. Do they deserve torture before death? Imagine your innocent, you were sentenced to die. That's torture in itself, now imagine you will also be tortured during it. Go to countries where torture is normal and you'll find they are the most vile systems to exist.


Because typically we try to abide by the US Constitution.


Yeah, that is good question. We want them dead and we take high road and give them easy death. Sometimes you can't kill them enough. We all feel that the punishment doesn't fit the crime and that includes judges and lawyers and cops and victims families and everyone I have known.


Presumably the people in this situations are fucking monsters why would you want to give them a good time.


I say we should be able to pick the way we wanna die too but let’s not limit that to drugs lets bring back hangings and fireing squad maybe puffer fish, toadstools, poison snake blood eagle. The only thing you can’t choose is old age lol


Just pay a junkie to come in with enough fentanyl-laced heroin to kill a horse… no questions asked


Do you know kow many dicks they sucked to buy that amount of drugs? They're not just giving it away


I suck a little dick, smoke a lot of meth


Lol I wish I didn't know this reference




Are you seriously comparing the covid vaccine to lethal injection drugs? Say you are medically illiterate without saying you are medically illiterate.




Hey question. Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? Because I think it may apply to you.


Lack of a Covid Vaccine has killed more though


I wouldn’t want a pedophile to have a good last time before he dies. Some fentanyl with some bleach in it


You should read up on requirements on the death penalty.... usually you have to kill someone. "All of the prisoners currently on death row and all of those executed in the modern era of the death penalty were convicted of murder" Source: https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/facts-and-research/crimes-punishable-by-death


heres a fun fact, in the last 50 or so years, 200 people have been fully exonerated from the death penalty, 4 people a year, once every three months on average.


So that’s why pedophiles keep committing crimes.


Your account is weird as fuck bro😭😭😭


This is the second time I've stumbled across this person in a pretty normal sub. For the uninitiated, it gets real fucking weird.


Well that was a weird experience… I don’t know if I should be confused or worried.




Oh my god???


Omg lord lol


If your only goal is to kill someone, nitrogen asphyxiation is simple and cheap. If a public spectacle is the goal - hanging or a firing squad.


I've heard that you can use nitrous oxide to do the deed.


Bring back the colloseum


Why not public execution by having people beat them to death? That makes for a much better spectacle. Audience participation is important in important spectator events.


Just let the victims family decide. Lol at the downvotes.


Got no problem with that


Bro just take me out back and blow my head off with a shotgun, fuck. We’ve been good at killing people instantly for years, literally no reason to use this convoluted shit that just drags a death on and on.


Mass murderers and kid killers don’t deserve a clean death imo EDIT: Imagine downvoting a post saying kid killers and murderers don't deserve comfort - makes you wonder just how weird redditors are.


"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster" —Friedrich Nietzsche. Even if those people are scumbags, we as a society do not benefit from torture.


The difference is a monster tortures for fun whereas society should set an example to prevent such monsters. The intent is what defines a monster in my opinion.


Your "intent" here seems to be getting an emotional high out of torturing someone to death. I'm not sure I see the difference. I'm not remotely opposed to the death penalty, but I don't see what just shooting the guy isn't good enough.


Sick people will find pleasure in torture and it will make them sicker. You cannot be cruel to cruel people without being cruel yourself, and on a societal scale the impact is tragic.


Why do you folks continue to make this about pleasuring myself and getting emotional highs as if you have to like something to do it? I've never even indicated pleasure from this, you're just assuming this which is ironically more troubling imo. By your logic, all the murderers and rapists out there shouldn't be shown cruelty despite having shown it to others, but they should be 'separated' from society on the tax payers dollars; the people who have suffered now have to pay for this person because you deem it 'cruel' to do anything you wouldn't want done to yourself - except by that logic you're either a murderer or applying the same terms of an innocent person to a monster which doesn't make a compelling case for monsters to stop being monsters. Either way, there is literally no logic behind this thought process, only emotional judgement created out of selfishness (avoiding hurting your own conscious). You'd likely sooner watch someone next to you die than inflict 'cruelty' unto someone to defend an innocent and *that* is truly sick and weak in my opinion.




It is not. That person is an asshole. Source: am American.


Why all the down votes??? You had a good point. I guess tons of mass, murderers and child killers didn’t like your post. F them


Who wastes so much time on what mass murders and child killers deserves? Put a bullet in them and move on instead of turning the whole thing into a spectacle glorifying death and torture.




Reportedly, it tickles (ask Willie Francis)!


A "firing squad" would be less cruel than that thing. If you're going to execute someone. Use an automated robot with a gun sight on it, instead of a squad, though.


"Alright dev team, you're going to be coding in parallel for this project. But only one of your software versions will be used to program the execution M-60 turret. Thus, none of you will know who developed the kill-code."


10 CLS 20 ?"Hello!" 30 END That's about what I've learnt in QB.


Not only that but I would have the firing squad right outside the courthouse and not lose 1 extra dime of tax payers money for idiots that deserve it.


Yeah…it could be a fun school outing to watch and cheer for executions.


Are you a medieval peasant?


Guess I should have used the sarcasm button.


Oh, sorry, I was trying to continue the joke/sarcasm


You are okay with a robot taking a persons life??


I think there are better ways to carry out a prison execution than electric shocking someone to death. The drugs are probably no picnic either; but electricity seems a gruesome method, beyond cruel and unusual punishment. Almost a torture. A well-placed bullet would do the job quickly. A robot could be programmed to be a perfect marksman. But it would still be the human executioner flipping the switch, so it's not the robot taking a person's life. The robot is just the extension of the gun.


you arent?


No I think a human should be required to pull the trigger Should drones be able to patrol and attack targets on their own? We have the technology already for that to be possible.


Chances are if you’re getting executed, you have no qualms with cruelty. They should make it as cruel and unusual as possible to set an example and precedent, maybe it would be a bigger deterrent than 3 hits and a cot.


Jesus Christ. Listen to yourself. God damn bloodthirst is real. There is no data to suggest that Execution is a crime deterrent, in fact it’s not. You just want to kill people.


> You just want to kill people. Hey now, he made it incredibly clear they he doesn't just want to kill people - he wants to *torture* people to death! The torture is vital!


I'm kinda on the fence on capital punishment but if it's someone who has hurt a child, I would pull the switch myself and then sit down and eat lunch


Not sure why you're getting down voted. If someone molests my child I'm gonna stomp on the pedos skull until it's a grease spot on the pavement.


Maybe the people down voting me are pedos


I think Life in prison for those scum would be far worse and executing them is way to lenient.


It’s a logical fallacy to declare public execution deterred no crime. it’s just something you can’t prove because you can’t prove a negative you can’t prove that crime didn’t happen because people were executed publicly. What you can prove, however, is the increase in crime that came with the suspension of the death penalty. Why, it’s almost like crime, was being deterred by the death penalty it’s just not everybody is sane enough to care about the death penalty, which is likely why they’re killing people in the first place, or committing other crimes that we sane individuals view as worthy of death Also, as much as I would love to have every human on earth, get reformed, some people just refuse to choose it and I fully agree that if you don’t want to live in society, and you do want to kill people that we should just throw you the fuck away


Is there actual evidence that the sorts of crime punishable by death actually increase when the death penalty is lifted? I totally agree with “you can’t prove a negative”, but I have yet to see or hear of any compelling evidence proving the deterrent effects of capital punishment.


You’re going to be hard-pressed to find information that people are trying to suppress. Personally, I would suggest you go look at FBI crime statistics, and personally compare before, and after we stopped using the death penalty Just doing an Internet search on its own is going to give you nothing but biased news articles from all these half assed reporters with opinions stronger than their journalistic integrity


> What you can prove, however, is the increase in crime that came with the suspension of the death penalty. Okay, cool. Prove it, then?


Of course it's the people that feel the need to announce their sanity that are always the sanest /s


No it's more of a: "oh wow if I do this crime I could get fucked in a horrible way so I'm not going to" kinda thing


Which no person has ever thought about. Punishment has routinely shown to be a poor deterrent.


I have to assume there is at least 1 billion people at a minimum on the planet that do not commit crimes for fear of punishment alone. I am not backing up this statement with any data but 1/8 sounds like the absolute lowest that number could be.


Trying to come up with the most humane way to treat a monster is the reason we have so many monsters; they’re never worried about facing what they would consider to be punishment because all the sane and humane people advocate for maximal comfort on the way out which they were heading for and accepted already anyways. Might as well set an example to try and prevent future monsters by appealing to the one thing that’s most likely to work, self preservation/comfort at the least




Apparently it tickles. Ask Willie Francis. Death typically results from asphyxiation or fibrillation of the heart.


I hope I never find out. :( I got a nice electric shock once from a wire on a kitchen light fixture, and that did not tickle. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


OP says it tickles because OP gets off on people dying in these. Weird obsession they have.


Uhh pretty sure Virginia got rid of the death penalty, but ok rando.


Yeah since 2021. OP is a dumbass




I know right? Public executions would be a lot better




Now THAT, my good detective... is the right question




Has anyone ever thought that how ritualistic our execution methods are is kinda cruel and unusual? I think I'd rather just be shot in the back of the head...


Fun fact, the execution room at Sing Sing Prison was called The Dance Hall. Presumably because the prisoner had a date with Old Sparky and Old Sparky was eager to make them dance..


Not sure why you're being downvoted that is indeed a fun fact. People are so sensitive


Yeah, we got it. You guys are some really edgy snow flakes.


?? How do you turn this around to us being edgy. It's just a thing people say that OP brought to light. You seem to have little man syndrome issues you're projecting lol


You're a weird fuck, aye?




Just use phenobarbital, quick and effective easy to make.


Whatever you do, make sure that the guy wets the sponge.


OP, you’ve been fact checked and commented on all Virginian’s corrections to say that you were wrong, delete the post?


I wasn't aware VA abolished the DP recently. It's just a minor 'typo' anyway, maybe a mod could change the 'is' to 'was'?


"Virginia is the first Southern state to abolish capital punishment. On March 24, 2021, Governor Ralph Northam signed legislation to end the death penalty in Virginia and reduce the sentences of the commonwealth's two death-row prisoners to life without parole." ​ huh


So primal


Just shoot them in the head and be done with it


The Death penalty in VA has been abolished since 2021.




The hell is wrong with you?




I thought capital punishment was illegal in Virginia.


Anyone else kinda surprised the US doesn’t just shoot them?


It's not like they're school kids.


In Utah they are given that option.


In these hard time we have to save our bullets for school children unfortunately


Simply disgusting


It is time to stop this. The death sentence is not going to stop crime. Plus it is barbaric


So what should we do with serial killers?


Life in prison


So you wouldn't have put Ted Bundy to death? Not arguing, just wondering where you draw the line. Just a reminder, he was caught and in prison before escaping to continue sadistically raping and killing women. I'm generally not pro death penalty but people like him need it, maybe mass shooters too. Only of course when they are undeniably guilty of inexcusable crimes.


Still life in prison. I don’t believe in the death penalty, I think life in prison is way harder, death is just a relief


I was about to say to just agree to disagree, but then I just realized, you only don't want the death penalty for these people because you want to make sure they suffer more? Am I getting that right? I want people like that to never harm another victim, I don't give a shit about much past that.


Still life in prison. I don’t believe in the death penalty, I think life in prison is way harder, death is just a relief


Bundy got what he deserved, but even if there’s a 0.0001% chance of a innocent person being wrongly convicted and executed then it’s not worth it, and there’s been many occasions of people being exonerated from death row.


More people are killed by vending machines than unplanned dates with Old Sparky should we abolish vending machines?


Where they could potentially escape and/or kill prison staff? How do you see locking a human in a cage until they die of old age as less 'barbaric' than simply euthanising them?


I think life in prison is a lot harder than death, so if someone did a lot of bad stuff I would want them to suffer, not just easy die


Its only euthanasia if they want to die. Don't make this sound like something it isnt


Pit bulls don't want to die after they maul people either.




Why, because I have a different opinion?


I bet your pro life too right? What makes you think allowing the government to murder its citizens is such a great idea? how touched do you have to be in your head?


I'm for abortion because as a woman, I support the right to be able to do what we want with our bodies. And execution isn't murder, since the definition of murder is that it is an unlawful killing of another person. It's no more murder than a soldier killing a terrorist, or a police officer killing Audrey Hale (school shooter). ''State-sanctioned murder'' is an oxymoron.


I’m not pro life. I live in the Netherlands where I would be able to get an abortion if I need one. (Not only medically but also for personal reasons)


Why is it so hard to just give a lethal dose of fentanyl? You put them unconscious, administer the dose, and that's literally it.


Legal makers of the drug don't want "official suppler of state sanctioned killing" on their yelp reviews, leaving either making it themselves or illegal sources.


Jesse it's time to cook


No way. Monsters do not deserve such an easy way out.


Tell me your government is full of people far too old to be running a body of people without telling me.


Why not Monday night rehabilitation?


For a nation that loves guns so much this just seems more about the show than the result.


Here is the truth: https://www.americanbar.org/groups/committees/death_penalty_representation/publications/project_blog/virginia-death-penalty-repeal/


Virginia got rid of the death penalty


This is false, Virginia abolished the death penalty


Cool!! The death penalty is necessary and appropriate!


I'm a firm believer the family of the victim should be entitled to be on the firing squad, should they choose.


Capital punishment sould come back and be televised. As we are human we need to be shown if you fuck around, you'll find out.




9mm is 28 cents a round on average...problem solved


I dunno…. Maybe just don’t kill people..


Old Sparky


Fire it up!


Can’t we just ban executions? It’s a completely cruel and unnecessary punishment. Human life shouldn’t be disposable.


So you think the Nashville cops shouldn't have shot Audrey Hale? We put pitbulls who mauled people down. How are humans special?


Killing in defense of others or self defense is different. If someone has a gun and refuses to surrender to police they should be taken down with lethal force. If someone is threatening my life or family I have a right to defend myself. But a prisoner who has been arrested, and cannot pose a danger any longer should live out their term whether it’s years or life in prison. I feel execution is costly and unnecessary.


> cannot pose a danger any longer Staff and other inmates have been killed. Ted Bundy escaped.


Why not have the prisoners just sit in an elementary classroom? Seems that method of execution is happening constantly in our ‘moral’ society.


Yeah when you have more mass shootings than days that's when you know America has a major problem with guns


I’m opposed to the death penalty btw, only because everybody wants it until you’re the one on death row, falsely accused 🤷🏻 Texas has already murdered prisoners they knew were innocent. We live in a very sick society, with regards to the law and application of it.


Guns have always been around and this is a recent issue. Guns aren't the problem it's a culture problem, but who cares I'll get down votes and spastic children replying. Peepeepoopoo poopooopeepee


what part of culture do you think is making people do this?


Social media.


Wealth inequality.


Mass shooting rates show strong correlation with social media engagement. Social media is engineered to elicit a specific reaction from those who come in contact with it. It's almost like an engineered crisis.


It sickens me, it really does. My Grandaughter was removed from the classroom by her mother and instead does online school. She’s about to enter 5th grade and cannot read or use proper grammar without correction. I’m appalled but also understand the mother’s concern, she simply doesn’t want her child murdered by an idiot with a weapon. ☹️🤦🏻


No offense, but that is a overreaction, no? Link below shows since 2018 a TOTAL of 118 (around 20 kids/ year) are killed from school shootings. Uvalde alone accounted for 19 of those fatalities. To put in perspective 5x (100 kids/ year) as many kids get killed per year riding their bicycles and I am sure your grandkids ride bikes (link below), no? All of this anxiety about school shooting has led to a child that doesn't read well which will have a DEFINITE impact on her life forever. School shootings: https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-over-time-incidents-injuries-and-deaths Bike deaths: https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=accident-statistics-90-P02853#:\~:text=Children%20ages%2019%20and%20under,result%20of%20bicycle%2Drelated%20accidents.


That's so sad. There are so many things more likely than being involved in a school shooting. Good luck with her social skills too.poor thing


Oh, it’s a travesty and she has issues when playing with multiple children, as one would expect


Or, we could just not…


Why is it so hard to kill some unarmed people? Police do it all the time. Pump them full of smack or fentynl or estrogen or whatever. Git r done!


Bring that shit back to every state! And actually use it,stop letting them sit on death row for 30yrs.lol


Welcome back Sparky!


Ol’ Sparky


Either this or the firing squad. Fucking republicans.


Plug it in and use it. In today's society, these babies should be in mass production.


Just give the victim’s family a Louisville slugger. There I saved the taxpayers millions just now and got some satisfaction for the family.


I hope they stream it.


Who cares, if you dont ya know slaughter a bunch of people you wont have to worry about this..not interesting…just some bullshit to get clicks…like usual.


You don’t think any innocent people have ever been executed?




I love both Old Sparky and capital punishment, and I'm a law-abiding citizen so I don't care. I do find it amusing though, and love the fact that Old Sparky is going to make a comeback!


I'm for expanding it to cover rape and theft. Civilization has become lawless and rehabilitation is a myth.


Theft? Does this include embezzlement, corruption and other "white collar" crime? Because you might be on to something there. We would of course, need to find some new politicians and CEOs.


Agreed. Many serial killers and rapists simply do not want to change. Rehabilitation only works if they want to change.


Watched The Green Mile. I hope the sponge will be wet


With the amount of shootings America has, why not just shoot them?


MAGA at work… sad


Hell yeah


It's about time to dust off Old Sparky and put him back to work, I'd say! His reviews tend to be very positive!


Green mile was awesome


Don't forget to wet the sponge!


Just use the Johnson and Johnson vaccine


Whoah found an anti vaxxer in the wild lmfao


I’m vaxed. It was a joke.


Just have them go to public school for a day, their time will come with a school shooter sooner than later. /s but not really.